Stepbrother, Mine #3 (2 page)

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Authors: Opal Carew

BOOK: Stepbrother, Mine #3
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She walked to her dresser and brushed her hair until it shone. Then she tugged off her T-shirt and pulled on a nice knit top that clung to her slender frame and showed off her full breasts. She examined herself in the mirror.

She wanted a chance to prove to him that she could be what he wanted.

But would he give her the opportunity?

She slipped from her door and walked to his. She unlocked it and entered his domain.

“There you are.” His stone-cold blue eyes stared at her. “That was far too long. From now on, I want you to respond to me instantly. Do you understand?”

His commanding tone took her breath away. She nodded, but as his gaze sharpened on her, she replied, “Yes.”

“Address me as ‘Sir.’”

A tingle danced through her.

“Yes, Sir.”

Hope swirled through her. “Does this mean you’ll give me a chance?”

“Show me proper respect. Drop your gaze to the floor, and keep silent until I give you permission to speak.”

She stifled the urge to protest and dropped her gaze to the cream carpet beneath her feet.

“I have a proposition for you. I want you to consider it carefully, because I will not change the terms in any way. You will take it or leave it, no negotiations.”

She nodded, hope flaring inside her.

“You said you wanted me to give you a chance to try being my sub, so I’m going to do exactly that.”

Excitement skittered through her and she glanced up at him. “Oh, Mason. Thank you.” But at his stern frown, she dropped her gaze again. “Thank you, Sir.”

“You will come and stay with me full time at my penthouse for the summer. You will do whatever I tell you without question. You will follow whatever rules I set forth. If you break my rules, or do anything I decide requires disciplining, then I will punish you. Do you understand so far?”

Joy swirled through her, especially when he said she’d be staying with him for the summer, making it difficult to concentrate. Something about rules and punishment. “I … think so, Sir.”

“Dana, look at me.”

She obeyed and found herself faced with his sober blue eyes.

“This is not a game. Let me keep this simple. You will do exactly as I say and follow all my rules. And if you fail to do so, I will punish you. Understood?”

“Yes, Sir.”

“I will have a contract drawn up and there will be no negotiations. As part of this contract, I will be giving you a large sum of money, which you will use for your education in Paris. I will also pay for a nice apartment for you to live in.”

“Mason, you don’t have to do that.”

“I said no negotiations. That is part of the contract. Take it or leave it.”

She nodded. “Okay. I mean, yes, Sir.” She toyed with the hem of her shirt. “And what happens at the end of the summer? To us, I mean. If I meet your needs…” She bit her lip. “Can we be together?”

He took a sip of his drink. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. This contract is to give you the chance to see if you can meet my needs. I’m not going to take it easy on you because it’s important that you know what it will really be like to be my sub. Since there will be no negotiating the contract terms, and I believe you will quickly come to see that this is not for you, there will be a three-day trial period where you can opt out at any time. You will, however, take the monetary compensation no matter what happens during the trial period. Whenever the contract ends, be it at the end of the summer, or during the trial, you will immediately leave for Paris. Does that sound fair?”

“Yes, Sir. But I don’t need you to pay me.”

“I said no negotiations.”

She pursed her lips and nodded. “And I don’t need the trial period. I will do whatever you want me to.”

His lips compressed. “We’ll see.”

*   *   *

Dana sat beside Mason in the backseat of the limo as it drove smoothly along the highway. They were nearing their exit. Mason had spent the entire three-hour drive working on his tablet, totally ignoring her.

She bit her lip and stared out the window, realizing she was being oversensitive. He’d just spent almost two weeks away with her. Now he had work to catch up on.

The limo took the exit ramp and ten minutes later, they pulled up in front of Mason’s apartment building. The driver opened the door and took her hand to help her from the car. Mason took her elbow and guided her to the front door as the driver pulled their bags from the trunk. The doorman opened the door for them and Mason led her across the lobby to the elevator.

Dana glanced at him, wondering if he would break the long silence between them, but he simply pushed the button and pressed his hand to her back as the door whooshed open. Soon they were stepping off the elevator into his huge penthouse.

