Stone Heart (14 page)

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Authors: Candace Sams

BOOK: Stone Heart
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Stone Heart

by Candace Sams

"Aye. I would have
to send her away. Failing that, I'd do anything she asked.
And I would have defended her life with my own."

"If these events had transpired, how much do you think she'd have seen before she was destroyed?" Shayla questioned.

"I would have let no one harm her.
No one!"
he insisted.

"Those are bold words, my man. Would you have challenged me?" There was an intentional thread of anger in her voice.

"I would have kept her safe," he responded. "She is no'

and never has been a threat to this Order. All she did was keep a promise. It isn't in her to harm anyone or any

My experience is vast on the subject of one being's ability to harm another."

"It isn't your right to bring her here just because she may have insisted, MacGregor. But what's done is done. The point is moot since I feel that the girl has little time left. I've promised you safety and she may stay until her end. But you will swear loyalty to this Order and to me as its safekeeper.

You'll do this in private and in front of the other members of the Order. And you'll not leave the confines of this forest without my express permission. Is that understood?"

He knelt before her. "Aye, Sorceress. You have my promise of fealty. I told you this because I wanted no deception between us. Had Karen wanted to be here, I would have brought her. No matter the state of her health. I wanted you to know that she will always have my protection."


Stone Heart

by Candace Sams

So, the so-called murderer cared about someone so much he would risk his own life. But it seemed that MacGregor wanted no part of subterfuge or lies, though it would have been more tactful to have kept his mouth shut. That didn't match the information she'd been given. Perhaps he'd used the time, centuries of it, to change. When he would have walked back to where Karen stood, Shayla placed a hand on his arm and stopped him.

"There's just one more thing I'd like to know, MacGregor.

How, with your reputation, did
come to care for you enough to keep your secret and eventually release you?"

He sighed, not wanting to repeat the story to her. Her expression told him she would not be put off. "I saved a child's kitten from drowning. That child was, as best we can tell, Karen's ancestor."

Shayla stared at him. She'd been led to believe the man would have been more likely to wring such a helpless creature's neck and drown its owner.

Her expression must have shown the astonishment she felt, because he said, "I promise you, Sorceress, no one was more dumbstruck by that deed than was I."

As he walked back to where Hugh and Karen stood, Shayla smiled. She had read the Order's records about him and his family. Deep inside, he had been badly hurt. That hurt had led to anger toward those he thought were responsible. With all his rage and brutality, some tiny bit of goodness had been in him. Perhaps the Goddess of all things had known this and provided a way out of the true bondage which had been his anger and pain. But had a way out been provided ... or was 120

Stone Heart

by Candace Sams

the worst pain yet to come?


Stone Heart

by Candace Sams

Chapter Six

As they walked toward the center of the forest, Shayla watched Karen and Angus. The huge Druid kept her very close. His right arm was draped protectively over her shoulders. She and Hugh kept pace behind, occasionally giving directions as to which way to proceed. Shayla placed an arm over Hugh's, indicating they should slow up a bit and increase the distance between the couples.

"Keep an eye on them when we go to the great clearing tomorrow, Hugh. The others know we're coming, though I doubt everyone will be aware there's to be an outsider among us."

"You expect trouble?"

"Not with everyone. But you know as well as I that I'm breaking so many rules and traditions that there's bound to be some concerns raised."

"You're Sorceress. No one would dare do more than ask questions. It's your discretion how to enforce law."

"I'm not so sure, my love. Not everyone realizes that different situations require alternative solutions. Just bringing MacGregor here is enough to cause some fear. I've asked Lore to spread word of his existence and that Angus'

punishment is at an end. But I've also asked the Fairy Leader to keep silent about the outsider. Word will spread soon enough, and I want to watch our people's responses."

"What was
response?" Hugh asked, knowing the Fairy was an intelligent man.


Stone Heart

by Candace Sams

"You know Lore. He's as loyal and steady as any man could be. And he has the utmost respect from all the Fairies, no matter what their origin."

"I talked with O'Connor as you asked. He supports you entirely."

"Ah, yes. Gryphon." She smiled. "He and Heather are staunch allies. I'll have their complete cooperation. None of the Druid warriors dares question them."

"As I've said many times, Shayla. You are the lawgiver.

Your wisdom is beyond question. Times are changing and those of the Order who don't understand must be made to. If you decide to let this outsider into our realm, then no one should utter a word against your judgement. After all, Gryphon's own mate was once an outsider. Now she's completely accepted."

"She was accepted only because magic changed her into one of us. Karen's case is different. The fact that instead of killing this outsider I let her come among us won't be viewed with such complacency. But before this situation ends, I will know where loyalties lie. The millennium has passed. We should take our place with the rest of the world's population instead of skulking about in the woods like frightened sheep.

After all, we once walked the earth without hiding. Perhaps this situation will allow us to test how an outsider, without any use of magic, responds. And how our people will respond to

Hugh realized that part of the problems concerning loyalty and fears of the outside world originated with recent decisions Shayla had made. The Sorceress' authority had been violently 123

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by Candace Sams

challenged by a rival Druid, a woman whose practice of the black arts had led to a battle to the death. Before that woman died, however, she attacked their main population in England.

Two men had died while others had been seriously injured.

Trying to ensure the same thing would never happen again, Shayla established a new section of the Order in the United States. Rumors circulated. Members of the Order were frightened about being attacked again and had to watch as some of their number left for other lands. All the upheaval had left the Sorceress with the need to validate faction loyalties. It had also established the fact that it was dangerous to continue existing the way the Order had for the past thousand years. Keeping all the people in one or two sacred forests, instead of spreading them out, was insane. An enemy could destroy all of them in one well-planned attack.

