Stepbrother Forever: A Stepbrother Romance (26 page)

BOOK: Stepbrother Forever: A Stepbrother Romance
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The waiter walks over to clear
our plates and asks if we would like anything else. Jayson orders a crème brûlée
and two after dinner drinks. We are both quiet for a moment and then he
lightens the mood again.


“What’s with the dress?”


“What do you mean?” I respond,
looking down at myself.


“You say you think it would be
wrong if we were together, but you wear that on our date?” He gestures. “Come
to think of it, why did you agree to go on a date with me in the first place if
you don’t think we should even be trying to make this work?”


Shit. He’s right. I am giving
off mixed signals.


“I don’t know. I really don’t.
It’s possible we could have something good together, but I’m also afraid it
will end badly. You

re much
older than anyone I

ve ever
even considered dating. And you being a total player until what, last week? And
then our parents…” I trail off. “I feel like you’re being sincere with me, but
that could just be me wanting you to be.”


“Why don’t you just let things
happen and stop thinking so much?” he asks with a shrug. And suddenly I realize
he’s right. Our parents, our friends—everyone is going to have an opinion,
regardless of the situation. Maybe I should stop thinking and just follow my


“I think that’s exactly what I
need to do,” I say with conviction. I pick up my glass and hold it up. “Here’s
to whatever the future holds.” He clinks his glass against mine and smiles.


“And the dress?” Jayson asks


“It’s just a dress. I thought
it was pretty, so I wore it,” I answer.


“I think it’s pretty, too. You
look so fucking sexy in it. I bet you have something even prettier on
underneath,” he teases as the waiter delivers our dessert. My cheeks are bright
red. I have become familiar with his sexual innuendos, but I’m still a little


“Thanks. I don’t think what I
have on underneath is your business. I’ll leave it to your imagination.”


“I’ve been imagining since you
stepped out of the elevator,” Jayson replies, staring into my eyes again. I
look down and take another sip of my drink because I’m too flustered to think
of a response. He smirks at me, reveling in the way I blush and lose my words.
The waiter comes with the bill, which Jayson pays and we both stand to leave.


He has arranged for the car
service to pick us up, and it’s waiting outside when we exit the restaurant.
Once again he opens the door for me and I get in, him right behind me. He is
sitting dangerously close to me again and I am trying not to look as nervous as
I feel.


“Thanks for dinner, Jayson. I
had a really great time. It’s nice to know you can hold a real conversation and
not just speak in cheesy pick-up lines.”


“You’re welcome. I know you
don’t think I’m a decent guy, but I am—or I can be if I want to,” he replies as
the driver turns onto my street. I’m so unsure what my next move should be, if
I should call it a night or invite him up to my apartment.


The driver stops in front of my
place, and I before I can decide, Jayson is out of the car and talking to the
driver. I climb out and wait on the sidewalk for him. He starts walking around
the back of the car and it pulls away. Apparently, a decision has been made for


“Does this mean you’re inviting
yourself over?” I ask, trying to mask my excitement.


“I at least want to walk you to
your door. This is an official date, remember? It’s your choice if you want to
invite me in. I just want some privacy this time when we kiss goodnight.” He
smiles, and I know he’s taunting me again in that self-assured way of his that
drives me nuts. He’s told me just now that we’re going to kiss. For all his
talk about it being “my decision,” it’s pretty clear Jayson has every intention
of going after what he wants. And I think he knows I’ll give in.


He walks ahead and opens the
door for me which I nervously step through. Truth is, I have no idea what’s
going to happen once we’re on the other side.




Chapter 12


I waited impatiently all week
for tonight. I couldn’t focus on anything at work and my men noticed. So did my
brother. As my partner we are supposed to work as a team, and he knew I was off
this week. We don’t talk about our feelings too much—it’s just not something we
ever did with each other—but he was genuinely concerned about me so he asked if
I was okay.


