Stepbrother With Benefits 17 (Third Season) (12 page)

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"Oh," I say.

"I don't really know why she was confused, though?" Ashley adds.

"She thinks it's just acting, and I guess that's how it's supposed to be, but she doesn't know if she can have sex with Caleb as just acting, you know? She doesn't think she can be, uh... casual, I guess? She doesn't think it can be meaningless or anything."

"Oooh, that's interesting!" Ashley says, perking up. "So you think she likes him, too? I know Caleb likes her, but does she like him back? What's the video about? I really like porn when it has a nice story."

"You're weird," I say, but then I remember I'm the one taped to a chair. Ashley helps me remember by glaring hard at me and threatening to destroy me with her eyes.

"Don't forget I'm still going to punish you," she says, calm and quiet.
Oh shit.
"You can make this hard or you can make this easier, but you're still getting punished, Ethan."

"Holy fuck! Alright, I'll tell you! It's some crazy as fuck idea, because Scarlet is crazy as fuck. They're going to do some thing where, uh... I guess in the movie they're dating? Something like that. I don't know the specifics. But by the end they break up. So the premise or whatever, if you can say a porno has a premise, is that the tape is like one of those ex-girlfriend things."

"Ex-girlfriend things?" Ashley asks. "That's a thing?"

"Yeah. I'm pretty sure it's all staged, but it's a porn genre. You can look it up on a porn site or something and find plenty of them."

Her eyes gleam and they flash towards my laptop for a second. It takes everything I have not to laugh. She's so fucking curious sometimes, it's insane. Apparently you can use your good girl powers for evil if you put your mind to it. Studying books, studying porn, looking things up and learning more about them? Doesn't matter what it is, she just wants to know everything.

"You're not off the hook yet," she says, glaring at me again. "What about the thing you were writing? If it wasn't for her, who was it for? What was it?"

"You," I tell her. "It's for you, Princess. It's not done yet. I still need to work on it. I wanted to write you a love letter."

"Really?" she asks with a sudden glisten in her eyes. I don't know what it means, but I like the way it looks.

"Yeah, and... honestly, the entire thing was a mistake, I swear. I set it so my laptop would start the webchat program whenever I turn it on, and I changed the settings so that it automatically accepts any webcam requests from you. This sounds stupid as fuck, because it's not like it takes long, but I never wanted to wait even half a second more to talk to you if I didn't have to, so... yeah..."

She sits now, smiling at me a little bit, listening quietly.

"That's why I accepted your webcam request. I didn't know it, though. I was trying to talk to Scarlet. Mostly I was trying to get her to leave my room for a second so I could get dressed and then talk to her, but she thought there was something else going on. Then she got confused, and... yeah... clothes and stuff. Nakedness or whatever. She never got fully naked, Princess. I was naked, but I didn't mean to be. Towel, you know?"

I take a deep breath before continuing. "I did kick her out, though. I got dressed after, and... my phone was dead. Holy fuck, today's been a nightmare. I'm sorry for fucking everything up so badly. I tried to talk to you. I tried so fucking hard. I don't know if you're mad at her, too, but I went and I talked to Scarlet after and we figured everything out. She's not going to try and jump on my cock again, I promise."

"So... I'm sorry," I say. Finish strong, right? Strong and simple. "I'm really fucking sorry about what happened. It was an accident and a misunderstanding."

"Good," she says, smiling. She stands up quick and hurries towards me. Leaning over, she gives me a quick kiss on the lips. "I accept your apology, Ethan."

I smile and try to kiss her, but she sneaks backwards and steps away from me. Oh, you want to play games, Princess? I can play games...

Except I can't. I'm taped up, remember? Fuck. I can't get out of this chair.

"Oh, you're not getting up yet," she says, shaking her head at me. "I accept your apology, but I'm still going to punish you, Ethan..."


o say
that I've been waiting for this moment for awhile would be an understatement.

It's not just the punishment part, either. Oh, yes, Ethan's going to get it, and he will rue the day he ever even considered cheating on me, but...

