Stepbrother Forever: A Stepbrother Romance (37 page)

BOOK: Stepbrother Forever: A Stepbrother Romance
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Sitting next to him, I take his
cock in my hand and begin to stroke it, slowly running my hand up and down his
shaft. Jayson exhales a long breath.


“Are you feeling more relaxed
now?” I ask, smiling slyly as I continue to fondle him.


“I am,” Jayson answers.




I stand up in front of him and
remove my towel. He starts to sit up and I push him back down.


“Down, boy. Not yet. You can
look, but don’t touch,” I tease him before slowly dropping to my knees.


I begin to stroke him again,
harder this time. Jayson is lying back and can’t see me anymore. He is
breathing heavier as I continue to move my hand over him. I run my other hand
up the side of his leg to the top of his thigh. He is so hard already from my
touch. I lean up on my knees and as I continue to work him with my hand and
wrap my lips around the head of his dick.


Jayson moans softly and sits
up. I stroke him a few more times while my lips are closed tight around him and
then let go.


I slide my mouth over his cock,
which is now completely hard and try to take it all in. I run my tongue along
its length as I glide my warm mouth up and down. Jayson has his hands resting
lightly on my head. I keep moving my mouth over him, sucking gently along the
shaft, causing a suction that I can tell Jayson is enjoying by the groans he is
making each time.


I wrap my hand over his cock
again as I continue to suck and stroke in unison. I work faster, bringing him
close to the edge and then slowing down again. I continue for a few more
minutes until his fingers are entwined in my hair, gripping tight, and I don’t
think he will be able to hold back anymore.


I slowly stand up again. Jayson
is sitting in front of me and looks up as he runs his hands up over my breasts.


“You are so fucking sexy,
Ashley,” he says in a breathless voice. I narrow my eyes and smile as I push
him back onto the bed.


I reach over and take a condom
out of my drawer, quickly unwrapping it and unrolling it over his erection.
Then I move forward and straddle his lap. I put my hands on his shoulders and
lower myself onto him. His cock easily slides inside of me and when I have
completely taken him in, I gasp.


I move my hips slowly back and
forth, making myself comfortable. His cock is so thick it rubs against every
inch inside of me. I am wet already and have barely even moved. Jayson places
his hands on my breasts and caresses them as I start to ride him.


I grind my hips, moving up and
down, slowly at first and then picking up the pace as I go. I’m making small
circles as his cock moves in and out of me. Jayson moves his hands to my hips,
helping to exaggerate my movements.


He sits up and we are face to
face. He keeps his hands on my hips and I move faster, wrapping my arms over
his shoulders. I continue to ride him, circling my hips and sliding his stiff
cock in and out. I keep the same motion, the head of his cock is repeatedly
rubbing my sweet spot and I moan.


Jayson grabs my ass and pulls
me hard into him. At the same time, he presses his lips into mine and starts to
kiss me. Our tongues dance again, connecting us on another level. He is pushing
and pulling me into him and I’m moving up and down on just the tip of his dick
now. It’s all I need as I relish the feel of it going in and out of me causing a
very pleasurable friction in just the right place.


I am about to orgasm and I
can’t stop it. I tighten my grip around Jayson’s back and a throaty groan
escapes my mouth as I release myself onto him. Jayson moans as he feels me
tightening around him, my juices spilling over his shaft while it’s still
inside me.


I continue to thrust my hips
forward and back, but slower now. Jayson lightly sucks the tip of my tongue
before taking it into his mouth again. He is massaging my tongue with his, our
mouths hot and filled with passion. Our bodies are pressed together. My nipples
are hard and they rub against Jayson’s chest as I continue to slide myself up
and down the length of his long cock.


I lean up again, pulling myself
up enough that only the tip of his dick is inside me and then I plunge down on
him, hard.


“Oh, yes,” Jayson says,
grasping my hips again with both hands.


