Stricken Unveiled (Stricken Rock #2) (5 page)

Read Stricken Unveiled (Stricken Rock #2) Online

Authors: S.K Logsdon

Tags: #romance, #erotica, #drama, #lesbian, #bisexual, #music, #rock and roll

BOOK: Stricken Unveiled (Stricken Rock #2)
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I cover my mouth with my hand and suck in a
deep breath.

Don’t cry! Don’t you do it! Don’t cry again!
Stop it you pussy. You know he’s fucked her. You saw her in the
bar. This isn’t a surprise. Suck it up! Common Em, Get a damn grip!
Everything will be fine. You will be okay. The babies are good. No
more tears! God-damnit. Stop!

I can feel tears pooling in my eyes. If I
blink they are going to pour and I don’t know when they will stop.
I suck back another breath. Come on, I can do this, no more crying!
Be strong for your babies.

“Em? Em?” Stacy says.

I look up and the floodgate breaks. I toss my
arms around my best friend’s neck and sob uncontrollably into his

“Why!” I cry. “Why! Can’t my life be

“It’s okay Em, everything will be okay.”
Stacy says rubbing my back, holding me.

“No it won’t! He knocked up another woman.” I
sob louder.

“Another?” Deacon cuts in, confused.

I yank away from Stacy. Rub the tears from my
eyes. Stalk over to D. Jam my hand into my pocket and pull out the
ultrasound picture and slap it onto the countertop in front of his

He looks down. His eyes widen and his mouth
falls open.

Both Stacy and James are standing next to me
for support and Stacy has his hand on my shoulder.

“I…”he says

I cut him off. “Listen D. I know he’s your
boy and all, and you think he wraps his dick. Those.” I jam my
finger on the picture. “Are in here!” I rub my tummy. “And they
were not conceived with a wrapped dick!” I shriek frustrated.

“You’re the woman?” he says softly, looking
down at the photo and back up at me.

“The woman?” I ask feeling completely out of
the loop.

“The woman that he’s been in love with. The
one he keeps telling us about. Says he loves this chick but she
won’t have him. That’s why when we keep trying to get him to fuck
around he won’t. Says he’s saving his cock for the love of his life
or some shit. I told him he was full of it. But you’re her aren’t
you? You’re the reason he won’t get drunk or fuck or party like he
used to. He’s hung up on you bad. He’s got it real bad.” He says
without an ounce of rudeness.

“He’s talked about me?” I whisper, my heart

“Yeah, like all the fucking time. I just
thought it was some dish he fucked before he met you. It all
started the day you got on the bus. Never thought you’d be the one.
Happened too quickly for it to be you. Plus you argue all the
fucking time or avoid each other. So you’re having his baby now? He
doesn’t know does he?”

I shake my head. “It’s not one baby. Its
babies. Look at the photo better.” I say calmly. He’s being so

He peers down.

“Well, I’ll be damned. Two fucking
Johnathan’s are growing inside of you.” He smiles widely.

I rub my tummy and look to both the men at my
sides. “Yeah two. And he’s about to have a third with

D shakes his head back and forth a bunch of
times. “Naw, he can’t be he wouldn’t fuck after he met you. That
kid can’t be his. Not only does he wrap his shit he wouldn’t do
that. He loves you. A lot. I know because I’ve heard all about it.“
He rolls his eyes.

“Yeah he did fucked her. He admitted it to
me. That’s why I know it’s true that she’s knocked up. I saw him in
the bar with her two nights before he went into rehab. He came to
me the next morning apologizing for sleeping with her. Plus like
Stace said they’ve got pictures.”

“Pictures don’t mean shit.” He belt outs.

“You’re not going to tell are you?” I ask. I
have to know.

“No, but you better. He’ll be pissed if he
finds out somehow and it wasn’t from you. Plus you’re already
starting to show.” He eyes my bump.

“I can’t do that to him now. He’s got another
baby on the way. It’ll be hard enough to keep him from going back
over to the dark side of drugs with that news. Let alone know that
I’m carrying his twins. That will surely fuck him up.”

“Maybe, but he still has a right to know. I’d
want to know if I was him. What were you going to do? Say you eat
too much? Two or maybe three weeks and it’ll be past the weight
gain and into the looking pregnant.”

