Stranded (13 page)

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Authors: Andrew Grey

BOOK: Stranded
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By the time they were done eating, Kendall was exhausted. Juan gathered up the trash and threw it away. The apartment got quiet, and Kendall heard footsteps approaching his door. He signaled for Juan to listen too. His nerves ramped up instantly, and he waited until the footsteps passed his door before peering out to check that nothing had been left.

“You really are jumpy,” Juan said softly once Kendall closed the door.

“Yeah. Whoever is doing this has been here before.” Kendall locked the door once again and threw the chain for good measure.

“Do you want me to stay?” Juan asked. “I mean, on the couch.”

Kendall wanted to say yes. He wasn’t interested in spending the night lying awake, jumping at every noise. “You don’t need to do that,” he said.

“It’s okay. You have a busy schedule and you need to rest. I’ll sleep on the sofa, and then maybe you’ll be able to sleep.”

“Okay. Thank you,” Kendall said. He was already tired, so he got an extra blanket and pillow for Juan and placed them on the sofa. Kendall then went to his bedroom and got ready for bed. He cleaned up and popped his head into the living room. “I set out some towels and stuff for you in the bathroom.”

“Thanks,” Juan said. “And don’t worry. I’ll be out here if anything happens. Try to get some rest.”

Kendall nodded, went back to his room, and turned out the light after making triple sure the curtains were closed. Then he climbed into bed. Kendall stared at the ceiling for a long time.



Johnny had been dating for months, seeing each other almost every Sunday and Tuesday. When an actor in one of the secondary roles had quit the show, Kendall auditioned for the role and got it. That had been three months ago. His schedule hadn’t changed, but it had meant a raise in pay, and he’d been saving for something special.

It was late June and the weather had been perfect. Kendall had just finished up his show on Monday and didn’t have to be back to the theater until after noon on Wednesday. “Are you going out?” Kelly, one of his costars, asked as Kendall hurried back to his dressing area.

“Not tonight, thanks. Johnny and I are going away, and he’s going to meet me at my place in”

he checked his watch

“fifteen minutes.”

“Have fun,” Kelly said, and Kendall rushed to change out of his costume and get his makeup off. He did all of it in record time, grabbed his things, and headed toward the theater exit. Once on the sidewalk, he raced to the corner and hailed a taxi. Luck was with him and he caught one right away. He gave the driver the address, and the taxi pulled up to his building just as Johnny was coming down the sidewalk. Kendall paid the driver and hurried to where Johnny waited.

“What’s all this about?” Johnny asked.

“I have something for you,” Kendall said as he unlocked the door. They climbed the stairs to Kendall’s apartment, and he let them inside. Once they were inside, Kendall closed the door and tugged Johnny into a deep kiss.

“Is that my present?” Johnny asked once they broke apart.

Kendall giggled. “No. That’s just the appetizer.” He set down his stuff and took Johnny’s hand, leading him to the sofa. He’d been tempted to lead him directly to the bed, but if he did, they wouldn’t do much talking and he had things he needed to say. “I know my schedule is really crazy and makes things hard on both of us. So I really wanted to do something special. I know your classes don’t start again for a week or so.” Johnny nodded. “I figured we could go someplace together.”

“That isn’t necessary,” Johnny said.

“I know that now. So instead of going away, I thought we’d stay here.” Kendall jumped up, hurried to the kitchen area, and pulled open the refrigerator. “I got all your favorites, including mint chocolate chip ice cream. Tomorrow night I made reservations at a nice Belgian restaurant in the village.” Kendall closed the refrigerator door. “I have some movies, and I ordered dessert from the bakery you like.” Johnny was grinning at him. “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing. I’m thrilled you went all out, but what’s the special occasion?” Kendall joined Johnny back on the sofa.

“There isn’t an occasion yet,” Kendall said and sat back on the sofa. “I have something I want to tell you, and I want it to be special.” Kendall took a deep breath and released it slowly. “What I really wanted was to take you to a fancy hotel, maybe in Bucks County or in the Adirondacks, but….”

