Stormy Glenn - Blaecleah Brothers 06 - Cowboy Convenience (7 page)

BOOK: Stormy Glenn - Blaecleah Brothers 06 - Cowboy Convenience
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“Are you sure you want to do this?” Yancy asked for the hundredth time. He looked forward to going back to the Blaecleah ranch. He loved it there and adored the people that lived on the ranch.

But this time was different. This time he wasn’t merely a friend dropping in for Sunday dinner. He was going back as Seamus’s boyfriend, lover, whatever it was called. Simply put, Seamus had decided that it was time to tell his family about them.

And that scared Yancy to death. He was by no means ashamed of being with Seamus. Hell, he’d shout it to the rooftops given half a chance. He was just afraid that returning to the scene of the crime, as it were, would spoil the fragile beginning of their relationship.

They had missed last week’s mandatory Sunday dinner, and Ma wouldn’t take no for an answer this week, but at least it had given them extra time to cement their relationship a little more before presenting it to the world.

The last week had been a dream. Yancy went to bed every night with Seamus in his arms and woke just the same way. Seamus was waiting for him at the end of a long day, but instead of just saying hello, the man came and kissed Yancy, like they were an actual couple.

The sex was phenomenal. Yancy was pretty sure he had fucked Seamus on every flat surface in his apartment, and a few that weren’t that flat. He couldn’t seem to get enough of the man. Luckily for him, Seamus seemed to return that sentiment. The more Yancy wanted him, the more Seamus seemed to open up.

There had only been a few times that Yancy had caught Seamus staring off into space, and he knew that Seamus was thinking about John. If he could wipe the man’s memory away totally, he would. But a magician he was not. He would have to wait for Seamus to get over his feelings for the sheriff in his own good time.

“Would you stop?” Seamus rolled his eyes even as he grabbed Yancy’s hand, squeezing it. “I refuse to hide you from my family.” Seamus chuckled as he looked Yancy up and down. “For one, that would be pretty damn hard to do. You’re built like a brick shit house.”

“You didn’t seem to mind how I was built this morning when I had you pinned against the wall.” Yancy smirked when Seamus’s face flushed a beautiful deep red color. “My big cock pounding into your ass, my lips on your neck.”

“Yeah, well.” Seamus inhaled deeply as he pulled at the collar of his shirt, unintentionally baring the deep red hickey marks Yancy had left on his throat. “I never said I had a problem with how big you were. Just that I couldn’t hide you.”

Yancy almost drove off the road when Seamus reached down and adjusted his hard cock, which was incredibly noticeable in his tight jeans. Yancy groaned at the thick tent, wishing he had time to play with it.

“Did I tell you how much I like you in those jeans?”
Seamus’s eyes snapped up. “No.”
Yancy could barely drag his eyes away from Seamus’s straining

cock long enough to look out the front window to make sure they were still on the road, and then he glanced at Seamus. “You look gorgeous in them, honey.”