I told him what was going on,
how I met Ashley before we officially “met” at Cynthia’s house. How I instantly
fell for her. How badly I wanted her to believe I could be the good guy she was
looking for. Even Matt wasn’t sure I have it in me to be with one woman, until
he heard me out. He could tell by the sincere tone of my voice and the way I
talked about her that this is real.


Then he springs it on me.


“You know Dad is going to ask
Cynthia to marry him, right?” he asks.


“I didn’t. He never told me.”
Matt is a lot closer with Dad than I am.


“Well, he is, which will make
you Ashley’s big brother.”


“Stepbrother,” I interrupt.


“Whatever. Ashley is hot, but make
sure she’s worth it, man. Things could get very messy for everyone.”


Now, heading back to her place,
I have a tense feeling—one I’ve never had with a woman before. Dinner was
great, and the night we’ve shared thus far has only convinced me that what we
have, what we
have, is very,
very real.


I need her tonight. I want her
so desperately. No woman has ever drawn these kinds of emotions from me, and I
want to show her how special she is to me.


I think I know how.




Chapter 13


We apprehensively wait for the
elevator. I actually think Jayson might be nervous. That makes me feel good. I
don’t necessarily have the upper hand here, but if he’s feeling even a little
uneasy, that would mean he cares. I’m sure he’s gone home with hundreds of
women, virtual strangers, without missing a beat. Maybe I am special, after


Just as I finish that thought,
the doors open to the twenty-first floor and he takes my hand as we step out
into the hallway. It feels so natural to be holding his hand, like we come home
together all the time.


“This is me,” I state as I slow
down in front of my door. After a moment of deliberation, I add, “Want to come


Jayson smiles slyly. “Of


I unlock the door and push it
open, unsure what is going to happen, or what I want to happen, but I’m trying
not to think too much about it. He follows me in and closes the door behind
him. I place my purse on the small table in the entryway and he comes right up
behind me, his body so close I can feel him there. I slowly turn around and we
are face to face, but only for a second. He looks me right in the eyes as he
holds both of my hands in his and kisses me tenderly on the lips.


“Does that feel wrong?” he
asks, our faces still only inches away from each other, our hands entwined.


“No,” I whisper. And he kisses
me again, deeper this time. Parting my lips with his tongue. Working his way
around the inside of my mouth for a minute and then stopping again, sucking
gently on my lip before letting go.


“And that?” he asks again,
taunting me now.


“No,” I reply. I have no other


Jayson pulls my hands up over
my head, playfully pinning me against the wall and pressing his body against
mine as he starts to kiss me again, deeper and harder. I want to touch him but
his arms are extended over mine and I can’t move. Our kiss is powerful and
passionate, so full of desire. I am now trying to pull my hands down so I can
touch him, but he puts more strength into his grip and I feel him smiling as we
continue to kiss. Jayson has full control of me now.


“You made me work for this,
Ashley, I want to be sure you really want it.” He begins to kiss my neck,
sucking lightly under my ear, still holding my hands over my head. I’m
squirming between his body and the wall, feeling helpless. I want to touch him
so bad.


I take one of my legs and wrap
it around one of his, trying to pull him closer to me. We can’t get any closer
than we already are but it’s all I can do.


He begins to kiss my lips again
and I’m kissing him back with a passion I’ve never felt before. Jayson loosens
his hold on my arms and puts his hands on the back of my head, cupping my neck.
I return his fervor.


He puts his hands on my
shoulders, sliding the sleeves of my dress down, causing the top to fall. My
nipples are hard and poking through the red lace of my bra. Jayson stops for a
second to look at me and whispers, “You are so fucking beautiful,” before he
starts kissing me again.


