Still Standing: The Savage Years (50 page)

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Authors: Paul O'Grady

Tags: #Biography, #Humour, #Non-Fiction

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Sky Arts, 346, 351

Skye, Isle of, 287–8

Slaithwaite, Yorkshire, 39–42, 61–2, 71, 82–4

Snow White and the Seven Dwarves
, 1–3

Southampton: flat in, 1–2; Mayflower Theatre, 1, 5, 7, 10–12, 18

Sparkles (dog), 353–4

Spartacus, 271

Stage Three (drag act), 25

Starr, Phil, 143–4

Stella (Scottish queen), 185–6

Steve (Dream Girls), 91

Stiff Lightning, 269

Stone Chair, Mixenden, 50–4, 61, 74, 94, 123

, 232

Sweet Charity
, 195

Sykes, Eric, 272–3

Tel Aviv, 244–5

Terrence Higgins Trust, 266

Theatre Royal, Hanley, 289

Thorson, Linda, 366–7

Tickles, Wakefield, 92, 128–30

Tilly (Tony, operatic queen), 200–1

Tim (son of Bob), 8–9

Tim (with Aids), 265–6

Time Out
, 277

Tiny (DJ in Copenhagen), 67

Tivoli Gardens, Copenhagen, 169–71

Toksvig, Sandi, 346–8

Tommy (manager of Jody’s club), 289

Tommy (party host), 207–8

, 237

Tower Ballroom, Blackpool, 125

Toxteth riots, 107–12, 204

Tricia (cousin), 304

Tricky Dicky, 275

Trollette, Maisie, 144

Tunnel Club, Cardiff, 248

Turner, Peter, 299

Twilight Club, Malmö, 70

Two Brewers, 143–4

Union of Catholic Mothers, 194, 258, 299

Union Tavern, Camberwell, 154, 192, 219–20, 223, 236–7

Vanessa (make-up artist), 333

Vauxhall Tavern: acts at, 137, 144; Aids, 191, 263, 265, 267–8; bar, 241, 277; booking acts, 277; dressing room, 188; drinking in, 223–4; High Society residency, 237; importance of, 191; landlord, 199–200; LSD act, 173; memories of, 11, 192–3, 350–1;
Nellie and Melba
filming, 350; police raid, 232; punch-ups, 276; receptions after funerals, 191, 362; Skippy’s fans, 236; ‘Stars of the Future’, 190, 191–3, 201–4, 238

Venice Lido, 363–4

Vera (Alan):
, 8–9, 12–17, 20; barman at the Black Cap, 239, 273; barman at the Fleece, 139; barman at the Vauxhall, 276, 277; bitten by Louis, 344–6; brother’s house in Prenton, 100, 138; bruises, 15–16; Camden Square squat, 24; drinking, 9, 12–13, 201; health, 12, 119, 120–1; helicopter ride, 367; New Year’s Eve party, 339–40, 343–6; Nilsen encounter, 145; paramour’s flat, 107, 111, 112–13; Playgirls, 119–24, 129–33; police raid at the Elly, 233–4; Purley cottage, 25; relationship with author, 6, 101, 273–4, 291, 299, 341; Slaithwaite visit, 62; Toxteth riots, 107–8, 110–13

Veronica (assistant director), 333

Victoria Palace Theatre, 7

Vine, Jeremy, 13

Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool, 366

Ward, Alan, 61

Ward, Vernon, 305, 307, 309

Warren, Tony, 351

Waters, John, 276

Welles, Orson, 88–9

Westminster Cathedral, 226

Westminster Hospital, 264

Why Not bar, Copenhagen, 168–9

Wilde, Paul, 187, 244, 250

Wilshire, David, 284

Wimbledon Theatre, 289

Windsor, Barbara, 13, 302

Witney, 249

Worsley, Jill, 353

York Market, 249

Yorkshire Ripper, 46, 58, 60, 72–3, 102


Paul O’Grady first came to fame in the guise of Lily Savage, and was nominated for a Perrier Award at the Edinburgh Festival in 1991. Lily later became a regular on
This Morning
, took over the bed on
The Big Breakfast
and presented
Blankety Blank
. Paul, of course, went on to further success presenting the
Paul O’Grady Show
on Channel 4 and ITV 1. His previous books,
At My Mother’s Knee
The Devil Rides Out
, were both number one bestsellers.

Paul has won numerous awards, including a Bafta for Best Entertainment Performance, National Television Awards for Most Popular Daytime Programme and Most Popular Entertainment Show, and a Comedy Award for Best Comedy Entertainment Personality.

Also by Paul O’Grady




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A Random House Group Company

A BANTAM BOOK: 9780593069394
Version 1.0 Epub ISBN 9781448126408

First published in Great Britain
in 2012 by Bantam Press
an imprint of Transworld Publishers

Copyright © Paul O’Grady 2012

Paul O’Grady has asserted his right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the author of this work.

This book is a work of non-fiction based on the life, experiences and recollections of Paul O’Grady. In some limited cases names of people, places, dates, sequences or the detail of events have been changed solely to protect the privacy of others. The author has stated to the publishers that, except in such minor respects not affecting the substantial accuracy of the work, the contents of this book are true.

Every effort has been made to obtain the necessary permissions with reference to copyright material, both illustrative and quoted. We apologize for any omissions in this respect and will be pleased to make the appropriate acknowledgements in any future edition.

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