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Authors: Jennifer Ryder

Strike (25 page)

BOOK: Strike
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“She’s over there,” I say, subtly pointing towards her. I’m finally going to put it out there. If he gives me shit, then so be it. “But she’s not just my friend, Dad. She’s my … everything.”

Dad smiles and nods in understanding. Mum sniffles as she dabs a lace handkerchief beneath her eye. I wrap my arm around Mum’s shoulders and pull her to my side.

“Come on,” I say. “Let me introduce you.”


Standing on the podium has my heart beating crazy all over again. It’s as if I’ve just gotten off my bike.

“Congratulations, Spencer Jones. That was smart riding today,” Greg says, handing me a microphone.

“Thanks very much, Greg. All the hard work has paid off, and a big thanks to the Yamaha guys, Robbie, Matt, our mechanic, Rocco, and of course Mac for all the hours and effort they’ve put in. I wouldn’t be here without them. These guys work damn hard, and this year has been incredible.”

“You’ve been consistent with your wins most of this season, but it seems like you really found yourself out there the last few rounds.”

“When you’ve got supportive people around you, pushing you, believing in you? It’s amazing what you can do,” I say, my gaze fixing on April.

Her cheeks flush a brilliant shade of red. She’s pushed me more than anyone—well maybe except Mac. But it’s April who made me really believe that I could do it, and really live my dream.

However, now my dream is changing. I’ve got the championship, but now I want more. I want a solid future with April. The woman I love.

Not wanting to draw much more attention to April, I look in my parents’ direction. They are both smiling proudly, and even Victoria has a smile on her face. I still can’t believe they’re here, and they’re actually … happy. Happy for me.

“I also wanna congratulate my teammate, Aidan Stone, on coming second overall for the season, and young Billy Valentine in MX2 is becoming fierce competition,” I say proudly. I look to Stone, who gives me a nod. I feel a bit guilty taking the title from him, but it was mine for the taking. It’s actually an honour to have beaten my strongest competition.

“Yeah, it’s been a great win for the team. So what did you think of the track?” Greg asks.

“I love the track at Coolum; it’s one of my favourites. I managed to figure out the track early in practice, and I’ve been working hard on my starts and cornering. The guys made a few changes to the suspension and tyres to work better with the track, and it paid off.”

“How does it feel to have the championship, Jones?”

Fucking epic.




The noise of our celebration in the surf club is growing louder with each round of drinks. I wonder how much longer it’ll be before they start kicking the drunks ones out.

“April, this is Pete Griffin from
,” Greg says, handing me a glass of red wine and motioning to the tall, slim guy who moves in beside him. Pete is probably not far from Daddy’s age, with sandy-brown hair and a strong widow’s peak. He’s wearing a black polo shirt with the magazine’s logo on it. He gives me a wide smile as he shakes my hand.

“Pleasure’s all mine, April. I’ve had a look at some of your work, and I’m really impressed. You come highly recommended,” he says, looking to Greg and then back at me.

“It’s great to meet you, Pete, and thanks. That’s really kind of you.”

“I’ve had a talk to some of the team, and if you’re available we’d like to take you on for the next six months whilst our senior photographer is on a break.”

Butterflies run a race of their own in my stomach, and on the inside, I’m squealing
fuck yeah!

“Oh my God, really? That would be such an honour.”

“Well, consider this the start of your time with us. I’ll get a draft contract put together ASAP and we’ll work out the finer details in the next day or two. The first round is in Hidden Valley in the Northern Territory in a couple of weeks, and we have the same chopper as last year. We’ve got the same videographer on board, too. I think you’ll work well together.”

“That sounds perfect. Yep, in two weeks I’ll be set. I’ve got a few jobs to finish off, but I’ll be ready.” I must be smiling as if I’m high as a kite right now.
Hopefully he doesn’t think I am

“The supercross season it’s gonna be a busy, exciting time, April,” Greg says and winks at me before he takes a swig of his beer.

I’m dreaming. Surely. I’ve worked tirelessly, building up my reputation, and now it’s time to shine.

“I’ve been talking to some of my contacts about the latest high-tech equipment, and I’ve got some great ideas for some of the high-def slow-motion gear,” I say, trying not to gush with excitement.

