Stranded in Paradise (The Blake Boys Book 13) (12 page)

BOOK: Stranded in Paradise (The Blake Boys Book 13)
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Morgan laughed. “You just became an ally in your niece’s battle to be independent.”





Jared couldn’t help but feel like the fix was in as, for the fifth time in a row, Autumn and Summer won at Pictionary. He knew something was amiss when, instead of pairing up with the mates, they opted to team up. He’d played with Bo before and they were a pretty good duo, but they weren’t a match for two women who looked alike and thought alike. It was her and Summer’s turn at the dry erase board. Her twin guessed the answer to the clue “bridge over troubled waters” after Autumn drew just a squiggly line and a circle. The men yelled foul. Certain they weren’t going to win a single game, the men finally admitted defeat.

Jared loved hanging out with Bo and Summer, but he wasn’t sad when they finally said goodnight and went across the hall. He and Autumn had been making the most of their time together lately, doing everything from going to see Isabelle’s symphony, to a night out at the Bight Star. Even when the ladies busted in on their poker game, he didn’t mind because he missed being away from her for the few hours they’d been apart. The guys teased him about it, but he took his lumps with grace and an appreciation for having these tingly feelings for Autumn. Tonight, Autumn looked especially beautiful in a black lace cocktail dress, her light brown hair cascading over her shoulders.

“I am tired.” Autumn put her arms around his waist and rested her chin his chest.

“Well, cheating will do that to you.” He kissed her nose.

“Don’t get mad at me because you stink at Pictionary. Surprising for a person who draws for a living.”

“Hey, my drawings were fine. Bo was off his game tonight.”

“Excuses. Excuses.” She chuckled. “How good was the food at that hibachi restaurant?”

“It was very good. It was nice of them to let Bo cook.”

“Who knew Bo was so good with a knife? I almost died when he threw it in the air and caught it behind his back.”

“Bo Sr. and John Jacob took them all camping and taught them survival training when they were young. I think they can wrestle bears too.” Jared caressed her cheek. “I never get tired of staring into your eyes.”

“Oh yeah. What do you see?”

He’d been feeling it for weeks now but was afraid she’d run for the hills if he uttered the words. He loved her. “Forever.”

“I have a surprise for you.” She took his hand in hers and led him to the bedroom.

There were lit candles scattered about the room, soft music playing, and rose petals all over the bed and the floor. A bottle of champagne and two fluted glasses were on the dresser beside a bowl of strawberries and whipped cream.

Jared stood perfectly still as Autumn stroked his body while she undid the buttons on his shirt with her teeth. There was something about the way she touched him that conveyed the words she’d been reluctant to say to him. The wall she’d built up around her heart was slowly coming down. He could feel it. Lately she’d gaze into his eyes a little longer before breaking contact or would give him a hug for no reason. He wanted her to feel comfortable in her pursuit of getting over the fears that kept her jumping from relationship to relationship. He knew the baseball player had called her a few times, but she’d told him to get lost. It brought joy to his heart to hear her say she was in the kind of relationship she’d always been looking for, but that didn’t stop the jock from sending her some expensive emerald necklace that she promptly sent back.

He knew she just needed time. She was dealing with so much right now. Not only was she dealing with losing a sister, but she was trying to be intimate on a level she’d never experienced before. He finally figured out why she singlehandedly wanted to plan her sister’s wedding. It was her way of processing that she would soon need to let her sister go so Summer could get on with her life with Bo. She was afraid of losing the person she shared her world with. The Pictionary game tonight was a great example of how much they thought alike. It was that twin thing. They barely had to speak to one another. He’d seen the same behavior in Connor and Colby and it was amazing to watch.

When Autumn dropped to her knees and unzipped him, his breath hitched. She wasted no time taking him in her mouth. He groaned at the movements she made with her tongue. He ran his fingers through her hair as she gripped his thighs and sucked until he could barely take it anymore. He yanked her up and unzipped her dress, his hands slowly moving over her body. He unhooked her bra and took one of her breasts in his mouth while gently running his thumb over her nipple. When he moved closer to the bed, she tried to step out of her strappy black heels but he stopped her.

“Leave them on,” he said in a ragged whisper.