The blazing orange vista of the setting sun filled the space with a fiery glow.

Dana stepped out of her shoes, then shed her jacket and hung it in the closet. Mason walked to the living room bar and poured himself a drink. Dana followed him, hovering anxiously, not quite sure what to do. Mason sat down on the couch. She walked toward him, but his gaze locked on her and something about his steely eyes stopped her in her tracks. She stood there, watching him, becoming more nervous and self-conscious as his gaze simply glided over her. He swirled his drink, then took a leisurely sip.

Then he leaned forward and set his glass on the glossy, ebony coffee table in front of him.

“Take off your clothes.” His words, spoken so casually, shocked her.

He’d seen her naked before, but to have him sit there, still in his business suit, telling her to strip, unsettled her.

She hesitated, and his dark blue eyes turned steely.

“I said take off your clothes.”

At the edge in his tone, her hands immediately jumped to the buttons of her shirt and she unfastened them, one at a time, intensely aware of the garment opening, revealing her body to scrutiny.

As his gaze followed her fingers downward, her skin tingled. She dropped the shirt to the ground, then unfastened her jeans and pushed them to the floor, too. She peeled away her ankle socks and tossed them aside, then stood there in her white lace bra and panties.

“Keep going.”

Goose bumps flashed across her skin and she felt her cheeks flush.

“Do I have to repeat myself?” he asked in a hard tone.

“N-no, Sir.”

She reached behind her and unhooked the bra, then dropped the straps from her shoulders, but held the garment to her body with her arm. Her cheeks flushed hotter.

This is silly. He’s seen me naked.

But not like this. Where he sat there fully clothed and watched her.

She drew in a deep breath and dropped the bra to the floor. Her nipples ached as they pushed forward, tight and hard. She tucked her fingers under the waistband of her lacy undies and guided them over her hips, then down her legs to the floor. Slowly, she stood up, intensely aware of her total nudity.

“Don’t make me repeat myself again.”

His gaze, cold and indifferent, traveled from her head to her toes, then back up again. Settling on her breasts … then moving lower.

She could feel the heat inside her. Spreading. Filling her with need.

Even though he seemed so distant and … almost disinterested … she wanted him. Needed him with a quiet desperation.

“Kneel down.”

She lowered herself to her knees.

“Now bow down, pressing your face to the floor.”

She leaned forward and placed her nose to the soft carpet, her hands on either side of her head.

“Lift your ass in the air.”

She could tell by his voice that he’d stood up and was moving behind her. She followed his order, extremely conscious of the fact that her most intimate flesh was exposed to his view.

“Widen your legs. I want a better look at you.”

She slid her knees further apart. She could feel his gaze on her as if it had physically brushed across her flesh.

“Do you like me looking at you like this?” he asked.

Her cheeks grew hotter. She didn’t know what to say.

“Just be honest, Dana.”

“No, Sir.” But as soon as she said it, she knew it was a lie. “I mean…” She bit her lip. “I do, but it’s … embarrassing.”

“You shouldn’t be embarrassed about showing me your body, Dana. You are a beautiful woman. Every part of you is beautiful.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

He walked past her and she heard him settling on the couch again.

“Come here, Dana.”

She pushed herself from the floor and stood up. As she walked toward him, he sipped his drink. She stopped in front of him and he perused her naked body.

“Kneel in front of me.”

He opened his legs and she lowered herself down, settling on her knees between his thighs.

“Undo my pants.”

She reached for the button, noticing the bulge growing under the fine wool fabric. She released the button, then gripped the zipper tab between her fingertips and dragged it downward.

Oh, God, how she wanted to feel his hot, hard shaft in her hands.

She reached inside, anxious to see his massive erection. To press her lips to him and take him deep in her mouth.

But his hand clamped around her wrist, gripping her like a steel band, stopping her.

Her eyes widened.

“Do only what you’re told to do. Do you understand?”

“Y-yes, Sir.”

He released her hand and she drew it away.