“Can’t wait to hear more about it, April. Ring me when you’ve got the contract and we’ll get this squared away.” Pete turns, and looks amongst the crowd. His eyes widen and his smile grows, as if he recognises someone. “I’d better go and have a chat with Mac. I owe him a beer or three.”

“Thanks, Pete. I’m sure he’ll be happy to see you.”

I spot Spencer’s sister close by, and excuse myself from Greg.

I tap her on the shoulder and she swings around, smiling once she runs her eyes over me.

“Hi, Victoria. Are you having a good time?” I ask.

“Oh, April. Please, call me Vicky,” she says.

“Here. Let me get you another champagne,” I say, taking her empty glass from her and nodding in the direction of the bar.

I order another glass of red, and a champagne. While we wait at the bar for our drinks, I can’t help but feel her scrutinizing gaze. I turn to face her, and the same baby blues as Spencer’s stare back at me.

“So, what’s the deal with you and my brother?” she asks.

I love him, that’s the deal.

But of course, I can’t tell her that. With Daddy so close by I have to be careful. I’ll tell Daddy next week.
. I’m not about to tarnish the win and have a public display of Daddy going psycho-protective-parent on me. That’s best saved for a place where it’s just the two of us. I’m not involving Spencer, although he was sweet enough to offer to be with me. I’m letting him off the hook because I’m sure I’m not strong enough to hold Daddy back. Daddy will need time to cool his head before he’s face to face with Spencer.

“We’re good friends,” I say and smile. Which is the truth.

“Friends, huh? Well, I’d say he’s pretty lucky to have a
like you,” she says, using air quotes with the word friend. Yeah, she doesn’t buy it. She looks around and finds Spencer in the crowd. And he’s staring in my direction.
Not cool

Her eyes flit between Spencer and I. She obviously knows all too well what Spencer was like with women, especially since he slept with her best friend. I’m sure she knows that he isn’t often just friends with a girl.

Our drinks now in front of us, I hand one to her. “Tell me about Spencer, Vicky. I need dirt,” I say, taking a different tack.

She laughs, sweet and high-pitched. She takes a gulp of her champagne, and presses her hot-pink painted lips together. “Let me see, he’d probably string me up from the nearest tree for telling you this, but once upon a time, Spencer was an altar boy.”

I snort wine from my nose, and nearly pee my pants. She hands me a serviette and I wipe my upper lip. When I finish coughing, I laugh out loud, along with Vicky.

“I knew I’d like you,” I say. She gives me a cheeky yet heart-warming smile.

“The Jones’ are strong Catholics. It’s a rite of passage for the men in our family. Our dad was one, our grandfather too, although it’s been a loooong time since Spencer’s been to church.”

“Ha! I can’t wait to ask him about his first confession,” I say.

“Oh God,” she mutters and shakes her head, her blonde ponytail swishing around her slim shoulders. “I wouldn’t even go there.”

“Oh, I’m going there alright.” I can’t wait to tease the little altar boy. I’m seriously going to have to get Vicky’s number, because this shit is gold. You never know when this stuff will come in handy, but besides that, I want to get to know his family, and when our relationship is out in the open we can work at bringing our lives together, because what we have? I know it’s gonna last.

Vicky laughs softly, and nods. “It was lovely to meet you, April.
lovely. I’d better go round up the oldies. We’ve got to get to the airport soon.”

“So glad you all came. Thank you. I know it’s meant a lot to Spencer.”

Vicky stands on tippy-toes and throws her small arms around me. I don’t hesitate to reciprocate the hug.

“No, thank you,” she says, and then walks away.

I survey the room, and find my pretty boy laughing and talking with his parents. It’s a beautiful sight to see him so happy, and having his parents dote over him. I wish I was right there beside him, holding his hand. Vicky stands next to him, and he wraps his arm around her shoulder.

Daddy comes over with an inked guy I’ve seen before but have never officially met.

“Peaches, I want you to meet Rocco. He’s the team mechanic, and a pure genius,” Daddy says, his giant hands grabbing Rocco by the back of the neck, pulling him closer to me.

