Stolen By The Sheikh (Interracial Romance)

BOOK: Stolen By The Sheikh (Interracial Romance)
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About This Book

Stolen By The Sheik








Stolen By The Sheikh


By Kira Ward













Copyright © 2014 Kira Ward

All rights reserved.

[email protected]


About This Book


Warning: This book contains depictions of first time sexual encounters. Do not read if you are offended by mature themes and situations.


All characters involved in sexual encounters are at least 18 years of age and not blood related. All persons and events are fictional, and any similarities to real places and events are purely coincidental.



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Chapter 1

Dani’s stomach did flips as the plane made contact with the tarmac. It had been a full year since she had seen her father, and she was consumed by nervous excitement. After being separated by countless miles after his deployment, now the only thing between them was customs. She estimated that she’d be in her beloved daddy’s arms in less than two hours.

When her parents were still married, she had loved being a military brat. It had always been just the three of them, traveling around the world together, and Dani thrived on being immersed in new cultures, meeting all kinds of people. After the divorce, all of that had changed. Her mother started building a life in Nebraska and convinced her father that it was in her best interest to settle into one place for high school. He had reluctantly agreed to the arrangement, and Dani’s time as a world traveler had come to an unwelcome end.

Now, she was on the ground in Saudi Arabia, and she had the entire summer with her father in front of her. She had missed him so much, and once college started in the fall, her schedule would be so busy, she didn’t know when she’d have the chance to see him again. She wanted to make the most of every moment.

Once inside the airport, the line through customs moved painfully slowly, and the airport was crowded and stifling hot, but at long last, she was pushed through, and there was her dad, so handsome in his uniform, waiting to greet her. Dani let out a squeal and ran into his arms. He lifted her up and spun her around, just like he had when she was little, and much to her surprise, she saw that her father was misty-eyed. He laughed sheepishly as he put her down and swiped at his eyes. “Sorry, princess. Got a little emotional, there. I’m just so happy to see you. I can’t believe how grown-up you look. I know you’re eighteen now, but I still think of you as my little girl.”

The drive from the airport to the military base was long, but now that Dani was with her father, her hunger and fatigue seemed to vanish as they laughed and talked. Her nervousness had been for nothing; they were as close as they’d always been, and it felt just like old times. By the time they reached the base, she felt almost like she had been living with him here all along.

As they greeted the armed guards at the entrance to the base, Dani was surprised to see that one of the soldiers appeared to be Middle Eastern. He was young, probably not much older than her, and quite attractive. She felt a stirring of arousal as she noticed his deep-brown eyes, the cleft in his chin, along with the perfectly muscled physique, and quickly averted her gaze. She thought to herself that if the soldier was any indication of what the men here looked like, she might have to find herself a summer romance.

Pushing her lusty thoughts away, Dani turned her attention to her father. As they pulled up to his house, she asked, “Daddy, I’m starving. I don’t suppose we can order delivery, huh?”

Her dad laughed, “No, honey. No delivery. But you’re in luck. Your old man finally learned how to cook. I think you’re going to be pleasantly surprised.”

Dinner did not disappoint. Dani thought to herself that there was nothing her father couldn’t do. He was equally at home firing an AK-47 and preparing his daughter a five-star meal. In her eyes, he could do no wrong, and she hoped that someday she’d find a man just like him to marry. She wanted her own children to grow up with the same type of dad she was lucky enough to have. As she stuffed down the last bites of the double chocolate caramel brownies he had made to celebrate her arrival, she said, “I wish I could stay up talking to you all night, dad, but I’m so exhausted… I feel like I’m going to fall over.”

“No worries sweetheart. We’ve got a lot of time together, and you must be beyond tired. Let me show you your room, and you can settle in for the night. That way you’ll be refreshed and ready for a great day tomorrow.”

He wheeled her enormous suitcase into the guest room, and Danny flopped across the bed, still in her day clothes and too tired to change into pajamas. Her father tucked an extra blanket around her, kissed her forehead, and turned out the light as he left the room. She was asleep by the time he closed the door behind him.

At some point during the night, Dani woke up feeling groggy and disoriented. For a moment she didn’t know where she was, but when she heard the muffled sounds of her dad watching CNN in the living room, she remembered. He had always had insomnia, and he used to tell her that he watched the news because it was the thing most likely to put him to sleep. Reassured by the familiar sounds of her father’s nightly routine, she relaxed and began to drift off. In a state that was somewhere between waking and sleeping, she pictured the Middle Eastern soldier from the guard booth leaning over her. As she imagined his lips brushing hers, she lifted her hips from the bed and peeled off her sundress. Even in her exhaustion, her body was buzzing with desire.

At eighteen, Dani was still a virgin. In fact, she had never gone further than kissing a boy. She had been so focused on school and getting good grades, she had made a pact with herself not to have sex until she got to college. She had succeeded, largely in part due to frequent masturbation sessions. She loved exploring her body and finding new ways of pleasuring herself.

She closed her eyes and let her imagination run wild. The scenes in her head played out like a movie. She sighed as the soldier slowly pulled off his t-shirt, revealing washboard abs rippling under his gleaming olive skin, squeezing and stroking her pert, pink nipples. As his fatigues hit the floor and he stepped out of his boxer-briefs, she pictured his cock growing hard as he gazed at her. She squeezed her breasts together, imagining that she was wrapping them around his impressive girth, and the heat of his flesh felt delicious as he plunged himself into her cleavage.

