Stone Guardian (35 page)

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Authors: Danielle Monsch

Tags: #Entwined Realms Book I

BOOK: Stone Guardian
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She nuzzled into him. “You did. I didn’t understand.” The rumbling was louder now, the heat building. She curled into Terak’s arms.

Shadowy arms around her, and Larissa was pulled downward through the floor.




Chapter Thirty-Nine



“Hi there, Sleeping Beauty.”

So I’ve died and gone to hell.
It was unmistakably Fallon’s voice above Larissa’s head, and the swordswoman wasn’t on her favorite persons list. Considering Fallon’s general attitude, there was no way she was on anyone’s favorite persons list.

But Fallon had come to free her. And she had fought with Terak. And she did look cool carrying around such a big sword.

Okay, maybe purgatory.

“Take your time waking up. It’s fine. It’s not like we have anything else to do except sit around and stare at you.”

Awareness came in short spurts. Grass blades scratched her cheek and arms, and the earth was solid underneath, solid and cool, but still warmer than it had been when she had been forced through it like a ghost, insubstantial, weightless,
. Her skin prickled at the sense memory, and she shuddered with the renewed cold. Did Terak feel…



“Here,” and strong, rough fingers grazed her chin. She forced her eyes open to see his beloved face. He was sitting to her left, looking as if had just risen from beside her.

“What happened?” Because last she checked, she and Terak were about to get crushed under a mountain.

“Shadow,” Fallon answered as Terak helped Larissa into a sitting position.

The world’s rotation was observable, but Larissa took a few deep breaths to get the dizziness under control. Once that was accomplished, she looked to the area where Fallon pointed, to see the dark warrior on the ground, a healer above him. He looked grayer, like a faded copy instead of the original.

“Is he okay?”

“He will be. Mostly.” Fallon said. “Don’t overthink it. It’s what we do.”

Larissa looked at the various Guild members. No, they weren’t nice and they weren’t good, but while she would happily live if she never met up with without them again, she understood a little better their place.

She reached for Terak, wanting skin contact. He reciprocated, meshing his fingers with hers, his eyes dark and bright. “Thank you all for saving Terak and saving me.”

From out of a giant purse Laire pulled out a small, black velvet bag. “I’ll tell you how you can show your thanks – hand over that little bauble you’ve got with you.”

Terak’s fingers tightened on hers. At his small nod she fished the jewel out from her pants pockets. “What would this have done?”

“Pray you never find out,” Laire said. She held out the opened bag. “Drop it in there, please.”

Larissa did as asked, and Laire spoke a few words in another language before tying the bag off and putting it back in her purse. Laire looked her over, and the term
x-ray vision
floated through Larissa’s brain. The mage asked, “The dagger?”

“Buried in Garof’s back, if you want to go back for it.”

For one brief moment, fear flickered over Laire’s face, but the Asian woman closed her eyes and turned away, heading back for her companions. Fallon exhaled in an explosive blast, and Larissa decided to not ask any questions.

And now to the other problem of the night. “Taneasha?”

“We have her, and we know her part in this.”

Fallon’s tone might have warned against asking any questions, but Larissa couldn’t let it go at that, no matter what the girl did. “What’s going to happen to her?”

“We’re not going to kill her if that’s what you’re worried about.” Never let it be said Fallon ever tried to soften any news. “But you’re not going to see her in class again.”

Before Larissa could even begin to process her conflicted feelings about her former student, from the sky dropped several gargoyles. Terak rose but kept her in his arms, beneath his wings. She curled into him.

Terak called out, “All have survived?”

“Yes. We looked for you, but the mountain was crumbling too quickly and we had no choice except to leave.”

“I would have it no other way, Malek.”

Larissa squirmed a little. When Terak looked at her she arched her eyebrow and tilted her head a tiny amount. They really were a couple because Terak read her wants perfectly and set her down, though he kept her close. She spoke to the assembled gargoyles. “Thank you for coming to my aid. I am grateful to all of you beyond what I can say.”