Johnny silenced him with a light stroke on his cheek, and Kendall leaned into the caress. “You don’t have to take me anywhere. Being here with you is what’s important. We both have weird schedules. So spending time together is more important than spending money on fancy hotels. Here we have everything we need with the whole city just outside.”

Kendall nodded and tried to speak but couldn’t at first. “See, I’ve been with other guys, you know that. Before I met you, I dated and… well, hooked up. But other than sex, it didn’t really mean anything, and when I met you I so wanted it to be different.”

“You mean it wasn’t?” Johnny asked, his expression becoming pained.

“No,” Kendall said. “Wait, this isn’t working the way I wanted. I mean, it
different with you. I began to realize that the first night we met, when you walked me home from the theater.” Kendall chuckled. “Do you remember walking me home that night? I remember it well. It was snowing and cold, but I was warm on the inside the entire way.” Kendall moved closer to Johnny and took his hand. “I’d sort of run through what I wanted to say in my head, but it isn’t going like I wanted, so I’m going to say what I wanted to say.” Kendall took another deep breath, then said, “I love you.”

Johnny stared back at him, blinking a few times, but he didn’t say anything at first, and Kendall figured he’d really made a fool of himself. This was the first time he’d ever taken the plunge and told anyone other than his folks that he loved them. Kendall glanced away as Johnny stared at him with his mouth open. He was about to try to backpedal when Johnny grabbed him and pulled him close, hugging Kendall like his life depended upon it.

“God, I love you too,” Johnny whispered, and Kendall tried to lift his head away from Johnny’s chest so he could kiss him, but Johnny held him too tight. Eventually Johnny loosened his grip, and they shared a kiss that seemed to stop their hearts. “I’m sorry,” Johnny whispered between kisses, over and over again.

“Why?” Kendall asked, cupping Johnny’s cheeks in his hands. “What do you have to be sorry for?”

“I should have told you. I…,”Johnny said. He had tears running down his cheeks. “After what happened with my folks, I was afraid to say anything because….” Johnny gasped. “They should have loved me no matter what and they didn’t. If my own parents can’t love me, then I wondered how anyone else could.” He swallowed and wiped his cheeks with the back of his hand.

“Hey.” Kendall lightly kissed Johnny. “I’ve known what I felt in my heart for a while, but it took me time to be ready to say the words. You’re the most lovable person I know, and if your parents don’t understand that, then it’s their loss and my gain, because I have you and they don’t.” Kendall kissed him again, this time harder and more demanding. “I get to know the wonderful person you are.” Johnny had been hurting since Christmas. Kendall knew that, but because Johnny never wanted to talk about it, Kendall hadn’t known just how much. Johnny had done his best to hide it.

“But…,”Johnny began, and Kendall silenced him with a kiss and then another, followed by more.

It took them hours before they ever made it to the bed. Kendall refused to let Johnny move away from him for a second. Somehow they managed to divest each other of their clothes. The sofa wasn’t very wide, and soon the back cushions ended up on the floor, added to the pile of strewn clothes.

Johnny pressed him into the cushions, lips to lips, belly to belly, and thigh to thigh. Kendall could barely contain his excitement as they kissed. He stroked up and down Johnny’s broad back with long fluid movements, extending his hands to caress as much of Johnny’s skin as possible.

“I want you, Johnny,” Kendall whispered as he reached for the drawer in the coffee table. He hadn’t planned on making love on the sofa, but he’d stashed the condoms there because he had been in a hurry. Kendall got the drawer open and found the package. He dropped it on the floor, and Johnny paused at the sound. He peered at the package and arched his eyebrows slightly before kissing him again. Kendall wrapped his legs around Johnny’s waist, offering himself, letting Johnny know what he wanted. “Please, Johnny, I….” Kendall’s words turned to a soft moan when Johnny ghosted his fingers over his opening. Kendall shuddered.

Johnny brought a finger to Kendall’s lips and he sucked it in, wetting it. Then Johnny slowly pulled it from between Kendall’s lips. He gasped and groaned when Johnny lightly tapped his opening before teasing him there. When Johnny slid the spit-soaked finger into him, Kendall sighed and slowly gasped for breath. “I love you, Kendall. You’re everything to me.” Johnny stroked him slowly, rubbing his finger over the spot inside him, and Kendall nearly came unglued. Johnny knew exactly how to touch him; he had almost from the first. Kendall clamped his eyes closed, clutching Johnny’s back to steady himself so he didn’t completely fly apart.

