Strictly Business (28 page)

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Authors: Aubrianna Hunter

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Strictly Business
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* * * * *

Jess pulled back, unbuttoning his jeans, shoving his boxers
down and freeing his throbbing erection. At the feel of her fingers on him,
Jake almost lost his seed. He grabbed her hand, pulling it off him. “No…can’t.”
He pressed his lips to hers, using his tongue to show her what he needed.

Jess pressed her hips against him and he felt the soft lace
of her panties rubbing against him. She was still wiggling in his lap until she
successfully pushed her panties aside, her wet heat sliding against his pulsing
shaft. She lifted her hips, rising until he could feel his hot, hard tip
pressing at her entrance.

Jake reached behind her, tugging the string aside as he
pushed in, groaning in pleasure so intense he was sure he’d explode with the
first thrust. He dug down deep, fighting for control.

“God, you’re tight. Not gonna last, Jess.” His words were
slurred with passion. His hips lifted thrusting into her hard and fast,
dragging a whimper from her lips.

“Harder, Jake. Aaahhh.”

Jake met each of her thrusts with his own, no longer able to
hold anything back, he grabbed her hair, pulling her head back as he bent to
take her nipple into his mouth, sucking hard, nipping the tip, and suckling
again. Just as he felt the first pulse of his own orgasm, he felt her tense as
hers tore through her. Her sheath tightened and pulsed around his shaft as he
spilled, gushing, streaming into her. Her head thrown back, his pressed against
her breasts as they both cried out their release.

Chapter 34

Jess collapsed forward, her head on his shoulder, his arms
loosely around her waist. They sat like that for awhile, until Jake could
finally move. Then he laid them both down, tucking her against him, spooning.

He whispered in her ear. “I like your office. Your couch is
wider than mine. Much more comfortable.”

She laughed. “You were never supposed to see it.” She
shrugged gently. “It reminded me of you.”

He tightened his arm around her waist, a comforting gesture.
“My parents’ room at the house looks like you. It’s the only room I could bring
myself to buy any furniture for, and it looks like you. It’s dark wood, the
color of your hair. The cover is all the deep jewel colors you wear, purple,
red, blue. And there are streaks of silver the same color as your eyes.”

She glanced back over her shoulder. He shrugged, looking
self conscious. She smiled, her heart in her eyes. “Thank you.” She reached
back, running her hands down his cheek. “Wait, you didn’t buy any furniture?”

He shook his head, that same uncomfortable shrug again.
“It’s not fun without you to argue with.”

She kissed him, twisting over to face him. Even as she felt
him press against her, his arousal already making itself known. She pulled her
head back. “We’ll go shopping tomorrow.” She wiggled against him. “Tonight, I
want to go meet your parents. But first, let’s hear that idea.”

It was another hour before she heard his plan, but she
didn’t mind at all.

* * * * *

When they walked into the house, the new house, a woman that
could only be Jake’s mom ran out of the kitchen, wrapping her in a warm
embrace. There was nothing for Jess to do but hug back. As she pulled away, his
mom said, “I’m Catherine, but you can call me Cat. I’d say welcome, but since
you built this place that seems stupid. By the way, you’re phenomenal. This is
the most beautiful home I’ve ever seen. Oh, and maybe now that you’re here,
Jake will buy some furniture.”

She stopped talking long enough to take a breath, and Jess
felt like she had to say something now, while she had the chance. “Thank you,
it was an absolute pleasure to build. I’m glad you like it. It was important to
Jake to have it done before you got here. And, he will. Buy furniture, I mean.
We’re going tomorrow.”

“Come in here and meet Slade, Jake’s father.” Cat dragged her
into the living room, where a man stood up off the couch. He was an inch or so
shorter than Jake, and thirty years older. She was looking at Jake thirty years
from now. She loved him on sight. Apparently he felt the same, because the man
Jake had described as reticent, swung her up into a hug.

“I think you’re just the thing to keep my boy in line.” He
ruffled her hair when he set her down. He looked toward Jake. “So, you’re not
going to be dumb enough to chase her off again are you?”

Cat and Jake stood staring at Slade. Jess waited, unsure of
what to say.

