Storm (Devil's Hornets MC) (10 page)

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Authors: Kathryn Thomas

BOOK: Storm (Devil's Hornets MC)
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“What have you been up to, Stormy?” Benny ‘The Kahuna’ Daniels was the president of The Devil’s Hornets and rarely came out to where the drug elements met their biker club, so Jack knew that something was up. He was two stops into his night, and Jack wondered if he was getting too predictable if his boss could find him so easily.


“Just business as usual.” Jack didn’t know what this talk was about, but he could bet it wasn’t great.


“Hmmm.” Benny was a small man but full of power which is why he took the name Kahuna. The word meant expert or specialist, but Jack was with him when Benny Brown saw a poster with The Big Kahuna on it and took on the name for himself  —  little man’s syndrome at its finest — but he also had a big heart. Not that Jack would mention that because Benny would deny it and then try to kill him.


“I have lots of shit to do tonight, so if you have something to say how about you just come right out and say it?” Jack knew he was a hard ass, and if he would have shown any softness toward Benny it would have been noticed, but his attitude wasn’t feigned. It would make him mad beyond belief if Natalie’s name came out of Benny’s mouth. Jack had worked hard to make sure no one knew about them. It was hard for him to give permission to his best friend, or best he would let him be. The man barely talked and could keep a secret like a steel lined safe. Not that he told him anything besides where to pick Natalie up, where to drop her off, and what time to be there.


The look on Benny’s face was shocked for a minute before the expression was gone and anger covered it.


“There’s been a lot of talk about you lately.” The small man looked at Jack like he was going to defend himself but since he’d not given him anything or confirm or deny he’d just wait until the man got to the point where actual dialog was needed. “You used to be in the streets all night getting product out and cracking heads, but the word on the street is you’ve got something else occupying your mind.”


“Is that you asking me something?” Jack didn’t want to talk about Natalie. For one, this wasn’t about her, and for two he’d already convinced Benny that nothing was going on with him and the pretty flower store owner. The price she was paying for being under the protection of the club was an expense he’d taken on without her knowledge or consent, but he just didn’t like her out there with no one looking out for her.


“Yeah. I wanna know why you’re slacking on your job?  You come out later than usual and you go home earlier. Is there something you want to tell me?”


It was hard for Jack to keep his face clear of any expression especially when Natalie was involved, but he knew she didn’t like the fact he was a drug dealer, and he didn’t think she’d like to know how involved he’d gotten her. There was no reason for anyone to think there was anything between them though. He made sure they covered their tracks like they were running from the FBI.


“Not really, Benny. I can say that although I may not have been out on the streets for the last little while, there hasn’t been a decrease in the amount of product you want moved. That’s the most important thing right?”


“Yeah,” Benny said walking around like he was thinking, “I guess so, if that were true, but there has been a decrease of about 5 percent. This is one of the most lucrative areas of the club, and you’re running it, so the decrease is on you. Do you have anything to tell me?”


“Like what?” Jack didn’t want to continue this conversation, but you couldn’t exactly blow off the boss… but there was nothing saying he had to put on a happy face.


“You know I have ears all over the place, so things get to me.”


“Things like what?” Jack asked.


“Lots of things. Like maybe things about that woman on 4
avenue that has the highest level of protection for a flower shop with no cover.”


Jack knew he shouldn’t have gotten such a high protection level for Natalie and her flower shop, but he just wanted to make sure everything was all right there. Most of the stores that went that route were laundering money or had different operations they were trying to keep hidden. His woman just had a simple flower shop in a bad area of town that she’d worked practically her whole life. It didn’t make sense, but neither did the way she made him feel.


“I can’t be responsible for what people think they need. Her bill is paid, isn’t it? What else you got?” Jack put on his very best ‘I don’t give a fuck’ face and hoped that Kahuna would get bored and leave, but the stare down between them continued.


Jack knew Benny was bluffing because the man didn’t know shit or he would have come right out and asked him. Being vague and mysterious wasn’t the way for Benny; he was more like an animal with mad cow disease. Loud, boisterous, and trampling all over everything.


“If you have a question, then come right out and ask. Otherwise I’ve got a lot of ground to cover, and I need to be on my way.” Jack tried again to see if he could get this conversation to be at its end. He wasn’t sure if the man was trying to stay out of the house because he was having a fight with his old lady or if he was just having fun busting his chops, but he’d had about enough.


