Straight (38 page)

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Authors: Hanne Blank

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Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD), 145

Ibn Sina (Avicenna), 126, 127

Ideal Marriage
(van de Velde), 30

identity and sexuality, 6, 11–12, 103–4, 129–30, 133

impotence, psychic, 47–48

individual autonomy, xv, 83–84, 146, 149

infant mortality rates, 87, 88

infertility, xi

insemination, 155–56, 158

“The Institution of Sexual Intercourse” (Atkinson), 142

intersex sex chromosomes, xx, 161–62

Intimate Matters
(D'Emilio and Freedman), 141

The Invention of Heterosexuality
(Katz), 20

Islam, on divorce, 78

Ittmann, Karl, 90

IVF (in vitro fertilization), 155–56, 158

Jackson, Stevi, 149

Jacobi, Abraham, 47

James, William, 15

Jane Eyre,

Jefferson, Thomas, 74

Johnson, Samuel, 98

Johnson, Virginia, 140–41, 142

Journal of Sex Research
study, 38

Judaism, on divorce, 78, 174n10

Julia (daughter of Julius Caesar), 71

Karras, Ruth Mazo, 34, 125

Katz, Jonathan Ned, xiv, 4, 20, 29–30, 135, 145

Kellogg, John, 47

Kertbeny, Karl-Maria, 9, 16, 17, 33, 148, 165

Kiernan, James G., 20

Kingsley, Charles, 104, 105

Kinsey, Alfred, xvi, 35–38, 138–39, 140, 141–42

Kiss Me, Kate
(musical), 36

Kleinfelter Syndrome, x, xi, 169n1

Koedt, Anne, 142

Kornitzer, Margaret, 114

Krafft-Ebing, Richard von, 8–9, 18–20, 36, 45, 49, 135, 158

Lady's Magazine,

Landis, Carney, 36

Lavoisier, Anton, 43

law, application of: and age of consent, 8; and alienation of affections, 106, 176n19; and biological sex, xiii, 159–63; Eugenic Sterilization Law (Germany), 90; and the invention of heterosexuality, xiv, 16–18; and the invention of homosexuality, xiv; and the legal personhood of women, 81; and sexual activity, 5–6, 8, 16–18, 143; and the tender years doctrine, 157, 180n9

lesbians, 116, 136, 142–43, 156, 158.
See also
homosexuality; LGBT community

“Lesbian Sex” (Frye), xxiv

“Letters to Catherine Beecher” (Grimke), 105

LeVay, Simon, 52–53

LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans-gender) community: attitudes toward, 154; civil rights movement, 141–43, 150, 153; culture, 152; gay and lesbian rights organizations, 117; and orgasm, 141–43; outing of, 150, 152–54, 156; reproductive arrangements of, 156; sexual orientation doxa of, xi–xii.
See also
homosexuality; lesbians

libido and personhood, 28–31, 135–36, 145

Lincoln, Abraham, 24

Linnaeus, Carolus, 9–10

Littleton, Christie Lee, 160–61

Littleton, Jonathan Mark, 160

Locke, John, 74

Lord Hardwicke's Marriage Act (UK; 1753), 79

Louisiana, 81

love: as component of heterosexuality, 106, 143; and dating, 110, 112, 113–14; how defined, before 1868, 1–2;
and feminism, 105–6; in fiction and film, 95–96, 97–100, 118–19, 175n1; imagery in Christianity, 100–101; as learned behavior, 71; and orgasm as the goal of sex, 143; and the perfect union, 103–4, 114; role in marriage of, 70–72; spiritualized, 100–104

Lundberg, Ferdinand, 138

Luther, Martin, 72

Madame Bovary
(Flaubert), 98

Magnus, Albertus, 126

Malthus, Thomas, 88, 89

Maria, or the Wrongs of Woman
(Wollstonecraft), 98

marked categories of sexuality, 31–33, 147–48

marriage: annulment of, 78, 84, 179n9; arranged, 69–70; biblical scripture on, 78; Catholic Church on, 72, 74, 78; civil contracts of, 78–79; cohabitation without, 93; companionate, 72–73, 93, 96, 105, 130–31; compared to Heaven, 100–101; and coverture, 76–78; and divorce law, 78–82, 84, 174n11; and extramarital sexual experience, 37, 139, 149; and feminism, 105–6; importance of children to, 84–86, 93–94; love and, 70–72; and marrying for love, 72, 105–6; men's expectations of, 70–71, 126–27, 129, 131–33; obligatory, 68–69; and passionate romance, 97–98, 100–101, 102–3; as personal fulfillment, 69, 73–75; power and heterosexuality, 81–82; and procreation, 69, 128–30, 131, 134; and property rights, 76–77, 78–80, 80–81; rates of, 93; regulation of, 78–80; same-sex, 154; and the view of single women, 67–68, 77, 93, 133; women's expectations of, 70–71, 130–31, 131–33.
See also
children; procreation

