Stoned (The Stone Series) (17 page)

BOOK: Stoned (The Stone Series)
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Our dessert of light Italian cheese cake arrives and I am instantly reminded of the last time we were here…
“I almost forgot about dessert” he said to me then his lips were on mine for the first time, soft and gentle, barely brushing over them. Then his hand was in my hair and he had pulled me into him for a deeper kiss. I remember feeling his breath quicken. His smooth tongue ran over my bottom lip then slid into my mouth. My tongue moved to meet his. I remember feeling his silky hair for the first time and how I used it to pull him harder against my mouth. He wrapped his other hand around my waist and pulled me closer into his body. I felt his erection straining against his zipper then and I got scared and pulled away. He smiled at me then kissed me gently on my forehead saying “Mmm…you are better than any dessert we serve. You are doing…something to me Sydney that I don’t understand. I don’t usually feel this way; it’s a new experience for me. One I’d love a chance to explore more of...”


Damian looks at me and smirks; he knows what I was thinking about, he was thinking about the same thing.


My father asks, “What? What did I miss?”


Damian tells him about our first kiss, never breaking his eye gaze with mine. He tells it exactly how I remember it minus his erection pressing into me and I’m not sure if I should be mad at him for telling my father or amazed because he has remembered our first kiss as well as I had.


As we finish up Damian asks my dad if he’s planning on staying in the city or if he’s heading back home. If he wishes to stay Damian offers him a room in his penthouse. My dad says he has to get back home; he’s on the early shift in the morning. Damian tells him we’ll bring him to the train station.


We get to Grand Central and I step out of the car as I hear Damian’s phone chirp. My dad and Damian shake hands and say their farewells. Damian says he’ll give us a minute while he takes the call. I hug my dad and he whispers in my ear, “He’s one of the good ones, baby. You stay with him. He’s clearly good for you. I’ve never seen you looking happier. Now you stay in touch with your old man, you hear huggy bear?”


“I will, I promise dad. Thank you for coming today, it meant a lot to me. I’d like you to come again soon, see my new place maybe go to dinner with Damian again?”


“I’d like that princess” he says as he kisses me good-bye. “Think about calling your mother, she loves you, she worries about you, you know. Whatever happened between you two was a long time ago. Maybe it’s time to put the past behind you. I’m trying to do that myself.” Then he walks off in the direction of his train.


When I get back into the car Damian is clearly pissed off. At first I wonder if it’s because I am a little drunk. Damian lunges at me and kisses me hard on my lips, his tongue finding mine almost instantly. He is kissing me with a yearning and a hunger he hasn’t shown me before. He leans me into the seat and presses his strong body into me, pinning me with his hips. “I have to go to Chicago in the morning, and then be in Aspen on Tuesday, Atlanta on Wednesday and South Beach on Thursday and I don’t want to leave you again so say you’ll come with me.”


“Day, I can’t. I start at S&S tomorrow, you know that” I tell him.


“Yes, and I own it and I say you can have the time off so we’re good, you’re coming with me.”


“I don’t want you to do that. I don’t want any special treatment because of us. And I want to start tomorrow, Alex is counting on me. But I don’t want you to go, how long will you be gone?”


“I don’t know, things are a fucking mess with this company I’m trying to buy, it’s a chain of hotels and inns. The guy who owns it is a complete jerk off. I plan to be back by Friday, though. I’ll come back sooner if I can. I don’t think I’ll survive the week without you” he says as he draws me into his welcoming arms.


“We can FaceTime every day and I swear I won’t drink a drop of anything stronger than diet Coke. I’ll work late with Alex, him and I will probably grab a bite to eat after work then I’ll head right back home. I’ll be so tired after working all day, I’ll probably sleep like a baby” I lie.


“I don’t want to talk about this anymore” he says as we pull up in front of the building. “Come on let’s go to your apartment so we can talk about my room and a few other things. We’ll figure out this week after that. There’s something I need to tell you and after I do you may be glad that I’m leaving” he says as we step into the elevator.


We ride up the one floor in silence and Damian enters the code on my door. He tells me to go get changed and ready for bed. He says he’ll be fine by himself for a minute. He kisses me deep on the mouth, claiming it with his lips and tongue before releasing me to my room.


“I’d tell you to help yourself to anything you want from the kitchen but I’m afraid there’s nothing in there. I haven’t had time to shop for groceries yet.”


“Yeah, I figured as much so I had that taken care of while we were at the graduation. I was afraid your father would come back here and think I wasn’t taking good enough care of his little girl so I had the kitchen fully stocked” he admits.


“Why does this behavior of yours no longer surprise me?” I ask. Damian just laughs as I leave the room.


I wash my face and change into a comfortable pair of sleep shorts and a tight t-shirt. When I return to the living space I find Damian sitting on the couch in an upright position with a pained look on his face. He has removed his shoes and jacket. His tie is undone but still around his neck and the top three buttons of his shirt are undone. When he sees me he sends me a sad smile and I notice the glass of clear liquid in his hand. He stands, walks over to me and hands me one as well. He takes my hand and leads me back to the sofa. He sits first then taps his legs. I’m not sure if he’s asking for me to sit on his lap or if he was serious about spanking me. That pained look on his face could mean, “This will hurt me more than it will hurt you.” I decide to go for playful to lighten his recently darkened mood and instead of sitting on his lap I lay across it on my belly with my ass presented to him.


