Stolen Desire (Outlawed Realm) (15 page)

BOOK: Stolen Desire (Outlawed Realm)
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Paige wanted it all. Whatever he could give.

She arched her back to the thrilling sensations he created within her. She sighed, then whimpered as he captured her mouth again, his kiss deep, wet, sensuous. His shaft grew even harder, his body clearly wanting relief. However, instead of thrusting his rod into her, Zekin pulled out.

Not expecting that, Paige tore her mouth from his. “What are you doing?”

“This.” His expression was mischievous, his intent clear.

He turned his back to her. Paige bit her lip at the brutal scarring on his back, a cobweb of reddish, uneven skin. Zekin seemed to have forgotten it, his movements fluid and unashamed. Straddling her hips, he positioned his body so he could reach her cunt with his mouth. His weighty balls and cock dangled above her face, delivering their masculine scent and musk.

The heady fragrance called to everything wanton within her, the same as his male beauty. His balls were luscious, tight and plump, the skin rough from short dark hairs, his cock magnificent. Thick. Long. Hard. The crown glistened with her moisture and the remnants of his climax. Swirling her tongue over the tip, Paige tasted his ejaculate, a slightly different flavor from the few men she’d been with in the past. Saltier. Richer. Freaking delicious, the same as the rest of him. She couldn’t lick him enough.

Zekin’s growl showed his approval. He’d wrapped his arms around her thighs to keep them parted and her pussy exposed, vulnerable to whatever he desired. He showed her what that was, dragging his tongue down the length of her cleft, tracing the contours of her soft folds, returning to her clit.

Paige arched her back at the mind-blowing sensations his licks generated. Zekin dragged his tongue over her nub, seemingly determined that she come again.

Not yet.

Not until he’d come again. Forcing herself to concentrate on his pleasure, Paige pursed her lips around his crown, easing it and his cock into her mouth until she’d taken all of him in, showing Zekin she could be as frisky as one of the pleasure slaves. Hell, those babes had nothing on her. Not with him.

His tongue paused on her pussy. His entire body went still. Delighted she had his attention, determined to keep it, Paige cupped his balls. She fondled the warm, fleshy sac while she worked his rod in and out of her mouth.

Zekin’s growl rumbled across the scant space, whatever self-control he’d had at an end. He pressed his fingers into her thighs to keep them parted and held her clit between his teeth lightly, carefully. His tongue was far less protective. He licked and suckled her nub, clearly driven to drive her wild while giving her no choice except to submit.

Paige couldn’t pull away from him. His arms around her legs, the weight of his body and the way he held her nub didn’t give her a chance of escape.

God, this was awesome.

Her skin burned with lust. A bead of sweat ran down the valley between her breasts. A pulse beat within her pussy, uncomfortable with denied desire, demanding release.

She refused herself that, at least until she’d tended to him. Forcing herself to concentrate on his luscious rod and balls, Paige squeezed his sac lightly even as she tongued the bumpy skin at the back of his crown.

He grunted in response but didn’t stop. He licked her clit like there was no tomorrow, then slowed down as if there were. His variable pace kept her unsettled and expectant as he brought her climax close only to stop until it had drifted away. When it had, he began again.

He was driving her absolutely nuts.

Her misery appeared to please him. At one point, Paige was certain she’d heard him chuckle.

Aw, screw that.
She ran her free hand up his tight ass, between his cheeks and stroked his anus.

He went as still as stone, forgetting everything, even to tongue her clit. Paige paused at his unexpected reaction. Didn’t he like a woman touching him there? Uncertain, she decided to give it one last shot, probing him delicately with her forefinger.

The sounds that burst from him were those of a man possessed, consumed by carnal hunger. As she fondled his balls, stroked his tight ring and suckled his cock, he forgot about her pleasure. Though only for a moment. With a growl, he concentrated again on her clit.