He didn't actually consider it. This is more like advance measures, right? I'm making sure that he knows ahead of time what he'll be missing out on if he ever does anything to hurt me. I think I'm using this as an excuse to make him squirm, but it's kind of fun.

Do you know how many times Ethan has made me squirm in the past two months? Um... a lot. I mean, yes, that was squirming in an entirely different sense of the word, and right now I'm just kind of torturing him a little bit. It's not a bad torture, though. I promise it's good! He'll like it.

I just... um... I've been waiting awhile for...
. I don't know what. I don't want to say I've been waiting for something bad to happen, because that sounds bad, obviously. I'm not pessimistic about our relationship, or I don't want to be. I want to be optimistic and excited and ready to take on the world with him.

And it's not just waiting for that, but waiting to see him. I guess you might think that's a little strange because we haven't been apart for that long, but to me it's been forever. Even the flight here seemed like it took forever. Waiting before I could come and confront Ethan seemed like it took forever.

I know I can do things on my own, and I don't have to be with him every second of the day, but it's the moments when I want to be with him and I can't that are the worst. Those are the moments when everything is so much harder. Those are the moments that make me start to question what we're doing.

Can we do this? Not just a long distance relationship, but...
. Can we date each other even though he's my stepbrother?

Can we have a normal life together? College is a time when you're supposed to experiment and maybe go a little crazy. Except, um... the thing there is that I've never really wanted to go crazy before. At least I never wanted to go crazy before Ethan and I started dating. He kind of brought out this wild side in me, but it's not something I would do without him, either.

And where does that leave us? If I only feel like I can be a little wild, a little bit of a bad girl... if I can only do these things with him, what does that make me when I'm not with him?

I don't know. I don't think it's bad to be apart from one another sometimes, but I feel like I can be more of myself when I'm with him. I think maybe he feels that way, too. He's not always an asshole or a cocky, arrogant jerk. I mean, he still sort of is, but he's more of a playful asshole or if he's a cocky, arrogant jerk it's because he's teasing me. It's different, don't you think?

And so... here I am... with Ethan taped to a chair while I prepare to punish him.

I step towards him, probably looking a lot more confident than I feel. I feel kind of nervous, but excited, too. I can't believe I'm about to do this. Well, I am, so I need to stop worrying about it! Ugh! Get a hold of yourself, Ashley.

I kneel in front of him and slowly unbutton and unzip his pants. Ethan looks at me like I'm crazy. And, you know what? Maybe I am.

"Uh... what are you doing, Princess?" he asks me.

"Shut up," I tell him before grabbing the waistband of his pants and pulling. I tug them down his legs and almost send him and the chair crashing on top of me, but we manage. His pants are off now. Thankfully he wasn't wearing shoes, because I don't have the patience for this. I have a punishment to enact and revenge to exact.

Oh, you're really in for it, Ethan. You really really are...

His underwear comes off next. This is a little easier and a little harder. It's easier because Ethan lifts up his hips to help me, but it's harder because now he's got an erection. I tug and fight against his cock until I have his underwear completely off. For good measure, I throw them across the room.

"Yeah, uh..." Ethan says.

I slap him across the cheek lightly. This is just a little, playful slap. I told him to shut up, didn't I? Really, it's not that hard to follow simple directions.

"You're going to sit in this chair and think about what you've done," I tell him, moving close to look him in the eyes. "You're not going to move or speak, alright? You're just going to think and watch and listen."

He nods. Good boy. He didn't speak this time. I guess he moved, but I'll forgive him.

"And if you're good..." I say, grinning at him and then giving him a quick kiss.

I reach down and wrap my fingers around his throbbing cock. He twitches in my hand.
Oh my...

He's really excited, too. Precum covers the head of his cock, all slick and shining. I can't see it right now, because I'm too busy looking him in the eyes, but I can feel it. I tease my fingertips across his cockhead and then use his own natural lubricant to stroke him up and down. He rewards my efforts with even more precum.