“I was a bad girl” is all I say. He moans and I feel the bulge start to come to life under me. Damian flips me over and kisses me hard on the mouth. His tongue is relentless and his arousal is at full force under me. He takes my face in his hands and while he’s kissing me pulls me into a sitting position on his lap. He pulls away with just one word, my name, “Sydney.”


“I don’t know where to start so bear with me okay?” he begs. “I have never felt about anyone the way I feel about you so what I’m about to do is uncharted waters.”


I smile at him and tell him that I feel the same way about him. That I have never felt these feelings before in my life and I admit that they scare me too. I thought we’d already been through this.


“Sydney, I’m a wealthy powerful man. I don’t know any other way to be. I come from a family of wealthy powerful men, my father, my grandfather, even the men on my mother’s side, her father, her brother, my cousin. It’s just all I’ve ever known; I don’t know how to be anything different.”


“I told you before Damian, I don’t care about your money either way, if you have it or if you don’t” I honestly admit.


“Just let me finish” he orders. “This isn’t about money. I have this overwhelming need for order and control. I need to always be in charge, I need to dominate. When it comes to you Sydney I want, no, need may be a better word; I need to be in control. I need to be the Dominant. I must possess you in every sense of the word. I’m not explaining this very well” he sighs and takes a deep breath before continuing. “The room I want you to do for me is a playroom, a sex playroom, Sydney. I’m a sexual Dominant and I want you to be my submissive. I want to create a room for us to play in and experiment your limits in. I want to show you my world, my kinky world of pleasure. I had no idea about your past when I meet you, now that I know I’m not sure how you’re going to feel about what I’m offering you.”


I sit there staring at him for some time trying to process what I’ve just heard. I must sit there like that for too long because he’s the one who finally breaks the silence.


“I follow an alternate lifestyle sexually. I belong to an organization referred to as The Society. I’m one of the four Head Masters and I want to share that with you. I want you to be a part of my life Sydney and The Society comes with that” he pauses for a minute then continues as he runs his hand through his hair, “Say something, please, anything” he begs.


“I don’t know what to say. I don’t understand.”


“I’m a Dominant, Sydney. I want you to be my submissive” he repeats as if the words instead of their meaning are what I do not understand. “I want us to participate in a BDSM relationship sexually. This is where things are unclear to me as well. You see, in the past all of the women I’ve been with have been my subs just for sex, nothing more romantically and they were also subs prior to our relationships where I’m guessing you have not been?”


“Submissive?  Me? Uh, Damian you did hear me the other night when I told you I was raped, right? I laid there every time and allowed him to do whatever he wanted to me no matter how bad it hurt, no matter how much I hated it. I didn’t fight back, I didn’t tell anyone. So, yeah, I’d call that being a submissive” I yell at him.


“I wouldn’t!” he yells right back at me. “Rape is the furthest thing from my lifestyle. It’s that exact point that fucker, Mark fails to understand.”


“Mark? What does this have to do with him?” I ask getting more and more confused as Damian continues.


“He’s been trying to join The Society for years, that’s how I know him. The other Head Masters and I agree he’s a lunatic. He has rape fantasies and is trying to use BDSM acts as a means to rape women. That’s not what it’s about Sydney. Trust me I would never harm a woman. I have never made anyone do anything they didn’t want to do. That’s why he made that comment about me hurting women though, he doesn’t understand that what I do is consensual and for their pleasure, not pain. I’ll admit there is pain involved but not in a bad way. ”


“I’m very confused. I don’t know what you want from me, what you want me to say.”


“Let me try to explain better” Damian pleads.


“BDSM stands for bondage, dominance, submission and masochism. It means a relationship where you and I will take on the roles of Dominant and submissive. It will involve us playing with some types of restriction; the setting of rules by me which if you fail to follow will result in your punishment through some sort of discipline. It involves not only the physical but also the emotional and psychological, its complex. There will be the sensations, sometimes sexual, others sensual and still others a combination of both. What happens in your head is an even bigger aspect to it. Once I’ve taken you to subspace you’ll understand what I’m trying to explain.”


“Subspace?” I ask, “What is subspace?”


“Subspace is the place you’ll go to in your head where all else will be gone, quiet, all you’ll feel and see, hear and smell is the interaction between us. It’s magical.”


Damian touches my wrist to his lips, “I can feel your heart rate increasing. You’re aroused by the idea, angel. Am I right?”


I shake my head in the affirmative. There’s no need to lie, he’d know anyway.


“That’s right, don’t lie to me. I can tell. It’s the honesty between us that will be so important.”


Damian smiles at me then continues, “Understand I will have the perceived power and authority but in actuality it will be you with the power. There will be safe words and if you use them I will stop whatever it may be that we’re doing. This relationship and all acts we do must be consensual; I will never abuse you or put you in any kind of danger.  I will show you erotic sexual experiences that your rational mind cannot yet understand. When you first experience what I’m proposing, or maybe I should say, if you choose to experience what I’m proposing you’ll be  surprised by the immediate and highly charged erotic responses that you’ll have despite what your intellectual mind might tell you.” He takes a few deep breathes while looking at me, gauging if he should continue.


“I still need to spank you for drinking over your limit the other day that might be a good place for us to start” he was brave enough to propose.


Well that has me more interested. “Okay, I’m listening, continue.”


“You will want to give me the authority over you that I craze. And I will need you to want that, I need us to have a total power exchange. You must also trust me completely or it can never work. You will pick hard limits, things you don’t want to do under any circumstances and soft limits, things you might consider trying and we’ll talk through them all so we’re clear of what we both want and don’t want, I have my limits too.”

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