Stepbrother Temptation: First Time (3 page)

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“Yeah, but I figured that stuff out long ago.” He pulled back and gave me a sly smile. “Couldn’t tell you that, though. Didn’t want you to stop hanging out with me.”

I gave his arm a playful slap. “You’re devious. We were still friends. You didn’t have to do that.”

He shrugged. “Insurance.”

As the song ended, I reached down between us and massaged his stiff cock through his pants. “You want to see how bad a good girl can get?” I nipped his ear lobe and was delighted to feel him shiver against me.

“I do,” he whispered huskily.

“Let’s go outside.” I tugged him away from the dance floor.

Giggling like little kids, we crept around the restaurant to a grassy area near the back. Hedges grew here, and I flopped down on the fragrant green carpet, pulling Alex with me.

We kissed as our hands roamed over each other’s bodies. He eased my breast from my bra and dress then bent his head to tease my nipple with his mouth. Teeth grazed over the pink tip, sending a shockwave of sensation through me and making my nipple pebble hard. I fisted a handful of his hair and hugged him tight to my chest. His tongue swirled around my nipple and I let out a long moan.

Like a wild man, he tore my panties away. This time, there’d be no saving them. My fingers found his belt and zipper and I freed his straining cock from his pants. Now I’d tasted this delicious pleasure, I was hungry for more.

I worked his cock with eager fingers. “Let me taste you,” I whispered, and I crawled over the grass while he knelt before me.

I’d never given a blow job before, but I’d always been curious about what a man would taste like. As my lips closed around his plump glans, he sighed and let his head relax on his shoulders. I flicked my tongue beneath the ridge, which earned me a deep moan from Alex. My heart surged with pride. It felt great to elicit such a response in him. I wanted to please him like he’d pleased me.

As I slipped my mouth down his impressive length, I was careful not to let my teeth graze his shaft. Using what I’d read online and in magazines, I tried to give him the best blow job. I swished my tongue over his shaft and I sucked him hard. My hand wrapped around the base of his dick, squeezing and releasing in time with my sucking.

“Ohhhh, fuck… you’re a natural, Serena,” he said through gritted teeth.

We didn’t care if we got caught, didn’t care if our parents saw. All we cared about was exploring and pleasing each other’s bodies. A warm summer breeze stroked my exposed skin. Darkness had just begun to turn the world a deep purple. It couldn’t have been more perfect, more right.

I urged his cock to the back of my throat and sucked hard then held him there. Alex hissed air between his teeth and his hands fisted in my hair, guiding me in a rhythm that pleased him. Then he tugged me away from his penis and flipped me so I knelt on the grass. My palms sunk into the soft earth beneath me.

“I can’t take it anymore,” he growled out. “I need to fuck you again. I want to come deep inside of you.”

His wide palms splayed over my buttocks and he sank his cock in to the hilt. I gasped as my pussy clenched around him. It felt so good to have him inside of me again. So right. Like a bad itch that needed scratching, his every thrust brought a welcome spike of pleasure.

He reached beneath me and played with my clit as he fucked me. Flesh slapped against flesh as our fucking grew louder, more frantic. I was awash in ecstasy and I fisted the grass beneath me, tugging out handfuls as I thrashed underneath Alex.

He rubbed and fucked me just right, and soon my pussy spasmed around his girth. My stomach tightened as another fierce climax built inside of me and burst. I bit my bottom lip until I tasted blood to keep from shrieking out my release.

“Hey! What’re you kids doing over there?”

The angry voice shocked me back to the present. I looked over to find one of the cooks standing near the back door of the restaurant. He was walking toward us, and he didn’t look pleased.

Alex pulled from inside of me and grabbed my hand. “Let’s go.”

We gathered up our clothes and raced away before the cook could confront us. Breathless and laughing, we reached the parking lot before we slowed down.

Alex looked behind us. “Good. He didn’t follow.”

“Thank god.” I collapsed against his chest and snuggled him. “But you didn’t finish.” Reaching down, I stroked his erection and he moaned.

“That’s okay, babe.” He kissed my forehead. “We’ll finish later.” He gave me a wink and a smile that made my toes curl.

I tugged on his hand, guiding him toward his car. “Let’s finish now.”

“What about Mom and Dad?” He pointed a thumb toward the restaurant.