Seamus’s eyebrows drew together as if the man was perplexed by Yancy’s statement. Had no one ever given him a compliment before?
“Uh…thank you?”
Yancy chewed on his bottom lip for a moment as his eyes flickered from Seamus’s rosy face to the road then back again. “You’d look fantastic if you took that pretty cock of yours out and played with it for me.”
Seamus’s jaw dropped.
Yancy nodded down to the tight fabric of Seamus’s groin. “That looks painful. You might want to fix it before we get to your folk’s house. I don’t mind them knowing about us, but they don’t need to know that much.”
“Please?” Yancy needed to see Seamus, and he wasn’t above begging to get what he wanted. He might not be in a position to feel his dick sink into the man’s sexy body, but if he didn’t have some sort of connection with Seamus before they arrived at the ranch, he’d lose the man.
He just knew it.
“Are you sure?” Seamus asked in an uncertain voice even as his hands went to the zipper of his jeans. The man turned in his seat, resting his back against the passenger door and lifting one leg up onto the seat, spreading them apart.
“Oh hell, yeah, honey.”
“Don’t let Ma hear you swear like that.”
“Don’t talk about your ma while holding your dick in your hand.” “My dick is not in my hand yet.”
“Damn, I adore you, Seamus.” Yancy chuckled, shaking his head just a bit. Sometimes, he couldn’t believe how well they fit together. “Now get that cock out of your pants and jerk off for me before I pull this truck over and do it for you.”
Seamus’s dark eyebrows shot up his forehead. “That’s a threat?”
Seamus’s deep rich laughter filled the cab of the truck, broken only by the sound of the man’s zipper going down and Yancy’s groan as Seamus’s thick cock was revealed to his hungry eyes.
Yancy tried to keep his eyes on what Seamus was doing and watch where he was driving, both at the same time. It wasn’t easy, but tearing his eyes away from the sight of Seamus’s long fingers wrapped around his cock as the man slowly stroked the entire length would have taken a fucking miracle.
Yancy’s eyes bounced back and forth from what Seamus was doing to the road then back again just as fast. As Seamus’s hand started to speed up, so did Yancy’s breathing until he was nearly hyperventilating with the need to see his lover come.
“Damn, honey, that looks so nice,” Yancy murmured, licking his lips. Even Seamus’s cock was beautiful, all thick and red with a nicely flared head and thickly veined sides. “I’ll bet it’s nice and hard, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Seamus panted.
“Does that feel good?”
Seamus’s low moan was his only answer.
“Rub your thumb over the top, honey.” Yancy nearly swallowed his tongue when Seamus did exactly what he told him to do, rubbing the pad of his thumb over the small slit at the head of his cock.
Yancy cast a quick glance out the front window again then turned back to Seamus just in time to see the man lift his thumb up, holding it out to Yancy.
The small digit glistened.
Yancy leaned forward and sucked Seamus’s thumb into his mouth. The tangy sweet taste of pre-cum exploded across Yancy’s tongue. Yancy groaned, his cock pulsing in his pants as he swirled his tongue over Seamus’s thumb, licking away every trace.
“Thank you, honey,” Yancy said when Seamus pulled his thumb back.
“Any–anytime,” Seamus groaned.
Oh man, Yancy was going to hell for the dirty things going through his head, especially when he should have his mind on driving. He just couldn’t seem to help himself. Seamus was an erotic dream.
“Can you…can you reach your ass?”
Seamus paused, his eyebrows shooting up once again. Yancy was starting to get the impression that no one had ever played with Seamus. The man wasn’t a virgin, he had admitted that. But he didn’t act like someone that had fully explored his sexuality either.
Yancy was going to change that.
“I want you to finger yourself while you jerk off.”
There went that stunned look on Seamus’s face once more. Yancy almost shook his head in disbelief. How this beautiful man could be so shy and untried was beyond him. It seemed almost sad.
The upside was that Yancy would have the joy of teaching Seamus a few things, and maybe more than a few if he had his way. “Push your pants down, Seamus, and finger yourself for me. I want to see all of you.”