And keeping all outsiders ignorant of their existence was becoming more and more difficult. It was the Sorceress'

covert plan to find certain outsiders and let them know about the Order. They would be handpicked and unquestionably loyal. Their specialized skills in science, medicine, art, and technology would be necessary in the coming years.

Silently considering these matters for a time, Hugh finally spoke. "I'm the only one who knows what you're planning and why. Shouldn't leaders like Lore, Gryphon and Tearach be told? If they knew what you planned for the future, surely..."

"No. I want to know who stands loyal without question. It's essential to our survival. This situation between Karen and Angus will be the first of several tests I must give." She paused. "The Goblins are almost extinct. Every year our lands 124

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by Candace Sams

diminish, and it becomes increasingly difficult to communicate in a technologically advancing world and hide our existence.

Karen's ability to ferret out our secret files are a case in point."

"Not advising our leaders of your plans could cause the very same divisiveness you don't want," Hugh argued as he raised his hands to make his point.

Shayla stopped walking and turned to speak. "Are you saying you don't agree with my plan? If I don't have
support, Hugh, how can I possible ask it of the others? I must know that we all stand united. We'll never be able to stand strong among outsiders if we can't do so among our own kind. And there may come a situation when there's no time for a debate about what I command. I
have loyalty."

He took her hands in his and spoke reassuringly. "Of course you have my full, unquestioned support, my love. But the faction leaders would support you if they knew
you're about to make so many abrupt changes. I'm certain of it."

"When I know who'll stand with me without question in this matter of MacGregor and the girl, then I'll truly know who is worthy of moving into the future. We'll stand or fall united.

This is the way it must be, Hugh. Promise me you'll let me handle this without telling the faction leaders anything.

Besides, Lore, Gryphon and Tearach deserve to know who will stand with
as well. They are our bravest and best. The time for testing ourselves, in every imaginable way, is upon us. You've read the runes as well as I."


Stone Heart

by Candace Sams

Hugh continued walking beside her. "I have. But what may come in this new millennium frightens me, Shayla. I won't pretend it doesn't."

"Fear can be a good thing, my heart. Our mettle will be tested in how we meet the challenge. I'm willing to let our people prove themselves worthy of continued existence. But whether they like it or not, changes
be made."

"Aye," he agreed, "they

Karen looked over her shoulder, and noticed the seriousness of the conversation between Hugh and Shayla, though she couldn't begin to guess the subject matter. She glanced at Angus and knew he was aware of their discussion as well. "Angus, I don't want to be the cause of any trouble here."

He took her hand in his. "If the Sorceress dinna' wish it, your presence would not be allowed. In the past, the Sorceress' word has always been the law. She and her predecessors are the most powerful and revered of all the beings here."

"May I ask how she got so powerful?"

"It has been a long time since being instructed in the ways of the Order, but I recall being told that each Sorceress chooses her successor depending upon the power displayed and the hardiness of nature exhibited. And the replacement must show wisdom beyond her years. She must be an expert in the traditions and laws of the Order, for it will fall to the successor to enforce and teach these things."

"And the leader is always a woman?"


Stone Heart

by Candace Sams

"Always." Angus smiled. "Women are the givers of life and are treasured here." But his smile faded when he recalled how he'd misused them and betrayed their trust. Not once, but over and over.

"What's wrong?" Karen asked, noticing Angus' darkening expression. When he didn't respond, she rightly guessed he was remembering something he'd rather not. She tightened her grip on his arm and changed subjects.

"How do you like this century so far? Besides television and hamburgers, I mean?"

He shook off his foul mood and smiled again. "It is remarkable. I fear I will never catch up with what I must know. Perhaps you can help me." He stopped suddenly and pushed her behind him. He stared into a small glade when a new presence became apparent.

"It's all right, Angus. I've promised no harm will come to her," the Sorceress spoke from behind them.

Confused by what seemed like minutes of total silence and Angus' complete lack of movement, Karen glanced back at the two Druids. "What's wrong?"

"MacGregor is not convinced," Hugh shrugged and smiled.

Beside him, Shayla seemed unconcerned and sat upon a nearby tree stump.

"Show yourself," Angus commanded as he stared into the glade.

"Don't get your knickers in a knot," a small voice replied.

"I'll come out when the Sorceress says so and not before.



Stone Heart

by Candace Sams

Karen watched Hugh hide a grin behind one hand. Shayla shook her head and sighed. Whoever was there was absolutely camouflaged, yet Angus had known someone was present without being able to see anything at all.

"Come out, Pluck. This is Angus MacGregor. I'm sure you've heard about him by now," Shayla said. "And the girl is Karen Matthews. She is here at my invitation."

still an oaf!" the voice repeated.

"Sorceress, order him out of hiding!" Angus growled. "I dislike Elves lurking about."

"Pluck, behave yourself and come out. What will Karen think of you?" Shayla smiled.

The bushes near Karen's right moved, and out stepped a tiny man no taller than three feet in height. He wore a green pointed cap upon his head and a brown leather jerkin with matching pants and boots. The clothing was made to hide him and did its job well. His slightly tilted brown eyes were emphasized by a set of sharp ears and a pointed beard.

"Hello, Karen Matthews. I'm Pluck O'Reilly. But we seldom go by last names here. So I'll call you Karen, and you can call me Pluck." He took off his cap, bowed and grasped her hand.

Karen was enchanted with the man Angus called an Elf.

"Ohhhhh, you're wonderful! Forgive me for being so surprised. Of course, I've never seen an Elf before and you're so good at hiding. I wouldn't have found you in a million years."

Pluck smirked broadly and proudly stuck out his chest. She couldn't have known she'd paid him a high compliment indeed. Elves regarded their ability to hide as one of their 128

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