“We’ll think up some excuse.” I opened the door and pulled his hand until he relented and joined me in the backseat.

In less than ten seconds, I had his pants down around his ankles and his cock in my mouth. This good girl wanted to be bad. Now I’d had a taste of naughty, I wanted a whole lot more. Looked like living with Alex would be much more fun than I had imagined.


More stepbrother temptation coming soon! Read on for a sneak peek at some more taboo erotic romance titles filled with hot stepbrothers.


Check out some more taboo erotic romance from Anita Lawless. Twins stepbrothers drive Mickie crazy in more ways than one! You can pick up
Hard Rock Stepbrothers The Complete Series
now exclusively at Amazon. FREE if you’re a Kindle Unlimited member!

Bonus Excerpt: Hard Rock Stepbrothers

By Anita Lawless

His tongue slowly glided from within her, wriggling up the length of her soaking slit before he pressed it to her clit once more. Fingers teased her throbbing opening and she groaned when two slipped inside her. They stroked her cervix while he sucked her clit deep into his mouth. He flit his tongue over the sensitive bud as he did so.

Orgasm shivered through her, making her gasp. She reached down and clutched at his strong shoulders, digging her short nails into his honey colored flesh. Intense sensation flooded her pelvis, flowed out and made her limbs tremble, her skin tingle. She let out a shrill cry when she finished coming.

Moments later the front door slammed. A shout of “Damn it, Shane, why do you always leave your shit in my way?” interrupted their passion.

Mickie locked gazes with Shane. He flashed her a smirk then poked his head above the island they lay behind.

“Hey Hunter!” He waved and Mickie wilted.

“What the hell are you doing over there?”

The sound of Hunter’s voice drawing closer made Mickie scramble for her clothes as quietly as possible. But that bastard Shane locked a hand on her hip and kept her still. She squirmed, trying to free herself from his grip as she grasped for the hem of her tank top, sprawled on the floor only inches from her fingers.

She dug her nails into the soft, tender flesh of Shane’s inner thigh. He let out a yelp and dropped back beneath the island, letting his grip on her lessen as he did so.

“What the…?” came Hunter’s voice again.

Then her other stepbrother was standing in the kitchen, arms crossed over his chest as he cast a disapproving look between them both. Mickie froze on her knees in mid-reach for her tank top.

In many ways, Hunter was the exact opposite of his twin brother. Both were jaw-dropping handsome, in good shape. Both sported tattoos, although Hunter had fewer, and only one on his left bicep was slightly visible. Whereas Shane had a full left sleeve of tribal intertwined with images that held personal significance. An ouroboros peeked out from between stark black swirls. A wizard was inked just above his elbow, embedded in the wall of a melting castle.

Hunter’s hair was cut shorter, done in gelled spikes. His face was a far more serious mask of disapproval, compared to his brother’s impish ear to ear smile.

Shane snatched up his underwear and Hunter spoke again. His glare, full of quiet anger, zoned in on Mickie when he said, “What, fucking one of us wasn’t enough for you? And Dad thinks you’re the responsible one.”

Shane’s grin became a frown of confusion. He glanced from Mickie to his brother. “What’re you talking about?”

“Ask Mickie.” Hunter gave a bitter scoff before walking away, toward his bedroom.

Shane shot her a questioning glance.

Mickie sighed, felt her face flush. She yanked on her tank top and reached for her underwear. “We’ll talk about it another time,” she murmured, then quickly shimmied into her panties and shorts before she left the kitchen to talk to Hunter.

Shane followed after her. “Wait! What’s wrong with—”

She panicked as he drew nearer, fearing a confrontation between her twin stepbrothers. So Mickie slammed Hunter’s door in Shane’s face. She received a disgruntled “Hey!” from the other side, then Shane pounded on the wood. For good measure, she locked it.

Taking a deep breath, she faced Hunter. He’d been rummaging through one of his dresser drawers, but when he saw she wasn’t leaving he stopped, folded his arms over his t-shirt clad chest, and stared her down.

“Please don’t tell him,” she whispered. “At least, not right now. It’ll only complicate things more—”

He snorted in disgust. “Yeah, let’s protect Shane. Keep the truth from the precious little rock star. He’s so fragile.” He shook his head and stalked over to his bed, flopping down atop it. “But it’s no big deal I just caught you fucking him. It’s just Hunter, so who cares?”

