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Authors: Lauren Dane

Stripped (4 page)

BOOK: Stripped
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Finally, she slumped forward, laying her head on his shoulder as she caught her breath. Gently, he slipped her panties back into place and felt the exact moment she really realized what had happened between them was deeper than just an orgasm.

Her back stiffened and she sat up. “Oh, my. Well. I…”

Shaking his head, he pressed fingers over her lips. “Thank you will suffice. Now come here and tell me about Liberty.”

He pulled her from his lap up against his side, snuggling her to his body.

Reaching out toward him, she looked up into his face, but he stopped her from touching his cock. God knew if she did he'd come right then and there, and he wanted that first time to be slow and hours long.

“What about you?” Her eyes moved to the hummock of his cock pressed against his jeans.

Leaning down, he kissed her and then once more because he couldn't get enough. “I want tonight to be about you. Next time there'll be naked and sweaty and lots of coming. You're so beautiful when you come, Dahlia. Let me keep that in my head for a while.”

Confusion marked her face and he shook his head, understanding. “No, I want you tonight, Dahlia. I really do. But I'm in no shape to do this right. I'm on the edge just with watching you come. A guy's gotta have a little dignity about these things and coming two seconds after you touch me would get me tossed out of the cool-guys club.”

Rolling her eyes, she laughed. “I owe you one, then. And thank you.”

“I'm not lying when I tell you it was my pleasure.”

They talked and broke into the gelato. Nash was sure he'd never get the memory of how she looked licking her spoon with relish out of his brain. Hell, she did everything with relish, another thing he loved about her. She was just herself, as if trying to be something else wasn't worth it. So few people he came into contact with were like that.

His cell phone rang. He'd ignored most of the calls, but that particular tone belonged to his assistant. “I'm sorry, Dahlia, I have to take this one.”

Ten minutes later he hung up and sighed. “I won't be able to come to the show tomorrow, or rather tonight. I just got called to Paris a day early. I'm sorry.”

She shrugged. “It's your job, Nash. Don't apologize for having to do it.”

“I'll be back in a week. I'll see you then, all right? I have your e-mail now, so I'll keep in touch while I'm gone.”

“I'd like that. Take some pictures and send them to me, please. I've never been to Paris.”

He'd have to remedy that. He wanted to shower her with presents, but he knew she'd be uncomfortable and with the way he'd acted when they first met, he understood why. So he'd have to wait and bide his time and figure out ways to do things for her that wouldn't make her feel bought.

She walked him to the balcony just outside her door. “Which one is your car?” Looking out over the parking lot she laughed. “Never mind. I'm guessing it's the dark blue GTO?”

“Yeah. Isn't she lovely?”

“She's hot. I love the new design.”

He looked surprised.

“What? Oh, I see. Women aren't supposed to have opinions about cars? Or is it that Bambi and Kitten just liked to look pretty in them?”

“You're a smart-ass. I've liked that from day one. I'll have you know I've never dated anyone named Bambi.”

“But Kitten?”

Surprised laughter burst from his lips. “Busted. I don't think her given name was Kitten though. So, changing the subject now.” He raised an eyebrow at her, and she smirked.

“You like cars then, I take it?”

“I do. My dad runs a mechanic shop back in Liberty. My older brother and brother-in-law work there, too. Dad restores cars on the side. The first one I helped with was a 1967 Mustang Fastback. The last time I was home he was working on a '53 Chevy.”

Nash practically salivated. “Really? Beauty. I bet that '53 is sexy.”

“Oh, yeah. Big and hard and makes a nice throaty sound.”

“Suddenly, I'm even harder. Dahlia, each new thing I find out about you pleases me more. I have a '54 'Vette.”

Her eyes widened. “Get out! You do not!”

Pulling her flush against his body, he spoke, lips just barely touching hers. “I do. What'll you give me to drive it?”

“Well, my goodness.” The tip of her tongue darted out and traced the line of his lips. “I wouldn't want you to crash or anything, but a car like that just calls out for a blow job with the top down.”

