Stranger (5 page)

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Authors: N.M. Catalano

Tags: #Stranger

BOOK: Stranger
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He looks over his shoulder at me and says, “You’re like a dragon, Elizabeth, with that fire raging in you.”

“Are you sure you didn’t wake the sleeping the beast?”  I ask cocking one eyebrow at him.

“That was the plan, I possessed it.”  He smiles wickedly, turning and taking me in a deep kiss.

“Now sleep, baby, because I’m gonna wake it again in the morning.”

I lie down and he pulls the soft covers over me and kisses me lightly on the forehead. 

“I’m going to order breakfast for us then come and join you.”

I smile contentedly and settle into the big pillow.  The beast in me is totally satisfied and is curled at her master’s feet.  Maybe he did tame me.

I slowly wake up to the sounds of my moans as my body arches up in need.  My legs are wide open riding the fingers that are working their magic on my sex.  Two fingers are inside of me and Marco’s thumb is teasing my already swollen clit.  The sensations are intensified by my sleep state and I feel like I’m gliding in bliss.

Marco turns me to my side not removing his hand from me.  His other arm is under me reaching over onto my breasts, pulling me close to his front.  He pulls one leg up bending it at the knee and slides his rock hard erection along my wet lips coating it with my juices.  It feels so good.  I’m still floating in that sleep haze as I reach between my legs and guide the head of his cock to the entrance of my hole.  I slide myself along it, loving how it teases me.  His fingers return to my clit as he slides just the head in.  I grind my ass into him and I feel his growl on my back.  One hand is flicking my nipples, the other my clit.  I push my ass down on him and bury him deeply in me, filling me as his fingers take my clit between them and I shatter into fiery pieces.

“Marco...,” it comes out as a deep moan.

I push down on him and grind into his fingers and cock as the orgasm rips through me riding the waves of my release.  He’s still holding my clit between his fingers, working it between them, prolonging my orgasm as he begins to slide in and out of me long and deep as my walls are pulsing on him demanding his orgasm.  He tenses and buries his face in my neck and I can feel him jerking inside of me.

“Yes, Elizabeth!”  His voice is so deep and gravelly. 

And I feel him cumming.  He stills with every inch of him in me.  I reach between my legs and take hold of his balls and lightly scrape my nails along the contracted wrinkled skin.  He spasms as he lets out a loud growl.  We lie still, wrapped in each other, coming down.  Our heavy breathing is the only sound we hear.

The knock on the door pulls us from our languor.  Marco turns my face to him and kisses me deeply. 

“Take a shower if you’d like, love.  That’s our breakfast.  I had them bring some things up for you earlier.”  His thoughtfulness touches me and makes me smile.

“Thank you, I will.  I’ll be out in a little bit.” I stretch feeling completely content with a big smile spread across my face.  I couldn’t stop grinning even if I wanted to.

I admire him as he gets up and pulls on a pair of jeans as he turns to look at me one more time and smiles before he leaves the bedroom, pulling the door closed behind him.

The bathroom is elegant and enormous with white marble floors and counters with a separate Jacuzzi tub and walk-in shower.  I look in the mirror at my reflection expecting to see a different woman.  I gasp at the morning smeared makeup face staring back at me and I can’t help but moan thinking, ‘Oh my God, how could he stand to look at me like this.’  I just want to bury myself in a hole.

I notice there are two sets of toiletries on the counter, his and hers, and I can’t resist the urge to pick up each one of Marco’s personal items to get a different glimpse of the real man.  These aren’t your corner neighborhood drugstore brands and I can tell he’s got very specific tastes.  I open each individually inhaling the scents as they send tremors through my body eliciting the image of his body against mine.  Afraid that I’m taking too long, I turn on the shower and place the items for me to bathe with inside as a part of me doesn’t want to wash him off of me. I can’t believe that this is me and I’m here in a beautiful strangers bathroom and we’ve just had a night and morning of the best sex I’ve ever had.

After I’ve showered and scrubbed the homeless looking lady from my face and dried my hair I dress and meet Marco in the living area.  He’s sitting peacefully on the couch reading todays New York Times dressed in only those jeans with his feet propped up on the coffee table.   He hears me and turns to look and a smile slowly lifts his lips.  I stand feeling a little embarrassed because I don’t have any makeup on, I call it my war paint because you go out in the world to battle every day, and it makes me feel a little vulnerable.