Benny stared at him like the answer would fall off his shirt if he looked long enough, but he nodded after a few minutes. Jack knew he hadn’t had anything, but he also knew that he’d adjusted his schedule so he could spend more time with Natalie. He’d never taken any of the drugs people bought from him and his dealers, but it seemed like the medication he was on was taking over his life. Love. He had enough money to take care of his mother and Natalie, but the hungry kid in him was always concerned about his finances and the ability of it to leave him broke like he’d been in the past. He had to deep six the idea of giving up the lucrative life of a drug dealer and tried to figure out what he could do to make the situation he was living in now work.


“I’m watching you Stormy,” Benny said as he walked off.


“I wouldn’t expect anything less.” Jack said to himself because he was alone, but felt he needed to get those last words out.


Jack thought about what his boss was saying and knew that he was telling the truth about the product because he’d been slacking off a bit. Even now he was kicking himself because he wasn’t going to be able to see Natalie until he took her to work in the morning. This love bug shit was for the birds, but he liked the way Natalie made him feel more than the thought of being without her. Something would have to give soon but for now if he could just work these few plans out so the boss would be happy, they could go back to the way it was when he was working damn near every waking hour making money.


He was on to the next stop and still trying to figure out how to make all sides happy, but he wasn’t sure it was possible.



Did drug dealers get days off? Vacation days, sick time, paid time off? Hell no. Jack hadn’t ever really thought about how much time he actually spent making money. It was like he’d traded his life for the almighty dollar, and he didn’t even realize it. Taking Natalie out on dates far enough that people didn’t see them was time consuming, and at this point time was something he didn’t have.


“You seem a bit distracted today.” Natalie seemed to like the planetarium restaurant he’d taken her to. It was a place where you could have a quiet lunch for two and then you could lay under the stars and do whatever you wanted… for a fee of course. 


“If I’m distracted, it’s because I’m with a beautiful brown haired, blue eyed woman who makes me want to rip her clothes off at every opportunity.” It was the truth, but he was also distracted by the trouble he was having with the Reapers. They wanted a cut of the vast territory that was their selling grounds, and that wasn’t going to happen. The group was foul mouthed and threatening like they had a leg to stand on when making a request like that. Fuck them. They couldn’t come to them demanding a hand out offering nothing in return.


“It seems like we are the only two in this room. I’ve always wanted to ride a cowboy underneath the stars.” Natalie was at her very best when she was feeling sexy, and lucky for him she seemed to have that as her default setting.


“Well, I’m not cowboy but we have the same riding equipment, so I’m fine with a nice hard ride.”


He watched her move closer to him on the blanket they’d moved to after their meal and chuckled to himself about how his life had changed in the last few months. His mother was still sick, but she seemed to flourish without him hovering and helping her all the time. There wasn’t a time that he felt, if not carefree, then more free. Sleeping with women hadn’t ever been a problem, but he’d begun to think he’d never settle down and was okay with that. Women to him were like milk… they grew sour and rank after about two weeks. Natalie had been fresh and creamy after three months, and she didn’t seem to be waning. The funny part was his interest hadn’t waned either. He wasn’t going to think about that; he just wanted to take each day as it came.


She removed her sweater since it was a brisk, cloudy day outside, but in here you could make the temperature as cool or as humid as you wanted. The deluxe room they were in even allowed for a light rain, but he thought she’d like it a little warm. She had a heater where she sat and made flower arrangements even though the rest of the room was like a refrigerator.


Scooting over to him, she moved around and looked like she was taking off her panties and damned if he wasn’t a bit upset about it. Checking out what she’d wrapped that sweet pussy in was just as sexy as unwrapping it. Such a modest girl for the public, but his girl could get dirty and she liked to be fucked hard. They were a match made somewhere other than heaven, but he had no complaints.


Standing, she gathered up her long dress before taking a step that put both of her feet on either side of him. This was her party, but his cock was knocking on the zipper of his jeans like it wanted to make sure it wasn’t left out. Since she was running the show, he’d be patient and see what she came up with. He was one to take control. They both liked it that way, but he could see she wanted to play a game that she’d thought up, and as long as it didn’t involve anything entering into his ass, he was fine with it.


Lowering herself down and settling on his face wasn’t what he thought she’d do, but he’d never turn down a taste of her. She’d moved her skirt so it was behind her, and he had a clear path to see her face. The moon was high and big so there was plenty of light to see how his long licks and firm tugs were making her feel. He reached up to palm her tits in his hands squeezing them firmly.