“I was going to say they were Stacy’s if he
asked. I don’t want him to flip out again or worse kill himself or

He shakes his head. “J maybe crazy but having
three kids isn’t going to make him kill himself. He’s not suicidal.
He just has nightmares from a fucked up past and a drug addiction.
If you tell him they’re Stacy’s I will tell him the truth. He
deserves that much. But if you promise to tell him yourself I’ll
let it slide for now. I understand not telling him right now. The
media is fucking this shit up about the whole pregnancy thing with
Cassandra. You don’t need to be roped into that. But sooner or
later you need to come clean with the truth. Wait until he notices
and mentions it to you. I don’t care. But when he does you tell
him. You and I both know it’s only fair.” He says calmly.

Who would have thought Deacon has a bit of a
conscious. I never did. But I know he’s right. I don’t like that he
is. Now D knows and eventually coming clean will happen. SHIT!

“Okay, deal. Now I am going to go lie down
and rest. I feel terrible. This is just going to get worse before
it gets better and I’m sure I will be spending the next few weeks
crying about it.”

“Okay honey, get some sleep.” Stacy says and
leans in kissing my cheek.

“If you need me just holler.” James adds,
giving my shoulder a sweet reassuring squeeze.

“Thanks.” I reach up and kiss him on the
cheek. A warm smile curls up from the corners of his mouth.

“Hey Em?” I glance at D over my shoulder.


“I’m glad he picked you. You won’t take his
shit or use him for his money. I was worried he was stupid. But now
I see he made the right choice.”

Did Deacon seriously just tell me that he was
okay that Johnathan feels the way he does about me? I think so.

I turn and go into my bedroom. My room’s blue
with hardwood floors and has a cream bedspread. I’m so tired and I
need to sleep until Monday which probably won’t happen. I slide
into the bed and turn off my night-light.




I open my eyes and look around, hot damn I
slept all night! I was exhausted that’s part of it. I stretch my
legs. My eyes are swollen from crying and my body aches and son of
a fucking bitch! My clit is throbbing hard, pounding between my
legs. That needy whore! I never thought I’d say I’m tired of
pleasuring myself, but I am. And If I don’t do it regularly like
sometimes five times a day my belly aches and I can’t think
straight. Maybe this is how men feel? I sure hope not because it

I reach between my legs. Ah! That’s
sensitive. Well I might as well get this taken care of now. I slide
my black panties down and toss them over the side of the bed. Pull
the covers back so I can reach my clit better. I’m going in solo
this morning, B.O.B needs a break. Orgasms would be so much better
if they were given to me from something other than my hand or a
plastic battery operated boyfriend. I miss the warmth of someone
holding me and loving me. Even if it’s for pleasure. I can’t ask
Stacy because that’s wrong and James would be even more wrong.

I slide my finger over my bump. Oh god! I dip
my finger into my tight hole for lubrication. I’m dripping and I
slide my finger back to my bump. Oh fuck! Pulling back the hood I
circle it a few times revving up my engines more. Oh yeah!

‘I’ll love you all morning, and through the
day, don’t break my heart baby and throw it away.’ A Stricken song
starts singing to me. Damnit! My phone is ringing.

I let my hood fall back into place and reach
for my phone on my nightstand with my clean hand.

“Yeah?” I answer out of breath not even
looking at the ID.

“What are you doing?”

Shit! Of all the people in the world calling
me right now. Could this be any more of a coincidence?

“Hi Claire.”

“What are you doing?” she questions me, her
voice cloaked with naughtiness.

She’s talked like this ever since I’ve met
her. We talk once or twice a week but haven’t’ met up since the
night in DC. For many reasons like she’s been in New York for the
past four weeks doing her job to open up her new ad branch and the
other two weeks I’ve been busy. So it’s kind of been more of a busy
thing than I don’t want to see her, because I do. She’s hot for a
woman. And she makes me horny when I’m on the phone with her. It’s
the sweet angelic voice that always seems to be dripping with
wanton innuendos. Once I actually masturbated with her on the
phone. But Shhhh don’t tell her.

“I’m not doing anything. I just woke up.” I
retort evenly.

“Uh huh. You were just breathing hard a
minute ago. But I’ll let it slide this time. You naughty minx.”

See there goes the sexual connotation that
always starts to rev my engines. Fuck I’m horny. I hope this call
doesn’t last long because I need to flick my bic soon.

“What do you need beautiful Claire?” I taunt
with a smile.

