Stephanie's Revenge (20 page)

Read Stephanie's Revenge Online

Authors: Susanna Hughes

Tags: #mistress, #slaves, #bdsm ebooks, #entrapped and enslaved

BOOK: Stephanie's Revenge
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She knelt up
by the side of him and bent her head down to suck him deep into her
mouth. At the same time, she found his nipple and pinched it hard
under his shirt, so hard he winced. But the momentary pain took his
spunk to the top of his cock and, as she sucked, sucked his cock as
though literally trying to suck the spunk out of him, he came, his
cock spasming in her mouth, his spunk hitting the back of her
throat. She swallowed all she could.

'See, Paulo,
just like that. Whatever you wanted. Oh God, you make me feel so
sexy.' She lay beside him and pushed her hand down between her
legs. She was giving a performance, but the performance was
exciting her. Her clitoris was already hard. She stabbed at it,
using no subtlety, wanking only for instant gratification, to
satisfy a need she had created in herself. She saw Paulo's eyes
watching her. She pulled, hammered and squeezed her clit, doing all
these things quickly. And she came quickly too, muffling her moan
of pleasure by pressing her face into Paulo's chest, feeling his
clothes against her nakedness, trembling as her orgasm pierced her

'See how you
turn me on,' she said.

'I get you out
of here somehow.'

Paulo turned
on to his side, allowing Stephanie to lie on her back. He ran his
hand down her neck and between the channel of her breasts. He was
just about to go lower when they both heard the key turning in the
lock. They looked at each other in panic. The cell door opened and
Gianni strode in.

Stephanie made
her body go limp and hoped Paulo would realise why. Thank God he
hadn't come in a few minutes earlier, she thought.

'Well, boy,'
he said in English, looking at Paulo's flaccid cock hanging out of
the front of his trousers. 'Been practising your English? His
English very good, bitch. Top of the class. He's been to the best
school. He tell you this?'

Gianni was
drunk. His words were slurred and he lurched as he moved towards
the wooden bed. Paulo quickly zipped himself back into his trousers
and stood up.

'He takes after me. English craz

The boy went
to the cell door, which was still open.

'Don't go,
Paulo. I show you how to fuck. You watch how a real man fucks. You
learn, ah?'

Paulo blushed
beetroot red, glanced at Stephanie and fled, slamming the cell door
after him.

laughed. 'Just a boy. You need a man.' He fumbled with his trouser
belt and, with difficulty, managed to free it. His trousers dropped
to his ankles. He knelt at the foot of the bed, playing with his
flaccid cock. 'I have a plan now. I decided I keep you. My friends
were very pleased. They like you. The woman, Gina, she thought you
are so sexy. Very good business. Devlin is right. That's how he
uses his castle, no? For business. Well, now I do the same. Find a

His cock was
erect. He lay on top of her and started pushing it down between her
thighs. He pumped it up and down, but it was only grazing the
wetness of her nether lips. He was too drunk to notice the

'Not here. A
place somewhere in the country,' he said into her ear, as his
buttocks rose and fell lazily, with no urgency. 'Get some more
girls. Oh yes. I think will be good for me. And you'll be the star

He bucked his
hips three or four more times and then moaned. Stephanie felt a
wetness spreading between her legs. He's come without penetrating
her. Then he lay on her, inert, his weight bearing down on her
body. She desperately wanted to push him off. For a second, she
thought of running. The cell door was ajar. Paulo had slammed it,
but it had bounced open again. Paulo might still be in the

She thought
better of it. The corridor was probably locked. Angelina was
probably out there doing her duty. Not only would she not escape,
but he would know she was not drugged.

She allowed
herself a moan, and the slightest of movements, to indicate her
discomfort. Gianni took the hint, thinking, no doubt, that the drug
was beginning to wear off. He climbed off her and got unsteadily to
his feet.

