Stormchaser (32 page)

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Authors: Paul Stewart,Chris Riddell

Tags: #Ages 10 and up

BOOK: Stormchaser
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‘Professor of Light,’ he murmured. ‘Venerable academic of Sanctaphrax. A wise and noble individual. This place is not good enough for your final resting place…’ He faltered, then took a deep breath. ‘Rest in peace.’

And with that, he pushed the body forwards. The feet went into the sinking-mud first, followed by the legs and the torso. The white ravens, beside themselves with rage, were swooping, diving, yet unable to get at the dead body. The mud crept up the professor's chest. His arms. His fingertips. Tears streamed down Twig's face.

‘Farewell,’ he whispered, as the head disappeared from view.

For a moment, all that could be seen to mark where the professor had been, were the uppermost twigs of the branch that Twig had secured to his neck. Then they too slipped down out of sight. A bubble of air plopped on the surface. Then stillness. Calmness. Peace.

Twig knelt on one knee, reached forwards with his gauntleted hand and dipped it into the pool of warm sinking-mud as a mark of respect. As he did so, it abruptly changed. Twig gasped. Before his very eyes, the thick white mud turned to water, as crystal clear as the babbling brooks which meandered through the
Deepwoods. Far below him, he could see the professor's body spiralling down deeper and deeper in its watery grave.

Twig sat back on his haunches and stared at the heavy gauntlet. The sepia dust, so fine it moved like liquid, was still slipping over the polished silver.

‘Phraxdust,’ he whispered reverently, as he picked himself up and looked around.

Far, far away in the distance he could make out the lights of Sanctaphrax, twinkling in the air. Below it, the squalid sprawl of Undertown squatted under its blanket of filthy brown smoke. The inhabitants of both places would benefit from the contents of the glass and ironwood chest. The stormphrax would restore equilibrium to the floating rock, while the phraxdust would purify the festering Edgewater River.

Ends and means, the professor had said. Twig was unsure whether the lives that might be saved in Sanctaphrax and Undertown by the crystals could ever justify Screed's massacre of so many individuals. What he did know was that if he failed to return with the chest of stormphrax, then they would certainly all have died in vain.

‘I must try,’ he said to himself. ‘For the sake of the living. For the sake of the dead.’

Just then, he heard a troubled groaning coming from inside the hull of the shipwreck. It was the Stone Pilot. He was finally coming round.


he first thing Twig did on re-entering the shipwreck was to light the lantern which Screed had hanging on a nail by the opening. A warm honey-like glow filled the gloomy interior, and Twig saw that the Stone Pilot was sitting up.

‘Thank Sky you’re still alive,’ he said.

The Stone Pilot nodded. ‘But only just,’ came a timid, muffled voice from inside the heavy suit. There was a pause. ‘I can’t feel my right leg at all.’ Twig stared back in shocked silence. ‘I was attacked by that so-called guide of ours,’ the Stone Pilot went on. ‘Must have knocked me senseless. I don’t know how I ever got here.’

‘I … I brought you here,’ Twig explained.

The Stone Pilot nodded again. ‘And Screed?’

‘Screed is dead,’ said Twig. ‘By my sword. He … I…’ He crouched before the Stone Pilot, confused. ‘You can
,’ he said.

‘I can.’

‘But, I didn’t know … I mean, forgive me, but I always assumed you were dumb.’

‘I don’t waste my words,’ he said. ‘The world is wide and treacherous. These clothes and my silence are my protection.’ He paused. ‘Your father understood this well.’

‘My father?’ said Twig, surprised. ‘He knew you could talk?’

‘He knew
,’ said the Stone Pilot and, with these words, began squirming and wriggling until he had manoeuvred his right arm up out of its sleeve. Through the glass panels, Twig saw the surprisingly delicate fingers fiddling with the inner set of bolts which secured the hood to the shoulders. One by one, the catches clicked open.

Twig was spellbound. Not only had the Stone Pilot revealed that he could talk, but now – for the first time – he was about to show his face. Twig held his breath. What horrible disfigurement or affliction could the poor creature be suffering from, that he had gone to such lengths to conceal himself? What terrible secret lurked within that cumbersome suit of clothes?

As the hood was lifted, a neck came into view, pale and slender. Twig bit into his lower lip. The next moment, a mass of thick orange hair cascaded over the face. The Stone Pilot raised a hand, and swept it away.

Twig gasped. ‘You’re … you’re…’ he blustered.

‘A girl,’ the Stone Pilot replied. ‘Are you surprised?’

‘Of course I am!’ said Twig. ‘I had no idea. I thought you were going to be some kind of … monster…’

The Stone Pilot scowled and looked away. ‘Perhaps it would be better if I were,’ she said quietly. ‘The most deformed and hideously scarred creature in the Deepwoods cannot be as lost and alone as I, now that I have lost Cloud Wolf – and the
. It was the only place where I felt safe, and even there I still needed this.’ She tapped the discarded hood.

‘Cheer up,’ said Twig, trying to sound reassuring. ‘We’ll get out of this.’

‘It's no use,’ cried the Stone Pilot. ‘We’re going to die in this great wide place. I know we are.’

‘You mustn’t talk like that,’ said Twig sternly. Then, trying to distract the distressed girl, ‘According to a story my father once told me, you were there at my birth,’ he said. ‘On board a sky ship, it was – a sky ship captained by the notorious…’

‘Multinius Gobtrax,’ the Stone Pilot interrupted. ‘I recall it well,’ she said, her voice thick with tears. ‘We were over the Deepwoods in the middle of a terrible storm when Maris, your mother, went into labour.’ She shook her head. ‘I’ve never known up-currents like it. The sky ship was sucked up above the forest before anyone had a chance to down anchor or secure the grappling-irons.’