Malek shook his head, his arm casting aside her words. “You are ours to protect,
. It is duty and honor to come to your side when we are needed. We made that promise when we followed your mate away from the Clan.”

Away from the Clan.
Larissa looked up at Terak. He stared straight ahead as if he had no idea she was looking at him, but the tick in his jaw gave him away. “What do they mean, away from the Clan?”

He took a long breath before he gazed down at her. “I made a choice.”

“No.” There was no way she was going to let this happen. Not his Clan. “I’m not worth it.”

His gaze became fierce and he brought himself to his full height. “You are worth everything,” he said, the tone brooking no argument. “I would give this realm for you, so do not talk to me of leaving the Clan. They cannot accept you, so I will have no more dealings with them.”

“Your people-”


Before she could continue noises above brought everyone’s attention to the sky, in time to see a contingent of gargoyles descending in front of them.

An older gargoyle stepped forward, and Terak moved to meet him while keeping her behind him. “Krikus, how did you know of this place?”

“The Guild transported us here once the danger was past. I informed them the need to see you was urgent.” The old councilor looked past Terak and straight at Larissa. When their eyes met, he gave a bow. “Forgive me for not introducing myself earlier,
. I am Krikus.”

Terak went still at the title. “You call her

“Why would we not? She is the mate of our

With those words, as one, the gargoyles dropped to their knees in a deep bow in front of Terak. Malek smiled, and he and the warriors joined in the display.

The wondrous confusion on Terak’s face cracked Larissa’s heart. Her beloved gargoyle was so exposed for all to see – his desire for what they were offering warring with the disbelief it could be happening.

Krikus waited for Terak’s attention to return to him before he spoke again. “It will not be easy. We still have doubts, and some will never be convinced. But you are right – our Clan must be united to survive. We choose the path behind you. We will follow as you create this new place.”

Terak was still speechless, so Larissa came up and placed her hand in his. “I hope,” she began, and gave Krikus the smile she had perfected when she convinced Dad to let her go on her first date, “This means you will help me in learning how to best serve my Clan.”

Surprise lit the old gargoyle’s face before a wide smile split his face. “I would be honored,

Terak’s eyes were soft on her, adoring, and Larissa basked in the force of that gaze. Her gargoyle, her mate, her
. Still, a little tease wouldn’t hurt. “There is one last thing to conquer.”

Terak’s visage turned wary, and he glanced around. “What is that?”

“You need to meet my family.”




Chapter Forty



He heard her coming toward him, the
of her shoes heralding her arrival on the stone embankment long before her words reached his ears. “Why are you in that form?”

Terak turned to face his mate as she approached him, wearing a long coat tied at her waist. “I thought you would prefer me to meet your family while I was in my human guise.”

Her mouth was tight, little frown lines between her eyebrows. “As you told me, no matter what you look like, you are a gargoyle. I didn’t fall in love with a human, I don’t want a human with me as I introduce the male I love to my family. I want the Clan Leader of the Gargoyles, my mate, by my side tonight.”

His heart became more hers at those words, if that were even possible. Still, he shook his head. “They will only see me as a monster and try to take you away. I do not wish to fight the family of my mate, but I will not let them keep you from me.”

“Terak,” she sighed, coming over to take his face between her hands. “That won’t happen. They already know everything and know what to expect when they meet you.”

“Are you saying your Clan is happy with your mate?”

“I’m saying they don’t have a choice in the matter.”

He brought up one hand to cover hers as it lay against his face, warm and soft. “Why would you believe that? Your father is anything but weak-willed. He will not accept so easily any mating of yours, but especially to one who is connected to the New Realms.”

“My dad has to accept it, because I told him I love you the same way he loved my mother, and I asked him if anything in this world would have kept him from her side. When he admitted nothing would, I asked him what lengths he thought I would go or what I would give up to stay with you. I can’t say he’s completely happy, I won’t lie about that. But you left the Clan to be with me. Do you think you mated with someone who does not have the same level of commitment as you do?”