This is what it was like being with a woman day after day and night after night. He knew exactly what she liked, what got her off slowly, and what got her off so hard she couldn’t keep quiet. It was comfortable, and he decided he liked it very much. The old lady term wouldn’t fit well with her, and he couldn’t see her being a club chick, but weirder things had happened.


“Yes, Jack. More,” Natalie murmured as she grinded her pussy against his mouth, and he loved the way she was using him. He could feel her hard nipples through her light bra and shirt and knew what she needed. Reaching under her top with both of his hands he pinched both nipples as the same time and prepared to play rodeo. He followed her pussy as she bucked and squirmed on top of him, but it wasn’t like he was going anywhere because she had his hair like a handle.


She panted and came hard. Probably because she was trying to keep the volume level down; that always revved her up. He didn’t think he’d ever witnessed her being as turned on and orgasmic as the time he paid that usher to make sure no one came into the hallway where their orchestra seats were placed. Then he practically dared her to fuck him with the popular ballet audience in full house mode on the other side of the wall he was fucking her against. They came to the applause of the full house, and it somehow made it seem like the people were appreciative of their performance. That was a great idea, and all he could say was the desire to have her body at that moment and to hell with the consequences made him think of that. There were many things he appreciated about having money, but the ability to do something that priceless once again made him wonder if he’d be able to give up the life he was leading.


Once she’d stopped, he brought both of his hands to her very generous ass that he rubbed a few times before giving her a tap that seemed to echo against the walls. He liked the sound her ass made as his hand swatted her again, but the real music was in the moan and the clutch of her pussy against his mouth.


He flipped her so that she was now on her back and he was above her.


“I thought I was going to get to ride the cowboy,” she said with a playful pout.


“You had your chance, and you did get that ride. You must have wanted to get the mustache trot instead of the full gallop. Don’t worry; I’ll make sure I ride you nice and hard. I wouldn’t want to waste the night.”


Lifting up her shirt he could see up close what was hidden as he pinched and played with her breasts. She had on a sheer black bra that enticed more than it concealed, and he wanted to rip it off of her with his teeth. She had the best underwear he’d ever seen. The sexy exciting underwear didn’t match the modest outfits she normally wore, and that contradiction made him hungry to see what she would wear next. It appeared that the more modest the outfit, the more outrageously sexy her bra and panties were.


“Time spent with you is never a waste.” Natalie looked like a content cat, but this little pussy was far from being finished.


Her pink nipples were hard and drawn tight under that fabric, and he wanted to taste the beauty of the bra as well. Opening over the area he sucked her into his mouth and couldn’t stifle a moan himself. He reached down to unbutton his jeans and was relieved at the release of pressure of one type, but the excitement he was experiencing was quickly building another.


“I love the noise you make when you lick on my nipples.” She sounded a bit winded, and he knew why. She may like the noise he made when he played with her tits, but she loved them played with more. Just one more thing to chalk up to knowing what she liked. There was one time he’d made her come just from breast play. It had taken a while, but it was very fulfilling and the way she returned the favor made him ache to do it all over again.


“I know you do.”


She laughed and ran her hands through his hair like she did when she had a bit of time and was not overly eager to get to the climax stage. Too bad he liked her at that stage and he wanted her to get to where he was. Pulling on the nipple in his mouth harder than he had before he slid two of his thick fingers into her wetness. The slow rotation of her hips made him want to replace his fingers with something a bit more substantial… like his cock. They didn’t have that much time left before it would be time to vacate their little midnight affair; the time would be up at 3 pm. He got to his knees and pulled his pants down just so the required equipment was available for use, slipped on a condom, and plunged into her warmth.


“I love it when you do that,” she groaned, and he felt that sound slither down his nerves and wrap around his balls making him more incessant about her getting to the finish line again because her moaning and groaning about receiving his cock always made it harder to control himself.


“What? This?” He withdrew until only the very tip was still inside her and her plunged in again.


“Yes! Yes,” she answered.


He didn’t know if it was the moonlight or the wine that she consumed that made her more outgoing and wild, but he loved it. It was a far drive to get to this place which also meant it was a far ride back, but it was worth it if she was going to be this excited and in turn excite him. He was running out of places to take her and since he didn’t want her to know that he was partially hiding her, he kept finding great date places that were uncommon and unique so she wouldn’t figure out why they had to drive that far all the time. It was a good thing she liked to ride, but they mostly took his car so they wouldn’t be easily recognized. He’d bought a car for the woman, but he wouldn’t use the ‘L’ word. Yep, he was crazy.

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