Seamus’s face was rosy red as he pushed his pants down to his knees. After a moment of trying to wiggle around, he pushed them down to his ankles, slipping one shoe off so he could push the jeans off one leg.
Once he was situated again, he spread his legs. Yancy reached down and grabbed the ankle that still had the jeans wrapped around it and lifted it up to the dashboard. Then he reached into the glove box and pulled out a bottle of lube, holding it out to Seamus.
“You’re going to need this,” Yancy instructed, mostly because he knew the moment he had seen Seamus’s tight little hole peeking up at him that he wouldn’t be able to stop himself from fucking the man into oblivion.
This was no longer a simple jerk-off session in the car. It had morphed into a preparation session. Yancy was going to fuck Seamus to within an inch of his life.
Yancy clenched his jaw to keep a tight hold on his control as he watched Seamus lube up his fingers then reach down to run them around his puckered entrance. The alluring sight of Seamus’s fingers sliding into his own ass was almost more than Yancy could handle.
Yancy kept one hand on the steering wheel and pressed the other one against his own aching cock. He was so fucking hard that he hurt. He could practically feel his cock sinking into the Seamus’s ass.
Seamus’s eyes had glazed over at some point. Yancy wasn’t sure when, but the pleasure shining in their murky green depths told him that the man was enjoying himself. That had been Yancy’s main intention when he started this. Now, it was simply to get Seamus ready so he could fuck him.
The moment that Seamus could easily sink three fingers into his ass, Yancy pulled the truck off to the side of the road. He slammed it into park and jumped out of the cab. Yancy quickly ran around to the passenger door, which was—thankfully—facing the forest. He yanked the door open and caught Seamus before he could fall out.
“Hey, wha—”
The rest of Seamus’s words were lost when Yancy grabbed a handful of his hair and yanked his head back, covering the man’s mouth with his own. Seamus’s momentary surprise was gone just as quickly as his words. He opened his mouth and started kissing Yancy back, his gentle moans groaning until the man was practically vibrating with need.
“Need you, honey.” Yancy’s tone brooked no resistance. “Need you now.”
He was so desperate his hands shook as he pulled Seamus out of the truck and then pushed him down onto the seat, ass hanging out. He unzipped his fly and pulled out his cock, pushing it against Seamus’s ass.
One deep thrust and Yancy was balls-deep inside of Seamus. The man’s high-pitched cry was like verbal nirvana. Yancy grabbed Seamus’s hips and slammed into the man, driving his cock as deep as he could go without hurting Seamus.
This was no slow and gentle loving.
This was balls-to-the-wall need.
Yancy pounded into Seamus’s snug hole, his fingers digging into the man’s sides as pleasure swamped him. Seamus’s tight muscles held him like a glove made just for him, each thrust driving his pleasure higher until Yancy was ready to scream.
Yancy reached under Seamus’s body and grabbed his cock. He stroked him, squeezing him just as Seamus’s ass was squeezing his own aching erection. Just as his climax started to crest, Yancy leaned down and scraped his teeth over the back of Seamus’s neck.
“Come for me, honey,” he demanded, refusing to take his own pleasure before his lover’s. “Give me what I want, Seamus.”
“Yancy!” Seamus shouted as he filled Yancy’s hand.
The sound of his name yelled at the height of Seamus’s pleasure was more than Yancy could take. He drove his cock as deep inside of Seamus as their bodies would allow and gave freedom to the ecstasy filling him.
“Seamus,” he whispered, the word much quieter than Seamus’s own shout, but just as poignant.
His cock throbbed, shooting load after load of his release into the man beneath him. Yancy dropped his head down, resting it in the middle of Seamus’s sweaty back as he tried to regain some sort of control over his chaotic emotions.
The words he had been holding back for so very long lingered on the tip of his tongue, begging to be let free. Yancy was just too afraid to give voice to them. Seamus might own him heart and soul, but he knew that he still shared Seamus with another man. Until he knew Seamus was all his, he couldn’t give that last part of himself to the man.
No matter how much he wanted to.