Rocco’s a little taller than me, and he’s lean, as if he’s into martial arts. He has olive skin and slicked back dark-brown hair, which is shorter on the sides. I almost gasp when I get a good look at his incredible chocolate-brown eyes. They’re like sexy magnets drawing you in.

“Hey, Rocco. Good to meet you.” I extend my hand and he takes it in his. My eyes are drawn to the tattoos weaving up his arm. They look like they continue under his tight white T-shirt as they poke up and around his neck. He’s wearing a small pair of spreader earrings, with black pointy things sticking through them. In black skinny jeans and a pair of army boots, he’s like no one I’ve ever met. Beautiful, just in a quirky kind of way.

“Hey Peaches,” he says, shaking my hand for longer than feels socially acceptable.

“Sorry, only
gets to call me that,” I say, jutting my chin towards Daddy. “It’s April.”

“I gotta take a piss,” Daddy says, leaning in and whispering loudly.

“Nice. Thanks for the visual,” I say and shake my head. He rushes off in the direction of the toilets.

“April, then. Good to meet you,” Rocco says, a cheeky smirk tickling at his lips.

“You too. I’m sorry, I hate to gawk, but these tatts are incredible,” I say in awe, as I check out the intricate black and grey tattoo which weaves from his fingers.

“Yeah, thanks,” he says, letting me ogle at his arm some more.

“This is some amazing work. Looks like you’ve got a helluva story to tell.” Tattoos tell the deepest stories, and also bear our secrets. But Spencer knows the stories behind all of mine. Now, after seeing these, I might have to get another. Something about my story with Spencer.

“I’d offer to share the whole story with you, love,” he says, taking his hand and gesturing it up and down his body, “but I probably shouldn’t. I was just read the riot act from Mac, about his ‘Peaches’.”

I nod and laugh softly. “Ah, the old protective-father-bear strikes again.”

He leans in close, his hot breath warming my ear. “I don’t
do as I’m told. In fact, I usually make a point of doin’ the opposite. You seein’ anyone?”

Instantly my eyes lock on Spencer, but thankfully he’s caught up in conversation, and I avoid his eye contact.

“No,” I say, my voice wavering. “But—”

“Good. Drinks back at mine when they kick us out. Talk tatts and
,” he says like it’s a done deal. He flicks his tongue out slightly, running it along his lower teeth, giving me a glimpse of his shiny silver tongue stud. His devilish gaze moves from my boobs down to my boots and leisurely back up. He leans in close, and I have to swallow the lump in my throat. He’s just oozing testosterone, and I swear that look in his eye is like he wants to devour me whole. “Fuck, I love a girl in boots,” he growls in my ear.

Oh, dear

I place my hand on his chest, and gently push him back. “Not a good idea,” I say.

“Trust me, love. It’s a crackin’ idea,” he says, and flashes me his tongue piercing again.
And I bet he knows exactly what to do with that.

My peripheral vision catches Spencer moving across the room, and I can’t tear my eyes from him. Rocco turns his head in the same direction, and when he returns to look at me, the cocky smirk plastered on his face has my heart racing. He taps the side of his nose twice and winks.
Am I that obvious?

“Aha. Got it,” he says, and shakes his head. “Fuck, Jones sure likes livin’ on the edge.”

Clearing my throat, I move around him. “See ya, Rocco. I’ve gotta go to the ladies.”

“Catch ya,” he says and walks towards the bar. “Jones, my man! It’s Tequila time,” he yells, slapping his palms on the timber bar. The chatter and buzz amongst the group increases ten-fold, with yells and wolf-whistles. I hope to hell it’s not long before Spencer and I can sneak out of here.

Once in the dark corridor near the toilets, I pull out my phone and text Spencer. We’d already set it up so we both have our phones on us so we can plan our getaway.


I had thought about paying for another apartment to avoid dealing with questions, but for the cost, it hadn’t seemed worth it. I’d just tell people I was staying somewhere else close by and hope I’d didn’t get any more questions than that. We’d just have to be careful.

The team and all the support crew were all staying at the same place, but everyone was going to be blind drunk before too long. They were already well on their way, and besides, I didn’t think I’d be missed much anyway.

BOOK: Strike
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