I do it again, letting almost
his whole shaft free and then coming back down on and enveloping it again
inside me. I continue this motion again and again. Jayson lets out a groan each
time I thrust his cock back inside of me.


I feel myself start to tighten
as I near climax again. Jayson must feel it, too. He moves his hands up to my
neck and pulls my face closer into his as he sucks my tongue into his mouth and
lets it go, gently biting my lip before kissing me again.


I open my eyes, not even
realizing they’ve been closed and Jayson is looking right at me. He kisses me
with more intensity when I return his gaze. I drive his cock back into me, burying
it deep inside as I make one small circle with my hips. He grips me tightly.


At Jayson’s stare and the
sensation of his cock inside me, I climax again. As I do. Jayson pulls my hips
back into him and breathes heavily as I feel him spasm inside of me, letting
himself reach climax at the same time.


We continue to move in unison.
but slower now until our bodies come to a stop. Jayson is giving me small,
light kisses on the lips. His hands are still on my hips but his grip is much
looser. I rest my arms over his shoulders and sigh.


“Mmm, Ashley,” Jayson says in a
soft voice as he looks at me again. I smile back at him then pick myself up off
of his lap and sit down next to him. We stay like that, reveling in the
aftermath of our passion for several moments.


“I didn’t take you for the
aggressive type. Glad I was wrong,” Jayson murmurs, breaking the silence.


“I’m really not,” I reply with
a smirk. “You just make me happy. And you helped me so much today. I just
wanted to show my appreciation.”


Jayson returns my grin. “Well,
I’m not sure what I did, but I hope I do it again.”


I lean over to pick my towel up
off the floor and wrap it around myself again before standing up. I’m unsure as
to why I feel shy suddenly, but I don’t want to walk to the dresser naked.
Jayson bends down to retrieve his pants. He inserts his legs and then stands to
pull them up. I watch him, once again in awe of his amazing shape.


My eyes move to his firm ass as
he raises his jeans up over it, shrouding my view. I work my glance up his
torso and appreciate his muscular chest for a moment before standing up myself.


When I get to my feet, Jayson
takes one of my hands in his and softly kisses me on the cheek. I meet his


“You are truly an amazing
woman, Ashley,” he says. I smile back at him.


“And you’re pretty incredible
yourself,” I reply, staring back at him. Jayson kisses me softly once more.


“Let’s finish our wine before I
go home,” he says.


“Why do you have to go home?” I


“I have to be at work in the
morning. I also don’t have anything to sleep in or wear tomorrow.”


“That sucks.”


“Yes. It does,” Jayson agrees.


I walk to the dresser and find
a tank and a pair of comfortable shorts. I pull the shorts up under my towel
and feel Jayson’s eyes on me.


After I’m dressed, I walk out
of the bedroom and Jayson follows me. I pick up both of our wine glasses from
the coffee table as we pass. We go into the kitchen and Jayson sits at the
breakfast bar. I stand on the opposite side across from him.


“So, do you know your schedule
yet for the week?” he asks.


“No, but I can look quick while
you’re here,” I reply, opening my laptop that’s sitting on the counter close
by. I log into the restaurant website to check the schedule postings.


“Looks like I’m off on Tuesday
and Wednesday all day.”


“Perfect. Let’s make
arrangements tomorrow to meet with the parents,” he replies. “We should get
this over with. I don’t want anything to stand in our way, Ashley. And I don’t
need you to stress about your mother.”


I shrug. “I guess you’re right.
I’ll text my mom tomorrow. I don’t think I can take another phone call with


“Fine. Let’s plan for Tuesday.
The sooner, the better,” he responds and takes a long sip of wine, draining his


“I hate to do this, but I have
to get going,” Jayson tells me. “I have to get some sleep, and if I don’t leave
soon, I don’t think I ever will.”


I sigh. “So don’t ever leave. I
don’t mind. Although your apartment is much nicer than this little hole.” I
look disapprovingly around my tiny home.