I pull my hand away, delighting in the begging look in the eyes and the grunt mumbled behind his closed lips. Slow and wicked, I lift my fingers to my mouth and lick at the tip of one of them, cleaning off his slickness.

"Now, I know that what happened today wasn't entirely your fault," I tell him, backing away. I shake my ass for him a little bit, imagining just how much it makes him twitch and throb.
Oh, my poor baby...

"I'm not willing to completely forgive you yet, though," I add. "I'm a little worried about what's going on here, Ethan. You're all alone and I don't want you forgetting about me, you know? You wouldn't do that, would you?"

He shakes his head fast. His cock bobs in his lap, almost like it's shaking its head at me, too. This is good. I'm glad both of them agree with me.

"I know it's hard, though, so... I'm going to make it easy for you, alright?" I say. "I'm going to show you exactly what you'll be missing out on if you ever do anything to hurt me. I want you to remember this forever. I know this is going to be hard for you, but..."

I sit on the edge of his bed and scoot over and to the side until my back is pressed against his headboard. I pull my knees closer to me, digging my high heels into Ethan's blankets. Reaching down, I grab the hem of my dress and pull it up my legs, slowly revealing my thighs.

"Deal with it," I tell him, finishing my sentence from earlier.

Oh, did I mention I'm not wearing panties? Ethan seems to notice this very quickly.

I pull my dress up enough to give him a clear view. I spread my legs slightly, showing him just what he'll be missing, too. Oh, yes, this is your punishment, Ethan. You can look, but how are you going to touch? He can't, because he's taped to a chair.

I think he could probably get out. It's just duct tape and he's strong, but I have some strengths of my own. He's so mesmerized that he can't even think straight, which is exactly what I want.

I tease a finger up my thigh, moving towards my juicy center. I use the same hand I used to stroke Ethan's cock before, one of the exact same fingers that I used to toy with his precum. I leave a slick, wet line from the center of my thigh all the way up until it touches right between my legs.

His cock twitches in front of me. I kind of want to go over and sink onto it, or to grab him and pull him into my mouth, wrap my lips around his shaft, or to...

Stop it, Ashley! This is Ethan's punishment. Really now? I can't even keep it together for two seconds? Ugh.

"Do you like this?" I ask him while I play with myself. I run my fingers up and down my smooth, slick pussy lips, giving Ethan a show. "You can talk," I add. "Just to answer me, though, alright?"

"Uh... yeah," he says, swallowing hard, his voice dry. "Fuck, Princess... you..."

"Just to answer me!" I say, stopping what I'm doing to point at him.

I belatedly realizing I'm pointing at him with the same finger that I was just using to tease and toy with my wet arousal. It's also the same finger that I used to leave a trail of Ethan's precum on my thigh.

"I like it, too, but I wish you could be inside me," I tell him. "You sound thirsty. I wish I could help you, Ethan. I'm really wet right now and I bet I could make your throat feel better with just a couple licks. I wish I could help you, but..."

I open my mouth to pretend to let out a lusty moan, except, um... I didn't really calculate this well. I stare hard at him, watching him take all of me in, his cock throbbing angry and red in his lap, so needy and desirous. I plunge two fingers inside me and then I try to fake a moan, except it comes out, um... a lot less fake than I intended.

It's a pretty real moan, actually. Followed by a sudden gasp. I reach further inside me, my fingers begging my body to let them do what they want to do. I may or may not go a little overboard there, in and out, watching Ethan's cock grow harder and harder as I work for my pleasure.

I close my eyes and lean back on the bed and masturbate with him in my mind. Oh, my poor, poor Ethan, tied up in a chair, he can't even help me, can't give in to everything his body wants him to give in to. When I open my eyes, I'm met with the sight of him pushing his hips up, his cock bobbing up and down.

Oh, wow. Um...

I want to be there. I want to sit in his lap, take all of him inside me. I want to...

Quick, caught between trying to remember what I had planned, and giving in to what I want to do, I scurry away from the headboard. I kneel and crawl across Ethan's bed until I'm right in front of him again, but this time facing away from him. I push my upper body hard against his bed and spread my legs so he can see everything. Closer than before, so close he can almost...

