Stolen Vows (43 page)

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Authors: Stephanie Sterling

BOOK: Stolen Vows
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              He pinned Lord Douglas with a freezing stare.


Lord Douglas, for the first time in his life, was at a loss for words. He had never feared any man before now and though the man sitting before him was of the bluest blood, he had heard stories about the ruthlessness of Lord Dominic. The man looked like the devil with jet-black hair, aristocratically angular face, and eyes of a cold crystal blue that could freeze the very blood running through one’s veins with a single look. He had been a deadly asset to the crown, but now that he had taken his place as Earl of Redwick in society, they needed him for a much more delicate matter.


“I am aware that you have many pressing matters to attend to as the new Earl of Redwick, but there has been a situation that needs to be investigated with the delicacy and secrecy only you can achieve. It is a matter of treason and it cannot go unnoticed any longer.”


“And what is it you expect me to do?”


“I need you to investigate the matter of a missing girl. She is the daughter of the late Duke of Cranbury and disappeared when Mr. Hollow, her stepfather, committed treason. He was a small shipping merchant until he began moving cargo of a different nature.”


“What does the girl have to do with it?”


“We are not precisely sure, but her sudden disappearance from society in which she is very well known is alarming and she either knows the whereabouts of her stepfather……. or of the missing jewels.”


“Jewels?” Dominic said derisively. “I am not taking part of any duck hunt for jewelry Lord Douglas.”


“This is not just any piece of jewelry. This necklace is a priceless gift from the King of Spain himself and a French spy has taken it. We found his body in the Thames with a note containing precise instructions to do so leading us to Mr. Hollow, who we can only assume now has the necklace. We have lost enough to the French - we will not lose this; it is a symbol of our victory over France and future alliance with Spain. It is your duty Lord Dominic!” Lord Douglas slammed his fist on his desk for emphasis. He seemed embarrassed by his loss of composure and sat back in his chair, nervously wiping the beads of sweat from his forehead.


Dominic watched him idly, slightly amused by his patriotic fervor, or was it greed that led this passion for justice. Dominic could no longer tell where loyalty ended and political ambitions began.


“Find the girl and find the necklace. All that we ask is as you go about your usual society affairs you simply drop a question here or there, listen for any talk and such. Someone has to know where the young woman is, she cannot have dropped off the face of the earth. Her options would be limited to matrons and close friends. Someone must know and you are the best man to find the truth.”


“Do I have any choice in the matter?” Dominic asked sarcastically.


“No” Lord Douglas glared hard at the arrogant young Earl. “You are on orders from the Prince himself. You may go now, keep me updated with any information.”


Dominic raised an arrogant brow as Lord Douglas began to shuffle through papers completely dismissing his presence. He left the office with no further comment and returned to the bustling street outside. Forgoing his carriage, he decided to walk to his home, which was only a few blocks away. Walking seemed to calm his nerves and clear his head giving him room to think about how to find a missing debutante as soon as possible. He had a life to get back to, not a terribly exciting life, but it did not include murder and secrets and that suited him just fine.




“There’s to be no fraternization with the footmen, stable boys, and especially his Lordship’s acquaintances or you will be dismissed. Insubordination or cheeky attitude, unkempt hair and uniform, sloppy work, or clumsiness will not be accepted, fail to meet these qualifications and you will–”


“Be dismissed, yes Mrs. Fields I understand you perfectly.”


“Good, now what did you say your name was?”


“Li– I mean Millie James ma’am.”


“Now come along Millie. You must pass muster under Mr. Fields, my husband,” Mrs. Fields said proudly, “before I can show you the kitchen duties.”


“Yes Mrs. Fields.” Lilly hurried after the portly woman through a maze of doors and short corridors in the underbelly of the house lit only by wall sconces. They stepped through a door into what looked like a butler’s pantry where an older slightly fatherly looking man seemed to be checking and rechecking lists behind a small desk.


Mrs. Fields stepped politely in front of the desk and cleared her throat.


“Mr. Fields, I would like to introduce you to the young lady applying for the position of cook's assistant.”


              Mr. Fields spared her a single glance before looking back to his papers. “She’s too pretty,” was all he said.


Mrs. Fields waved Lilly forward and she curtsied and introduced herself.


“Please Sir, my name is Millie James and I am very honored to be interviewed by such a prestigious household.” Lilly paused when she noticed the so important Mr. Fields staring at her with a confused expression.


“Where did you learn to speak like that girl?” He took his glasses off and stared at her dubiously.


“I ah....”


“Well?” He barked.


“Sir,” Mrs. Fields stepped in, she felt obligated to help this poor girl, “Miss James comes from the Duke of Cranbury's house.” She paused, “before the incident of course.”


              Lilly braced herself for the worst.


“Did you stay with the Duchess Miss James or follow the new Duke’s household?”


Lilly took a deep breath and steadied her nerves before she answered. “Neither Sir, after his Grace passed away I was called to my ailing Aunt’s residence. I don’t believe the new Duke has returned from his travels and I did not witness the duchess’ remarriage.”


“I see…” Mr. Fields put on his glasses and resumed looking over the papers.


“Last I heard he was still gallivanting about Europe. How long were you working in the kitchens before you left Miss James?”


“Eleven years sir, I grew up in those kitchens.” Lilly said confidently, out of the corner of her eye she could begin to see a smile form about Mrs. Field’s lips.


“Why don’t you show her the kitchen Mrs. Fields?”


“Excellent Mr. Fields, right away. Come along Millie.”


Lilly nearly collapsed with relief, this was the first step in her new life as a servant and she could only imagine the hours of labor her future would entail. Nevertheless, even that was better than ending up in New Gate for treason. Entering the dim corridor again, Lilly followed Mrs. Fields down a short hallway.


“Was it confusing to have a surname so similar to your employers Miss James? Did you ever get to meet the Miss St. James? I had heard she was a beautiful child,” the housekeeper chattered on pleasantly.


“No ma’am, I would imagine the daughter of the Duke would not be allowed to grace the kitchens.”


“So true Miss James, some houses are very strict in their formality.”


“And you are not?” Lilly asked.


“Oh not to worry my dear, the master is rarely at home and why would he ever enter the kitchens? The sight of him alone sends Bertha into fits. He is a devil that one.”


              “One can hope to never meet him.” Lilly said to herself aloud.


              Mrs. Fields paused in her stride and turned to face Lilly. “Now you don’t have to worry about that Miss James. This is a very respectable household for a young woman such as your self, despite what you may have heard about the Earl and his reputation.” She patted Lilly on the shoulder in a motherly fashion and resumed her pace. “Besides, the odds of you two crossing paths are as likely as a fish in the Prince Regent's tea.”


Lilly smiled to herself behind the housekeeper’s back. She liked those odds.



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