He shivered at the thought of watching the midnight fall of her hair over his lap as he drove. Those lush lips wrapped around his cock. “God, you're perfect.”

She laughed, tipping her head back. “There's no way I'd actually really drive it, by the way. I'd be terrified of even scratching it. But I'll still make good on my offer. And, just as a related piece of information? I've always wanted to be fucked on the hood of a muscle car.”

“Damn it, Dahlia, how am I supposed to wait a week to see you again?”

“Hunger is the best sauce, Nash.”

Reluctantly, he walked back down to his car and turned to wave goodbye. She waved back and didn't go inside until he'd driven off.


ahlia filled her days with school, class work, job hunting, and at night she worked at The Dollhouse. If she stopped for one minute she'd think of Nash and she couldn't afford to. Hell, he already consumed her thoughts twenty-three hours a day as it was. Nash made her want things she shouldn't want. A man like Nash wasn't for her. Her mind knew that but the rest of her wasn't so damned convinced.

Her body won out at least in part. The day after he'd left, she'd thought all day long and had come to the decision that an affair with a man like Nash would be fun. She'd have a great time in bed and most certainly learn a few things, and she liked him. He seemed to like her, too, although she wasn't quite sure if a hundred percent of his niceness was real or practiced seduction.

The fact was, they both knew sex was going to happen. As long as she went into the fling knowing it had an expiration date, she'd be all right. No harm, no foul and a lot of heat between the sheets for a while.

True to his promise, he did e-mail. As ridiculous as it was, when she opened each one, a thrill went through her. Undeniably, she was touched by the pictures he sent, sharing Paris with her through his camera phone. How could she not be bowled over by the gesture? It seemed so unlike a man of Nash's reputation.

Feeling better for making her decision about the fling with Nash, as well as creating some emotional boundaries for herself, she'd been rustling through her bag for her keys as she walked up to her apartment. She failed to notice him standing at her door until she was nearly on him, jumping when he said her name.

“Shit! I didn't see you.”

He looked sexy in jeans and a dress shirt, open at the collar. His smile warmed her. “Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. I got home early. You got some time for me?”

Without another word, she unlocked the door, motioning him inside with her chin. Closing it with her foot, she bolted it, dropped her backpack on the chair and toed off her sneakers.

“I have lots of time for you. Question is, are you going to have enough strength for what I have in mind?” She moved toward him and he grinned.

“I'm all yours, babe. I slept on the plane. You look good.”

He took a step to her and suddenly their bodies were wrapped together from lips to toes.

“Bedroom?” he gasped, breaking the kiss.

Tugging his hand, she led him to her bedroom and he slammed the door behind himself. “You. Naked. Now.”

“Oh. My.” Her hands went to the hem of her shirt, pulling it up and over her head, tossing it aside. She shimmied out of her jeans and got rid of her socks, standing before him in nothing more than some lip gloss and a matching panty-and-bra set with cherries on them.

He managed to make a mental note to buy her some lingerie with the cherry motif. She seemed to like it, and God knew he did.

“You have an amazing body, Dahlia. So pretty. Let me see it all.”

Reaching around, she unhooked her bra and let it slide to the floor just before she stepped out of her panties. She was a goddess. Absolutely gorgeous.

“The first time I saw you I thought, now there's a woman a man can sink himself into for days. Only, I had no idea just how alluring you were. Lay back.”

Moving to lie down on her bed, she looked up at him, eyes filled with sex and trouble. “That's really nice. You're good with the words there, maestro. So, now, when do you get naked?”

He chuckled. “Good things come to those who wait, Dahlia.”

Lightning quick, he grabbed her ankle and pulled her toward him, bringing her ass right to the edge of the mattress. She stared up at him, pupils huge, lips parted, and when he dropped to his knees she gasped.

Openmouthed, he kissed and licked up the inside of her leg, from ankle to knee, stopping to lave the hollow at the back. The skin of her inner thigh was velvet-soft and he could smell just how much she wanted him. Her scent did something to him, tightened things low in his gut. His cock throbbed in time with the frantic beat of his heart, and he fought to control this rampant desire she brought out in him.