Marriage Act (UK; 1753), 79

Marriage and Morals
(Russell), 85

Married Love
(Stopes), 30

Married Women's Property Acts (UK; 1870 and 1882), 80

Martin, Ricky, 154

masochism, 45, 117

Masters, William, 140–41, 142

masturbation, 12, 37, 46, 124, 133–34, 138–39

maternal mortality rates, 87, 88

Mather, Cotton, 101

Mattachine Society, 38

Matthew 19:6, 78

Maurice, Frederick, 14

McCarthy, Joseph, 152

McCormick, Katherine Dexter, 91

McLaren, Angus, 14, 46, 144

Melville, Herman, 24

men: and the autonomy of the individual, 83–84; and circumcision, 47, 173n6; earning power of, 108; economic role in dating, 106–8, 111; and ejaculation, 144; expectations of the marital relationship, 70–71, 126–27, 129, 131–33; Freudian sexual development of, 135–36; homosexual experience of, 138–39, 150–52; in the Kinsey report (1948), 36; male-provider role of, 107–8, 148; and marital coverture, 76–78; and masturbation, 138–39; and the nuclear household gender norm, 157–58, 159–61; and orgasm, 131–33, 138–39; and the patriarchal status quo, 151–52; and performance anxiety, 133;
and psychic impotence, 47–48; and sexual aggression, 45, 46; sexual enervation of, 47–48, 126–28, 143–44; sexually complementary gender norms of, 46, 47; and white masculinity, 14

middle-class culture, 11–15

Mill, John Stuart, 74

Miller, Scott, 159–60

“Miller's Tale” (Chaucer), 125

Mississippi, 80

Moby Dick
(Melville), 24

Model Sterilization Law (US), 90

Modern Woman
(Farnham and Lundberg), 138


Money, John, xx

monogamy, serial, 113

Montegazza, Paolo, 54–55

Moore, Hugh, 89

moral imbeciles, 7

mosaicism (genetic), 161–62, 180n13

Mosher, Celia, 140

Mother Clap's Molly House
(Norton), 48

Motion Picture Association of America, 143, 179n26

“The Myth of the Vaginal Orgasm” (Koedt), 142

Napheys, George, 130

National Center for Health Statistics (UK), 93

National Geographic,

National Health Service (UK), 91, 156

Nazi Germany, 18, 60–61, 90

Neilans, Alison, 112

neurasthenia, 14, 47–48

New Left of the 1960s, 115–16

New Women and Freud, 136–37

nonprocreative intercourse, 2–3, 19, 34, 45–46, 65

nontraditional families, 157–58

Northanger Abbey
(Austen), 98

Norton, Rictor, 48

nuclear household gender norm, 157–58, 159–61

nuptiae plantarum,

Oakes, Kitty, 159–60

obligatory marriage, 68–69

Office for National Statistics (UK), 92

The Ogilvies
(Craik), 99

The Old English Baron
(Reeve), 99

On the Origin of Species
(Darwin), 63–64

oral sex, 37, 46, 123–24, 141, 142

Orff, Carl, 125–26

orgasm: as the goal of sexual activity, 143; and importance to gay and feminist causes, 141–43; male, 131–33, 138–39; nonvaginal, 139, 140–41; simultaneous and mutual, 131–34; as unit of sexuality measurement, 138–40, 143; vaginal, 133, 134, 136–37, 138, 140–41, 142, 145

Pandora's Baby
(Henig), 158

paradoxia (
Psychopathia Sexualis
), 19

parent-child relationships, 28–30, 157–58

Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays (PFLAG), 34

Parents Magazine,

passionate romance in marriage, 97–98, 100–101, 102–3.
See also
sexual desire

patriarchal status quo, 151–52

PDE5 inhibitor drugs, 121–22, 144–45, 177n4


penis-in-vagina copulation: Catholic Church on, 124–25; and childbearing, 156–57; doxa of, 37–38, 123–28; Freud on, 134–35; research focus on, xxiv–xxv; as sanctioned sexual activity, 123–26, 134; as ultimate result of sexual activity, 133, 144

