Read Strictly Business: Hooded Pleasures, Book 1 Online

Authors: Sheryl Nantus

Tags: #romance;domme;submissive;love;red hot;bdsm;kink;contemporary

Strictly Business: Hooded Pleasures, Book 1 (26 page)

BOOK: Strictly Business: Hooded Pleasures, Book 1
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“Alex,” she warned, the tension building in her like a coiled snake about to strike.

“Katherine,” he answered, the last of his self-control almost in shreds.


Kate gasped, and it almost undid the last of Alex’s willpower, the low hum from her lips tickling his ears to the point of agony. She wrapped herself around him, hands resting on his hips.

Kate thrashed on the sheets, bucking against him with perfect synchronicity. She smelled of the fresh soap he’d lathered her up with earlier, now mixed with the sweet sweat they’d both created.

“Alex.” She exhaled his name with such reverence it brought him to tears. One hand moved to grab his hair. “Alex.” Her tone sharpened, her frustration growing with every second.

He growled with each stroke, feeling the breaking point charging at him like a raging bull. She moved with him and against him, drawing him into her so deep and so tight, he thought he’d spontaneously combust.

Which would have been fine with him.

Kate clutched at him, arching back with such energy, he thought she’d snap in half.

Or break him into pieces.

“Now,” he grunted.

It was a plea, a promise and an order in one agonizing word forced out through gritted teeth.

“Now.” The strained answer snapped him in two.

He roared and let himself go, falling into the sweet heat even as she screamed in his ear, joining him in his release.

Kate blinked herself awake and watched the sunbeam creep across the floor, sneaking toward the bed.

Her sleepy mind shuffled through various responses to the man spooning against her, his soft breath warm on the back of her neck. She wasn’t sure how to put it into words, the emotions clogging her mind and robbing her of the ability to speak.

It’d been a long night, an amazing night. They’d made love another two times, slower and gentler than that first frantic coupling. Finally, she’d dozed off to his light kisses on her shoulder, his arms tight around her as he rocked her to sleep.

One basic truth came through loud and clear.

She was happier after one night with Alex than she’d ever been with Carl.

That single emotion kept her frozen in place as Alex caressed her hip, fingers dancing along her skin.

“Good morning.”

“Good morning,” she automatically answered. “How’s your back feeling?”

She felt him arch against her with a chuckle. “Not too bad. Should patent that lotion. I bet there’s a lot of people who’d pay good money for it.”

“Matthew probably has,” she replied. “I can put more on if you need it.”

He snuggled closer, his lips on her neck. “I could go for that.” His tone changed. “Damn. Is that the time?”

“What?” Kate looked over at the digital clock on her night table. “Wow.” She frowned, not comprehending for a second what she was seeing. “Two in the afternoon.” She laughed. “You did say afternoon.”

“Yes. Yes, I did.” The note of pride in his voice made her laugh again. “But I just remembered I’ve got work to do. And unfortunately, it’s not with you.” His hand remained on her hip as if to counter his statement.

“Work,” Kate repeated.

“Yeah. Sorry. I’m on deadline for the newest
Game Thrasher
expansion. The patch has a release date of Friday, and I’ve got to run the final checks.”

Kate rolled over to face him. “Tell me you’ve fixed the problem with the dire rats.”

“What problem?” He kissed her, tangling his fingers in her hair.

Kate sighed, caught between temptation and the need to complain. “On the first level, if you have more than five of them in a single encounter, you can slaughter them with one blow and save energy. A lovely exploit, but hardly fair. It’s a small thing that doesn’t really get the player much, but still something that you should fix.”

He frowned. “Didn’t know. I’ll check it out when I get home.”

“Hmm.” Kate stretched her arms up over her head. “Any chance you can do some of your work here?” She brought her hand down to play with the light hair on his chest, brushing over his left nipple with her fingernail. “I believe you said something about all day.”

“Something like that.” He grunted as her hand slipped lower to find him ready and willing, already weeping at the tip. “Maybe you can come back to my place and help me on the trial runs, make sure I’ve got everything perfect. Be an excellent way to verify that I’ve gotten all the bugs out. Keep me on the straight and narrow.”

Kate smirked as he gasped under her touch. “I can do that. And if you’re a good boy and finish early, I might bring you back here and reward you.” Her eyes darted toward the bottom of her bed and the footlocker.

Alex’s eyes went wide, partially from the offer and partially from her squeezing his cock. “I’m feeling the incentive.”