“Usually, I would punish you for something like that, but I’ll let you off with a warning.” His gaze locked on hers. “

“Thank you, Sir.” But she remembered what it was like to be punished by him. To feel his hand on her behind. Would it be like that again? Or would he do something … harsher?

She knelt there, waiting for his command.

He drew his cock from his pants and her mouth went dry at the sight of it. Long, hard, the veins along the side pulsing. She licked her lips, wanting to taste it.

He watched her as he wrapped his hand around it, then stroked.

“Are you wet, Dana?”

“What?” She dragged her gaze from his cock to his face. She could feel the slickness between her thighs. “Uh … yes, Sir.”

“Good. Now fuck me.”

*   *   *

She bit her lip, startled by his command. She wasn’t sure what to do with him sitting there, his cock pointing to the ceiling. He had always led before.

She stood up and took his hand, assuming he would follow her to the bedroom, but he didn’t budge.

“I mean right here.”


She glanced at the couch, wondering if she could get him to lie down, or if maybe he assumed she’d lie down and he’d actually take the lead.

“You seem confused.” He took her hands and drew her forward until she was kneeling on the couch over him, his cock hovering so close to her slick folds. “Like this.”

She sucked in a breath when he brushed his hard flesh against her. Then he took her hand and wrapped it around him.

“Now fuck me.”

With his hard cock at her opening, she lowered herself slowly. His cockhead stretched her as she took him inside, then glided into her as she moved downward. Oh, God, he was so thick and hard. She kept going, taking him deeper, until finally, he was all the way inside and she was sitting on his lap.

They were face-to-face. His unsettling blue eyes locked on hers. She wanted to lean forward and brush her lips to his. To kiss him, and for him to kiss her back. With passion. And love.

But mostof all, she wanted to wipe away the indifference in his eyes. To see the loving glow that she’d glimpsed so many times when they’d been at the mansion.

But now, sitting here with him inside her body, it was like gazing into the face of a stranger.

“Fuck me,” he murmured, desire transforming his stone-cold tone to one of need.

She raised her body, relishing the feel of his big cockhead gliding along her passage, then lowered herself again.

His hands slid around her waist, but only lightly, not controlling her movements. She moved up and down, his cock filling her again and again.

Pleasure swelled through her.

She was surprised at how exciting it was to be in control. Even though he was the one commanding her, she set the pace. She controlled the movements. He allowed her to ride his body as she saw fit.

But after a few moments, he wrapped his hands around her waist and adjusted her pace, taking back control. His jaw tensed as he guided her to move faster, his big cock pulsing inside her. Thrusting deeper and harder. The sensations pounding through her were exhilarating. Pleasure built inside her, and she moaned.

He arched his hips, pushing deeper still and she gasped.

“Oh, God, I’m so close.”

“Come for me, Dana.”

His eyes, now filled with heated need, reminded her of what they’d shared before. Of what she wanted to have with him always.

An explosion of pleasure burst through her and she flew straight to heaven.

*   *   *

Mason held her close to him, catching his breath. Fuck, that had been sexy as hell.

But now he had to get a grip on himself. He needed to keep tight control on his feelings and treat Dana like a sub.

Distance and control. That was the key.

Finally, she drew back. She gripped his shoulders and locked gazes with him, his cock still cradled in the warmth of her body.

“How did I do?”

The joyful light in her eyes made him realize he had to ramp things up. She still saw this as a fun and sexy adventure.

“Very well, but you seem to have forgotten how to properly address me.”

She smiled. “How did I do, Sir?”

“That’s better. It’s been a long day and we’re both tired, so I won’t punish you this time. But starting tomorrow morning, if you break a rule, I will discipline you.”

She stroked his cheek with her soft hand. “Yes, Sir.”

He captured it and drew it away. “Stand up and gather your clothes. I’ll show you where you’ll be sleeping.”

When she drew away, his cock slipped from her body. Instantly, he missed her warmth. He watched her lovely, naked form as she picked up her clothing. He grabbed her suitcase and she followed him down the hallway to the last door on the right. He opened it and turned on the light. She frowned as she peered inside.

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