Stop the Coming Civil War: My Savage Truth (5 page)

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Authors: Michael Savage

Tags: #Political Science / Political Ideologies / Conservatism & Liberalism, #Political Science / Commentary & Opinion

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This administration’s military policies include expanding the cultural Marxism that characterizes all his policies to include Christians in the military. One of the president’s pet projects is the DoD’s Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute. The DEOMI was formed in 1971 to help address racial inequality in the military. From that admirable start, it has morphed into a leftist propaganda factory promoting radical feminist issues and spreading anti-Christian directives while shredding the iconic image of our armed forces.

Here’s what the DEOMI manual states:

Simply put, a healthy, white, heterosexual, Christian male receives many unearned advantages of social privilege, whereas a black, homosexual, atheist female in poor health receives many unearned disadvantages of social privilege.…
In spite of slave insurrections, civil war, the 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments, the women’s suffrage movement leading to the 19th amendment, the civil rights movement, urban rebellions and the contemporary feminist movement, the [white male’s] club persists.

Think about those statements. Think about the garbage being fed to impressionable young men and women by this administration, and then recall the square-jawed soldiers that for decades on recruitment posters successfully encouraged men—and, yes, even women—to join the armed services. What do you think the recruitment posters of the near future will look like?

The Persecution of Christians Knows No Borders

In one of its presentations, a page dealing with “Religious Extremism,” the DEOMI manual lists radical extremist religious groups including al Qaeda, the Nation of Islam, and the Ku Klux Klan. But it also lists “Evangelical Christianity (U.S./Christian)” and “Catholicism (U.S./Christian).” The sourcing the Defense Department uses for this training material is the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
The SPLC is an anti-Christian, anti-conservative group that exists primarily to attack Christians and members of the Tea Party. In my opinion, they’re one of the most biased leftist organizations you can find, and their influence now extends to contaminating our military’s training material.

So how does the administration respond to criticism of this
group by Christians and conservatives? The DoD says that the SPLC will continue to be an important source for developing training material for the U.S. military. It doesn’t matter that the SPLC’s website features a “hate map” that identifies Christian organizations that defend traditional marriage.

There is one piece of good news about the SPLC: The FBI no longer counts the group as a “resource” on which it depends. Fifteen family groups had petitioned Eric Holder and FBI head James Comey to stop endorsing the group, and they agreed.

The administration’s war on Christians also extends to their First Amendment rights in the military. In one of our military academies, Christians are no longer allowed to write Bible verses on the whiteboards in their dormitory rooms, although Air Force Academy officials have not yet required them to remove these expressions of faith. And they’re not supposed to talk about their religious views, either, although they’re specifically permitted to do so by law.

The Military Religious Freedom Foundation, an organization that is precisely the opposite of what its name states, is a radical anti-Christian organization that maintains close ties with the Defense Department in order to eliminate religious expression from the military. The Pentagon under this administration seems committed to not allowing religious freedom of expression, despite the fact that the protection of religious expression was signed into law in late 2013. The president had threatened to veto the legislation but let it pass.

In other words, it became one more law the president would simply choose to ignore. It’s one more way in which the cultural Marxism that characterizes Obama’s regime is imposing its views on our military.

So in today’s upside-down military world, patriotic soldiers are publicly humiliated and fired, while corrosive organizations like the DEOMI are liberally funded and thrive.

How can this go on, you ask?

I’m just getting started.

This administration’s war against men goes way beyond the military, and its attack extends to everything that defines men, from their civil rights to the way they dress to their health care to male culture. I’ll give the president this: He didn’t start the left’s war against the patriarchy; that’s been going on forever. To the left, a strong man is the very emblem of democratic capitalism’s evil power.

When a film such as
Lone Survivor
, which celebrates the heroism of America’s Navy SEALs, is released, leftist critics pan it as a multi-million-dollar recruitment video, a tool “of military indoctrination geared toward the young and impressionable.” The critics go on to complain that the Taliban commander featured in the film “is presented as a terrible guy,” and that the film is unsympathetic to the Taliban terrorists attacking the SEALs.

Thanks to the war on masculinity, there are no more men left to pair up with women. It’s no wonder couples are putting off marriage and having children later and later these days. The administration had already decided not to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act, even before the U.S. Supreme Court struck much of the law down. Now Holder’s Justice Department is advancing the cause further. The DoJ released a memo instructing federal government lawyers to give “full and equal recognition, to the greatest extent possible under the law” to same-sex marriages. Like heterosexual married couples, gay married people can file jointly for bankruptcy, are excused
from testifying against their “spouses” in legal cases, and when their spouses are in prison, they have the same right to visit them as heterosexual couples have. Holder explained that same-sex marriage “stabilized families and expanded individual liberty.”

I want to see what Holder says when the gay divorces start piling up. I’m announcing right now, I have dibs on the reality television show.

Let me simplify things: If it’s illegal, Democrats are for it. Period. They support prisoners’ right to vote, and they’re actively enrolling prisoners in Obamacare. They run guns across the border to Mexican drug lords and other criminals with impunity. They turn a blind eye as illegal aliens and drug dealers cross our southern border in droves, jeopardizing American citizens and defying U.S. laws and those who try to enforce them.

The cultural elite fawn over Miley Cyrus’s disgusting “twerking” displays and watch as Justin Bieber receives no more than a slap on the wrist for racing his sports car through a residential neighborhood. We live in a society in which our civil rights are being eliminated, even as we must make our way through a leftist-dominated culture that has become even more hedonistic, amoral, and degenerate than that of Germany’s Weimar Republic of the 1920s.