He opened her nightstand drawer and retrieved a condom. Autumn took the packet from him and sheathed him, taking her sweet time rolling it down his shaft. He pushed her gently onto the bed and tugged on her panties. When the fancy satin was down around her foot, he lifted her legs and kissed her ankles. She giggled and reached out and stroked him, trying to get him to hurry along. He put her ankles on his shoulders and lunged into her. He moved closer to her and kissed her. They picked up a manic rhythm immediately as they clung to each other. Sweat began to pour from his body onto her as he worked every muscle he had, giving his all to this woman who had captured his heart. Autumn opened her eyes and stared back at him. He quickened the pace, and when they climaxed together, he fell on top of her. He didn’t have to ask this time for her to look at him. She was getting closer to love too.


* * *



Autumn was really looking forward to the end of the workday. Jared was picking her up and taking her for a romantic dinner. She’d barely escaped his sensual clutches this morning, but she’d had a staff meeting that she couldn’t miss. It was nice waking up in his arms. He covered most of the bed with his body, but she didn’t mind because he loved to snuggle. She loved the way he ran his hands through her hair and teased her about the silly way she brushed her teeth. Everything was going well…until Summer blabbed to their mom that she’d met someone. Their parents, Stephen and Judith, were excited to hear that Autumn was dating and demanded to meet him. She wasn’t sure it was a good idea—Bo barely made it through their parental inquisition. She informed her parents that when she was ready, she’d make the introductions.

She and Jared had been so enthralled with passionate goodbyes this morning that he’d left his phone. She’d put it in her purse and brought it with her. She knew the phone was his lifeline to work and she didn’t want him missing an important call. She phoned Morgan and asked her to tell him that his electronic appendage was safely with her.

Planning the wedding had become much easier since Jenna from Marry Me Now was involved. Teri-Lyn was right, that lady had the magic touch. She even kept Autumn’s mom in the loop so she wouldn’t feel left out, and Bonnie stopped giving Autumn deadly looks when she saw her. She knew Bonnie wasn’t so bad. She was just a free spirit who ironically had the most straight-laced kids on the planet. Well, two of them were. For all the straight and narrow ways of Bo and Corbett, Wyatt was the bad boy who broke hearts and loved adventure. Bonnie did make an effort to get to know Summer, and Autumn was grateful her sister wasn’t getting a monster for a mother-in-law.

Autumn readied for the staff meeting, gathering her notes and the status report for the latest game they were developing. It looked like they were going to meet their target rollout date for Corporate Hijack II, the follow-up to the game Summer designed. It was based off the inspiration Bo had given her when they’d met. But after a test of the game over the weekend, Summer wasn’t satisfied. She was sure the graphics could have more flare and pop, and to make it interesting, the person who tweaked it to her liking would be getting a new car in addition to their bonus. The first Corporate Hijack had been one of their best sellers last year.

She picked up her leather binder and headed for the door when Jared’s phone rang. She looked at the display. The picture of a beautiful woman popped up and the name under it said Taylor. What did she want now? A kidney? They hadn’t talked about how he’d let Taylor down about the baby idea and she hadn’t asked. Against her better judgment, she answered it.

“Hello. Jared Reed’s phone.” Autumn sat down in her chair and nervously grabbed a pen like she was going to take a message.

“Hello. Is Jared available?”

“He’s not around right now, but I can tell him you called.”

“Who is this? His cousin Charisma? This is Taylor, Jared’s ex-wife. He said you were working for him now.”

“No, this is Autumn.”

She paused. “I didn’t know he hired another assistant.”

“I’m not an assistant.” Autumn closed her eyes. “I’m a good friend.”

“He’s never mentioned you. Why do you have his phone?”

“He left it at my place last night.”

“I see. Listen, Spring, I wouldn’t get too comfortable with his things. Jared had a hard time with the divorce, and I hear from friends he’s dating everything that crosses his path.”

“The name’s Autumn.” She gripped the cell phone tighter. “I’m curious, did you ever find another sperm donor? Or are you still sniffing around for a living memento of your failed marriage?”