Peraldus, William, 34

performance anxiety, 133

Perrault, Charles, 95

personal fulfillment and erotic desire, 69, 73–75, 139


phlogiston, 43

The Physical Life of a Woman
(Napheys), 130

Physiologie du marriage
(Balzac), 129

the Pill, 91–92, 115, 141

placebo effect, 121

Plutarch, 71

Pompey, 71

Population Connection (Zero Population Growth), 88

population growth, 88–89

pornography, ejaculation in, 144

Porter, Roy, 74

Prange, Mark, 160–61

pregnancy: and contraception, 86–87, 90–91; danger of, 87–88; Havelock Ellis on, 85; and eugenics, 89–90; and the importance of children, 84–86, 93–94; and maternity-seeking women, 12, 30, 46, 85; and population growth, 88–89

premarital sex, 37, 93, 111, 134, 139, 239

Price, Michael, 160

Pride and Prejudice
(Austen), 73–74

Priestley, Joseph, 43

procreation: and anti-contraception arguments, 86, 88; as appropriate sexuality, 2–3, 18–19, 33–34, 45, 93, 124–25, 128–29; as baseline of heterosexual sex, 139; Catholic Church on, xi, 2–3, 19, 34, 45; importance of, 84–86, 93–94; as marital duty, 69, 128–30, 131, 134; and population growth, 88–89; and reproductive technology, 155–56, 158; and sexual desire, xxiii–xxiv; as subset of all sexual activity, xxv

The Progress of Romance
(Reeve), 99

promiscuity, sexual, 110–11

property rights and women, 76–77, 78–80, 80–81

Protestant Reformation, 72, 75, 174n8

Prussian Penal Code, 16–18

psychiatry and sexuality, 43–44.
Freud, Sigmund

psychic impotence, 47–48

Psychology of Women
(Deutsch), 137

Psychopathia Sexualis
(Krafft-Ebing), 8–9, 18–20, 45, 49

Quakers, 76, 101

Quiverfull movement, 85, 174n20

race and sexuality, 13–14, 64, 107, 129–30

race suicide, 14, 89, 91

Radicalesbians, 116

Reeve, Clara, 99–100

religion and love imagery, 100–103

reparative therapy for homosexuals, 34, 171n12


reproductive technology, 155–58

sexological research

Review of Genetics
(journal), 51

Ricketts, Wendell, 65

Robie, Walter, 45–46, 132

Robinson, Ruby Doris Smith, 115

Rolling Stones, 25

Romance Writers of America, 100

romantic love.

Roosevelt, Theodore, 14

Rothman, Ellen, 106

Royden, Maude, 110

Russell, Bertrand, 85

sadism, 45

Saint Augustine, 124

Saint Clement, 124–25

same-sex marriage, 154

Sanger, Margaret, 88, 91

Satyr Upon Old Maids
(Anonymous), 67, 68

scala naturae
(the Great Chain of Being), 6–7, 64

science and sexuality: and class identity, 6, 129–30; empirical genetic/basis for sexual orientation, 34, 41–43, 57–62; and intersex chromosomes, xx, 161–62; and scientific naming, 9–11, 31–33, 52, 147–48, 170n3; statistical approach to, 35–40.
See also
sexological research

Science of a New Life
(Cowan), 128–29

Seidman, Steven, 83

self-expression and gender, xxii

self-identification, 52

semen, 34, 46, 126–28, 144

Semenya, Caster, xiii

serial monogamy, 113

sex, defined by context, xx

Sex and the Single Girl
(Gurley Brown), 67

sex chromosomes, intersex, xx, 161–62

sex doxa: Freud on, 27–31; labeling (naming) in, 9–11, 31–33, 147–48; satire, 35–36, 125–26; on sexual inversion, 54–56, 57–62

sex education, 31, 144

Sex Histories
(Robie), 132

sexism, 115–17, 177n42

sexological research: accuracy of, 38–39; on dating culture, 113–14; doxa, 35–40, 138–41; focus of, xxiv–xxv; hormonal inversion, 51–53, 58–61; on penis-in-vagina-intercourse, xxiv–xxv; sexual orientation labeling, 51–53; statistical, 35–40; and Victorian women, 140, 178n22.
See also
science and sexuality;
specific researcher; specific study

sexual activity: and the age of consent, 8; as bodily function, 3, 130; generic types based on, 4; and the lower classes, 6, 129–30; paradoxia (
Psychopathia Sexualis
), 19; penis-in-vagina intercourse as, 123–26, 133, 134–35; policing of, 5–6, 8, 16–18, 143; positioning, 34, 37; and the pursuit of happiness, xv, 83–84, 146, 149; research, 35–40; sanctioned forms of, 123–26, 134, 178n18; and sexual desire, xxiii–xxiv, xxvi, 68–70, 72–75; as social activity, xxv–xxvi; and the upper classes, 129.
See also
specific activity

sexual aggression, 45, 46, 47–48, 126–28, 143–44

sexual anatomy and biological sex, x–xi

Sexual Behavior in the Human Female
(Kinsey), 36, 139, 140

Sexual Behavior in the Human Male
(Kinsey), 35–38, 138–39

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