Strangclyf Secret (9 page)

Read Strangclyf Secret Online

Authors: Mary McCall

Tags: #love, #knight, #medieval, #castle, #trust, #medieval historial romance

BOOK: Strangclyf Secret
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Ah, then Bernon kissed
her. A light sigh escaped her lips as they curved into a dreamy
smile. The man could definitely make her body act strange. She felt
all fluttery and tingly just thinking about his delectable taste.
And the way his big, strong hands stroked her tender flesh. He even
said she pleased him.

Worry settled on her brow.
Did he mean it? After all, she possessed no experience and he was a
man of the world. He had probably kissed many women.

She would not think of his
kiss anymore. He had said ‘twas his duty to teach her, so ‘twas his
duty to make sure she learned well enough to please him.

What happened next? She
couldn’t seem to get her mind working today. Wait. Geno came and
they went to dine at the king’s table. She could not eat, because
she was so nervous. She was also furious at some tart for casting
lures at Bernon. Her mind went blank.

Why could she not remember? And why did she feel so

Her eyes flew open. Had
they consummated their marriage? She fervently wracked her brain. A
vague recollection of two strong arms pulling her backside against
a warm granite wall came to mind, then something poked her bottom.
Aye, because she wiggled and a giant hand settled on her belly and
a gruff voice ordered her to hold still.

Well rot,” she grumbled.
“Bernon poked me and I missed the magic.”

At least he had slept with
her, so their marriage was consummated. Once she gave Bernon the
secret, he could reclaim Strangclyf. Soon life could get back to
normal—or whatever normal was going to become.

She couldn’t stay in bed
forever. From the light in the sky, the time must be past the
nooning. Why had Bernon let her sleep so late? She needed to find
him, so she could take care of the last part of her duty in the
transfer of the holding.

Barwolf rose on wavering
legs and relieved her urgent need. After donning Bernon’s under
tunic, which lay on the foot of the bed, she staggered over to the
ablution table and splashed cold water on her face. Merciful
heavens, a bath would feel good right now. As she rinsed the foul
taste from her mouth, someone knocked on the door.

Enter,” she called then
grimaced as the little men threw a few more stones.

A young brunette with a
pleasant mien came inside the room, carrying a tray with a goblet
upon it. “Good day, Lady Strangclyf. I am Ellette. Queen Matilda
asked me to bring you this potion for your headache.”

How does Queen Matilda
know I have a headache?” Barwolf asked, surprised.

A smile played about
Ellette’s lips, though she spoke in a kind tone. “Beggin’ your
pardon, milady, but ‘twas probably all the wine you drank last
night at dinner.”

you, Ellette.” She tried to give the woman a gracious smile, but
She must
have disgraced herself by getting drunk if the queen knew how
wretched she felt. Bernon was probably displeased with her too.
“Have you seen my husband?”

Not since he left this
morning. He said we should let you sleep until you woke, because
you had a rough journey here and needed the rest.”

Well, wasn’t that
thoughtful? And now she felt like crying because he made her feel
like she mattered. “Do you know where he went or when I should
expect him?”

Nay, milady. Would you
like the potion?” Ellette asked, holding up the tray.

Barwolf wiped a hand
across her brow. “You say ‘tis for this wretched

Ellette nodded. “The king
swears by it.”

I will drink it then.”
Barwolf drained the contents, grimacing over the bitter taste, and
returned the goblet. “My thanks to the Queen.”

Her Majesty asked me to
covey an invitation for you to dine with her in her solar this
evening if you feel better after your nap.”

I am not taking a nap.
Does the queen think me a weakling?”

Nay, milady, but you are
going to sleep,” Ellette said in a tone that bespoke certainty.
“’Tis an effect of the queen’s cure, but ‘twill be worth

But I cannot sleep.” Panic
flowed over Barwolf. She raked her finger through her hair as her
eyelids grew heavy. “I have an important duty that cannot be

~ * ~

The sun set before she
woke. With the room in complete darkness, Barwolf crept across the
chamber. She would just peek outside, call out to a passing
servant, and ask for a tallow. As she tugged on the heavy door,
Balen and another soldier turned her way.

Are you all right, little
sister?” Balen asked, frowning at her with concern.

She gasped and hid behind
the door, so her new brother wouldn’t see her garbed in only
Bernon’s under tunic. “’Tis dark. Might you hand me a tallow

Would you prefer a torch?”
he asked in a solicitous voice.

I could not reach the wall
bracket if you gave me one,” she muttered, holding the neck of
Bernon’s tunic together at her throat.

I can,” he offered. “Go
slip under the covers. I will place the torch and

All right.” Barwolf ran to
the bed, climbed up, and pulled the covers over her head. “I am

Balen entered and placed a
torch in a bracket by the bed and another in a bracket over the
ablution table. “’Tis done.”

Barwolf heard the door
shut and came out from under the covers. After a hasty toilette,
she donned her black chemise, gold gown, and braided girdle, which
she found thrown across the chair back. The pearl-handled dagger
Bernon let her use to make him The Strangclyf rested on the seat of
the chair in a sheath. She hesitated, looking at the beautiful
hilt, then she secured the weapon to her girdle. Someone might
steal this fine dagger if she left it lying around. Hers was gone
after all. Now she would seek out Bernon and give him the

Leaving the chamber, she
found Balen and the young soldier still outside the door and
smiled. “Good evening, Balen. Please introduce me to your

This is Damon, little
sister,” Balen said. “He serves Bernon.”

