Stolen: A Bad Boy Romance (23 page)

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I opened the door to my apartment and blinked. Everything was perfectly in place, but I knew someone had been in there. My books sat neatly in the bookcase and on a pile in the floor. My picture frames hung on the walls. That didn’t mean anything. Someone had been in my home. I wasn’t sure how I could tell, but I could. I searched around the foyer until I saw it on a side table. A set of freshly arranged roses sat on the table with a card in it and a box next to them. They weren’t there when I left.

“Who in the hell?” I said aloud as I walked over and grabbed it. The nerve of someone coming into my home and leaving this. How did they even get in?

You’ll look beautiful in this. I have a feeling it will suit you. - Greyson

Ah, I shouldn’t have been surprised that they had a way into my apartment. Probably had the landlord open it for them. I sighed. I was never going to get away from their influence.

I opened the box to find a deep royal blue dress, fitted, but not nearly as revealing. It was elegant with a beaded top. Something timeless. Classic.

I was shocked to find another, smaller, box underneath with a sapphire necklace and a pair of diamond earrings inside of it. Another, smaller note said:
These will suit you too.

I balked then I ran a finger across the stone. It was absolutely gorgeous. The dress was too. I smiled, a small, soft, little smile, and I tried not to let it go to my head. Greyson was not the kind of man I should be stepping out with, but he was a gorgeous man, and I’d never been to one of these kinds of events. My uncle kept us hidden away, the family he wished he never had.

Unless, as it turns out, it was convenient for him. Spying that was what he wanted, but it wasn’t all he was going to get. Convenience was his goal. It was easy to use me to spy.

Well, know what wasn’t convenient for him? Me fucking his rival’s heir. I had half a mind to call Greyson up and tell him to get down here, but instead I just looked at the dress.

A nice public introduction would be so much better.


Chapter Five



I wasn’t expecting the flashing lights of paparazzi as we left the limo and walked out onto the carpet. I mean, it was just a boring state representative fundraiser. Nothing national, nothing important. Not really, anyways. I blinked into the lights then leaned into my escort.

“Greyson, why are they here?” I asked. I’d never expected paparazzi at a dinner like this. It wasn’t the kind of place stars showed up at.

“They come to all of these things. Budding journalists who were wishing they’d get called up to Washington.” He studied my face for a moment, then added, “don’t worry, to them you and I are just pretty people. They have no idea that we are tied to respective empires.”

He must’ve read the tension on my face. The last thing I wanted was to see my own picture online. To have to explain this to anyone. Especially my uncle. My goal, as far as he was concerned, was to learn as much about the Fitzgerald’s as possible. Not to date one of them.

It felt like my blood stopped pumping, I turned and looked at him, his chiseled jaw taut. He knew exactly what he said, and I could see the distant expression in his eyes.


“We’ll talk about it later.” He gave me a stern look and then pulled me closer to him, “tonight, we’ll have a nice time. You look simply elegant tonight, and I want to enjoy it. Just like I imagined you.”  His tone changed, his voice husky, wishful. I had a feeling he wanted more than just a dinner.

He was so close I could smell him, the rush of his cologne and his own scent filling my nostrils, the familiar smell reminding me of his body unclothed against mine. It wasn’t the type of thing that ever drove me wild before, no. But now, looking at this totally masculine form, I was jelly in the legs.

I blushed, the red flush flooding my cheeks as I pictured him sitting in his big office chair, thinking about me. I assumed that he did his work and thought about no one other than himself. He seemed like the type. But if he was thinking about me, it meant that I was more than just “one of those girls.” You know, the one-nighters that they brag about, maybe show off if it becomes a two or three-night thing, but never really care about. He was telling me I was different.

“Greyson Fitzgerald. How nice to see you, and your date.” A beautiful face I didn’t recognize looked at me for a moment, then right back to Greyson. She was gorgeous, mid-thirties and all curves as she looked him up and down.

I don’t know why, but I started to feel just a little jealous. Clearly that I was standing next to him didn’t matter in the least, she looked at me like I was an accessory, a purse or a watch there to aid someone, and nothing more.

“Claire, I didn’t expect to see you here. Your father around as well?” He grabbed me and pulled me into his side, his hand wrapped protectively around my waist.

Fuck, what I wouldn’t give for us to be alone, instead of in the middle of all this. I didn’t want to be surrounded by people; I only wanted him. Screw friendship. I didn’t need that. I needed his body.

I tried to tell myself otherwise, but those words kept pounding away in my brain. It was impossible to ignore the feel of his hard muscles against my body as he clung to me.

“Yes, father is over at the bar, like always. Talking business or something like that. Me, I’m interested in a little bit more fun. Maybe you could meet me at my hotel room later, our usual?” She smiled at him then looked at me. “You could even bring your latest arm piece.”