“He hasn’t turned me down yet. We fell out of touch because I had a work emergency. Before we broke up, we were pretty damn good together. Jared always gives me what I want and he’ll agree to have the baby because he still loves me and no silly little thing like a divorce decree will stop his devotion to me. You remember that when he’s gazing into your eyes. I can assure you he’s still thinking about me.”

“You overestimate your hold on him. You should be ashamed that instead of dealing with your regrets about getting divorced like a normal person, you’re resorting to emotional blackmail of a really nice guy.” Autumn disconnected the call.

Her heart felt like it was going to pound out of her chest. The nerve of that snotty twit thinking she had Jared under her thumb. She stood to leave, then sat back down. Why hadn’t he told Taylor that they were dating and that he wasn’t going along with her cockamamie scheme? Because he wasn’t as serious about having a relationship as she’d thought. A dull pain shot through Autumn’s heart, and her stomach felt like it was tied in knots. He hadn’t told her. Here she was thinking of throwing caution to the wind, and he’d been plotting behind her back.

The room was eerily silent as she tried to process her conversation with Taylor. A pop up on her computer screen caught her eye. It was a reminder about the meeting. Autumn glanced at her watch. Damn she was late. She grabbed her binder and sprinted down the hall. She signaled to Summer through the glass doors, then slipped in next to her at the conference table. She tried to deflect the invasive eyes of Summer, who was in the throes of telling the programmers her expectations for the next testing phase of the game. Instead of passing off the meeting to her, Summer launched into her part of the agenda as well and wrapped things up fairly quickly. When it was finally over and all had cleared out of the conference room except the two of them, Summer closed the glass door.

“Spill it.” Summer sat next to her. “What’s wrong?”

“Jared forgot his phone this morning so I brought it to work with me. His ex-wife called and I answered the phone. She’s a real piece of work. Let’s just say we skipped the pleasantries and got down to business. He never told her he didn’t want to have a baby with her.”


“I know. I know.”

“OK. Let’s think about this. You should hear his side of the story. Taylor could have been saying anything to get you all worked up and by the looks of you it worked.”

She shook her head. “She said she’d never heard of me.”

“Sis, I wouldn’t put much stock in it. She’s trying to mess with your head and keep her imaginary dominant place in his life. We both know asking your ex-husband for sperm for a baby is more than a little wacky.”

“He told me on the island that just because two people break up, doesn’t mean they stop caring about each other. I think he meant it and he still cares for her. Maybe he still loves her.” Autumn sighed.

“That’s ridiculous because I’m pretty sure he’s fallen for you,” Summer replied.

“Don’t say that. It’s more wishful thinking on your part.”

“I’m not blind. I can see how that man looks at you. He’s not thinking about some other woman when he’s with you.” Summer took her hand. “And I think you’re falling for him too.”

The queasiness in Autumn’s stomach ramped up. Despite what she might be feeling, Jared still hadn’t set his ex-wife straight and that spoke volumes. “It’s way too early in our relationship to be thinking about those things.”

“It’s always a good time to let someone know how you feel. You’re having dinner with Jared tonight. Talk to him about it.”

“What if I don’t like what he has to say?” Autumn blinked back the tears that threatened to spill from her eyes.


* * *



Jared was in a great mood as he readied for his date with Autumn. Tonight he planned to ask her to visit Philadelphia with him. He had to go back there to talk with a few clients, but he also wanted to show her his home. Morgan and Seth’s guesthouse was great, but he wanted to show her his loft, which had been featured in a few architectural magazines. Sure he wanted to impress her, but he really wanted to show her the other part of his life. He knew asking her to go home with him would mean something huge to her, so he thought of a way he could bring it up that wouldn’t sound like he was trying to herd her into the next phase of their relationship.

A bouquet of flowers in hand, he entered the NuWave Gaming headquarters. He’d given it a lot of thought, and tonight he was also going to test the waters with the “L word” too. It came to him this morning that he didn’t want to delay telling her that he loved her.

“Hey.” Jared entered her office and gave her a hug and a kiss. “You look gorgeous. I was thinking we could catch that gallery opening and then get a bite to eat. I got us reservations at this romantic restaurant Seth recommended.”

BOOK: Stranded in Paradise (The Blake Boys Book 13)
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