Strangclyf Secret (43 page)

Read Strangclyf Secret Online

Authors: Mary McCall

Tags: #love, #knight, #medieval, #castle, #trust, #medieval historial romance

BOOK: Strangclyf Secret
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She saw him rising and
threw the dagger at him. Then she turned and ran toward the
coffers, screaming, “Now!”

Oh Lord, she heard echoing
footsteps running behind her.
Please, God,
help me get away!

~ * ~

Bernon held his torch over
the placard, frustrated that he must spend precious moments
checking his direction. He blinked his eyes against blurring and
clenched his jaw against residual nausea while trying to ignore the
drum beating a pounding tattoo against the inside of his skull. The
tunnel to his right should lead him to the branch before the
coffers...he hoped.

He headed down the
passage. How had he ever gotten along without the woman? She had
sparkled into his staid existence like a dazzling sunbeam, and he
had enjoyed his last few frustrating weeks with her more than any
other time of his life. Honest to God, she had given birth to him
in a way his mother never had. His soul would wither and die if he
lost her now.

Just as he arrived at the
forked passages, Melita’s scream echoed through the maze followed
by the sound of a thousand metallic
blowing through the tunnel,
ending on a massive reverberating

With his heart hammering
in his throat, Bernon opened the wall and pulled the safety lever
then raced down the left passage. About fifty feet into the tunnel
just past the first bend, he halted at the sight of thousands of
jewels and coins twinkling through hundreds of pieces of flesh and
oozing bloody cloth. ‘Twas nothing recognizable in the

This could not be her! He
felt choked and tried to inhale. A suffocating sorrow crashed upon
him, gripping his chest so tightly his heart lurched in a painful
spasm. He slumped against the wall of the tunnel, seeing no sign of
the blades that had caused this mutilation. Almighty God, was his
life over when he had only just begun to live?

The sound of shifting
stone ahead in the passage reached him and broke through his
misery. Dredging up his last remnant of hope, Bernon hurried around
the last curve and headed toward the coffers. He reached the cavern
and found the wall sealed. Pushing at the base of the wall with his
foot, he couldn’t find the spot that opened the access. Rage built
up in him over his ineptitude and he kicked the stone in an effort
to release some measure of his wrath. The wall slowly opened and
Bernon stared for a moment in surprise.

Gathering his wits, he
stepped into the coffers. Melita charged toward him with a shiny
silver-tipped spear pointed at his chest. He took a dive to his
left, avoiding the blade, and his torch went flying. “God’s teeth,
woman! Do you skewer me for being late?”

Melita caught herself with
a gasp and tossed down the spear. She threw herself on top of
Bernon and rained kisses and tears all over his face. “Oh, Bernon,
I have never been so happy to see anyone in all my life. I was
afraid you were Sidney coming back and...” She broke off, feeling
the lump on his skull. “Are you all right? I have been so worried
about you, because you didn’t move and I...I...” She sniffed and
gulped, then shook her head as if unable to go on.

Bernon took her probing
fingers from his tender scalp and kissed her palm. Cupping her face
in his hands, he gazed into her watery eyes. “Oh God, I thought I
had lost you.” He gave her a fierce kiss, releasing some of his
caged emotions, then pulled her into a possessive embrace. “Forgive
me for failing you,

She reached up and
caressed his jaw. “You did not fail me, Bernon. You made me realize
I can be brave even when I am afraid. ‘Twas the only reason I could
think beyond my panic, so ‘twas you who saved me—with some help
from Genius.”

He gazed at her fragile
features, marveling that God had given him such a valuable
treasure—for such a precious loving woman was truly a rarity among
creation. What had Geno said so long ago about his bride being a
pearl beyond price? Honestly, she was a worthy prize and he was
glad she was his.

Where is Genius?” Bernon
asked, pulling himself together. He looked over her shoulder,
hoping she wouldn’t notice the moisture in his eyes.

Genius waved the torch
that Bernon dropped when he fell. “I am back here, keeping the
coffers from burning while you finish the mushy kisses and

Come here, Genius.” Melita
sat up on top of Bernon and put an arm around the boy when he
approached. “He saved me, Bernon. He fixed the tunnel so Sidney
would trip, then he sprang the traps.”

Bernon pulled them both
into his arms. “You know what I am thinking, wife, is you named our
son well. And he may just turn into a fine soldier despite his
foot, for ‘tis strategy that wins battles and he thinks

Genius flushed with
pleasure over the compliment.

Melita gasped and pushed
upward. “We have to hurry. Sidney said Orlege plans to attack
Strangclyf today.”

She stood up and swayed,
expelling a groan. Grabbing the edge of the desk for support, she
rubbed the side of her head.

Mama!” Genius jumped up
and caught her waist, keeping her from falling.

Are you all right?” Bernon
asked as he gained his feet then kept his legs from collapsing by
sheer willpower.

I guess I am not so used
to being knocked upside my head lately, but I am all right.” She
took a few wobbly steps toward the door.

Are you staggering from
dizziness or limping from pain?” Bernon asked, clenching his

Genius suddenly looked
horrified. “Mama, your feet are all bloody!”

I wish you had not said
that, Genius,” she said in a shaky tone. “I was trying to imagine
them as just a mite sore. Now they hurt so much I do not think I
can walk on them.” She shook her head ruefully, causing her to
groan and clutch her ear. “When I get time, I am going to have to
clean all the debris from the maze.”

Over my dead body,” Bernon
said then closed his eyes and placed a hand over the lump on his

Bernon!” Melita cried, hobbling
to his side as he wavered. She wrapped her arms around his waist.
“Most people use ‘over my dead body’ as a mere expression without
immediately falling over. You are whiter than

I will
be fine—just give me a moment.” Bernon took a few deep breaths then
opened his eyes. “Come,
ma petite.
I will carry you.”