I tried not to look insulted, but I was sure my face was less than gracious.  This was his world I reminded myself. The world that he and my own family lived in. I was an outcast, and I’d always been glad for it.

So why was I so fucking jealous of this woman?

“I don’t think so, Claire. Not tonight.” He clenched his jaw and then looked at me. “I have my own plans.”

I watched as her pout turned from disappointment to anger. Anger directed at me. Fuck. She looked like a snake ready to strike. I knew she was going to say something nasty before it even came out of her mouth. I prepared for the onslaught, but it never came. I never had to listen to anything escape her mouth because something worse came along.

My uncle.

Fuck. I didn’t see him until he was upon us. I noticed him right before he said anything. I wish I hadn’t. I wish I could sink into the scenery, fade into a wall. Anything. Anything but that look on his face that told me everything I needed to know.

He was pissed. He was shocked. And he was controlling it the only way he knew. With politeness that barely concealed his true feelings.

“Greyson,” he said as he extended a hand to my date, his eyes never leaving my face. “I see you have found yourself a truly exquisite date.”

“Yes, your niece happens to be the perfect companion,” Greyson said, turning from Claire.

She skittered off, her teeth retracted as her eyes registered exactly who I was. At least there was a benefit to being the niece of one of the nastiest men in the city.

Even if I was going to be on the receiving end of that anger later.

“Uncle Denny,” I said, my smile weak. He leaned in for a kiss on the cheek.

He pinched my arm as he gave it. “We are going to have to talk about this later. Consequences, my dear.”

His irritation was unmistakable.

“Yes,” I said as he released me from his grip. I was in no position to be arguing with a man like him, not anywhere, but especially not in such a public forum. I just stood there, fulfilling my duties by looking subdued.

“You better not fuck around with her, Greyson. I know all about your reputation.” He glared at him, but Greyson just smiled.

He was fucking enjoying this. I had a feeling that Greyson was the kind of sadistic person who got off on other people’s discomfort. Was that why he brought me? Did he know my uncle would be here?

I glared at the two of them now, willing my uncle away so that I could question Greyson properly.

Not that it would happen here.

Finally, my uncle walked away, and I let out a big breath. I was not ready to have to discuss this with him. I had to figure out a way to spin it. I had to show him that I was taking his request seriously. I mean, what could be better than getting to know the heir of the mafia he was competing with? That was something, wasn’t it?

“Let me get you a drink,” Greyson said as he released me from his cobra-like hold. I didn’t have a chance to tell him what I wanted, he just walked over without me and ordered from the bar.

My eyes didn’t leave his body, they wouldn’t. No matter how hard I willed them, they were stuck to his muscular form. It was like my entire body was trying to tell me something.

“He’s the kind of man you can’t tear your eyes away from.” Claire settled back in next to me. “The kind you want even after you know he’s done with you.”

I wrenched myself away from him and looked at her.

“He will be done with you, you know that right?” she asked.

I pursed my lips in answer.

“That’s just the way Greyson is. He doesn’t stick around for long. You’ll be lucky to get more than one night from him.” She shrugged. It wasn’t cattiness or nastiness that brought the words forth from her mouth. No, this was something else. Sympathy, maybe? “He might come back to you like he does me, but it doesn’t mean anything. That man is the coldest, most heartless thing I’ve ever known.”

No, not catty. Not competitive. She was honest.  She might take on a persona of a catty wanton woman for his sake, but it was only part of who she was.

“Still,” her eyes flashed. “If you wanna bring him by after the dinner, I’m sure we can all have a good time.”

There it was, the Claire I was expecting.

“If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were more afraid of us showing up, then if we didn’t,” I said, my words bold. She knew who I was, now. What I was about.

She grinned, “You just might be right. Here, take my number. Maybe we can hang out sometime? Just us girls.” Was that hope in her voice? I stuck it in my little wristlet. “Good luck with that one, though. He can’t be tamed.”

Claire slipped away, and I was left standing there alone, a little stunned. I mean, I knew that about him. I expected it. But the man had a reputation.

“Drink?” he asked as he handed me a wine glass. I took a deep sip and was pleasantly surprised when a sweet, yet dry, Riesling hit my lips. I took a deep breath of the wine then looked up at him.

“Thank you,” I said as I assessed him.

“You seem like the kind of girl who likes her drink a little sweet, but not overpoweringly so.” He grinned. “Did I get it right?”

I nodded.

“Know what else I got right? This dress. It hugs you just right,” he bent down and whispered into my ear, “though I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you I’ve been fantasizing about getting you out of it all night.”

“Sure you don’t want to go up to Claire’s room? She offered again while you were away.” I tried not to let sarcasm drip from my lips, but my brain was full of it. She’d soured my mood with her truth. A truth that I didn’t want to think about, or even admit. Though I knew it was correct.