“Never, little human. You awe me with all you have given up already to be at my side.”

“Then prove your faith in me, and turn into your true form.” With a naughty smile, she started to remove the long coat. “I’ll make it worth your while.”

Her reveal was a punch to his chest, stealing his breath away as he took her in. Her dress emphasized the soft swell of her breasts, her skirt was very tight and very short, and on her feet shoes with spikes that made the lines of her legs into works of art.

He reached out to touch her, but she backed away and waggled a finger at him. “
Tsk tsk
, I don’t see your gargoyle form yet.”

Putting aside his own fears, he took a deep breath and changed into his true form.

When he opened his eyes, he saw her eyes moving over his body, taking in every inch of his skin. “Now this is what I want.”

“Then give me my reward, mate.”

She smiled then, walking toward him with her hips swaying, the sight of it making his body hard. Once she was before him again she lifted herself onto her toes and took his bottom lip between her teeth, giving a soft bite she knew would drive him insane. “Out of the two of us, I’m the one who should be worried.”

“Oh?” he said, enjoying the feel of her.

She licked the spot she had just bitten. “After all, I’m only a puny, insubstantial human. I can’t defend myself.”

He moved his mouth to graze over hers. “A Gargoyle who is not strong enough to defend his mate does not deserve to live.”

She lowered her mouth to nuzzle under his chin. “I have no claws.”

“I disagree. I feel your claws when you rake them down my back,” and he groaned as she proceed to show him how good her claws felt as they travelled his front.

She nipped the underside of his jaw. “I can’t fly.”

His hands cupped her face, locking their gazes. “I will always carry you.”

That beautiful smile that defined his world lit her face. “Show me.”

He was undone. He lifted her into his arms and jumped into the space before them, taking flight.

He thought he loved flying before, but holding Larissa in his arms remade the experience. She kissed his earlobe, worrying the flesh between her teeth before she bit down. He struggled to keep his eyes open against the sensual assault, but when she licked the shell of his ear he shuddered, losing momentum and dropping a few feet.

She giggled. “Am I having an effect on the mighty Clan Leader,” she teased, blowing into his ear now.

“Larissa,” he growled, but she paid him no mind. Putting her mouth to his ear, she whispered, “Wrap my legs around your waist.”

He groaned. “What are you doing to me?”

“Me? I’m enjoying the flight. You concentrate on keeping us in the air, I’ll take care of the rest.”

She slid her leg down his torso. He should stop her, but yet somehow, he found himself settling her as she wished.

Once she was secure her hand reached down between her legs to the fastening of his pants. “Larissa,” he tried again, but even as he spoke her name her hand curled around his aching shaft, freeing him from the fabric. “Gods, I love the feel of you,” she breathed, stroking as far down as she could. “I want you all the time. I think of you inside me all the time.” She wiggled down his body, bringing them into intimate contact.

It took all his willpower to stay their course. He had no additional reserves for speech, so he could not tell her to stop. Otherwise he would… and then she stroked him against the wet warmth of her pussy, laid bare to him.

“Where… are your undergarments?” Sweat ran down his spine, pillowing in the hollow of his back as his hips instinctively flexed toward her.

“Oops, guess I forgot something.” There was nothing in her voice that suggested she was sorry for this.

She would pay. She would pay for doing this to him, for robbing him of all sanity right as he was going to meet her Clan. As soon as he could think again, she would pay.

Larissa gave him a quick, hard kiss, her eyes hazy with lust. “I wish I could taste this right now, but I’ve learned adaptability is key to survival. I’ll get back to that later.” Using her legs, she worked herself on him, but without leverage there was little friction, only the delicious feel of her wetness over his tip. Her nails dug into his back right above where his wings attached while the pointy spikes of her heels speared into his thighs in the most pleasurable pain he had ever known.

“Terak,” she cried. She was pink and tousled, her pouty lips parted in frustration that she was not able to take him deeper and bring them both the pleasure they craved.

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