Chapter 7

Seamus grimaced as they pulled up in front of his folks’ house and he saw the whole clan walk out onto the front porch. Despite Yancy’s words of reassurance, he was still a little embarrassed about what they had done in the truck on the way here.

Anyone could have seen them on the side of the road. Cade Creek was known for its friendly citizens. If someone had seen a truck on the side of the road, they would have pulled over to see if they could lend assistance.

Seamus was just grateful that hadn’t happened. He was even more grateful that the sheriff hadn’t come along and caught them. He didn’t even want to contemplate having to try and explain that.

Hell, he was hoping to avoid John altogether while he was here. His relationship with Yancy was very new, and Seamus didn’t want to jeopardize it by seeing John, a man Seamus still had feelings for.

His feelings for Yancy were growing in leaps and bounds. The man was so gorgeous that Seamus could just sit and stare at him for hours. But beyond that, Yancy was simply a nice guy. He was funny, caring, and sweet. He might look like a big monster house, but he was a cuddly bear deep down inside.

Yancy wanted what everyone else wanted, someone to call his own. Why he decided that he wanted that someone to be him, Seamus would never know, but he would be forever grateful that it had happened.

Except for that one moment in time when John had kissed him, Seamus had never been this happy. And he planned to do everything he could to make sure it stayed that way, even if it meant avoiding the other man that held a piece of him hostage.

