Stranded (19 page)

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Authors: Andrew Grey

BOOK: Stranded
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Kendall shook his head slightly. “You haven’t been able to write?” The thought made a small part of him happy.

“Not one of my stories,” Johnny said. “The entire time you were gone, I was working on something else, something different from anything I’ve ever written. It was almost done when I got the call about you and I rushed out here. See, the story I’ve been working on is for you. It’s our story. I wrote it for you.”

“You did?”

“Yeah. After I kissed Jeremy, I realized what was really important. When I finished the last book, nothing came. The ideas dried up, and then I started thinking and dreaming about us, about how we met and our first date.”

“The carriage ride through the park,” Kendall supplied, and Johnny nodded.

“Yeah, and then moving in together and getting our first apartment together. The story wasn’t high adventure, but it was definitely one of love. After I started writing it, other ideas came, and I’ve had Jeremy researching for those, but nothing happened between us other than the kiss, which opened my eyes to what I had. Can you forgive me?”

“Honey,” Kendall said, burying his face in Johnny’s neck, inhaling the richest, warmest, most masculine scent on earth, “there’s nothing to forgive.” Then Kendall kissed Johnny hard.

“Should we go back to the hotel?” Johnny asked.

Kendall shook his head. “Are we safe here?” he asked.

“Yeah. Lyman has people here guarding the equipment, and right now there are two men, huge guys, outside the trailer making sure no one comes near you who shouldn’t. Why?”

“Then let’s find something to eat here and then go to bed,” Kendall said.

“I don’t want you to get too tired,” Johnny cautioned, and Kendall kissed him, communicating everything he was feeling without saying a single word. When he broke the kiss, Johnny stared back at him and then took off for the door. The trailer rocked a bit as he left, and then the door slammed closed. Kendall had no idea what was going on, but about five minutes later, Johnny returned with a plate of sandwiches and more bottles of water. Johnny set the plate on the table and closed the door. “Are you hungry?”

Kendall sat at the table, and Johnny slid in next to him. He took a sandwich and began eating slowly. Johnny did the same. They shared looks and smiles while they ate. “I think I’m going to need my energy,” Kendall said as he finished the first half of his sandwich and started on the second.

“Somehow I think we both are,” Johnny said, and he moved a bit closer, wrapping an arm around his waist. “But you have to promise me no screaming, and if you get too tired, you have to promise to tell me. I nearly lost you once. I’m not going to go through that again.” The care in Johnny’s voice reassured Kendall more than anything Johnny had actually told him. As an actor, he knew sincerity and care when he heard it, especially from his Johnny. “Let me take care of this,” Johnny said, motioning toward the debris on the table. “I want you to get undressed and climb into bed. I’ll be there in just a few minutes.” Johnny kissed him gently and then slid out of the bench seat. He began cleaning up, and Kendall slid out as well, moving past him to the bed in back.

Now that he’d eaten, the ordeal of the last few days really began to catch up with him. Kendall undressed and climbed beneath the covers, closing his eyes almost immediately. He felt Johnny join him a few minutes later.

“Sweetheart, you need to drink a bit more before you sleep,” Johnny told him, and Kendall sat up without opening his eyes. He drank some water and then lay back down. Johnny chuckled softly, and Kendall didn’t have the energy to ask what he found funny. The last thing he remembered was Johnny settling next to him, holding him tight as he fell asleep.

Almost instantly Kendall was back inside the car. He knew he shouldn’t be there, but he was. This time the heat inside the car was even more intense. Kendall pulled on the handcuffs, trying to free himself so he could get out. In his dream, he managed to lower the window in an effort to let some of the heat escape, but more just poured in. He had nowhere to go and he prepared to die. But then night fell and the heat vanished. He breathed a sigh of relief, and then the sun rose again and the heat was back. Over and over, this cycle repeated until Kendall couldn’t stand it any longer. “Help me” was all he could seem to mutter.

“Shhh,” he heard someone say, and Kendall opened his eyes. “You’re okay. You’re here with me and not in the car.”

“Johnny?” Kendall asked and blinked a few times.