She tried to swallow down her shame and guilt. “You know it’s not like that.” She walked over to the bed and sat on the edge. “I made a mistake, let Shane get to me just now …” She sighed. “Just like I did with you four years ago.”

He sat up. His frown deepened. “Oh, so I was a mistake?”

Mickie slapped her forehead and hated herself for her poor choice of words. “Ugh… Hunter, look, I’m sticking my foot in my mouth all over the place. I’m sorry. I’m really really sorry. For what you just saw. For what I just said.”

“Sure.” Hunter shrugged and avoided her eyes. His face and body were tense with anger. Then before he could continue, his cell phone rang. He seemed relieved for the interruption, snatching it up and answering quickly as he moved to the other end of the bedroom.

He spoke in hushed tones, and she bit her lip as she watched him. Hunter was the calmer of the two twins, and also the shy one. He wasn’t the lothario his brother was, mostly due to his withdrawn nature. Hunter didn’t see himself as some gorgeous stud. Whereas Shane was confident about his sexual nature, Hunter tried to downplay his. Mickie could relate to Hunter’s quiet, reserved disposition more, but she admitted she’d always been intrigued by her rock star brother’s flash and swagger.

But it had been Hunter, four years ago, who’d seduced her first. No, she’d seduced him as much as he had her. She had been as willing a participant as him.

It was the night of Hunter’s grad. He’d decided against the prom, saying it just wasn’t his thing. But after a beer and a spliff she’d smuggled from their dad’s secret stash, he’d revealed he didn’t ask anyone to go. He just couldn’t work up the courage. So Mickie had pulled him off the floor and told him she’d go with him.

“You can’t miss your prom, Hunter,” she’d told him, and she’d fished his old tux out of his closet. The last time he’d worn it was to the wedding of his dad and her mom, when he was fifteen.

“It’s a little tight,” he’d said, frowning at the way the jacket molded to his biceps.

Mickie hadn’t complained. It’s snugness outline the curve of his pecs nicely, showed off the way his waist tapered into a muscular ass and sculpted thighs.

“It looks fine,” she’d told him, but they never made it to his graduation dance. He’d asked her for a dance after she changed into a slinky red slip dress, stole a kiss, and they’d ended up in the same position as she and Shane, only there had been no one to stop their party.

Hunter pushed END on his phone and gave her a brief look with those icy blue eyes. They still glimmered with anger. “I have to go.” He brushed past her and unlocked the door. “Someone needs me.”


Pick up Hard Rock Stepbrothers exclusively at Amazon!


Take a taste of even more taboo erotic romance filled with sexy alpha stepbrothers! Here’s a sneak peek at
Taboo Love The Complete Series
, also available exclusively at Amazon. FREE if you’re a Kindle Unlimited member!

Taboo Love The Complete Series

By Anita Lawless

He ensnared my wrists, stopping me before I could coil my hand around his impressive erection. “Wait? What? My overly analytical sister doesn’t care about why I’m working at a sex club? Two days ago, you nearly took the top of my foot off because you thought I was boning Addy.” He gave me a suspicious look. “What’s up, Mary? It’s not like you to play head games. At least, not with anyone but yourself.”

I freed my hand from his grip, perched beside him on the bed, and slowly twined my fingers around his dick. “I’ve just decided to not over think things.” As I bobbed my hand up and down, I clenched and released my slippery grip, loving the feel of his penis twitching beneath my touch. “Now, can we talk about this later?”

He sat up while I still stroked him, gave an exaggerated look of concern, and felt my forehead. “Are you sure you’re feeling all right?”

This annoyed me, only because he wasn’t reacting to the enthusiastic hand job I was giving him. I spit in my other hand to lube it up, then went to worked stroking his balls. Now he gave a little moan and laid back.

“Like I said, we’ll talk about it later.”

His voice thick with lust, he stopped me again, just as I had the tip of my pink tongue poised above his purple cock head. “Wait. I…I want to get this off my chest.”

I gave a huge sigh. “Do not have a crisis of conscience now, Shamus, please.” I gripped him tightly then slowly slipped my hand from base to tip. I teased the hole with my thumb, then ran my hand over his fat dick head, getting all my fingers slippery with his pre-cum. The sensation lube, I thought, had to be working its magic by now, and I really wished he’d quit resisting. I wanted to watch him cum hard then fuck him before he left for work.

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