“Good to be home?” Yancy asked as he parked the truck and turned the engine off.
“Yeah, I’ve missed the place.”
Yancy glanced toward the house, chuckling. “I think the place has missed you just as much if that crowd on the front porch is anything to go by.”
good to be home. Seamus enjoyed the city but only because that was where Yancy was. His little neighborhood was nice, and the people there seemed even nicer, but there really was no place like Cade Creek.
“Would you ever consider moving here to Cade Creek?”
Yancy’s face was stoic when he turned to look at Seamus. “For you I would.”
Seamus blinked. “Really?”
“I can’t think of much I wouldn’t be willing to do for you, Seamus.” Yancy’s fingers briefly trailed down the side of his face before he turned and opened the truck door and climbed out. “Especially if I knew you were mine.”
Seamus didn’t have to ask Yancy what he was talking about. The subject had been unspoken between them since they decided to make a go of their relationship. But it hung in the air like a bad odor.
Seamus couldn’t help who he loved, and he loved both John and Yancy. He knew that now. The only difference was that Yancy seemed to love him back where John didn’t want anything to do with him.
Seamus hoped that the time would come where he could finally put John in his past and devote himself fully to Yancy. He also hoped that Yancy stuck around long enough for that to happen. He wouldn’t be able to blame Yancy in the least if the man just up and ditched him. Seamus was asking a lot of Yancy, and he knew it.
Seamus quickly climbed out of the truck and walked around the front of it to join Yancy. He grabbed Yancy’s arm to stop him from heading up to the porch, waiting until Yancy looked him right in the eyes.
“I’m with you, Yancy. I made that decision, and I’m not going back on it.”
“I know, honey.” Yancy’s smoky-gray eyes were a little sad as he stared down at Seamus. “But I can’t help the way I feel any more than you can. I’m terrified that John is going to show up and take you away from me, that you’ll want him more than you want me.”
Seamus’s heart crumbled to the ground as he watched Yancy turn and walk away. The man must have put his emotions away and smiled as he greeted the Blaecleah clan because they were all excited when greeting him as if the man hadn’t just made Seamus feel like jumping off the nearest cliff.
Seamus suddenly wondered if his indecision was destroying the man that Yancy was, the man he was quickly falling for. Yancy still joked around with him and everyone else. He had a ready smile for everyone.
And Seamus hadn’t seen any sign that that was changing, but he started to wonder if maybe he hadn’t seen it because he hadn’t wanted to. Was he ignoring what he was doing to Yancy because he didn’t want to deal with it?
“You okay, son?”
Seamus glanced away from Yancy’s back to find his father standing next to him. “Yes, Da. I’m fine.”
“You look like you have something heavy on your mind.”
“Just some things I need to think about.” Like the fact that maybe he needed to give Yancy up before he destroyed him. “I’ll figure it out.”
“If you need to talk…”
Seamus smiled and leaned into the hand that landed on his shoulder. “I know who to call, Da. I think this is just something I need to do on my own.”
“Well, okay then. You’d better get up to the porch and greet your Ma before she busts something.”
Seamus laughed, letting go of the tension surrounding him as he hurried up the front steps and fell into the arms his mother held out to him. He inhaled deeply, drawing in the sweet, comforting fragrance that was uniquely Alani Blaecleah.
“Hey, Ma.”
“Hello, son.”
“I missed you.”
Alani leaned back and cupped Seamus’s face between her delicate hands, gazing up at him with an inquisitive gaze only a mother had. “I missed you, too, son. I think you need to come home more often.”
Seamus laughed nervously, knowing that his mother could see things just by looking at him that no one else could. “I was only gone two weeks, Ma.”
Alani arched her eyebrow.
“Don’t argue with your ma, boy.”
Seamus felt his lips curve up at the soft reprimand from his father. “Yes, Da.”
It was good to be home.
“Come on inside, son,” Ma said as she let go of Seamus’s face to grab his hand. “Dinner is just about ready.”
“Great. I’m starving.” No one cooked like his ma.
“It’s all that city food,” Ma insisted. “It can’t be good for you.”
That reminded Seamus of something he wanted to talk to his folks about. “There’s this boardwalk thing a few blocks from Yancy’s apartment. During the week they have booths set up all over the place for food and crafts. It gets even bigger on the weekends with musicians and entertainers and even more booths.”
“That sounds like fun.”
“It’s a blast,” Seamus replied as he followed his mother into the kitchen. “I was thinking maybe we could get something like that going here in Cade Creek. It would be a good way for people to get together and socialize as well as sell some of their wares, like your tomatoes.”
“Have you talked to your da about this?”
Seamus shook his head. “Not yet. This is the first chance I’ve had to talk to anyone about it except Yancy.”
Ma glanced up from the potatoes she was stirring on the stove. “How are things going with you and Yancy?”
Seamus was really hoping for a little more time before this discussion came up. “They’re good. He’s a great guy.”
“Is he treating you right?”
Seamus’s face colored as he thought about what had happened in the truck and just how well Yancy was treating him. “Yes, Ma, Yancy is treating me very well. Like I said, he’s a great guy.”
“Good.” Ma went back to stirring the diced potatoes.
Seamus bit his lip for a moment, hedging. He knew he had to come clean by the way his mother kept looking at him. She knew something was up. She always knew. She was the terror of every single one of her sons.
“Yes, in fact, we’ve kind of started dating.” Seamus gulped when Ma stopped stirring and just stared at him. “Ma?”
“You’re dating Yancy?”
“Is it serious?”
“Oh my.” For the first time in what seemed like forever—maybe even his entire life—Seamus’s mother looked flustered. “Then we may have a problem.”
“What sort of problem?”
Instead of answering him, Ma cupped her hand around her mouth and shouted, “Donnell, get in here.”
Seamus barely had time to move out of the way before Da came barreling into the kitchen, skidding to a stop when he saw them. “What’s wrong?”
“Seamus and Yancy have started dating,” Ma said. “Seamus says it’s serious.”
Da’s misty-green eyes snapped to Seamus. “Oh my.”
Seamus began to grow uncomfortable as both of his folks just stood there and stared at him. Didn’t they like Yancy? He knew it wasn’t because he was falling for another man. That had never been a problem in their house.
“What’s going on?”
Ma wrung her hands in her apron, her eyes darting away, which was totally un-Ma-like. “Seamus, we—”
Seamus’s face drained of every bit of color when he heard the front door open and then Sheriff John Riley’s voice floated across the air. “What have you done?” he whispered as his impending doom slapped him across the face.
“Son, we didn’t know about you and Yancy or we never would have invited John to dinner,” Da said quickly. “You have to know that. We just wanted you to be happy, and you were so sad when you left. We thought if we invited John to dinner the two of you could talk and maybe work things out between you.”
“You thought wrong.” Seamus clenched his jaw as he pushed his hand through his hair, turning to stare out the window into the backyard. This wasn’t going to end well. Hell, it might even end in bloodshed.
“Donnell, do something.”
“Alani, this family has never turned someone away from our door, and we’re not about to start now because things might be a little tense. We invited the sheriff here for dinner. Seamus and Yancy will just have to man up and deal with it.”
Man up.

BOOK: Stormy Glenn - Blaecleah Brothers 06 - Cowboy Convenience
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