“We can talk about that one day
in the future, beautiful,” Jayson says, standing up. “Come on, show me to the
door so I can watch your sweet ass one more time before I go.”


I step around to his side of
the counter, look up at him, and smile before I strut to the door. He follows
close behind me and when I turn to see where he is, we are face to face.


“Want me to take you down the
elevator?” I ask. “I know how much you enjoy our rides together.”


“That’s only my elevator,”
Jayson says with a wink. “You stay here. You look too cute. I don’t want the
doorman looking at you like that—especially when I’m on my way out.”


“Oh, please,” I reply,
shrugging him off. I open my door and we are standing together in the entryway.


“I’ll call you in the morning,”
Jayson says.


“Thanks for coming by. I had a
good time,” I reply with a smile.


“Me too. Goodnight.”


Jayson tilts my head up to face
him and plants his lips on mine. His mouth is warm. He parts my lips with his
tongue and slips it inside my mouth and he tastes sweet, like the wine we just


He places his hands on the back
of my neck and tugs on my hair, pulling my head back some more. We kiss
intensely, our tongues entwined together, revolving with a now familiar rhythm.
Then he lets me go.


“Sweet dreams, Ashley,” Jayson
says with our faces only inches apart. I’m still feeling dreamy from his kiss.


“Sweet dreams, Jayson,” I reply
staring into his eyes.


He gives my hand a tight
squeeze before stepping back and walking toward the elevator. I want to call
out “I love you,” but I can’t. I shouldn’t. Not yet, anyway. I want to hear it
from Jayson first, when he knows I’m listening.


The elevator doors open and he gives me a little wave
after he steps in. I wave back, and when the doors close, step back into my
apartment and lock the door.




Chapter 20


I have so much energy from our
night together I decide to walk a couple of avenues before I catch a cab. I
need to wind down so I can get some sleep. It’s already so late and I have an
early morning tomorrow.


Another amazing night with
Ashley. Every minute I spend with her makes me want a hundred more. Just when I
think I have her pegged, she surprises me again. She has been very submissive
and not forward at all. Tonight was the complete opposite. Ashley took complete
control. And when she took my cock in her mouth? Shit. It felt so good.


I wanted to face-fuck her so
hard, but I couldn’t. As much as my libido was craving it, my conscience
wouldn’t let me. I didn’t want to do anything to turn her off or distract her
from her own thing she had going on.


I’m glad she broke the news to
Cynthia so we can figure out what’s going on and not have guilt and worry
hanging over our heads. My father was not as cool with us as I thought he would
be. I don’t know if believes me about being serious about Ashley. I’m sure once
we talk more, he’ll know I’m not playing games with this one.


And I think once Cynthia sees
how much I love her daughter, she’ll have no choice but to concede. Isn’t that
what all parents want? For their children to be happy? I’ll have to make it a
point to speak to my father before our meeting with Ashley and her mother so I
can be sure we are on the same page. Once he’s on my side, Cynthia won’t have
much of a leg to stand on. I don’t think she’ll risk her own relationship just
to ruin mine.


I hail a cab and take the short
ride back to my building. I should be able to get some sleep now. I’m going to
arrange a meeting first thing so it’s done. I’ll also make it a point to speak
to my father sometime today so we can hash out our own differences before the
four of us are together.


When we arrive at my building,
I exit the taxi and pay the driver. I enter the lobby and wave to the doorman
as I walk toward the elevator. When the doors open, I step in and immediately
envision me and Ashley embracing in an intense kiss and smile. I wanted to tell
her I love her tonight, but it wasn’t right. I don’t want it to be after sex
when she might think it’s a fleeting emotion. I need her to know it’s real.


The doors open when we arrive
at the eighteenth floor and I step out. I unlock the door to my apartment, and
for the first time ever, it feels empty. I don’t want to sleep alone. I no
longer feel complete without Ashley by my side.

BOOK: Stepbrother Forever: A Stepbrother Romance
12.7Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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