“It’s me, I’m here,” Johnny told him gently and soothed him back down on the bed. “You’re fine, and no one is ever going to be able to do something like that to you again.” Johnny held Kendall close. “You’re in bed with me and there’s no car.”

“I know,” Kendall said with a relieved sigh. His heart was still pounding as Johnny slid his hand under Kendall’s T-shirt and rubbed small circles on his belly.

“Lie back down and close your eyes,” Johnny whispered. “You’re just fine. I have you, and there’s nothing to worry about.” Kendall did as Johnny said, hoping he wouldn’t end up back in that car every time he closed his eyes. “It’ll fade. You know it will. The memories, the experience, it will fade.”

“What if it doesn’t?” Kendall asked without opening his eyes.

“You’re strong, and what happened to you was hurtful and cruel, but it will fade with time,” Johnny said calmly. Kendall wasn’t so sure. “You need to trust me,” Johnny told him, and then Kendall felt Johnny’s weight shift as he climbed on top of him. Johnny kissed him gently, softly, but with heat, passion, and love that went straight to Kendall’s soul, rekindling the care and rebuilding the deep connection they’d always had. It was that connection he’d always counted on, and the one he’d feared might be gone forever, but with a kiss and a reassuring touch, Johnny brought it roaring back.

Kendall moaned and almost desperately clutched Johnny to him. They broke their kiss only long enough for Johnny to tug off Kendall’s T-shirt and to get off what he was wearing. Kendall sighed softly when Johnny’s skin pressed to his. He needed that intimacy so badly. “Johnny,” Kendall moaned, very near tears. He’d missed him so much. Kendall placed his hands on Johnny’s cheeks, stilling him. “What happened to us? I’ve missed you so much, and not just since I’ve been here. I think I’ve missed you for months, maybe years. I was always so busy, and then you got busy too, and we never seemed to be together much, and….”

“Hey, I said all that stops and I meant it. We’re going to change our schedules, and that means if you’re shooting a movie, then I’ll be out here, staying with you. I’ll work when you’re working, and when you’re not, we’ll spend our time together. If you’re working in New York, then I’ll be there too. I thought I couldn’t write if I wasn’t in our home in New York, but I was wrong. I can’t write if I’m not home with
. That’s where I was wrong—it wasn’t the place that gave me inspiration—it was you.” Johnny kissed him hard, nibbling a bit on his lower lip. Johnny slid his hands down Kendall’s side and continued lower over his hips, pushing his underwear down.

“I…,” Kendall whined, and he almost immediately forgot what he wanted to say.

“I know. It’s been far too long,” Johnny said, and Kendall gasped when Johnny grabbed him, wrapping his cock in the warmth of his hand and talented fingers. “It should never be so long again.” Johnny stroked slowly, and Kendall clamped his eyes shut, reveling in a sensation he’d almost considered lost to him.

Johnny took off the last of his clothes, and then they were skin to skin, warmth to warmth. Kendall moaned and writhed under Johnny’s expert ministrations. He tried to reciprocate, but Johnny held him still, kissing and touching him all over. “I need to be sure you’re in one piece.”

“Does that mean licking me everywhere?” Kendall asked playfully.

“Yup,” Johnny reassured him. “I need to be sure you aren’t hurt in any way, and that means verifying that you still taste right.” Johnny licked and kissed his way down Kendall’s neck. “Yes, you still taste sweet and rich there. But how about here?”

Johnny licked one of Kendall’s nipples, and he groaned softly. “Yup, still the same, still mine.” Johnny stroked lightly down Kendall’s chest, kissing a trail behind his hand. “Everything’s okay so far.” Johnny was obviously loving this, and so was Kendall. Johnny mumbled something as he swirled his tongue in Kendall’s belly button, and when Johnny kept going, Kendall stilled, silently pleading for Johnny not to stop. His mind filled with supplications and entreaties. “I know what you want,” Johnny said.

Kendall whined softly, waiting, tingling where Johnny touched him, his cock jumping in anticipation. Finally, Johnny tilted his head and licked slowly up his length. “Oh God,” Kendall moaned softly as his legs throbbed against the bedding. He lolled his head back as his entire body zinged with passionate energy.