“Good.” She paused, her body tingling from the night’s memories. “Get dressed and go. I’ll come on over when I’ve had a bit more sleep.” She slapped his ass as he moved. “Go.”

Alex grinned and climbed out of bed. She allowed herself a satisfied grin seeing the stripes on his back, the stiffness in his shoulders.


“Hold on.” Her command froze him in place.

Kate sat up, propping herself up against the headboard. “You need more lotion on your back before you go anywhere.” She smiled. “And I feel the need to shower.”

“Ah.” Alex stretched out his hand. “May I help my Mistress with this?”

“Yes.” She reached for him. “And then you can go home and work. Until I come over, and then it’ll be time to play.”

Alex laughed. “Yes, Mistress.” He took her hand and bent down to kiss her. “My Mistress. My Katherine.”


Kate looked around the living room. It seemed like a thousand years since she’d sat here with a timid young man delivering his first submissive experience.

You’ve both come a long way.

She allowed herself a satisfied smirk before turning back to the work at hand.

“I’m glad you liked the images. Yes, I think they’d be excellent in the new expansion.” Alex swiveled around in his office chair to give Kate a thumbs-up. “She’s a fan and a talented artist, so I figured she’d be a great resource for the project. Add in my coding, and you know a new contract would be the right way to go. Lock us in as a team, and we’ll jack the game up to a whole new level.”

Kate beamed as Alex turned away, lowering his voice as the negotiations began.

This was the second contract she’d signed with him as a creative partner, working her art and knowledge of the games they both played into a profitable arrangement.

She sat on the couch with her sketchpad, feet drawn up under her as she worked on her newest commission, an owlbear creeping toward an unwary party camping in the woods. It was from one of Alex’s associates, a fan who enjoyed putting odd monsters in his games and loved Kate’s artwork.

He wasn’t alone. Her other works had generated even more contracts, more customers seeking out her unique artwork. It’d become a full-time job and still remained fun when she added in the extra assignments to create artwork for the computer games.

Her cell phone rang.

Kate picked it up and studied the caller identification.


She glanced at Alex’s back before tapping the button and putting the phone to her ear.


“How are you doing?” Wendy’s tone was warm and soft. “Sorry I didn’t chat with you more on Wednesday at the club. I see you’ve become quite the regular visitor. Both of you.”

Kate smiled. “We haven’t seen you there.”

“Oh, I’m there. You just can’t take your eyes off that sweet thing you’ve got hold of.” Wendy laughed. “Are you happy?”

“Yes.” The answer was automatic. “I’m damned happy.” She glanced over at Alex. “Thank you for everything you’ve done. I appreciate it.”

“You did it all, Kate. I only gave you the freedom to do what your heart wanted.” A low murmuring came over the line. “Business calls. I’ve got to go.”

“No problem. Be sure to stop on by and say hello some time, okay? Alex owes you a drink or twenty.”

“Sure,” Wendy replied. “Talk to you later.”

Kate hung up the phone as Alex turned around with a wide grin.

“Just got a six-month offer. They want us as a team with my coding and your concept art. They’re sending the contracts over by courier; should be here in a few hours.” He watched her as she got up and approached him.

“Fantastic. I’m looking forward to it.” She cleared her throat. “I’ve got something I’d like to show you.”

His eyebrows rose, and Alex licked his lips.

“Down boy. Stay put.” She went into the hallway and retrieved the small box she’d bought only that morning, picking it up while out grocery shopping so he wouldn’t realize where she was.

“What’s that?” Alex asked.

Kate smiled. “I know you like your collar. And the silver bracelet when we’re at the club.” She gestured toward the well-worn leather strap sitting on the nearby table. “But I thought you’d like to upgrade.” She handed him the black box, her pulse racing. “I hope you like it. I thought it’d be a nice six-month anniversary present.”

Alex opened it carefully. “Whoa.”

He withdrew a long, thick silver-braided chain.

“I know it’s not the usual collar—we can get another leather one anywhere. I wanted to give you something you could wear out in public, anywhere we go.” The lump in her throat threatened to silence her. “I wanted to show you—”

She choked up.

Alex placed it around his neck and stood up, beaming. “It’s perfect.” He touched it again, running his fingers along the thick, twisted cord. “I love it, Mistress. Now everyone will know I belong to you.”

“Not everyone,” she said. “Just the ones who know us.”