He gently cups my breasts and a
soft moan escapes my mouth. This man is truly intoxicating. The way he’s
touching me, the way he makes my body feel—the way we are standing here
together, doing almost nothing more than kissing, and I want to scream for


Jayson pulls my bra straps down
and expertly unhooks it from the back, letting it fall to the floor. I’m naked
now from the waist up and I want to feel his skin against mine. I fumble with
the buttons on his shirt, our mouths still melded together, and one by one,
undo them. I finally get to the last button and pull his shirt back over his
shoulders and down his arms, feeling each muscle on his arms and chest as I do.
I let his shirt fall to the floor and wrap my arms over his shoulders, pressing
my chest into his. His body is strong and firm and I can feel the heat coming
off him as we strain to get closer.


I can feel Jayson’s erection
pressing into me. He is so hard and big. I can’t wait. I want him now.


He reaches down and runs his
hand over my leg and up under my dress. I know he can feel how hot and wet I am
already as he pulls what’s left of my dress down so it, too, falls to the


He runs his fingers over my
panties, teasing me. He knows what he’s doing because I am writhing over him,
silently begging for him to guide his fingers inside of me. My back is arching,
hips tilting up toward him, my body begging for him to touch me. Jayson slips a
finger under my panty line but goes no further. He is such a fucking tease.


“Are you sure you want me?”
Jayson taunts, still rubbing my moist heat.


I can only nod. I’m too turned on
to utter a word—hot and wet with raw desire. He kisses me again, deep and hard,
pressing against me and pinning me to the wall. I feel him grab the edge of my
dress and panties and forcefully yank them both down, letting them fall to the
floor. I am now completely naked with my back to the wall.


Jayson uses one finger to part
my moist pussy lips. The sensation makes my knees buckle for a second. He is up
against me with one hand on the back of my neck and one working its way inside
of me.


Jayson feels my wetness and it
arouses him that much more. I know because he is kissing me harder and pressing
his manhood against me. I buck my hips up against his as he slides his wet
finger across my slit again and then back up inside me. He uses his thumb to
circle my clit. We are still locked in a kiss as he continues to stroke me,
teasing me, bringing me to the edge and stopping.


I need to undo his jeans and
get them off so there’s nothing to hold him back. I start to unbutton his pants
as he fingers me gently but passionately. I get his button open and zipper down
and start to pull his jeans and boxer briefs off in one motion. I gasp at the
size of Jayson’s hard cock as I take it in my hand and begin to stroke it,
marveling at the sensation of it swelling in my palm.


I press my back against the
wall, and with one hand on his shaft, I run the other down his chest, over his
perfectly-sculpted abs, and down to his thighs. He still has his fingers inside
me, skillfully touching me in all the right places. With both hands smoothly
caressing his cock, I pull him closer to me and whisper, “Take me, Jayson. Fuck
me. Now. I can’t wait any longer.”


He smiles at me. “I’m not going
to fuck you, Ashley.” I get weaker as I hear my name cross his lips. “I’m going
to make love to you.”


And with that, he locks his
hands under my thighs and easily picks me up.


I wrap my arms around his neck
and my legs around his upper thighs and he carries me across the hall to my
open bedroom door. We cross the threshold, and a few steps later he is gently
laying me down on my bed, his hips situated between my legs. Jayson kneels in
front of me and tears open a condom I didn

t notice him take from his pocket and slips
over his erection before leaning his body over mine. His cock is rock hard and
pressing against me so I can feel it throbbing with desire.


The sensation of his body on
top of mine is enough to bring me to the edge again. Jayson looks into my eyes
and softly brushes my hair off my face, communicating so much without saying a


I place my hands on his cheeks
and begin to kiss him again. He kisses me back softly and tenderly but full of
passion. I open my legs wider, inviting him in as we continue to kiss. I need
him in me now, but he is torturing me, making me wait. I wrap my legs around
him again, pulling him closer to me, silently begging him to enter me.


He leans back over and holds my
hands, firmly placing them on either side of my head and intertwining his
fingers with mine. He teases me some more as we kiss, running the length of his
shaft back and forth over my dampness.