They came within seconds and together. Strong contractions pulsed through her pussy. His come spurted into her mouth. Willingly, Paige swallowed it, enjoying its thick, creamy texture, liking everything about him.

He was the kind of man she’d never believed existed outside of her dad. Kind. Generous. Honorable. Intelligent. And unlike her dad, he was fucking hot.

Thank you God.

His body shuddered with his climax, a gift she’d given him. One he’d clearly wanted. For the first time in Paige’s life, she felt beautiful, desired, and all because of his response to her. She’d set him free. She’d shown him a slice of heaven, and he’d returned the favor, letting Paige be herself. Heady stuff that she didn’t want to end.

Zekin had said he could perform for hours.
We’ll see.
Right now, she needed a bit of rest. Releasing him, she murmured, “Hold me. Please.”

When he turned, his cock was still rock hard. The shaft brushed her thigh, leaving a faint trail of moisture from her mouth as he settled next to her.

Paige melted into his embrace, rubbing her cheek against his shoulder. “Tired?”

Although his breathing remained ragged and his face reddened from orgasm, Zekin answered by flexing his cock as he had earlier.

Paige smiled so hard her cheeks hurt. She snuggled closer. Zekin yawned loud and long. Finished, he ran his hand down her back.

“Tell me about you,” she murmured, outlining his well-toned pecs with her fingertips. His muscles jumped at her touch. Nice.

“I already have,” he said.

“Not enough. What were you like as a little boy?” she added on a sigh. “What did you want and dream about? What do you want now…for the rest of your life?”

Chapter Ten

The question escaped Paige before she could stop it. Zekin’s hand stilled on her.
No, please, don’t do this.
She didn’t want him to leave, then make himself scarce just like other guys did when relationships weren’t fun for them anymore. When the sex turned to intimate stuff.

Paige wished she could take her words back, but couldn’t, so she went for broke. “You can’t stay in this place…can you? Earlier, you said that other guards would eventually come with new prisoners. Won’t Vakar know about all this someday? Won’t he have his people come down here to stop you?”

Zekin didn’t answer or move. He seemed to have stopped breathing.

Paige knew she should have shut up but couldn’t. “That’s going to happen, isn’t it?”

He draped his arm over his eyes as though her questions and the light bothered him.

“Zekin, please, tell me what’s going to hap—”

“Not what you think,” he muttered, then softened his tone. “Even if a guard escaped after arriving with a new prisoner, he wouldn’t return to Vakar and tell him what’s going on. Vakar would want to know why the guard hadn’t stopped us and taken over this place again. He’d have the man tortured and murdered for not doing that. No guard would risk his own execution by telling Vakar the truth about what’s happened down here. They’ll keep it from him for as long as they can.”

Paige forced down another swallow, fighting panic. “And how long is that?”

Zekin’s sigh sounded weary. “I don’t know.”

“Then you and the others have to escape.”

“To where?” He slid his arm to his forehead and regarded her with resignation. As though he’d accepted his future, no matter how terrible, knowing it couldn’t be changed. “We can’t go back to E2. The portals are guarded too well by quantum physicists like Nikoli Zorr. Even if we were able to slip through, there’s no place we could hide or survive. The rulers guard and control the populace too well. The people are too loyal. The vast majority of them would report us to the government. If we go to E4, there’s only the Pleasure Palace or the jungle to hide in. We wouldn’t survive there either. That leaves here or E3, the land of the—”

She interrupted, “What about E1? Where I come from?”

His smile was weary and sad. “Your people would welcome all of us? We’d be able to live among them?”

No. If the cops found out about this, they’d capture Zekin, his men and the pleasure slaves without hesitation. The nitwits in Congress would pass laws, denying them any rights so scientists could study them like lab rats. They’d all boast about it during their nightly sound bites. Zekin and the rest of these people would never be free again.

