Stop the Coming Civil War: My Savage Truth (12 page)

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Authors: Michael Savage

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The Pope has made it clear that he wants to hold capitalism accountable for the problems of the world. He wants to punish the haves simply for having more than the have-nots. According to his way of thinking, this is a sin.

Here are his words:

While the earnings of a minority are growing exponentially, so too is the gap separating the majority from the prosperity enjoyed by the happy few. This imbalance is the result of
ideologies that defend the absolute autonomy of the marketplace and financial speculation.

The Catholic Church had all but eradicated this ideology nearly a quarter century ago under Pope John Paul II. But although Pope Francis, who was originally from Argentina, had never practiced liberation theology, he was certainly shaped by it.

In early 2014, the Pope named nineteen new cardinals, sixteen of whom are under eighty years of age and considered cardinal electors. They’ll be charged with electing the next Pope after Francis either retires or dies.

So why is this so significant to the resurgence of liberation theology in the Catholic Church?

These new cardinals are from predominately poor countries, including Nicaragua, Ivory Coast, Brazil, Argentina, South Korea, Chile, Burkina Faso, the Philippines, and Haiti. It signals yet another move by this Pope to reduce the influence of wealth and money on the Church.

But there is another, more long-term impact of this move: the ability of these cardinals to elect the next Pope should serve to ensure the continuation of this liberation theology, which is rapidly becoming official Church policy.

As the redistribution-of-wealth crowd has been mainly fractured and rudderless, the emergence of the Church as a leader in this kind of thinking is a new and dangerous trend. It represents nothing less than Papal-sponsored Marxism. The economic struggle has mass appeal, and it will soon be co-opted by those who seek to destroy the world, if that hasn’t happened already.

Before the advent of liberation theology, though, Catholicism
hated communism. Pope Leo XIII wrote an encyclical condemning it. Let me give you some quotes from his
Encyclical on Capital and Labor
, written more than a hundred years ago:

The socialists, working on the poor man’s envy of the rich, are striving to do away with private property, and contend that individual possessions should become the common property of all, to be administered by the State or by municipal bodies. They hold that by thus transferring property from private individuals to the community, the present mischievous state of things [the gap between the rich and the poor] will be set to rights, inasmuch as each citizen will then get his fair share of whatever there is to enjoy. But… [were these plans] carried into effect the working man himself would be among the first to suffer. They are, moreover, emphatically unjust, for they would rob the lawful possessor, distort the functions of the State, and create utter confusion in the community.… Socialists, therefore, by endeavoring to transfer the possessions of individuals to the community at large, strike at the interests of every wage-earner, since they would deprive him of the liberty of disposing of his wages, and thereby of all hope and possibility of increasing his resources and of bettering his condition in life.

Pope Leo then asks and answers an important question:

Is it just that the fruit of a man’s own sweat and labor should be possessed and enjoyed by anyone else? As effects follow their cause, so is it just and right that the results of labor should belong to those who have bestowed their labor.… The authority of the divine law adds its sanction, forbidding us
in severest terms even to covet that which is another’s: “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife; nor his house, nor his field, nor his man-servant, nor his maid-servant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything that is his.”… And in addition to injustice, it is only too evident what an upset and disturbance there would be in all classes, and to how intolerable and hateful a slavery citizens would be subjected. The door would be thrown open to envy, to mutual invective, and to discord; the sources of wealth themselves would run dry, for no one would have any interest in exerting his talents or his industry; and that ideal equality about which they entertain pleasant dreams would be in reality the leveling down of all to a like condition of misery and degradation.

He finishes with this:

Neither justice nor the common good allows any individual to seize upon that which belongs to another… under the futile and shallow pretext of equality.

In the face of what the Catholic Church has stood for for the past century, Pope Francis is now embracing the very socialistic principles Pope Leo XIII decried.

He believes our system of running a business should be discarded, while the right of states to control the economy for “the common good” is laudable.

Lenin could have written the words of Pope Francis.

The Pope has joined the current administration in declaring war on free markets and capitalism.

He’s a popular man, and I have no reason to believe he isn’t
a good man. But his naïveté in world economics is very, very concerning.