Then in one fluid motion,
Jayson buries his perfect cock inside me. I am so wet and ready for him that he
effortlessly penetrates my depths. I gasp as he does, pressing my hips back
into him. His cock is so hard and fits snugly inside me. He is filling me


Slowly, he draws his mass
almost fully out, leaving only the tip inside. One stroke in and I am ready to
explode. I’m squeezing his hands, my head tipped back and eyes closed in
ecstasy. He continues the steady rhythm of our dance, pulsing inside me, in and
out, over and over again.


I feel Jayson’s breath against
my ear as he whispers, “Now I’m going to fuck you, Ashley.”


He lets go of my hands and with
one of his, pulls my hair back against the bed. He is holding my hair with one
hand and more aggressively handling my breasts with the other, pinching my
nipple and making me arch my back, forcing his cock deeper inside of me. He is
thrusting harder now and deeper, using long strokes and smiling down at me,
delighting in how he is making me twist and squirm and listening to the moans I
can no longer hold back.


“Come for me, Ashley,” Jayson
says, leaning over my face so he is looking into my eyes again. He takes his
hand from my breast, runs it down my belly, and presses his thumb against my
clit to rub it. I am gripping his perfect muscular ass in my hands, feeling it
clench with each stroke and digging my nails in uncontrollably.


“Yes, Jayson, yes!” I cry,
releasing myself. I quiver as my wetness flows down his shaft, still pumping in
and out of me, my back in a full arch off the mattress.


“That’s it, baby,” Jayson
murmurs, slowing his pace and lengthening his strokes. He maintains the rhythm
of his thumb, circling and pressing, holding me in a state of pure euphoria.
“Now I want to come with you.”


I still have my hands wrapped
around his backside, pulling him into me. He releases my hair from his grip,
grabs my arms again, and pins them above my head, kissing me again, harder. He
changes his pace again, plunging deep inside me and pulling back, creating a
new rhythm. Our bodies are moving as one now.


I begin to shiver and tighten
around him, inside and out. Jayson shudders as we begin to climax together,
moving faster, trying to hold onto every last sensation.


“Oh, fuck. Ashley!” he moans as
we explode in unison. Our bodies meld together, holding each other tight. My
face is nestled in the nape of his neck as his juices flow with mine.


Jayson slows and steadies his
thrusting until he stops, remaining inside me, relishing in the sensation of
our shared climax. We are closer now than I could have hoped for. Physically,
it was incredible, but it was so much more than that. The emotion behind it all
was more intense than anything I have ever experienced.


My body goes limp and he
collapses on top of me. A giggle escapes my mouth.


“What? Was that funny?” Jayson
asks, smiling at me.


“What? No! Just… Oh, my God.” I
giggle again. I’ve never been with anyone who can hold a candle to what Jayson
and I just experienced together.


Jayson carefully lifts himself
and rolls over, wearing a satisfied smile. He lays on his side, leaning on


“I don’t know what it is about you,
Ashley, but I think you’re going to be stuck with me for a long time,” he says,
gently brushing my hair out of my face again with his other hand.


“I think I can handle that,” I
reply, “but for now, how about you stay here with me tonight?”


“I would love to,” he answers,
pulling my body into his.


We lie for a long while in silence,
savoring the connection we created and the feeling of our bodies pressed
together. His body fits perfectly around mine, like we were meant to be like
this, interlocking parts that were always destined to fit together. Eventually
we fall asleep, still holding each other, still smiling.




I awake early the next morning.
We both have to work today, but I’m not scheduled until early afternoon for
lunch. I notice Jayson isn’t next to me but I hear the shower running and
assume he’s getting himself ready.


I get out of bed and throw on
my robe, tying it closed as I walk to the kitchen to put on coffee. I’m still
in a euphoric state from the night before, and still wearing a smile as I pull
out a couple of mugs from the cabinet. I take the milk out of the fridge and as
I turn to the coffee pot I see Jayson standing in the doorway, watching me in
his towel.

BOOK: Stepbrother Forever: A Stepbrother Romance
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