“On that point.” He held up his hand. “Just stay there. Please.”

Alex dashed up the stairs as Kate watched, curious what was going on.

She heard him opening and closing drawers in the bedroom. A low curse reached her ears.

Finally he reappeared at the top of the staircase, sweaty and grinning.

He took the steps two at a time on his return, almost falling more than once as he came back into the living room.

“I was going to wait until Friday at Delmonico’s, in front of Ann and Eric. But now is a much better time.”

Kate gasped as he slid to his knees in front of her, holding a ring box.

He fumbled with the small cube and almost dropped it. “I hope I’m not being too forward. I mean, I didn’t exactly court you like the books say, and I didn’t do much in the way of date nights other than at the club.” Alex sighed. “Not that I didn’t enjoy it and—” He stopped babbling as her hand fell on his head.

“It’s fine.” She smiled. “You should know by now I’m not impressed by what’s on the outside.” Kate leaned down to kiss his forehead. “It’s what’s on the inside that’s important. And you—” The words caught in her throat. “You complete me. Inside and outside.”

“Good. Because I want everyone to know you do the same for me.” He flipped the box open to show off an engagement ring, the diamond sparkling as it caught every aspect of light in the room and returned it with interest.

Alex reached up and took hold of her hand. “I want everyone to know I’m yours and you are mine. I want years as your submissive, as your soul mate, as your lover and as your business partner. I need all of those, Katherine.” His eyes met hers. “Please give them to me. Please marry me.”

She felt the tears rising and blurring her vision. “Yes. I will.” Kate sniffled as he slid the ring onto her finger. “But you’re going to pay for making me cry in the middle of the day. Go to the bedroom and strip. We’ll discuss your impertinence at the end of my flogger.” She pointed at the stairs with her right hand. “Position three should be a good place to start.”

Alex kissed her fingers. “Yes, Mistress.” He couldn’t help laughing as he got up and headed for the bedroom.

About the Author

Sheryl Nantus was born in Montreal, Canada, and grew up in Toronto. A rabid reader almost from birth, she attended Sheridan College in Oakville, graduating in 1984. She met Martin Nantus through the online fanfiction community in 1993 and moved to the United States in 2000 in order to marry.

She loves to play board games and write haiku, although not usually at the same time.

A firm believer in the healing properties of peppermint tea and chai, she continues to search for the perfect cuppa.

In 2011, she won two second-place Prism Awards from the Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal chapter of RWA for her steampunk romance,
Wild Cards and Iron Horses,
and the first volume of her superhero romance trilogy,
Blaze of Glory
. In 2013, she won a third-place Prism Award for her paranormal romance,
Blood of the Pride
. In 2015, her science fiction romance,
In the Black,
won three SFR Galaxy Awards.

For more about Sheryl Nantus you can visit her web page at
, see her on Facebook:
, or follow her ramblings on Twitter:
. She also blogs at
when the mood takes her, usually writing board game reviews.

She loves to get email at
[email protected]

Look for these titles by Sheryl Nantus

Now Available:

Blaze of Glory

Heroes Without Monsters Within

Heroes Lost and Found

Wild Cards and Iron Horses

Coming Soon:

Hooded Pleasures

Strictly Pleasure

Strictly Yours

Don’t miss these other titles by Sheryl Nantus

Saving the world is easy for a superhero—unless you’re a fraud.

Jo Tanis is a superhero, fighting evil on the city streets, using her ability to feed off electromagnetic energy and fire off charges—and it’s all just a show. The Agency captures her and others like her when their powers begin to manifest, pitting them against each other in staged, gladiatorial fights. An explosive implant on the back of her neck assures she’ll keep right on smiling for the camera and beating up the bad guys.

When Earth comes under attack, suddenly the show becomes deadly real. Unable to deal with a real alien, the “supers” are falling in droves. Millions of innocent civilians are going to die…unless Jo can cobble together a team from among the fake heroes and villains the Agency enslaved. Including Hunter, who not only promises to show her how to deactivate the implants, but seems to know more than he should about how the mysterious Agency operates.

Forcing a rag-tag bunch of former enemies to work together is the least of Jo’s problems. The trick is determining if Hunter is friend or foe—and becoming the hero everyone thought she was before the world is destroyed for real.

Warning: Contains superhero in-jokes, Canadiana and large alien craft shaped like avocados. Really.

BOOK: Strictly Business: Hooded Pleasures, Book 1
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