“I love you so much,” Kendall repeated over and over until Johnny’s finger slid away and he stilled.

“I got a test a few weeks ago and

” Johnny said, and Kendall kissed him, cutting off the words.

“So did I,” Kendall said, and they both smiled. “I want to feel you and only you.”

“Me too,” Johnny said and kissed him once again. “Is there stuff in the drawer?”

“Yeah. I meant to put it away but forgot,” Kendall explained, and Johnny pulled open the drawer and found the small bottle. He snicked it open, and Kendall watched with rapt fascination as Johnny slicked himself. Johnny began kissing him again while he pressed to Kendall’s opening, slowly increasing the pressure until Kendall’s muscles gave and Johnny entered his body with nothing between them for the first time. “I’ve never done this before,” Kendall admitted.

“Not used a condom or made love?” Johnny asked, stilling.

“Both, I guess,” Kendall said.

Johnny smiled beatifically, the smile reserved for him, and then kissed him hard as he pressed deep into his body. Johnny made love to him long and slow, each movement tender, each caress meaningful, and each kiss magical. Within minutes Kendall floated on Johnny’s love, unable to think, just feel. His entire body tingled. Kendall was on fire

a little more sensation would send him over the edge, but Johnny held him off, building the intensity one layer at a time. His movements became erratic and Kendall reached for his cock, but Johnny shook his head and sped up. Kendall moaned softly at first and then louder, with more intensity. Johnny seemed to come apart, shaking, mouth open, eyes wide as he came inside Kendall.

Kendall gasped as he realized the significance of what they’d just done and the trust both of them had shown. Johnny stilled and then slowly, pulled out of Kendall with a small sigh as their bodies separated. Johnny smiled and crashed their mouths together before kissing and nipping down Kendall’s neck, chest, and stomach before sucking Kendall’s cock deep into his warm mouth. Kendall was too far gone to control himself. He bucked and thrust hard and fast. Within seconds his release careened into him and Kendall came in a fountain of joy, passion, and love.

It took a few seconds for the room to stop spinning, and by that time, Johnny had him in his arms. Kendall whispered, “I love you,” into Johnny’s ear and held on as well, basking in the glow of truly being head over heels in love and being loved back.



woke and slowly opened his eyes. He quickly realized that he was wet and he knew exactly why. He hadn’t had a wet dream since he was a teenager, but he’d had one now, remembering making love for the first time. Kendall got out of bed and quietly walked to the bathroom, where he wiped himself up and got a drink of water.

The bedroom seemed huge and isolated when he returned, the bed cold and uninviting. Instead of getting back in bed, Kendall opened the bedroom door and heard Juan snoring softly. Then Juan rolled over, making the couch springs squeak slightly. Juan began snoring again almost instantly. Kendall stepped closer and stood watching Juan sleep. He was tempted to wake him and bring him to his bed. At least the bed wouldn’t be so big, and he’d have someone to hold him. In some ways, Juan reminded Kendall of Johnny, or at least the way Johnny had been a long time ago, with the same energy and caring heart. Kendall took a step closer, then stopped. He couldn’t do this. Even if Johnny was having an affair, they had to talk things over. He wouldn’t cheat on Johnny, even if Johnny might be cheating on him.

Kendall thought about going back to bed, but walked to the front door. He peeped out and then cracked the door open without undoing the chain. Sure enough, on his doorstep lay two pink roses tied with a bit of what Kendall realized had been the shirt from his dressing room.

“Is everything okay?” Juan asked from the sofa.

“They’ve been here,” Kendall said and closed the door. He unlatched the chain as Juan came closer. Then he opened the door. The roses were there tied with the bit of fabric and they rested on a red cutout of a heart.

“There’s something written on it,” Juan said, and Kendall gently lifted the flowers off the paper. “You’re mine,” Juan read aloud, and Kendall began to shake. “Go on back to bed. I’ll take care of the flowers.”

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