Spreading her thighs wide with his shoulders, he parted her labia with his thumbs and looked his fill at the pretty pink furls of her pussy.

“Damn, this has be the prettiest pussy I've ever seen. And all swollen and wet just for me. I like that part the best.” Looking up, he met her eyes as she stared down at him.

Moving his thumbs, he used the flesh of her labia and clitoral hood to stroke against her clit, slow and sure. He alternated between watching her pussy swell and darken and looking into her face as she fell deeper and deeper toward orgasm.

“Please!” she finally burst out, sounding desperate.

“Please what, Dahlia? I want you to tell me what you want.”

Her eyes narrowed and she swallowed. “Make me come, Nash.”

“With my fingers like this?” He slid two fingers deep and squeezed her clit gently between slippery thumb and forefinger of the other hand. A ragged groan tore from her lips as she rolled her hips into his hand.

“No! Or yes. Sure. Whatever!”

He chuckled and took his hands away. “You don't sound so sure. How about with my mouth like this.” Leaning in, he took a swirling lick from her gate up around her clit, tickling the underside of it with the tip of his tongue.

“Yes! Oh, yes, like that,” she whispered urgently.

“Now that sounds sure. It also sounds like you like to be told what to do. I'll have to keep that in mind for later,” he murmured just as he got back to work.

His mouth on her was sure and aggressive, much like he was. Dahlia gave in to the sensations that rode her spine from clit to nipples to brain. Every inch of her skin felt alive and electric.

There wasn't an inch of her pussy his mouth missed. As her hands gripped the bedspread, his tongue surveyed every fold, every dip and bump. Lapping, licking, grazing with the edge of his teeth, rolling his lip against her clit, his erotic assault on her was relentless.

Dahlia was sure nothing had ever felt so damned good. Her head whipped from side to side as she begged for more, writhed and clutched the blankets. He was as good with his mouth when it was eating pussy as he was with those damned compliments. The man was a menace.

And then he pressed two fingers into her and turned his wrist, curling the fingers until he found a spot so sweet inside her she was sure she'd never experienced such sharp and intense pleasure before.

It was all over when he slowly sucked her clit between his lips, grazing it ever so gently with his teeth. Her back bowed as a hoarse cry came from her. Orgasm rose up and sucked her under. There was nothing else but his mouth on her, his hands holding her, touching her.

He continued to push her right into another smaller but still intense aftershock climax. He would have continued for another but she couldn't take the intensity any further and scrambled up the bed, away from that wicked, wicked mouth.

She felt him move next to her and cracked open an eye. “That mouth of yours ought to be registered as a lethal weapon.”

“Just wait till you see what I can do with my cock.”

She moaned, rolling to look at him. “Let's go. Show me. But you're not naked. This perturbs me.”

He grinned and sat up, quickly divesting himself of the shirt before scrambling off the bed to deal with his pants, socks and underwear. His upper body was delicious. A chest that wasn't too hairy, nicely defined pecs, wide shoulders leading to a tapered, narrow waist. Muscled biceps and forearms made her wonder just how many surfaces he could fuck her against as he held her up.

She rolled off the bed, following him. “Let me do that.” Falling to her knees, she unbuttoned the jeans and slid them and the boxer briefs down muscled thighs, helping him out of them and his socks.

“I've had this recurring fantasy,” she said, looking her fill at his gorgeous body.

“What a coincidence. I've had this one before, too,” he said drily.

Her hands slid up his calves and thighs. Nice and hard. “You work out.” Palms smoothing over the hard lines of his abdomen, she trailed a fingertip around his navel and then down the arrow of brown-blond hair leading to his cock.

Without any further preamble, she wrapped a fist around the base and angled his cock to take him into her mouth. Round and round her tongue slid over the head and crown, tasting the salty tang of pre-cum that beaded at the slit.