“Yes, you’re still the same as I remembered,” Johnny told him, and Kendall was about to make a smart quip when Johnny sucked him into his mouth and he forgot about everything except the way Johnny felt around him.

“Jesus,” Kendall swore softly, and Johnny hummed as he sucked and licked him. It had been so long and Kendall was already so keyed up, he nearly lost it completely. “Johnny,” Kendall moaned, closing his eyes and going with the feeling. “I missed you so much.”

Johnny stopped, then his lips slipped away, and Kendall’s cock bounced against his belly. “I missed you too,” Johnny told him, and then he was there, kissing and pressing Kendall against the mattress. “The day I met you, I knew you were someone special and someone I wanted in my life forever. I wanted to show you how special I thought you were, and I’m sorry I lost sight of that.”

“We lost sight of that,” Kendall corrected and then guided Johnny back into a kiss. Kendall wrapped his legs around Johnny’s waist, communicating exactly what he wanted, what he needed.

“I don’t have… stuff,” Johnny said. “And I will not hurt you.” Johnny kissed him again and then shifted on the bed, surrounding Kendall once again in his wet heat. Johnny bobbed his head, and Kendall thrust upward, needing his lover so badly he could hardly think straight. Within moments, pressure built inside. Kendall gasped a warning, but Johnny continued, pulling him over the edge until he soared into space, gliding and floating, before settling in Johnny’s arms.

Kendall opened his eyes, and Johnny grinned at him. He barely noticed Johnny shifting on the mattress. “Johnny, I…,” Kendall began as he attempted to move, but Johnny held him still.

“Relax. Everything is fine. Just go to sleep, and I’ll be here when you wake up,” Johnny soothed.

“But…,” Kendall protested, not understanding.

“I’m fine. Just close your eyes and think happy, relaxing thoughts,” Johnny said as he stroked his forehead. Kendall’s eyelids became heavy, and his worries and cares slipped away as sleep, a deep contented sleep, came over him. Johnny was here and he would protect him. That was all that mattered for now.

Chapter 9



woke to a tapping that was definitely out of place with his dream. He opened his eyes and looked around, expecting to be back in that damned car, but he was in the trailer with Johnny asleep next to him. Kendall carefully got up and pulled on a pair of pants. He yawned as he shuffled to the door. Juan’s smiling face greeted him.

“They’re ready for you in wardrobe,” Juan said.

“Shit,” Kendall swore softly. “I’ll be right there.” He held the door open, and Juan climbed inside. “Please make some coffee,” Kendall mumbled as he shuffled to the back and carefully closed the clothespin-repaired curtain. He pulled on a shirt and shoved his feet into a pair of tennis shoes. He heard Juan moving around and then smelled coffee.

“What’s going on?” Johnny mumbled.

“It’s all right. Go back to sleep. I need to get to wardrobe,” Kendall whispered and kissed Johnny on the cheek. Then he cleaned up quickly and used the facilities before joining Juan, who had the coffee made and in a travel mug. Juan practically shooed him out of the trailer. Once he was outside, Kendall realized it wasn’t yet light. “What time is it?”

“Just after five,” Juan said, escorting Kendall to the wardrobe trailer at one end of the encampment.

“Are you sure you’re up for this?” Lyman asked as he strode up beside him. “No one will blame you if you want to wait.”

Kendall paused outside the trailer. “Everything inside me says that if we don’t do this now, it’ll take a bulldozer to get me inside a car again.”

“Okay,” Lyman agreed. “You look like hell, by the way.” Lyman studied him in the light that shone out of the trailer. “It’s absolutely perfect for the scenes.”

“Thank you, I think,” Kendall said, and Lyman chuckled softly.

“We’re all glad you’re back and doing okay,” Lyman said and then poked his head inside the trailer. “Make sure he drinks lots of water,” he told the wardrobe mistress and then looked at Juan before striding off. Kendall climbed inside, and Juan took his mug.

“Hey,” Kendall said.

“You heard the boss. I’ll bring you some water, but no coffee. It makes you pee.” Juan hurried away, and damned if Kendall didn’t see him sipping his coffee.

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