“I could find a way to hide you,” Paige said, knowing how ridiculous it sounded, but she couldn’t just give up. “I make a good living. I have more money than I know what to do with. I could buy some land and all of you could live there. No one would bother any of—”

She stopped at his fingers resting gently on her lips.

“Even if what you say were possible,” he murmured, “if we leave here, who would rescue the other pleasure slaves and women the guards take? Would you have me leave them to their fate—what you saw in the hologram and those who died in the cold outside the guards’ post?”

She eased his hand away and pressed his palm to her chest. “There has to be a way for everyone to be safe.”

“You will be,” he promised, pulling his hand from her. “And so will those I’m able to help. For as long as I can make it possible.”

“To hell with that. What about you?”

He trailed his fingers up her arm to her neck and cheek, cradling it. “You’ve given me more pleasure and comfort than I believed possible.”

“And that’s enough?” Paige’s throat constricted, making her voice froggy. “You don’t want more?”

He grinned suddenly. “For as long as you can keep up with me.” His attention returned to his still-rigid cock. “I’ll be able to go for hours and hours.”

She wrapped her arm around him and nestled closer, loving his scent and warmth, needing his strength, wanting him to be safe. “That’s not what I’m talking about and you know it. Don’t you want to find a way to make this work on my plane? Maybe this Nikoli guy will help you fight Vakar. Maybe he’ll be able to come up with a workable plan. When I go back, you could come with me and talk to him. Bruda, Qatar and your other men will still be here to fight any guards that show up.”

Zekin drew lazy circles on her ass as though she hadn’t spoken at all.

“Come on, help me out here,” she pleaded.

He explored the dimples above her cheeks.


“You have a wonderful voice,” he murmured, remaining calm, detached, intractable, his fingers still stroking. “It’s sweet like a woman’s yet firm like a man’s.”

“It’s going to make your ears bleed if you don’t listen and take me seriously.”

He frowned. “I do. However, it doesn’t change anything. It never will.”

Paige’s chest hurt so bad, she could scarcely speak. “Then you refuse to leave here, even for a moment? Not even to make sure I get back safely?”

His hand finally paused.

“You’d send me away, all alone?” she goaded. “Not knowing whether I got there or not? Not caring what might happen when I—”

His growl stopped her. He rolled them over until he was on top. There was real anger in his eyes, frustration and pain too. “Never say that,” he warned. “Never think it. I can’t stay in your realm with you, no matter how much either of us might want that. It wouldn’t be right. Only a coward would do such a thing.”

“I’m not asking you to stay there with me,” she lied. “I only want you to consider another option than this suicide mission you’re on.”

Zekin’s complexion darkened. He seemed to want to speak, argue, scream.

“Go on,” Paige encouraged. “Get it out.”

Rather than losing even a bit of control, he looked lost suddenly, defeated. On a sigh, he rested his forehead on her shoulder. “We have so little time. Can’t we use it for pleasure?”

“Don’t talk that way, please,” she begged. “Everything’s going to be all right for both of us. For everyone here. Tell me you believe that.”

“I do,” he assured.

Paige wasn’t certain whether to cry or laugh at his bald-faced lie. She didn’t want to face the possibility of him getting hurt or dying. It was too horrible to think about what Vakar might do to him, the others…Eeete.

Paige hadn’t heard the young woman’s approach. She stood to the side of the doorway. Helpless longing for Zekin transformed her features, making her even more lovely, unearthly and so very sad. She radiated a soul-deep need—a woman’s desire for only one man to notice her.

If Eeete had been born free, Paige figured there would have also been a flicker of jealousy in her expression. Or full-blown rage that Zekin was with someone else when Eeete clearly needed him to want no one except her.

Paige saw no envy on the young woman’s face. Only inconsolable yearning. Like a slave who hoped for nothing more than enough food, a safe place to sleep, a loving touch rather than a brutal slap or harsh words.

Compassion welled in Paige, threatening to overwhelm her. Swallowing hard, she lifted her hand. An invitation for Eeete to join them.

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