Twould be better if we
just lean against each other, Bernon,” she ordered. “And you are
not fighting Orlege today either. Aurick is your legion commander
and he will handle—”

Bernon scowled and cut her
off. “How many times do I have to tell you that I am lord here? I
give the orders. Now let go of my waist, so I can pick you

I do not think you

He lifted her into his
arms before she could finish her latest argument and staggered
toward the open wall. “Genius, come along and light our way.” He
looked at Melita and grumbled, “Keep your eyes closed in the first
tunnel until I say you can open them. I would rather not have you
toss up on me.”

Did you see Sidney then?”
she asked, scrunching her face and shuddering at what her
imagination conjured.

I saw what is left, and
your grandfather was right. There are too many pieces to bury.” He
tightened his grip on her, remembering how he felt when he thought
she was part of the bloody mess. “You are valuable, rare, and
precious, Melita, and I thank Almighty God for you.”

I love you too, Bernon.
‘Tis why I am still not letting you go after Orlege.” Melita
wrapped her arms around him and lay her head on his shoulder. “You
do know if you fall, ‘tis me who gets squished.”

Bernon chuckled. “You are
not encouraging
nice and docile

She pulled back and looked
at him through concerned eyes, cupping his jaw with her palm. “But
I am worried about you. ‘Twas a hard hit on your head and you are
not feeling well. I can tell, and I do not want you to make
yourself worse. You could—“

Melita broke off and
tensed as a heavy vibration rumbled through the maze. “Someone
dropped the portcullis. You think maybe Orlege was stupid enough to
enter the gorge?”

Twould solve your problem
if he has,” Bernon replied, rubbing his jaw against her

What problem?”

Keeping me from going
after him,” Bernon replied. “Genius, how much farther?”

We are almost there,”
Genius called back.

Melita gasped “I forgot to
tell you. ‘Twas Gremian who tried to kill you in Londontown and
Sidney who threw the dagger here. Do you know Sidney killed Lady
Lucretia? She was going to warn you about what they had

I am sorry to hear that,”
Bernon said, sounding truly mournful. “Lucretia may be greedy and
devious, but I think Balen has a weakness for her.”

She dropped her jaw in
surprise and stared at him as if he had grown horns. “But you said
a weakness for a woman made a man less effective as a

That was before my
weakness developed,” he whispered and kissed her nose. “How is your

Pounding,” she said. “How
is your head?”


Here we are,” Genius
called out ahead of them as he entered Jupiter’s Hall.

Did you find Mama and
Papa?” Manuel yelled, running toward the access. Bernon stepped out
with Melita in his arms and fell against the wall as Manuel
launched toward him and caught him around his legs. “I am so glad
you are both here!”

Praise God Almighty!”
Aurick exclaimed, his voice resonant with emotion. “Manuel got us
this far but he didn’t know the way to the coffers.”

Papa, come help us,”
Melita ordered, trying to pull out of Bernon’s embrace. “Geno and
Balen, you need to come too. Bernon is hurt.”

Bernon growled as Aurick
whisked Melita from his arms, and Balen and Geno took hold of his
arms, lending him support. “Damn it, Geno. Quit looking at her

You cannot blame him,
brother. My sister has great legs,” Balen goaded as Melita tucked
the sheet around her legs.

Just remember they are my
legs too,” Bernon grumbled, shrugging off their help.

Well, he must be all
right,” Geno said in a relieved tone. “I wasn’t even looking at her

Did you hear the
portcullis drop?” Melita asked.

Aye,” Aurick replied,
carrying her toward the corridor where they had entered with Manuel
earlier. “’Twas probably Medwyn and Druce catching a weasel named

Papa, take us to the bath
down that corridor,” Melita said, pointing the direction. “’Twill
be quicker.”

Aye,” Bernon agreed. “I
left Topaz and Sapphire in the bath with orders not to leave until
we returned.”

Wait!” Melita demanded. As
the men halted and stared at her, she turned sad eyes on Balen. “I
am sorry, Balen, but Sidney told me that he killed Lady Lucretia.
Bernon said you have a weakness for her, so your next few weeks
will be difficult. Just remember we are all here for you. You
cannot have Betia, because she is already promised to Geno. But
when you start feeling better, I shall pick someone else for

No need to fret just yet,
sister,” Balen replied. “I found Lucretia. She suffered dangerous
wounds, but Lady Brianna assures me that she has a good chance at

Aurick snapped his brows
together and frowned at Melita. “And just who did the promising of
my daughter?”

Bernon broke into a full
rich laugh then placed a hand against his sore skull. “Ah,
ma petite,
you are a
treasure. You do not know how long I have wished to see just that
expression on Geno’s face.” Bernon slung an arm around his friend’s
shoulders and grinned. “This, my friend, is what your holy sire
would call revenge.”

Sapphire ran into the
corridor from the bath and flung herself at Bernon, wrapping her
arms around his legs. “I knew you would save her, Papa! I love

I helped,” Genius boasted.
“And Papa is going to train me to be a warrior too.”

Know what, Papa?” Sapphire
beamed up at him. “Topaz and me found the way out through your
chamber. The king trapped Orlege, and Claud sailed Druce away to
get a priest. We get to have celebrations until they come

Do we now?” Bernon said on
a chuckle, picking up his excited daughter. “And just what are we
going to celebrate?”

Melita gazed at Bernon
through love-filled eyes. “We are celebrating because we have a
bear at Strangclyf, so everything worked out all right.”



Strangclyf, England, June
1, 1067

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