“What?” Slade asked. “You both think I’m too foolish to know
a good woman when I see her? I knew I’d marry your mama the day I met her.” He
stared at them both with a grin on his handsome face. “Besides, boy, this is
the first time you’ve smiled since we got here. I’m not quite as unobservant as
you both think.” He rubbed his hands together and started toward the kitchen.
“So, is dinner ready?” he asked, patting Cat’s tush as he walked by.

Jess laughed, delighted with Slade and Cat. She ran across
the room, threw herself at Jake, wrapping her arms around his neck as Cat
followed her husband into the kitchen.

She pressed quick kisses to his face, pulling back to say,
“They’re perfect, Jake. Just perfect.”

He laughed, swung her legs up and carried her back into the
kitchen. “Yeah, I guess they are.”

Chapter 35

Three weeks later, the house was furnished, Jess’s apartment
was sublet, and everyone had moved around as necessary. Ben and Marsha were now
sharing the master bedroom at the old house. This was a surprise to everyone
except Jess and Cat.

Cat and Slade were still there, staying for another week or
so before heading back to Florida.

And twenty four hours ago, she and Jake had married. She’d
picked her parents up at the airport night before last, ostensibly to see her
new house and business. In actuality they were here for a wedding. A wedding to
a man they’d never met, had truly never heard anything about at all.

Jess had to give them credit. They’d really taken it all in
stride. That first night had been tense, springing both the introduction and
the wedding on them with no warning whatsoever. She had counted on the
ingrained behaviors, the ones her mother called breeding, and they’d come
through beautifully. She’d shown her parents the house, her home, with her
personality stamped throughout. They’d loved it, much to her surprise. And she
had introduced Jake.

She’d expected more resistance from her mother on that
point, but Jake had been at his most charming, winning her over with his
manners. Jess was certain the fact that the Morgenstern family was all but
local royalty probably helped matters, but Jess didn’t care. She would’ve married
him if he hadn’t a penny to his name.

Her mother gave her some grief over the surprise wedding,
but took it graciously when Jess explained why. With Jonathan’s candidacy, Jess
hadn’t wanted the press. She did ask if Jess was pregnant, if that was causing
the rush. Jess had vehemently denied it, but had still gone a little soft at
the idea.

Another surprise, their parents had actually gotten along
with each other. Not something Jake or Jess had expected. By the end of the
evening, they’d been sitting at the massive kitchen table playing bridge. Jake
and Jess had retired to the newly furnished living room to watch a movie, a
little awed by their parents.



The wedding had gone off without a hitch, which really was
no surprise. With Cat Morgenstern and Sharon Wythe there, nothing would have
dared to go wrong. They simply wouldn’t tolerate it.

They’d had a party at the house, a simple catered affair,
very casual, for a reception after the ceremony. And then Jake and Jess had
flown out. Jess woke up this morning, warm in a luxurious room in Cabo San

They’d talked about a variety of places for their honeymoon,
deciding on Cabo for one reason. Jake had desperately wanted to see her in a
bathing suit. After walking the beach yesterday afternoon, he was talking of
putting in a pool.

Jess rolled over, snuggling closer to Jake, feeling his warm
body next to hers. She couldn’t help but smile. She felt him stirring behind

“Good morning, Mrs. Morgenstern,” he rumbled into her ear.

She laughed. “How can you possibly be awake already? We were
up until four o’clock this morning.” Even as she asked the question, she felt
her body warming, her breasts tightening into the now familiar ache, nipples
budding, desiring his touch.

With no other warning Jake slid a finger into her already
damp core, smiling at her gasp, as she wiggled her hips, unconsciously trying
to get closer. “You seem pretty ‘awake’ yourself.”

With slow kisses down her spine, across her shoulders, he
thrust his finger in and out of her sheath, a second finger joining the first.
As she writhed and twisted against him, Jake felt his erection tighten and jerk
in response. As her muscles tightened, on the edge of release, Jake pulled his
hand away, sliding around to tease and torment her aching nipples. Keeping her
on edge without satisfying, he played her body like a finely tuned instrument.
When she whimpered, crying out for release, he lifted one of her legs, sliding
into her from behind.

