Straddling the Line

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Authors: Jaci Burton

Tags: #Athlete

BOOK: Straddling the Line
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Copyright © 2014 Jaci Burton

Excerpt from
Hope Burns
copyright © 2014 by Jaci Burton

Cover photo © Claudio Marinesco

The right of Jaci Burton to be identified as the Author of the Work has been asserted by her in accordance with the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

First published in this Ebook edition in 2014

Published by arrangement with Berkley,
a member of Penguin Group (USA) LLC.
A Penguin Random House Company.

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All characters in this publication are fictitious and any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Cataloguing in Publication Data is available from the British Library

eISBN 978 1 4722 1556 7


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Title Page

Copyright Page

About the Author

Praise for Jaci Burton

By Jaci Burton

About the Book


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Chapter Twenty-Two

Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter Twenty-Six

Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Twenty-Eight

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Thirty

Chapter Thirty-One

Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Three

Chapter Thirty-Four

Chapter Thirty-Five

Dear Readers

Excerpt from

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About the Author

Jaci Burton is a
USA Today
New York Times
bestselling author who lives in Oklahoma with her husband and dogs. She has three grown children, who are all scattered around the country having lives of their own. A lover of sports, Jaci can often tell what season it is by what sport is being played. She watches entirely too much television, including an unhealthy amount of reality TV. When she isn’t on deadline, Jaci can be found at her local casino, trying to become a millionaire (so far, no luck). She’s a total romantic and loves a story with a happily ever after, which you’ll find in all her books.

Find the latest news on Jaci’s books at
, and connect with her online via Twitter
or through

Praise for Jaci Burton:

‘It’s the perfect combination of heat and romance that makes this series a must-read’
Heroes and Heartbreakers

‘Plenty of emotion and conflict in a memorable relationship-driven story’
USA Today

‘Strong characters, an exhilarating plot, and scorching sex . . . You’ll be drawn so fully into her characters’ world that you won’t want to return to your own’
Romantic Times

‘A beautiful romance that is smooth as silk . . . leaves us begging for more’
Joyfully Reviewed

‘A strong plot, complex characters, sexy athletes, and nonstop passion make this book a must read’
Fresh Fiction

‘Hot, hot, hot! . . . Romance at its best! Highly recommended!’
Coffee Table Reviews

‘[She] has a way of writing intense scenes that are both sensual and raw . . . Plenty of romance, sexy men, hot steamy loving, and humor’
Smexy Books Romance Reviews

‘A wonderful contemporary erotic romance that I recommend!’
The Romance Dish

‘Spy the name Jaci Burton on the spine of a novel, and you’re guaranteed not just a sexy, get-the-body-humming read, but also one that melds the sensual with the all-important building of intimacy and relational dynamics between partners’
Romance: B(u)y the Book

‘A compulsively readable sexy story’
Book Lovers Inc.

By Jaci Burton

Play-by-Play Series

The Perfect Play

Changing the Game

Taking a Shot

Playing to Win

Thrown by a Curve

One Sweet Ride

Holiday Games (e-novella)

Melting the Ice

Straddling the Line

Quarterback Draw

Hope Series

Hope Flames

Hope Smoulders (e-novella)

Hope Ignites

Hope Burns

The sparks are flying . . . and the game is on.

Trevor Shay has it all – a successful sports career, and any woman he wants. But when he finds out his college mentor’s daughter is in trouble, he drops everything to help her.

Haven Briscoe has landed a dream job as a sportscaster. But she hasn’t been able to move past the recent death of her beloved father, and it’s affecting her career. An assignment following the daily life of superstar Trevor Shay might be just the inspiration she needs . . .

As they grow closer, Haven stumbles on to Trevor’s most closely guarded secret. Can he trust her with a revelation that could blow his professional and personal world apart?

For my dad, who taught me a love of sports at a very early age, and for my mom, who was always there when I needed her, and taught me what unconditional love was all about.

I miss you both.



Those were words Trevor Shay never wanted to hear, especially not less than a year after the death of Haven’s dad, Bill.

Bill Briscoe had been more than just a dorm parent back in Trevor’s college days. He and his wife, Ginger, had been like substitute parents, especially to Trevor, who’d needed guidance more than the rest of them.

And now he sat in Ginger’s living room, in a house he’d once thought of as his second home.

Trevor had always counted on Ginger’s confidence, that smile and optimism that had assured him everything was going to be all right.

Now she just looked worried.

He picked up her hand. “What’s wrong?”

“She hasn’t been herself since Bill died. You know Haven. She’s
always been upbeat, and she’d come to grips with the eventuality of Bill’s death.” Ginger took a deep breath. “As we all did.”

Trevor squeezed her hand.

“It wasn’t like we didn’t know it was coming. Bill prepared us all for it, made sure we were ready. Never thinking of himself.”

He saw the tears welling in her eyes and wished he could take them away.

“I know, Miss Ginger. I know. I miss him, too.”

She grabbed a tissue. “He’d kick my butt if he saw me cryin’ over him. But Haven, she has a great life and an amazing future. She got a job with the network as a sports journalist.”

Trevor smiled. “I heard about that.”

“It’s an amazing opportunity for her. One she should be seizing. I told her that her father would be so proud of her.”

“He would.”

“Instead, what is she doing? She’s thinking about quitting the job and coming back here to live with me.”

Trevor leaned back and frowned. “Coming back here? Why?”

“I don’t know. She said something about getting a job at the local TV station instead.”

“Is that what she really wants?”

“I don’t think so.” Ginger leaned forward. “Trevor, I don’t know what to do. She hasn’t even given this new job a shot. I think she’s scared, and without her dad, she feels alone for the first time in her life.”

“She’s not alone, Miss Ginger. She has you.”

“I know that. And believe me, I don’t feel slighted in the least. I know Haven loves me. I also know she’s worried about me being here all alone. I don’t want her to make a mistake and screw up the best job she might ever have because of me, and because of her fear.”

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