She rolled onto her belly and thrust a pillow between her legs, and suddenly she was riding him. She traced the slit of her womanhood with her index finger, gliding the slick wetness of her desire across her engorged clit. As she imagined the soldier’s throbbing phallus pressing into the tight confines of her pussy, she began to rub herself in earnest. She bit her lip to suppress a groan as she squeezed her thighs against the pillow, feeling the soldier buck and thrust beneath her. Her hand was moving furiously, and the familiar thrills of pleasure were building. The tension in her body was like a mounting wave of water being held back by a dam. At long last, the water won, crashing through the wall, and she was swept away in a tsunami of release as the orgasm peaked.

With her pussy still pulsing with the aftershocks of the seismic orgasm, Dani curled up with her pillow, a dreamy smile playing at the corner of her lips. She wondered what her first time would be like. Would it really feel like this? Would it be soon? Or maybe it was still going to be quite some time? And what guy would she choose to give her virginity? These were questions she loved to ponder, and she played with possible scenarios until she had drifted into a deep sleep.


Chapter 2

When Dani finally woke up, she found her father in the kitchen, whipping up an enormous batch of banana, chocolate chip pancakes. They had been her childhood favorite. She was touched that her dad had remembered. She dug into the steaming stack he placed in front of her with gusto. “Mmmm, my favorite!”

“Well, eat up. As soon as you’re ready, we should get out of here. Let’s make a day of it, princess! I’m going to take you shopping, Middle Eastern style. You’re going to love the bazaars. They’re wild.”

The pair spent the entire day together, haggling with sellers over everything from souvenirs to fruit, and eating the delicious offerings of the street vendors that seemed to occupy every nook, cranny, and corner of the crowded city center. They headed back to the base when they had packed her father’s car so full of treasures that there wouldn’t have been room for them to sit down if they purchased anything else. When they rolled up to the guard booth, Dani hoped that she would catch another glimpse of her fantasy soldier, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Instead of turning towards his home, her dad went left, making his way to the commissary. He turned to Dani and said, “Just a quick stop, princess. I’m going to grab a Diet Coke. Do you want anything?”

She was about to tell him to get her a Coke and a pint of Chunky Monkey ice cream, but decided it would be better if she came in with him, on the off chance that she might run into the handsome soldier. “I’m not sure what I’m in the mood for. I’ll come in with you and see what looks good.”

She wandered up and down the aisles of the commissary, pretending to be indecisive about what she wanted, discreetly checking out all of the handsome young guys in uniform. As they were waiting in line at the checkout, her dad started chatting with a man in front of them. They clearly knew each other and were on friendly terms, but when he saw that young man checking out his daughter, he shot him a half-joking glare and slapped him on the shoulder, “Watch it, Private. That’s my little girl.”

Dani and the boy both turned crimson, which caused her father to throw back his head and laugh. She may have remained her Daddy’s little girl, but in the eyes of every other man on Earth, she was all grown up. She fit the criteria for the stereotypical American beauty. Her long blonde hair framed her lovely heart shaped face with its perfect layers, and her blue eyes appeared even more striking with her newly acquired tan. She was tall, with long, muscular legs, a tiny waist, perfect breasts, and the ass of a yoga instructor. No one could blame a young guy for taking a second look. Still, her dad would make sure that they didn’t have the opportunity to do more than look; at least not when he was around.

Back at the house, Dani helped her dad unload the car, and then they curled up together on the couch with their respective pints of ice cream to watch a movie. As her dad flipped through the movie options, he casually asked, “So, Dani. Have you been dating anyone?”

“No, dad! I told you… not until high school was finished. And I only finished last week! And who knows? It could still be a really long time until I meet anyone I think is worth dating. Anyway, I’m not worried about it, and I’m not in any hurry, because I already love my life. When the right guy comes along, it’ll just be icing on the cake.”

Her dad gazed at her admiringly. “You’ve got a good head on your shoulders, Dani. Always have been a smart girl. I’m really proud of you.”

After the movie, Dani gave her dad a peck on the cheek and headed to bed. It had been a long day, and she wasn’t fully recovered from the jet lag. But more than that, she was horny. She carefully locked her bedroom door, then slowly disrobed in front of the full-length mirror, watching her reflection as she stroked the curves and contours of her body. She lifted her breasts and lowered her head, licking and sucking her nipples hard. When she had her herself nicely turned on, she turned out the light and crawled into bed, where the real fun would begin.

This time she imagined that a black soldier she had seen in the commissary was in bed with her. As she was licking and sucking her fingers, fantasizing about sucking his dick, she started to fondle herself with her other hand, squeezing the juicy lips of her labia and kneading her clit. She was just about to invite the solider to come inside her when she was jarred out of the fantasy by the sound of gunshot. She jolted straight up in bed and sat stock still, listening. Maybe it hadn’t been a gunshot. Maybe it had just been a car backfiring. But then came another round… and this time it was unmistakable. There was nothing else it could’ve been but a gunshot.

Seconds later, her father was banging on her door and hissing, “Dani! Hide in the closet and don’t come out until I tell you it’s OK!”

With her heartbeat pounding in her ears, Dani ran to the closet. She could hear her father loading a gun and going out the front door. She wanted to chase after him and beg him to come back, but she knew that it would be fruitless. He was a soldier, first and foremost, and he would protect and serve, regardless of the danger to himself. Alone in the dark closet, Dani began frantically arranging luggage and boxes to create a hiding place for herself. She crouched behind the makeshift fortress of suitcases and cardboard and prayed.

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