Greyson’s eyes narrowed as he looked me over. “Is that what you want?” he asked. “I didn’t take you for the type, but if that is what you desire-“

“Stop.” My embarrassment was overwhelming, but my need was even stronger.

“You stop, little girl. Or I won’t be slipping you out of that dress. I’ll be ripping it off you so I can beat your ass.”  He growled the words into my ear, and they sent a shiver through me. Fuck. I was so powerless against that big angry voice. “I think that’s what you need. All while I tie you up with pieces of that silky blue number.”

Would he really do something like that? A part of me, a twisted, masochistic part, really wanted it. God, I hated to admit it, but a vision of myself tied to his bedposts while he drove himself into me filled my mind.

Not here, I chastised myself. Not where people could see me blushing furiously. He knew exactly what he was doing to me.

“Get through this and I’ll give you exactly what you want, and then some.” He gripped my hip, his fingers digging into the flesh of my curve, reminding me just how strong he was.

I wasn’t sure how I was going to get through the night. I just had to.

Then I would be putty in his hands.







The smell of her. The feel of her body against mine. It was almost too much to bear. I bit back a growl and gripped her just a little tighter. If I could hold her tight to me then I could remind myself of exactly where I was then I knew I would be alright.

In a den of fucking snakes.

“Come on, we need to find our table,” the low growl of my voice gave me away. I know it did. I could smell the musk of want on my breath.

I wanted to pull her to me and slip my hands under her dress right there. Wanted to see how wet she was. I knew she was.  I could tell by the flush of her cheeks and the look in her eyes. All I could do was eat her up with my eyes.

Well, fuck. I’d happily do that.

“Who do you think they put us with?” she asked.

“Oh, I know exactly who. Your uncle is here, and so is my father, and he likes to have his princeling close. Do you want me close too?” I kissed the tip of her ear while I whispered it in her ear.

That shiver. That was exactly what I was looking for.

“So I get to meet the man who raised you?” she asked again, her eyes dark. What was she thinking? Did she know what kind of monster he created? Surely she couldn’t tell. At least not yet.

I swallowed. Hard. The walls were starting to feel like they were shrinking. Strangling me. I imagined all the ways my father would fuck this shit up, and I just couldn’t have it. He was a fucking monster with a penchant for ruining everything he touched. Would he know who she was? Would he be pissed or fucking excited? The damn bastard was likely to blow it all up in my face. I wasn’t ready to face that yet. I didn’t think about that when I brought her here. I just wanted to show her off. Show her to the world. I wanted to trot her out like she was my latest prize, but I didn’t think about the consequences.

Fuck. I needed to make a decision.

“Wanna blow this joint?” I asked, as I looked around. “I am getting really fucking bored.”

She hesitated, her lips slightly open, that cute little pout on it. It was her default face when she was thinking.

“Come on, I’ll take you someplace better than this. I know you want to be alone with me. I know that if I felt you right now you’d be soaking wet. Look into my eyes and tell me that isn’t the truth.” I grinned. I had her, and I knew it. The blush that was rising in her cheeks told me everything I needed to know.

“Well, what are we waiting for?” she asked, her eyes challenging me. Fuck, those eyes just about tore me in two. If I my cock wasn’t rock solid before, it was now. When she looked at me, it made me crazy.

It didn’t take long for the valet to bring my car around. I never let a driver take me to these kinds of places. I wanted to be able to leave when I wanted to, not when someone else dictated it. No, I needed to be in control. Always in control.

But this fucking women stole that from me.

I gripped the leather of the steering wheel and then glanced over at her, watching as she sunk into the fabric. I could tell she enjoyed the feel of it. I watched as she ran her fingers over the stitching, her body instantly relaxed as she leaned back.

“Spread your legs for me,” I commanded as I looked back at the road, then down at her. I needed to touch her. To feel her. To know.

“What?” she asked, her eyes wide as she considered what I was saying.

“I don’t think I stuttered. Pull up that skirt and spread those delicious legs.” I reached over and gripped her thigh, “I need to know.”

She pulled her skirt up and spread her legs just like I told her to, never looking away from me. Not once. I had to focus on driving, so I couldn’t see the details of her face as I tried to look at her from my periphery. Instead, I relied on my sense of touch as I slid my hand up her thigh and moved her panties to the side just so that I could dip my fingers into her. As soon as I touched her they were coated in the warm, sweet juices of her pussy. I didn’t need to see the look on her face to know what it was; I could tell by the way she slammed herself into my passenger seat.

She wanted to be touched just as much as wanted to feel her. So I grinned with a wickedness as I ran my fingers along her slit then pulled them away. “I just wanted a little taste.” I sucked the juices off of my fingers then gripped the steering wheel with both hands.

I was in control, not her, and I wasn’t going to let anything take that control away. I needed to maintain my presence as the leader that I was, and there was no way a woman like Joanna was going to bring me to my knees.

At least that was what I told myself.


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