“You’re even more beautiful now, Elizabeth.”  The words are so soft and genuine.

I can feel the blush creep across my cheeks as my eyes lower to the floor.  I don’t know how to act because it’s been so long since I’ve been alone with a man like this after a night of intimacy and I feel so very vulnerable.  My usual confidence has left the building without leaving instructions and I feel like I’m on stage and I’ve forgotten my lines.

“Thank you.”

He stands and holds his hand out to me.  I take it and we walk to the breakfast table laid out with several plates covered in silver domes with two pots and two cups and saucers.

“Come, let’s have breakfast.  I’m sure you’re starved, I know I am.”

He removes the covers off the plates revealing a banquet enough for four people.  There are Belgian waffles, scrambled eggs, whole wheat toast, fresh fruit, sausages, bacon, Canadian ham and yogurt.  In the thermal pitchers there’s coffee and hot water with tea bags sitting to the side in a variety of flavors.

“My God, Marco, this is enough food for a party, do you always eat like this?”  I can’t hide my surprise with the spread of all the food.

He laughs while he holds a chair for me to sit down and says, “No, but I didn’t know what you liked so I got a little of everything.”

During breakfast our conversation is light and relaxed as if we’d known each other forever.  When we finish he sits back in his chair with an amused smile on his face.   

I squirm and begin to feel slightly embarrassed again knowing whatever he’s thinking is about me.

“What?”  I ask smiling nervously.

“So, even though I don’t have my cock pierced or didn’t have any fur trimmed handcuffs and, God, I hope I didn’t taste like a cavity, thank you for trusting me.”

I bury my face in my hands knowing I am beet red by the heat flooding my face as I’m turning red again, I’ve lost count of how many times that has happened with him.

“Oh, no, you
hear!”  I moan and this time it’s not from lust.

He howls in laughter.  “I couldn’t help it.  Did you really date those guys?”

I look up at him laughing, “Yes!”

He’s still laughing and I can’t help but laugh with him.  The sounds trail off as he’s studying me. “Good, that kept you for me.”

The air is sucked from my lungs as I stare back at him not really knowing what to say or think about that.

“Well, I had to fill my time somehow, you know,” I try to make light of it.

He’s like a mystery I want to figure out.  Looking at him I tilt my head to the side trying to determine what kind of a man he is.  It appears that he’s not a player, he is not the type to pick up a quick piece of ass and I believe he’s definitely not looking for a wife, I can’t quite put my finger on what this man is all about.

“Tell me, Marco, is that how you find all of your playthings?”  I ask smiling at him hoping to get a feel of what he is.

He seems to think about my question as his finger lightly strokes his lip not answering me immediately.

“No.”  That’s it, that’s all he says and I’m left with more questions and absolutely no answers.

My gaze fixes on his hand wrapped loosely around his empty coffee cup.  It’s fine china, which I find a little unusual for a hotel, with a silver pattern around the rim with the Hilton emblem.  The delicateness of the porcelain is accentuated against his big hand but not foreign to his touch.  One of his fingers begins to trace slow circles along the rim with the finesse of a lover caressing naked flesh.  The intimate sight of his stroking finger brings me to that erotic place he had taken me to last night with only his fingers.  A ripple of desire begins to flow through me again and I feel my face begin to flush.  I raise my eyes to his and I know he can see the effect on me with that innocent movement. 

“Maybe I should go now” I say quietly, not wanting things to get awkward.  But maybe what I really want is to leave him with him still wanting me.

His face becomes expressionless.  Did I insult him?

He hesitates, maybe to dissuade me, but says, “I’ll drive you.  Give me a couple of minutes to get dressed.”  He insists and I give in.

“Thank you.  I’ll just sit here and try to forget you heard all of that.”

He stops on his way to bathroom and bends to brush his lips against mine.  “Don’t be embarrassed, Elizabeth, we all have our stories.”