'I have been
meaning to tell you, English,' he said, pulling his trousers up
from his ankles. 'Your plan. Your little plan. What you intended
for me. It didn't work. My secretary came for to give me papers I
have to sign. Fortunatementa, you left the front door open. She
found me.' He laughed. 'You wanted it to be my wife, no? But I had
the luck. She got me down in time. It cost me a very large bonus.
And then I tell my wife how terrible. The house, it has cracked.
These old buildings. Is lucky I am not killed, I tell her. She is
very sympathetic. Very. She even says she'll cancel her holidays.
But I say no. I am brave. She must go, so she goes. Convenient, eh?
All the luck.'

He opened the
cell doors. 'Tomorrow my friends come again,' he said, closing the
door after him, the key grating in the lock.

She was alone
again. The heating stopped. She felt miserable and depressed, the
lowest she had felt since she had been kidnapped. Her plans had all
gone wrong. Gianni had almost certainly scared off Paulo. She had
seen the look of disgust in his face. She had tried to create the
illusion that she would be his alone. Gianni had shattered that.
Now, in Paulo's eyes, she was used goods, no more than a whore.

And, to make
matters worse, she didn't even have the satisfaction of knowing
that, at least, Gianni had suffered too. His wife was blithely
unaware that anything had happened.

curled herself up into a ball and cursed.

'Damn you,'
she said aloud.





She had been
dreaming. She was back in London, back at her office in the
advertising agency. Her boss, Norman Hughes, was standing by her
desk, welcoming her back, telling her how glad they were she'd
accepted his offer, how they'd missed her, how he'd always known
she'd come back in the end. His huge paunch had gone. His height
and rugged features were now complimented by an iron flat stomach.
To Stephanie he looked strong and handsome. She wanted to remind
him what had happened when she left, but there were too many people

Come into the
conference room, he told her. You'll be needed on a new campaign
for a new client, he told her. The conference room was already full
of people, all sitting around a massive oval table. Stephanie
couldn't find anywhere to sit.

'Come and sit
here,' Norman Hughes said.

He was sitting
at the top of the table. Stephanie walked the length of the room.
She realised there was no one at the table she knew other than her

She sat next
to him. He put his hand on her knee and then slid it up till it was
on her thigh. She looked down into her lap. His hand had revealed
her stocking tops, the white suspender and white stocking in
contrast to the tanned flesh of her thigh. She pulled her skirt
down over his hand.

Norman started
to speak. He was speaking Italian. She had never heard him speak
Italian before. He spoke it fluently, the phrases rolling off his
tongue as his hand worked further up her thigh, until his
fingertips were at the side of her panties. Stephanie noticed every
seat at the table had a glossy, purple box in front of it. Norman,
and everyone else at the table, opened their boxes and took out the
product, a V-shaped double dildo.

could hear Gina's voice, but she couldn't see her. She searched all
the faces at the table but none of them belonged to Gina. Suddenly
she saw her. She was standing at the far end of the conference
table wearing a man's pin-striped suit, a shirt and tie, her
flaming red hair cut short like a man's hair and parted. She
climbed up on to the table and started to walk down to Stephanie,
over the opened purple boxes.

will help me demonstrate the product. It has tremendous advantages
over the traditional equipment, enabling both parties to reach
mutual orgasm. We are currently working on an ejaculation

Gina held out
her hand to help Stephanie up on to the table. As Stephanie got up,
everyone applauded.

advantage is that fellatio can also produce an excellent orgasm.
Stephanie is familiar with the product and will help me demonstrate
the suitable positions.' Gina's English was perfect. She took off
the jacket of the suit, stripped off the tie and unbuttoned the
shirt. Her sagging breasts had gone. She had a man's chest.

'Stephanie can
vouch for the effectiveness of the product, as you will see. Kneel
please, Stephanie.' Stephanie obeyed.

Gina unzipped
her trousers and they fell to her ankles. She wore no pants, male
or female. In front of Stephanie's face was not one end of the
double dildo but a cock, a tiny, flaccid cock. Gina pulled
Stephanie's head forward. She kissed it reluctantly then took it in
her mouth. She saw everyone at the table leaning forward to get a
better view. The cock was growing erect, but it felt strange. She
pulled back and saw that now it was hard plastic. She could see the
other end arching out of Gina's cunt.