Look at how another powerful person who claims to support income redistribution actually redistributes our money.

Our president spent nearly a trillion dollars of taxpayer money on a stimulus plan for the rich. He gave General Motors $50 billion so the labor contracts that had caused the automaker to face bankruptcy wouldn’t destroy the company. He lost half a billion of your dollars on the Solyndra green-energy debacle, while his cronies who ran the company lined their pockets and walked away.

You’ve got to understand what happens when leftists are allowed to take over governments at any level and redistribute wealth that rightfully belongs to the people who earn it: Those economies collapse.

The bottom five states in terms of economic stability and performance are New Jersey, Connecticut, Illinois, Massachusetts, and California.
Notice what those states have in common? Every one of these Democrat-controlled state governments has allowed public pension plans and labor union activism to expand unchecked. They got that way because they engaged in the same corrupt crony statism that now infects the U.S. government.

The employment figures released by federal government agencies are fraudulent. Real unemployment in the United States is not under 7 percent; it’s closer to 37 percent, despite what the White House, the Fed, and the U.S. Treasury try to tell you. The Misery Index, a measure of how Americans feel about the economy, is over 14 percent, not at the 8 percent level the government claims.

Food and energy prices are rising dramatically, while wages remain stagnant. While the administration tries to push climate change as the most critical danger to the United States, Americans can’t find jobs. It’s getting harder and harder to disguise what’s really going on. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, food prices are up 9 percent since June 2009. That’s caused by increases in the price of pork (14 percent), poultry (12 percent), eggs (27 percent), and milk (20 percent). During the same time, energy prices have risen by 18 percent, and the gas you need to operate your car is up 27 percent, not to mention a 23 percent rise in what it costs you to send your kids to college.

As I’ve said, you’d have to be an idiot to believe that most wars are started by anything other than economic factors. We’re facing an economic crisis that not only holds the possibility of driving more and more American citizens into poverty, it may well mean the decline of U.S. economic power globally; and it is most certainly the main wedge with which Obama is driving us apart—and into civil war.


The War on American Medicine

As incompetent as this administration appears to be, it may well be engaging in purposeful incompetence. Like the phrase
planned obsolescence
, used to explain the 1970s automobile industry in Detroit, years from now they’ll be using the phrase
purposeful incompetence
to describe the Obama White House. The administration’s missteps in rolling out Obamacare could actually be part of a devious but ingenious plan that would reduce the best, most advanced health-care system in the world to one that rivals Venezuela’s.

hen U.S. Supreme Court chief justice John Roberts folded and cast the swing vote that upheld most of the “Un-Affordable Care Act,” he may have signed the death warrant of the best medical system in the world.

It didn’t matter that the Obamacare website was nothing more than smoke and mirrors. It didn’t matter that Henry Chao, the Health and Human Services official who was in
charge of developing the software, set the project’s bar so low that he once admitted he hoped it wouldn’t be “a third-world experience.” And it didn’t matter that former Health and Human Services secretary Kathleen Sebelius displayed a level of incompetence that was hard to believe, even if it was on the part of a federal government appointee.

All that mattered to the administration was that the legislation remained the law of the land. All that mattered was that they’d pushed us further down the road that leads to socialized medicine.

The Un-Affordable Care Act forever changes the way medicine is practiced in America. And in the most devastating ways you can imagine.

Don’t believe the avalanche of positive news stories generated by the administration’s crony journalists.

Ultimately, should things continue the way they’re headed, “ObamaScare” will deny tens of millions of Americans even the opportunity to receive health care. This will be especially true of the elderly and the poor, who, thanks to the ACA, are being refused health care because doctors are no longer paid enough to cover their expenses. They’re simply refusing to take patients on Medicare, while those too poor to afford health insurance are shunted to Medicaid, where they were already overwhelming hospital emergency rooms with their need for treatment.

Which might have been the plan all along.

Is it too farfetched to believe that the real purpose of the Un-Affordable Care Act is to remove undesirables like the sick and the elderly from the rolls of the insured?