As always, she was warm and welcoming. He thrust, slowly at
first, speeding up as his need, and hers, grew. His hand slipped down, easing
her folds, finding her secret spot and rubbing lazy circles around it. She
tightened, spiraling into orgasm as he followed right behind her.

As Jess snuggled into his side, head resting peacefully on
his chest, Jake couldn’t help but think that this was heaven on earth.

“I love you,” she whispered softly against his chest.

Jake squeezed her gently pressing a kiss against her hair.
“I love you too. I was just thinking that life doesn’t really get any better
than this.”

She kissed him, looking toward her life filled with love and
family. Who would have thought that one simple business trip could bring her to
her future? And to think… She’d wanted to keep it strictly business.

Other Books by Aubrianna Hunter

Hidden Depths

Strictly Business

You Can’t Go Home


Beyond The Mask

Beyond The Flesh

If you have enjoyed this book you have to check out:

Beyond the Mask

It is a new Co-Authored series that I am writing with Jeremy
Laszlo.  It has the same Hot and steamy flavor as my other erotic novels, but
has a dark and twisted vibe.  Leaning more towards the urban side of fantasy,
Beyond the Mask is set in Detroit with a sexy paranormal tale unlike you have
ever read before.  Below is the Prologue and the first chapter, I hope you
enjoy it!



Lucifer was once the greatest of the archangels, taking up
his place beside the Creator of all life.  From nearly the beginning of time,
he served at the Creator’s side, doing whatever the Lord willed.  But slowly
something began to change in Lucifer, and inevitably he sought the source of
the change.

Over the eons he became jealous, envious of the love that
was had for God.  Perhaps his inner light darkened. Perhaps being the hand of
God had been too much for him.  Perhaps the seed of evil that had come from
free will had taken root in heaven as well as earth.  For whatever reason,
Lucifer sought to place himself above God.

So it was that Lucifer stood within the heavens, staring at
the vast kingdom of beauty.  Envious of his master, he lusted to have it for
himself to rule.  Knowing alone he could not defeat God, he plotted and
subverted other angels to his cause.  Gaining momentum he raised an army and in
the heavens a war was fought over not only the kingdom, but the domain of man
as well.

So it was that many immortals were slain, but in the end the
Creator and those loyal to Him were victorious.  To teach Lucifer a lesson and
create a safe domain for all He loved, God saw fit not to slay the archangel
that once stood beside Him.  Instead, He cast Lucifer down to forever inhabit
hell, a fiery abyss where he would spend eternity in damnation.


“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the
morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!”

Isaiah 14:12


Defeated, Lucifer was cast from heaven into the only portal
between the immortal planes of heaven and hell…Earth.  Though most envision
this as an instantaneous process, it is not.  For any soul, mortal or immortal,
to pass between heaven and hell, they must first cross through the domain of
man, in mortal flesh, over the expanse of a human life.

Some religions believe this to be purgatory, a place for
souls to absolve all their sins.  Regardless of its name, however, those souls
cast down from heaven live yet again, usually as tortured beings whose inner
turmoil allows them little of the fulfillment and happiness a mortal life can
provide.  It is conquering this torment and following the path of light that
grants these souls eternity at God’s side.  Most are incapable.

Knowing this, and knowing that for him there was no
redemption, Lucifer came upon the world in mortal flesh.  Tormented were his
heart and soul, to the very point of no return.  But refusing to show his
weakness to those in heaven, and as defiance to his lord and creator, he spread
his seed within mankind.

Taking a mortal lover, as angels were forbidden to do,
Lucifer spawned a demon, which was not too different from the demigods of
legend.  Seeking escape from its fleshy womb, the child cursed by God, tore
free from its mother in labor, and instead of seeking her tit, it fed upon her
blood, killing her.

A creature cursed by God, Lucifer taught the demonic beast
dressed in human flesh how to survive as a creature banished from the light. 
It was doomed to walk the world without a soul, without chance of redemption,
for all of eternity.  Never would his child be permitted to heaven nor hell,
never would it be permitted to die.

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