Planned Parenthood, which is responsible for killing millions of babies since legalized abortion was forced on Americans by the Supreme Court, has taken its immorality to an inconceivable level: It’s now promoting bondage and sadomasochistic sex to teenagers. The agency received nearly $3 million in federal grant money that it used to promote these sexual practices while recommending that teenagers who engage in them follow
the “rules” outlined in a video titled
Getting Kinky (BDSM 101)
. The video calls October “National Kink Month” and says that Halloween and kink are both about adventure and fun and exploring roles and dynamics that are maybe a little bit different from everyday life. Their justification for spreading this filth? Bondage and sadomasochism “relies upon and creates trust,” according to video host Laci Green.

And don’t for a second think this filth isn’t approved and sanctioned by the White House. The administration’s grip on the media is so tight, their knuckles are white. Even though the mainstream press and television news corps turn a blind eye toward the excesses and corruption of this administration, they’re not satisfied. They monitor and censor even their strongest supporters in the media. This even extends to the George Soros–funded Center for American Progress (CAP).

As I’ve said elsewhere, George Soros may be the most dangerous anti-American pro-socialist power monger in the world. Soros played an important part in manipulating the 2008 presidential election in order to put Barack Obama in office. How did the president thank him? He turned the tables on Soros, ordering his thugs to make sure CAP adhered to the Obama party line in the articles it published.

Zaid Jilani is a blogger who began working at Think-Progress, one of the adjuncts of CAP. When Jilani began writing in opposition to the continuation of the war in Afghanistan, the administration leapt on her. “Phone calls from the White House started pouring in,” she said, “berating my bosses for being critical of Obama on this policy.” The administration was acting more like the Kremlin than like the leaders of the world’s freest nation. Jilani described the pressure she
received from publishers and sponsors (i.e., the White House) as “suffocating.”

Reporters Without Borders, a group that monitors freedom of the press around the world, took notice of the Obama administration’s stifling of the press. The self-described “most transparent” administration in American history has caused America’s rank in the index of freedom of the press around the world to drop from 32nd to 46th among the 180 countries measured. Among the criteria used to measure freedom of the press were the things Jilani complained about: official abuse and lack of media independence.

In maybe the most outrageous transgression against our freedom of the press, the administration planned to place government operatives in the nation’s newsrooms through the Federal Communications Commission. The project was titled “Multi-Market Study of Critical Information Needs” (CIN), and these FCC “researchers,” as they called themselves, would question everyone from reporters to editors to owners on how they decided which stories they would run.

Though the FCC said their motive for being in the newsrooms was research, it was apparent to nearly everyone that the real reason they were there was to police the newsrooms and eventually dictate which stories they could cover.

The people involved in assisting the FCC are the real indicator of how dangerous and subversive this project is. The FCC commissioner directly involved in trying to set up this incursion on the freedom of the press was Mignon Clyburn, the daughter of longtime representative James Clyburn, a former head of the Congressional Black Caucus and a man who has supported Obama’s policies blindly. Mignon Clyburn is a committed leftist ideologue who described her
mission with the FCC’s proposed invasion of our news organizations as a way to “chart a course… to a more effective delivery of necessary information to all citizens… be they native born, immigrant, disabled, non-English speaking, low income, or other.”

As you can see, Clyburn named just about every interest group this administration caters to in its destruction of our borders, language, and culture. The “study” she was planning to conduct included topics such as emergencies and risks, health and welfare, the environment, education, transportation, economic opportunities, civic information, and political information. As I see it, they’re all leftist code words for entitlements and dependency. My take is that Clyburn’s intent was nothing less than to find out if America’s newsrooms were meeting the criteria of the left. In other words, the FCC had an overtly political function.

Obama lieutenant John Podesta stomped on suggestions the project was a lightly veiled attempt at controlling the news, insisting that “any suggestion that the FCC intends to regulate the speech of news media or plans to put monitors in America’s newsrooms is false.” What Podesta failed to mention was that in 2007 he was running the Center for American Progress, and under his leadership the group produced a report that explained how the FCC could weaken conservative talk radio and replace it with progressive talk show hosts. Here’s what he proposed:

Ownership diversity is perhaps the single most important variable contributing to the structural imbalance based on the data. Quantitative analysis conducted by Free Press of all 10,506 licensed commercial radio stations reveals that
stations owned by women, minorities, or local owners are statistically less likely to air conservative hosts or shows.

Mignon Clyburn’s FCC research project was the first step in bringing Podesta’s vision of a shackled press into reality.

The Constitution specifically forbids anyone or any agency from “abridging the freedom of speech or of the press,” but I see that was precisely what Clyburn and the FCC intended to do with this project. Was it all to be done in the interest of “fairness”?

Here’s what “fairness” means to the administration when it comes to our religious beliefs: Just as he is intent on denying Christians and Christianity the freedom of their religious beliefs when they’re serving in our country’s armed forces, the president looks the other way as Islamist rebels in Syria kill Christians, wantonly torture women and children to death, and destroy Christian churches.

My question is this: Does this administration look the other way because it is jihadists who are committing these atrocities? In Syria, Bashar Assad—dictator that he may be—has always protected Christians; the “rebels”—who this administration appears to be supporting—are perpetrating the slaughter of Christians.

The same thing happened in Egypt. When the military rose up to overthrow Egyptian president Mohammed Morsi, they were getting rid of a Muslim Brotherhood ruler who supported the murder of Christians.
The president sided with Morsi. In the events that led up to Morsi’s election and subsequent removal, the administration had joined forces against a longtime American ally and defender of Christians’ rights, Hosni Mubarak.

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