‘Yet you managed to save the sky ship,’ said Twig. ‘I remember Cloud Wolf telling me how you doused the buoyant wood-burners, released the balance-weights, and climbed over the side to chip away at the flight-rock itself.’

The Stone Pilot looked down. ‘I did what needed to be done,’ she said quietly.

‘And I’m glad you did,’ said Twig. ‘After all, if you hadn’t, then I wouldn’t be here now.’

The Stone Pilot managed a smile. ‘And who would have saved me from Screed if you weren’t?’ she said. ‘We’ll call it quits, shall we?’

‘Yes,’ said Twig uncertainly.

‘But?’ said the Stone Pilot.

‘Nothing,’ said Twig. ‘It's just … Well, that was sixteen years ago. How come you…’

‘Look so young?’ she said, finishing his question for him.

Twig nodded.

The Stone Pilot looked away; a pale and slender hand reached for the hood. Twig stared thoughtfully at the seemingly ageless girl with her pale, almost translucent, skin and her shock of orange hair. She looked so familiar … And then he remembered.

‘Mag!’ he exclaimed.

‘I beg your pardon,’ said the Stone Pilot, surprised.

‘That's who you remind me of,’ he said. ‘Someone I met a long time ago. She was a termagant trog girl. She…’

‘What do you know about termagant trogs?’ the Stone Pilot asked hesitantly.

Twig shrugged. What
he know about the termagants? He knew that Mag – a similarly pale-skinned and red-haired girl – had caught him and kept him as a pet in their underground caverns. He knew that, when she’d come of age, Mag had drunk from the sacred roots of the bloodoak tree and been transformed into a hulking great beast of a woman like Mumsie, her mother. He knew, too, that if he had not escaped when he did, he would have been torn to pieces.

‘A pet?’ said the Stone Pilot.

Twig nodded. ‘She kept me on a long tether. She pampered and patted me.’ He winced. ‘And she used to spend hours beading and braiding my hair.’

‘Until she turned termagant?’


The Stone Pilot fell silent and stared down stony-faced at the ground. When she looked up, Twig saw the tears welling in her eyes. ‘That was one good thing about
wearing the hood,’ she said, hugging it to her body. ‘Nobody ever saw me cry.’ She sniffed. ‘As you can see, I never turned termagant.’

Twig nodded, relieved that she hadn’t. Watching his sweet, loving Mag turning into the fearful, bloodthirsty creature had been one of the most distressing incidents of his entire life.

‘When my time came and the Mother Bloodoak bled for me, I was not there,’ she explained sadly. ‘And those who miss their appointed moment can never turn, but are condemned to remain as you see me now, until the day they die.’

‘But … but why did you miss it?’ Twig asked.

The trog girl sighed. ‘It was on the day before I was due to turn termagant,’ she said. ‘I was outside the cavern walking my pet, a prowlgrin pup, when I was surrounded by a pack of trained whitecollar woodwolves. They tore my pet to pieces but left me to their master. A slaver from Undertown,’ she said, spitting out the words. ‘He shackled me along with woodelves, trolls, goblins, and marched us off to a Deepwoods slave market. That's where your father found me – filthy, ragged and half out of my mind.’

‘He bought you?’ said Twig, wide-eyed.

‘He saw the state I was in,’ she said. ‘He seized that miserable slaver's whip from him and nearly flayed him alive. Then he took me by the hand and said, “Come, little one, Maris will fix you up.” And I went.’

Twig crouched back down beside her. ‘It … it must have been awful for you,’ he said sympathetically.

The Stone Pilot nodded. ‘I could never find my cavern home,’ she said. ‘Sky knows, I’ve searched over the years. But in due course Cloud Wolf even gave me a home.’

,’ said Twig.

‘Yes,’ replied the Stone Pilot. ‘And a trade. I’m the best Stone Pilot in the skies. Or was. Now I’ve got nothing.’

‘You’ve got me,’ said Twig, stretching out a hand.

The Stone Pilot looked up at him and, hesitantly, took his hand in hers.

‘If we’re going to stay here, then we’ll need to find some food,’ said Twig brightly.

‘Stay here?’ said the Stone Pilot.

‘Of course,’ he said. ‘How else are we going to make the ship skyworthy again? We’ll never get out of the Mire if we don’t.’

Twig looked round at the broken hull of the wreck. Getting the sky ship airborne again would be a formidable task – particularly since the Stone Pilot's injured leg meant he would have to do the work on his own. Then again, what choice did he have?

‘The repairs don’t have to be perfect,’ said the Stone Pilot, following Twig's gaze. ‘So long as you can locate the flight-rock, I think I can get the
flying again. Cloud Wolf taught me well.’

Twig smiled. ‘I don’t even know your name.’

The Stone Pilot stared back at him for a moment, eyes narrowed in thought, her hands gripping the protective hood. Finally, she spoke. ‘My name is Maugin,’ she said.

On that first morning, the rising sun woke Twig early. He left the sleeping Maugin to rest and made a thorough inspection of the entire sky ship. It was soon clear that the sun would rise above the fetid Mire many times before the
was skyworthy again.

The hull was not only broken in places but also rotting on the starboard side that rested in the mud, the mast was cracked and, though several of the hanging weights were in place, many were missing. The flight-rock had split in two. One half lay trapped beneath a heavy beam in the warm mud. The other half was nowhere to be seen.

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