He sighed her name and she smiled momentarily before moving to take more of him between her lips. Rocking back and forth, she moved on him, taking him into her over and over, learning him, loving his taste.

Hands sliding through her hair, he held her in a sure grip, guiding her, and a thrill moved through her at the control he exerted. Cupping his balls in her palm, she pressed two fingertips to the spot just behind them and he jumped and then groaned.

* * *

Nash looked down to see her kneeling there before him, all lush curves and carnal beauty. Those big brown eyes were closed, the lashes swept down against her cheeks. As she moved forward on him, her hair slid and covered a nipple just partially, playing a game of peekaboo hotter than anything she did onstage.

That this woman, a woman he'd been fantasizing about and pursuing for months, was on her knees, her mouth wrapped around his cock, blew his mind. Her taste still painted his lips, her scent on his hands and face. Here in her room, surrounded by her, she marked him and it only really occurred to him at that very moment just how deeply.

He waited, watching her as his orgasm approached, weighing coming with wanting to fuck her right at that very moment. It was the idea of seeing her, watching as he slid into her that made his choice, but Dahlia was having none of that.

“Baby, wait.” He tried to step back but she shook her head and continued. “I want to be inside you when I come. I've been dreaming of fucking you for three-and-a-half months. And after you came apart on my lap, coming so pretty the last time I was here, I've wanted you even more.”

She pulled off and looked up at him. “Oh, you'll be fucking me. But now you're going to let me finish this. I don't plan on letting you leave for many hours.”

Before he could argue she took him deep and hard, swirling her tongue around as she did.

“Fuck!” Damn it, that felt good. The woman had some skill, that was for sure. It only took another minute or two until he locked his knees and his head fell back as he came on a hoarse cry.

Giving the head of his cock a parting kiss, she stood and pushed him back onto the bed. “Rest up. I'm going to order a pizza. I haven't eaten all day and I think I'm going to need my strength. I know
will.” She grinned. “You do like pizza?”

He smiled. The whole thing was novel to him. The student apartment, take-out pizza and making love to a woman he…well, he really liked. “Anything but anchovies. Do you have beer?”

“Do I have beer? What kind of silly question is that?” She leaned over the bed, her luscious ass in the air as she riffled through some papers. He saw the glistening lips of her pussy and his heart skipped a beat.

Sitting up on the bed she called for pizza with expertise that told him she'd done it many times and then turned back to him. “Beer now? I'm going into the kitchen.”

“Sounds great. Thanks.”

Lying there, hands behind his head, he watched the captivating sway of her ass as she left the room. From his spot he could see her go into the kitchen and grab two beers, pull the bottle opener off the fridge and crack them both open one-handed and come back toward him.

“It's Friday night. Pizza won't be here for an hour or so. Whatever shall we do in the meantime?”

He grabbed the beer out of her hand, took several long pulls and put it on the nightstand. “I'm ready to fuck you now.”

Without another word she put three condoms on the nightstand next to his beer. “Let's go.”

Reaching out, he took her wrist and pulled her down to the bed with him. “Open those thighs, Dahlia.” He slid a fingertip along her labia, grinning. “Still wet, I see. Good.”

One-handed, he rolled a condom on and pushed her knees up and apart, holding her wide open for him. She reached around and guided the blunt head of him true just as he thrust into her body with one long, hard movement.

Her eyes widened as a gasp tore from her lips and then closed momentarily as she sighed softly.

He held her open to him, with his grip on her legs. The weight of his body spread and positioned her just the way he wanted her, her skin soft and warm under his palms, her breasts swaying with each press he made deep into her pussy. The clasp and clutch of her body welcomed him with each roll of her hips.

Her hair spread about her head, eyes looking up into his face, lips parted just so, glossy and still swollen from sucking his cock—so fucking beautiful and desirable his chest hurt just looking at her.

“Arms above your head, grab the headboard.” Smiling, he took in her reaction as she did it. Her breasts hitched up, her back arched and her eyelids dropped to half-mast. Ah, she liked being dominated. Good, he liked dominating her.

BOOK: Stripped
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