'Lie down,
Stephanie,' Norman said.

'Lie down,
Stephanie,' Gina said.

Stephanie screamed. She wanted to go. Coming back to work had been
a mistake. She wanted to go back to the castle.

She started to
climb off the table, but as she got down Norman pushed her back and
Gina grabbed her by the hand and pulled her on to her back, in the
centre of the table. She held her down with the strength of a man.
Another man got up and pulled at her skirt. Stephanie recognised
him, his hair combed over his bald pate. She was naked now. She
begged them to let her go, but no sound came out. She tried to
struggle but she couldn't move a muscle. She felt her thighs spread
apart. Everyone was on the table now, all the men with erections
bobbing out of their flies, all the women with the double dildos
inserted between their legs, all the phalluses pointing at

'Now if you'd
like to try the product for yourselves Stephanie will be only too
pleased to cooperate...' Gina smiled down at her, as Stephanie felt
hands parting her thighs...

The noise woke
her with a start. It was the noise of the key turning in the lock.
But how could that be? The dream had momentarily disorientated her.
It was pitch black. The light hadn't come on. The door had never
been opened without the light coming on.

As the door
was pushed open she saw the beam of a torch. It shone into the
cell. She couldn't see behind the torch. She heard the door being
closed again.

It was Paulo's voice.

'Paulo,' she
said with relief. Her naked breast brushed against his hand as he
groped in the semi-darkness.

'I've come for


'I've come to
take you away.'

'Really?' An
enormous rush of hope dispelled the remnants of sleep.

'My uncle is
drunk. I hid until he went to bed. I thought it was a good

'Oh yes, yes.
You're wonderful,' she said, hugging him to her. She kissed his
face, his cheeks, his neck. 'Oh thank you, Paulo.' It had worked.
She could hardly believe it, but it had worked.

'We have to be

'Yes. How did
you get the keys?'

'He hangs them
on a hook outside the main cellar door. That wasn't difficult. But
his housekeeper. She sleeps by the entrance. We have to be very
quiet or she'll wake up.'

'What time is

'Two in the
morning. Here, I brought this for you.' He shone the torch down on
to a plastic shopping bag. Inside was a black tracksuit.

'It's Uncle
Gianni's. It's all I could find.'

quickly slipped it on. Her joy knew no bounds. For the first time
in she had no idea how long, she was actually wearing proper
clothes. The effect on her spirits was remarkable. But she wasn't
free yet, she told herself. She still had to get out of the house.
She still had to deal with Paulo too.

he said earnestly.


'What you
said. You meant those things?'

'About us? Of
course, Paulo.'

'You'd be with
me? We'd do what we've done here?' Paulo's altruism was flawed. He
wanted reassurance that she would be his chattel.

'Oh Paulo, you
silly boy,' she said, taking his hands in hers. 'I've thought of
nothing else. You're such a wonderful lover, such a man. My God, it
makes me wet just to think about what you did to me. I don't want
to have anyone else, ever.' She hoped she was not overdoing it.
'Paulo, darling, I want you so much...' She whispered this in his
ear, running her hand down to his fly. 'Get me out of here and
we'll make love all night. I'll give you experiences you've never
even imagined.'

He was about to say something but changed his mind. 'We have to be
very quiet.'

The light from
the torch moved around to the doorway. Paulo led the way out of the
cell and down the short corridor where Angelina had taken Stephanie
to bathe. At the end, the wooden door was open. Stephanie felt a
surge of excitement as she stepped through it.

With the
single, narrow beam of light from the torch it was difficult to get
her bearings, but it looked as though they were now in a much
larger open space. Stephanie glimpsed brick pillars every so often
and she saw packing cases and bric-a-brac and discarded furniture
and bank boxes full of files. A distinct path had been cleared
through all this mess.

Paulo slowed
as the torch picked up the outlines of a wooden staircase.

housekeeper sleeps the other side of the door,' he whispered,
flicking the torch beam upwards to show her the door at the top of
the stairs.

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