I am glad to meet you,
Damon,” she said, giving him a small curtsy.

Damon sucked in his breath
as her eyes connected with his. He bowed. “I am honored that you
are glad, milady.”

Tis lucky for me that I
finished dressing before you left,” she said. “’Tis a confusing
place and I might get lost without directions.”

We would not have left
you, sister,” Balen said in an offended tone.

Damon nodded. “Balen is
right, milady. We are here to guard you.”

You do not have to guard
me,” she said, appalled. “I always take care of myself. I am sure
Bernon has something more important for you to do.”

Balen shook his head.
“’Tis by Bernon’s order that we guard you, so he must think this
duty is important.”

You mean he wastes two
good soldiers protecting me?” she asked stunned.

Both men nodded at

But I am only a

sister.” Balen grinned. “You are
woman, so we are not

What was she supposed to
think of that? The only one who ever offered her protection was
Uncle Aurick, and he could protect her only when away from his
duties as legion commander. Her father never cared about her facing
danger and she hadn’t expected Bernon to care either. Of course if
anything happened to her before she gave him the secret, then he
couldn’t reclaim Strangclyf. Barwolf nodded to herself. That
explained her guards. Bernon was protecting her knowledge until
‘twas his.

I was told earlier that
Queen Matilda expects me to dine with her in the solar. Am I too
late, do you suppose?” she asked, a measure of anxiety threading
her words.

Nay, milady. Your timing
is flawless,” Damon assured her. “We will be happy to escort

Do you know if Bernon is
nearby? I would like to speak with him before I dine if ‘tis

Damon shifted and glanced
away. Balen refused to meet her gaze and cleared his throat. “My
brother should have told you.”

What should he have told
me?” she asked, as old fears came to haunt her.

Balen cast a sheepish
expression at his friend. “Damon, tell her what Bernon should have
told her.”

She didn’t give Damon a
chance to reply. “Do we expect him back or did he decide not to
keep me?” Both men appeared appalled by her question. “’Tis all
right if he does not. I truly did not expect to live with him,
though I did hope to return to Strangclyf one last

Balen exchanged glances
with Damon. “Do not be crushed by Bernon’s rudeness. He has not
left you, sister,” Balen said in a gentle tone. “He will send for
you in a few weeks.”

You do not have to lie for
my sake, Balen. ‘Tis a grave sin, though I appreciate your effort.”
Her shoulders slumped and she rubbed her brow with her

Balen does not lie to you,
milady,” Damon said with a measure of censure in his tone. “Bernon
and the king left this morning to claim Strangclyf. He will send
for you when ‘tis safe.”

He what?” she yelled as
her heart thumped an erratic rhythm in her chest.

Damon eyed her with
concern. “He has gone to—”

I heard you.” She began
wringing her hands and shaking her head. “I cannot believe he would
do this to me.”

What has he done?” Balen
frowned at her agitation.

He has gone off to get
himself killed, so he will not have to remain married to me,” she
replied with absolute certainty.

Bernon always wins,” Damon
boasted for his liege.

I told him I would give
him the secret, but he does not know it yet. He cannot take
Strangclyf without the knowledge. My husband and my king are riding
into a trap.” She sighed and shook her head. “Damon, you will
please inform my queen that I cannot dine with her.”

You are refusing the
queen’s invitation?” Damon asked aghast and sent Balen an uneasy

Did they think she would
neglect her most important duty? She frowned and settled hands on
her hips. “Of course I am. I have to save my husband and my king.
Bernon will have to find another way to end our marriage. I will
not allow his death. Besides, if he dies, then I will be The
Strangclyf again and I do not want the responsibility.”

Bernon will not appreciate
your lack of trust, sister,” Balen chided.

I trust him,” she replied,
nodding once to emphasis her truthfulness.

Balen appeared stymied by
her rapid reply. “Then why do you insist he needs you to save

I do not have time to
explain.” She raised a resolute gaze to them. “Both of you are my
seconds now, so get ready. We will leave for the dock in a quarter
of an hour.”

You cannot leave, milady,”
Damon said. “Your husband left us to guard you.”

Are you saying I am a
prisoner?” she asked, narrowing her eyes and favoring them with her
most ferocious glare.

The men looked at each
other. Then Damon cleared his throat and hardened his tone. “Your
husband wants you to stay here and ‘tis our duty to follow his

But he needs me there.”
Merciful heavens, they were going to thwart her. She glared at them
and crossed her arms in front of her. “You do not believe me, do
you? You think I am an over-reacting female with fodder for

We did not say that,”
Balen insisted in a placating manner. “We just happen to know
Bernon’s capabilities better than you.”

And I know Strangclyf.”
She rolled her eyes and threw up her hands.

Balen clasped his fists
behind his back and braced his stance. “We will not allow you to

And I need your
permission?” she asked, balling her fists and favoring them with
her ferocious look.

You need your husband’s
permission,” Damon replied, casting a
what-can-you-expect-from-a-woman glance at Balen.

She snorted then clenched
her jaw and gritted out, “He is not here.”

Then you cannot gain his
permission,” Balen said in an overly patient tone as if he spoke to
a daft child. “You do not want to face his displeasure, do

I am not going to talk you
into going with me, am I?” she asked as her mind began tossing
around plans for escaping her guards.

Balen smiled. “You are not
inferior, sister. Your mind reasoned that out quite

Barwolf took a deep breath
and forced a serene expression on her face. “I would like to go to
the chapel now, if you will show me the way, please.”

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