“What I need is your pussy in my mouth. But
I’ll settle for dinner tonight. I have some paperwork I need to
give you for the show in San Diego. A few venders have contracts
and I also have two bags of products I want the guys to check out
and see if they want to represent the companies to do ad campaigns

“Can’t Stacy do that?” I push. I know this is
going to make her mad. I am still going to go out with her. Not
only because I’m so turned on right now and want to get her off the
phone. But I like her. She’s funny and sexy and we’ve become fairly
good friends.

“I don’t want Stacy. I want you.” She states

“Why do you want me?” I ask sexily, trying
not burst into laughter over the phone. This is going to rev her
engines and my clit is buzzing already, my core screaming for

“I want you in a lot of ways Emily. Do we
need to go over this?”

“Oh, but whatever do you mean?” I tease
acting all innocent. I almost put my hand in my hair and twirled it
in my fingers. But she can’t see it so I won’t.

“If you keep this up tonight will be more
than dinner.” She groans into the phone. I can tell her teeth are
clinched. I’m driving her nuts. Claire may have a sweet voice most
of the time. But she is dominate and loves to be that way
especially in the bedroom.

“Keep what up? I’m just asking why you want
me and not Stacy it’s not that hard to answer.” I say softly making
sure I pop the ‘P’ in up with my lips. I’m loving this and it’s
making me hornier, if that’s even possible.

“Babe, I will play this with you all day if
you want. I have nothing but time. I want you because you’re smart
and beautiful and I want to grab that ass of yours and bite

“Now why Missss Kennedy would you want to
bite a poor ol’ tushy like mine?” I say innocently. She is eating
this up.

“That innocent mouth of yours won’t be
innocent after tonight if you keep this up.” She groans into the
phone again, her dominant voice coming through clinched teeth.
She’s close to fingering herself I can sense it in her voice. I
push her like this a lot but never take it this far.

“But why Misssss Kennedy I just want to be a
good girl and you wouldn’t punish a good girl would you?” I cover
my mouth that one was close. I almost let out a giggle.

“I’m not going to punish you sweetheart I’m
going to make you feel real good. I’ll reward you for being such a
good girl.”

“Oh… That would be so nice Misss Kennedy.” I

“If you don’t mean this Emily please stop
teasing because I’m fucking wet over here.” She barks serious.

“Where are you wet Misss Kennedy?”

“Emily, I’m serious. Stop. If you don’t want
me to come and expect me to play nice tonight when I see you.
Please stop now.”

“Where are you wet?” I ask again, though
firmer this time.

“In my pussy baby, I’m wet. Now stop teasing.
Please.” She whines.

“What are you wet for?” I ask seductively.
Man I am good! I should be a phone sex operator! I’ve got dominate
Claire eating out of the palm of my hand and I fucking love it!

“You, I’m wet for you baby. I can’t be nice
tonight. If you don’t me then it’s okay to send Stacy. I can’t be
around you if I can’t have you Emily. But I hope to see you. I want
to touch you so bad. I’ve been thinking about it for weeks.”

tonight for you.” I purr
sexily into the phone. Oh god I am so hot! My clit hates me right
now. I can’t come on the phone with her. I’ll scream. I’ll leave
that for tonight. I need the closeness so bad I can taste it. My
core is trembling with desire.

“You’re serious?”

“Yesssss.” I hiss.

“Oh, god I’m so fucking hot right now Emily.
See what you do to me. You make me so hot. I can’t believe you’re
going to see me tonight. I’m wet thinking about it.“ She says
excitedly. I think I just made her day.

“You make me hot too.” I moan into the

“Oh you have to stop this. We can see each
other tonight. Don’t push. I’m sitting at my desk and I’m soaking
wet. If you don’t stop I’m going to have to come here and now.”

“But I don’t want to stop Misss Kennedy. I’ve
been a naughty naughty girl making you wet.”

“Oh yessss.. You have and I will punish you
tonight sexy. I will punish you so good. Oh god, we have to

“Why Missss Kennedy is your pussy throbbing?
Mine is so wet too. So wet thinking about it.”

“It is?” she chokes, clearing her throat.


“Oh god babe you sound so good. But I have to
go. I can’t do this on the phone in my office. I’ll see you tonight
I’ll pick you up at seven. No Six I can’t wait until seven.” She
huffs into the receiver.

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