Well, consider this: Medicare Part D was passed into law under George W. Bush. It let the insurance companies compete
for the business of insuring the cost of drugs for those over the age of sixty-five. It’s the one federal program I know of that didn’t cost as much as it was projected to cost. Part D offers seniors a choice of from twenty-eight to thirty-nine different plans, depending on which state they live in. Upward of 40 million seniors and disabled people signed up. More than 90 percent of them are happy with their plans.

So what does the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), the lead agency of Obamacare, plan to do with Part D? It plans to block seniors from enrolling in the most popular programs, the ones that charge them less for patronizing pharmacies that offer the lowest cost for their drugs.

When, the website that Americans were supposed to use to sign up for their government health-care plans, was revealed to be a catastrophic failure, the anti-Obamacare chorus was louder than ever.

But I have news for you: Obama and his minions are ten steps ahead of the screaming anti-Obamacare chorus. Obama, Valerie Jarrett, David Axelrod, and the others may actually have wanted the website and the system to fail.

Why? So that the people who want free health care will demand a government-run, single-payer system. Call it “Government Medical Insurance, Inc.”

One state already has single-payer health care. Vermont passed the first single-payer health-care law in the United States. It’s known as Green Mountain Care. Vermont is known as the Green Mountain State because of the Green Mountain Boys. They were a militia group headed by Ethan Allen, and they were organized to help control a boundary dispute in what would become New England. Allen’s group served in the Revolutionary War, and his name has become synonymous with
independence of spirit and commitment to freedom. That’s why it’s so devastating that his state has become a hotbed of statist government activities. Green Mountain Care was supposed to provide health care for all Vermont residents. Now the state’s lawmakers are calling for the repeal of the law. It’s estimated that the cost of the program will be as high as $2 billion annually. That’s the equivalent of the entire tax revenue of the state of Vermont.

It’s also exactly what will happen on a national level if Obamacare is allowed to stand. We need a national group of Green Mountain Boys.

Ted Cruz was right when he said that Obama is abusing his power. But what president hasn’t? People were saying Obama lied. And Bush didn’t lie about weapons of mass destruction?

I like Ted Cruz. I think he has guts. But he and the others are missing the point. It’s not that the president is simply abusing his power—he’s reaching for more.

My friends, we are in not the first stages, not the infancy stages, not the adolescent stages quite yet—we are in the childhood of socialism in the United States. And ObamaScare is the most important tool in advancing the president’s goal of turning our country into the United Socialist States of America and the president himself into the American Castro.

As incompetent as this administration appears to be, it may well be engaging in purposeful incompetence. Remember that phrase; you read it here first. Like
planned obsolescence
, used to explain the 1970s automobile industry in Detroit, years from now they’ll be using the phrase
purposeful incompetence
to describe the current administration. The administration’s missteps in rolling out Obamacare could actually be part of a devious but ingenious plan that would reduce the best, most
advanced health-care system in the world to one that rivals Venezuela’s.

Let me tell you what’s happening in Venezuela. The South American country’s centrally planned socialist economy is collapsing, its citizens are rioting in the streets, and there’s not enough money to provide drugs for patients of the state-run health-care system. As the Venezuelan economy implodes and the country’s health-care system runs out of money and doctors, people are dying from easily treatable diseases.

The government stopped publishing health-care statistics in 2010, but estimates are that three-quarters of Venezuela’s twenty thousand cancer patients are no longer receiving treatment. The ones who are have been forced to buy their own medical supplies.

There are indications that the same thing is beginning to happen here. The mother of Ralston College president Stephen Blackwood had been battling cancer for years, and her Blue Cross/Blue Shield plan paid for her medical treatments and the drug Sandostatin, which was enabling her to continue her fight against the disease. When Obamacare eliminated her coverage, she shopped around and bought insurance from Humana. Only days before she was scheduled for another surgery, she was informed that her new plan would not pay for the drug that was keeping her alive. Thanks to Obamacare, she and her family would have to pay $14,000 out of pocket just so she could continue on Sandostatin. Her son explained it clearly to a journalist reporting the story: “Obamacare made my mother’s old plan illegal, and it forced her to buy a new plan that would accelerate her disease and death.”

