Stiletto Secrets (28 page)

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Authors: Bella J.

BOOK: Stiletto Secrets
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Nicholas tore his lips away from hers and looked down at the corset she was wearing.

“This time I choose see, and feel, and…” He lifted his hand to the top of the corset, his fingers playing along her chest, causing her to shiver. With a tug he loosened the bow that was tied at the top. “And I choose touch.” Abruptly he jerked the corset open, and Emma gasped out loud when it fell to the floor.

It was over. She had lost the fight against her heart. Nicholas had her heart from the very first moment he stepped into Cinderella’s booth, and now he also owned her body.

“Don’t ever run from me again, Emma,” Nicholas warned before he took both her breasts in the palms of his hands.

“Nicholas.” Emma started to pant unable to hide her desire for him any longer.

Nicholas took a hold of her breasts more firmly, tugging, kneading. “Swear it.”

Emma reached out and placed her arms around his shoulders, wanting to weave her fingers through his hair. “I swear.”

Nicholas leaned forward and kissed right in the hollow below her throat, licking, sucking, biting her skin.

“I want you like this, Emma. I’ve craved you like this for too damn long.” His breathing was starting to become just as labored as hers, the electricity around them intoxicating them both.

With a tug, the flimsy silk panties she was wearing were gone and he palmed her firmly between her legs.

“Fuck, Emma. You’re so ready to take what I want to give you.”

Then she heard the sound of his zipper, and she moaned. All she could think about was having him inside her, feeling him move, pushing them both to the edge of insanity.

She watched as he tore the condom wrapper open with his teeth.

He circled her waist with both his arms and lifted her. She tightened her hold around his neck and stared down while he pinned her body between his and the wall.

Emma wanted to be nowhere else but there, pushed hard against him. It was like he had become her drug and she was seconds away from getting the fix she had craved for days.

Emma pulled his hair between her fingers as she started to move against him, her hips searching for that delicious pressure she needed. When her hands reached the collar of his shirt, she dragged her fingers down over the buttons, and without thinking twice she tore the shirt open wanting to feel his warm body, needing to feel him against her.

Buttons fell around them on the floor, but their heady moans of desire smothered the sound.

A low, deep moan rolled over his lips and she felt him position himself against her.

“Breathe, Emma. Just breathe.” And then he flexed, pushing all the way inside her, filling her completely. Emma gasped when she felt that deep pressure between her hips, the exquisite ache that only he knew how to trigger inside her.

He gave another thrust and she cried out with pleasure.

“See, Emma, you and me, we’re perfect like this.” He moved again and she tightened her grip around his neck.

They were no longer two people. They were one and Emma never wanted to be apart from him again.

Nicholas flexed, deeper, harder, and her moans filled the room when he started to really move. It was sensual, it was erotic and heady, and it was fucking necessary.

“Emma, I need to feel those heels, princess.” He continued to thrust forward, her back grating against the wall.

Without hesitating she tightened her legs around his waist and did as he demanded. She pressed those heels of hers hard and deep into the flesh of his ass.

“Fuck!” he cried out and bit the skin over her shoulder causing her to cry out too. “I want you high, Emma.” He looked up and into her eyes, “I want you high every time I move inside of you.”

His eyes bore into hers, and she felt her body climbing…climbing…climbing…until finally she lost herself and pushed her heels deeper into his skin.

Emma became undone once again at the hands of the man who now owned her completely. The pleasure that ripped through her body had her quivering, crying and clawing at his back.

“Beautiful,” he said and then pushed forward harder, deeper, faster until he too lost himself inside of her. And that was the moment Emma knew that neither of them would be the same again. No more secrets, no more Cinderella. Just Nicholas and Emma.

He stilled against her. “I love you, Emma.”

Even though they were in a strip club, Nicholas holding her up against the wall, dirty, heady, and insanely passionate, the moment was perfect. “You are the first woman I want to love like I might lose you.”

Emma felt like her heart could explode right then. Her body was still high, reeling with the satisfaction of her release.

Nicholas pushed her hair out of her face, wet with perspiration from the exertion. “You are my princess, Emma.”


and Emma lay splayed on the floor after some real epic make-up lovemaking. Luckily Nicholas had paid well to make sure that Cinderella’s Booth stayed off limits for the entire night.

Thank fuck for his large bank account.

“You okay, princess?” He pulled his fingers through her hair.

She moaned something that sounded like a “hmm-mmm.”

Nicholas smiled. He loved it when his woman was so satisfied. Yeah,

Then he sat up and reached for his suit jacket. “I have something for you.” He held out the envelope Hunter had given him earlier.

Emma stared at it curiously. “What is that?”

“Open it.”

Even though he was nervous, he was excited too at changing Emma’s life forever.

Emma took the envelope, tucked her curls behind her ear and started to open it.

“Wait!” Nicholas stopped her by placing his hand over hers. “I need you to know that this changes nothing. This does not change the way I feel about you, the way I have always felt about you.” He needed her to know that he fell in love with her, with Emma, not Emma Tremaine. Nicholas needed her to feel secure, to trust in his love for her.

She looked at him with worry. “Nicholas? You’re making me nervous.”

He took her chin between his thumb and forefinger before kissing her gently in the corner of her mouth. “Don’t be nervous, princess. Just always trust in my love for you.”

He nodded for her to go ahead and open it. And she did.

Nicholas watched in silence as she read the information on the letter she just pulled out. Her eyes moved over the words, and Nicholas noticed her scrunching up her nose. He had to smile.

And then her eyes went wide before she gasped and placed her palm in front of her mouth. She looked up at him in shock. “Nicholas, what is this?”

“It’s yours, Emma. Everything.”

She shook her head. “I don’t…I don’t understand.”

“Emma, she was a con artist. Lillian Monroe wasn’t her real name, which means that her marriage to your father wasn’t valid.” Nicholas slowed down, giving Emma time to digest it all. Then he continued. “That means that the estate, the Tremaine shares, everything goes to the next of kin.”

A tear slipped down her cheek, and he gently wiped it away with his thumb and searched her face. “Emma, that’s you.”

Emma closed her eyes, and more tears started to fall. Even though the love of his life was crying, Nicholas smiled. Basically he had just told her that she was much more than she thought she was. He had known that all along, but Emma, somewhere along the line in her life had started to doubt her own worth, and now Nicholas had the proof in black and white that she had no reason to doubt it.

When Emma looked up, she smiled between her tears. “I love you, Nicholas Blake,” she whispered with so much passion and feeling, that Nicholas felt it all the way down his spine ricocheting straight to his heart. It felt fucking awesome.

He leaned forward and kissed her, thinking that he had finally found his heart, his life, his princess. And there was nothing in this world he wouldn’t do for her.

When he wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in for a hug, he caught sight of the stiletto cabinet.

So he might not be a selfish bastard anymore, but he sure as hell was a naughty, dirty bastard. A big-ass grin crossed his face.

Yep, he had finally found his Cinderella with the glass slipper…or in this case, Cinderella with the stiletto shoes.

The End

Publisher’s Note

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About Bella J

My love for writing started in high school when I received my first writing assignment—which I flunked big time! But with that failure eventually came a consuming passion for writing.

Why romance, you ask? The answer is simple. Writing romance means I can have sexy, hot heroes occupy my mind most of the time without feeling guilty! Now that I’ve managed to nab a few publishing contracts, my husband even encourages it. How awesome is that?

I love humor. I think humor and laughter are the answers to most problems in life. Live, laugh, love, drink sparkling wine and don’t be afraid to act crazy once in a while.

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Other Titles by Bella J


Resplendence Series

Resplendent Ruin

Resplendent Rush


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