When we reach my place he gets out and opens my door for me.  He takes my hand as we walk to my front door and he pulls me into an embrace, holding me close for a long moment. I don’t know what to say now.  What do you say to someone after a night and morning like that?  ‘Thanks for the mind blowing sex.  Have a nice life.’

Instead he takes the lead and he says smiling while still holding me, “Do something special for yourself today, Elizabeth.  And think of me when you do.”

Fuck.  Why does he have to be so great?

“Don’t work too hard, Marco.  And don’t chew them up and spit them out,” is all I can think of.  I want to kick myself thinking that was stupid.

He throws his head back and laughs.  It’s a great sound.

“I’ll try, baby, for you.”

I have to leave fast before I beg him to take me back to his hotel room or I invite him in.  I kiss him lightly on those luscious lips one more time lingering just a bit longer savoring the taste, feel and smell of him.  Then I turn and walk towards the door not looking back.


I’m still high from the unbelievable past twelve hours.  I can’t get over the fact that I actually allowed myself to just leave with a complete stranger and let him do whatever he wanted with me.  But to be perfectly honest, I was a damn lucky woman.  I have never been made loved to like that.  He explored all of me, guided me to pleasure with mastery, taking control knowing when I was ready to fly then carrying me on the winds as I dove. I can’t help but giggle out loud hugging myself each time a wave of desire hits me, bringing me right back to Marco playing my body like that sweet BMW of his, driving me where he wanted me and pushing those buttons to make each part of me come alive.

I decide to do exactly what Marco suggested and do something special for myself.  Why not?  I deserve it.  I have felt bad about myself for way too long, existing and not really living.  So, first I’m going out for a walk just to enjoy being alive.  I want to fill myself with more.  I want to open my arms wide and breathe deeply and experience as many sensations as I can as if I was blindfolded like last night.  We desensitize ourselves to the small subtle beauties of the world and let the tiny miracles of life go unnoticed.  As they say, you gotta stop and smell the roses.  And I want to do just that because they are smelling exceptionally beautiful today.

The day is lovely, the sky a clear blue with not a cloud in sight.  My mood is slow and languid, just a continuation of the past hours erotic dance.  When I got home I’d put on a robe getting out of my dirty stay out clothes.  I change into black yoga pants, a form fitting white T and a blue hoodie for my walk.  I grab a bottle of water out of the fridge and head out. 

The smell of autumn billows around me on the breeze from the dry leaves in their little whirl pools on the ground going round and round.  I hear the scratching of the squirrels stocking up on nuts getting ready for the colder months ahead.  As I get closer to Market St. the sweet smell of waffles hits me.  Kilwins Ice Cream Shoppe has the best waffle cones ever.  It’s like the witches house made of candy and I’m Gretel and it’s luring me in.  I turn the corner and go in for my cookies and cream fix, I can’t resist the temptation.

The rest of the evening I spend pampering.  It’s been years since I’ve done this and I promise myself I’m going to put me first again.  I deep condition my hair and mask my face before a long hot bath.  Next is a manicure and pedicure, nude on my fingernails and red on my feet.  I finish off my self-indulgent night with the movie P.S. I Love You.  It’s all about allowing yourself to live again and that’s exactly how I feel, I feel like I’ve been brought back to life.  All the while Marco’s ghost is my ever present companion with thoughts of him filling me.  The memories of his smell, his touch, his taste are still so fresh on my mind and body.

Lying in bed with my eyes closed my thoughts drift through everything that has happened to me until this point.  It’s like I’m looking at the highlights of a movie on mute clicking frame by frame.  Woman is drawn to a man.  Click.  Woman worships that man.  Click.  Man appears to adore woman.  Click.  Man opens woman’s passion.   Click. Woman gives up everything for that man.  Click.  Man beats woman completely, emotionally and physically. Click.  Woman is alone and withdrawn.  Click.  Mesmerizing stranger appears.  Click.  Stranger pulls woman in.  Click.  Woman let’s go to desire.  Click.  Woman is alive again...  Next frame please.  Nothing.  What’s the next frame going to be?  I don’t know and I shiver with a tinge of fear from things I’d thought I’d buried
deep and I push them back.  It’s up to me to decide if I’m going to continue to hide because of Santino’s threats or will I allow myself to live my life fully and do whatever I have to in order to do that.

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