Why aren’t there voices raised in outrage? How in God’s name can a country that has set the world’s medical standard
for fifty years allow this to occur? Because the administration won’t allow anyone to speak out.

Do you know what happens if you publicize the problems people are experiencing because of Obamacare? The Democrats threaten to revoke the licenses of radio and television stations that might be broadcasting these stories. Heading into the midterm elections, which will be loaded with ads that are critical of Obamacare, Dems are out to stop their political opponents from running any that talk about the disastrous plan. In a letter to the editor of a local paper, Michigan Democratic Senate candidate Gary Peters warned broadcasters that they could lose their licenses for airing what he called “false and misleading advertising,” also known as what sane people would call the truth about Obamacare.

From lunatic lefty Paul Krugman to Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid, Democrats are doing whatever they can to stifle the truth that Obamacare is sentencing us to a Venezuelan-like health-care system.

In Venezuela, two-thirds of the three hundred state-run hospitals have been reduced to walk-in clinics run by Cuban doctors. These clinics do not treat serious illnesses.
In the United States, the same thing is already beginning to happen: Four Georgia hospitals have been forced by Obamacare to shut down in the past two years, because Obamacare cuts payments for emergency services so drastically that they were on the verge of bankruptcy. The same thing is happening in half the states in the United States, which have rejected the expansion of Medicaid that Obamacare called for.

With its medical system continuing its collapse, the Venezuelan government seized a major retail chain, ordered a military occupation of the chain’s outlets, and lowered the prices
of everything in the stores. What followed was described as “government-sanctioned looting.”

Our collapse will very likely mirror Venezuela’s if Obamacare is not repealed.

Think it can’t happen here?

In March 2013, Henry Chao met with an insurance industry lobbying group called America’s Health Insurance Plans. Chao’s job was pretty straightforward: Create an easy-to-use database with a user interface that enabled people to go online, enter some information, have the information verified, and present them with options for health insurance programs they could sign up for.

During the insurance conference, Chao did his best to make sure the representatives of the health insurance community didn’t expect much. He said that he’d long since given up expectations of creating “a world-class user experience.” It was in this conversation where he made his now infamous comment of just hoping that Obamacare wouldn’t be “a third-world experience.”

I’ve told my radio audiences over and over that Obama is intent on reducing the United States to just another third-world country through his attempts to destroy our capitalist economy. Finally, one of Obama’s own lieutenants—the leader of software development, no less—validates me!

The evidence is overwhelming. The Affordable Care Act was written, perhaps intentionally, in such a way that the best health-care system in the world would be reduced to the level of Venezuela’s. Pay rates for doctors who accept government health-care insurance are cut dramatically from what is necessary to run a medical practice. Both insurance industry professionals and physicians agree that this is already leading to
a two-tiered medical system, with many doctors opting out of Obamacare, while those who remain will be overrun with hordes of new patients they’re unable to treat, thanks to the fact that there is already a shortage of primary care physicians in the United States.

New York is one of a number of states in which the best hospitals are not available to ACA patients. Not a single Obamacare insurance plan includes the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York City among the hospitals covered, for instance. Since the list of hospitals and doctors you can choose from is limited to your local area, you won’t even be allowed to go to a hospital that isn’t just around the corner from you, and most hospitals in your state won’t be available to you anyway.

It’s not only New York City cancer patients who are finding their primary sources of treatment unavailable. Doctors, hospital administrators, and insurance regulators are seeing this happen all around the country. A survey conducted by the Associated Press revealed that, for instance, the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance is not available in policies offered by five of the eight insurance companies in the state of Washington. Fewer than half of the insurance plans in the Houston area include the MD Anderson Cancer Center. Only four of the top nineteen comprehensive cancer centers said that Obamacare patients have access to their services in their responses to a national questionnaire.

The four that are included are the Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins in Baltimore; Fox Chase Cancer Center in Philadelphia; Duke Cancer Institute in Durham, North Carolina; and Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center in Nashville.

There’s a catch, though. They’re not included in low-cost Obamacare plans.

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