He rolls the chair closer to me, or he tries to. His legs stop him at the edge of the bed. I shake my ass at him a little, my dress pulled up and giving him a perfect view of what he's missing out on. I turn my head to the side and watch him. His cock is so close. If I shifted back and lifted up a little, then sat down, I could take him inside me like this, but...

I reach between my legs and start teasing and toying with myself again. Ethan's cock grows harder and harder, if that's even possible anymore. I really have no idea if it is, but it sure seems like it. I rub lightly at my clit in smooth, gentle circles, then a little harder, a little harder still... faster and faster...

I really never thought this was possible before, but... I'm pretty sure I can make Ethan cum like this. I always kind of thought of sex and sexual things as being more hands on, you know? Meaning our hands on each other's bodies, or at the very least my hands on my own body and Ethan's hands on his, but...

Right now it's just my hands on me, and Ethan with no hands to help him at all. His cock is throbbing hard, twitching and thrashing in his lap. The head is slick and shining with his precum, sweet and delicious, slipping down to coat some of his shaft. I kind of just want to turn around and lick it up, but I also kind of just want to keep going.

I'm really sorry, Ethan, but I'm supposed to be punishing you, so...

I watch him squirm in his chair, unable to do anything. I rub harder, faster, more and more. I reach behind me with my other hand and push two fingers inside me while I stroke my clit. I can't keep my eyes off Ethan's cock. I fully expect him to cum any time now. Maybe he's waiting for me? Maybe I should be polite and not keep him waiting anymore?

Ohhh, ummm... that's definitely a good idea. My body agrees wholeheartedly.

I whimper and wince, my orgasm taking over where my thoughts and my fingers left off. My body shivers on the bed, hips and ass shaking. I bite hard into Ethan's blankets, muffling the sound of my moans. I keep stroking my clit for as long and as fast as I can, but soon I get way too sensitive. I still do it, pushing through. It kind of tickles, in an oversensitive, sexual way. I thrash and buck until I can't take anymore and I'm laying on the bed, giggling and giddy.

Oh my God, that was amazing. That was... really, I don't even know what that was. Being watched like that, seeing Ethan getting uncontrollably excited, um...


I turn around, almost forgetting where I am and what I'm doing, but then I see Ethan sitting there, still tied up. He's looking at me with... wonder, I think. That's the only way I can think to explain it. He's looking at me like I'm wondrous and he doesn't know exactly what to make of me, but he likes it and he can't look away. He can't keep his eyes off of me, even for a second.

I scoot off the bed, pulling my dress down to cover myself up again. Ethan gives me a sort of whimpering, disappointed look, biting his bottom lip and scrunching his eyebrows. I press a finger against his lips, one of the same ones that was just pressed deep inside me, giving him a sample of what he missed, and I shake my head at him.

Getting off the bed and to my knees, I spin the chair so he's facing me. I move to spread his legs, but I don't really have to do much there. They just kind of spread automatically.

"Awww, poor baby," I say, soft, talking to his cock like it has a serious injury. "Are you hurt?"

I lick my lips and lean closer to him. Sticking out my tongue, I press the tip of it against the tiny slit on the head of his cock. Just from that, Ethan's cock jerks and throbs. He grunts and closes his eyes.

"Too much?" I ask.

I poke my tongue out again, pressing my advantage. Slow, I tease it up and down the slit, tasting his sweet precum. His cock tries to get away from me, but I don't let it. Using just my fingernails, I press lightly against his shaft to keep him in place. It works for a little while, but soon not even that's enough.

"Oh, fuck, Princess," Ethan says, grunting louder now.

I lean down more, my tongue just above his balls. I push it out, flat, and lick from the bottom of his cock, all the way to the top, and then I swirl my tongue around very very slowly...

That's it. That's all he needs. Ethan starts to cum. It's... um... it's very fun to watch, if I'm being completely honest. Also, it's kind of intense. I don't know if this is from teasing him or what, but it seems stronger than usual.

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