Stepbrother Bestie (A Stepbrother Romance Novel) (52 page)

BOOK: Stepbrother Bestie (A Stepbrother Romance Novel)
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However, he kept his body weight on me, so
no matter how much I shuddered, I was unable to break the fluid sensation of
expounding excitement that he was easing onto me.

“Oh…Oh God…Yes…” I moaned, feeling a surge
of wetness continue to seep out from my womanliness, almost every time Tyler
continued with his slow, wonderful torture.

Eventually, my eyes closed, so that I
could focus on every touch more intently and I felt my heartrate begin to
increase, as well as my breathing.

By the time Tyler had broken away from the
first breast that his tongue seduced and began to ease his way down, to take my
second breast into his devilishly skillful mouth, each inhale I took was filled
with a small gasp.

I kept my eyes closed as my fingers
coursed over his large, encompassing back, while my nails dug lightly into his
skin on the way back up, causing red claw marks to appear behind them.

After a little more suckling and some
talented fondling, I felt his teeth clamp down on my breast, ever-so gently,
but just enough to cause me to yelp in a sensation of both excitement and pain.

However, when the next breath came, it was
accompanied by a laugh and a slight groan of pleasure which told Tyler he
hadn’t done anything that I wasn’t enjoying. With both of my nipples now
piercingly hard, he curved his lips around my breast once more, before pulling away
slowly and moving down my flattened stomach.

I giggled while I felt him begin to fiddle
with my shorts. Acting on instinct once again, I felt my legs snap closed, but
once he undid my pants, he backed up and took off his own shorts, before he put
his hands on either side of my legs and almost roughly parted them. He slid his
body between them, so that I had no other choice but to surround him.

Then he sneered at me, before beginning to
easily run his hands up and down my legs, which caused me to quiver and tense.

I wanted to laugh, but I resisted and just
focused on enjoying the moment. I groaned and writhed around in the sand,
feeling its coolness against my bare back and kicking up onto my chest.

I hardly noticed anything else at that
point, other than Tyler’s awful teasing.

He pulled his hands up until they reached
the cuffs of my shorts, just about the place where my wet, womanly sheath began
to get warm and tingle, before he would drag his hands back down and then start
the process all over again.

“Oh…” I groaned, tossing my head from side
to side, before sitting up and pressing myself against his exposed, hardening

My body called out to him, wildly and
ravenously and all I wanted right now was to feel him filling my golden flesh
with his highly desirable, growing loins.

However, taking charge, he immediately
pushed me back down. He grabbed my legs and, before I could even fully realize
what he was doing, he grasped my shorts and underwear, tearing them off and
tossing them to the side.

When he began to position my body back to
surround his own, we were both completely naked. Our skin felt warm next to
each other and I was very excited that I was finally able to enjoy the reward
of having him close to me.

Even though I was carefully positioned
below him, I was able to see his hot bulging shaft, just before he pressed it
against my downy nest of curls.

The extreme heat that I felt radiate from
it, along with the moisture that I felt between my legs because of it caused me
to gasp, while my body once again flung itself toward him.

He chuckled, as though he could tell
exactly what I was thinking and so, he once again placed his hands against my
thighs, but instead of splitting my legs open, he kept them close to him while
he started to rub against me.

I gasped again, feeling the extraordinary
power behind his prods, before moaning at the intensity to which I wanted him
to make his move inside of me.

I wanted him and I needed him. There was
literally no other way to describe it. At that moment, I was completely sure if
his engorged flesh did not release the mountain of emotion that I held pent up
inside of me at that moment, I would surely explode.

I gasped, “Please…Tyler…I need you…” My
body pushed toward him again in a desperate manner, feeling the impression of
emotional overload continue to build.

He chuckled at me, but after only a few
more strokes, he grasped his manly rod in his hands and directed it perfectly
so that he was able to impale me with a force that caused me to yell out.

It seemed as though it was ages since he
had last taken me for himself and all of that sensitivity burst out of me in his
first drive.

I gasped as my fists clenched around sand
and dug against it desperately. After a few big handfuls, I actually began to
feel the moistness in the ground that was due to high tide, but that was not
any of my concern at the immediate moment.

The only thing that I cared about was the
ease in which Tyler was setting up his love tempo.

Expertly, Tyler would pull out of me and
then ease back into me, filling my womanliness completely and causing my breath
to pant in uneven gasps.

Soon enough, he grew faster, as I began to
hold on and move in a motion that helped the two of us find the right sensation
for one another. Back and forth, we continued to rock, while our hearts as well
as our pants began to thump together as one.

We were now both sweating and covered with
sand, but neither one of us seemed to notice. All we cared about in those
moments were one another and the ecstasy that we were being provided by our

When the climax finally came, Tyler took
it upon himself to quicken the beat of our tempo to a speed that would easily
cause him to fire off his rocket. Once we were ready, after a few long strides,
I felt the warm, erotic release coat the inside of my body, filling every
single crevice.

This release acted as a catalyst for my
own euphoria, because as he pulled out, I felt a quick sense of acceptance from
my own body. Immediately, I took over, propelling him in and out of me, taking
advantage of the extra lubrication, until finally, I was also rocketed into a
sense of pure euphoria.

I felt my back arch and I screamed as I
threw my head back, in order to get the full effect of the blinding, throbbing
moment of passion that washed over me.

In that moment, it was as though the world
was truly lost to me and I had transcended into a dreamlike state. My body and
literally everything else did not matter. All that mattered to me now was the
wonder that I was experiencing and the man that was allowing me to feel this

“Oh God…Oh God…I love you Tyler…” I
exclaimed as I began to come out of the state of phenomenal bliss. My head was
still so far up in the clouds that I didn’t even realize that I had said
anything like that and apparently, he didn’t either, because my slip certainly
didn’t ruin the moment.

As I began to come back into my body from
the otherworldly experience, I felt my body continue to convulse around him and
I giggled.

Tyler looked back at me and smiled.

I wasn’t sure why, but at that moment, I
was assured that smile Tyler was giving me meant just a little bit more than
what he was letting on.

he had heard me after all,
I thought with glee.





Once we were finished, I was finally able
to grab something to eat. I was absolutely starved, but since it was nearly
three in the morning, the only options we had in walking distance was a diner
or convenience stores.

It was a fairly shitty way to celebrate
freedom, but I would have made the same choice. Between fucking and food, if it
came right down to it and by the way that Ashley seemed to enjoy our time
together, I imagined she felt the same way.

So we decided to stay the night together
and see where the morning took us. It was too fucking late to try to get a ride
out of town and I was beat, between screwing and eating, especially after the
day we had, so I suggested we go back to the beach, hide under a lifeguard
stand and try to get some sleep under the stars.

Ashley smiled at me when I made the
suggestion, before she bumped herself solidly into me and said, “Sure. That
sounds like a lot of fun. Do you think we’ll get caught?”

“How the hell should I know? I have no
idea what kind of police they have out here.” When she looked worried though, I
added, “But really, what is the worst they are going to do, if they see us?
We’re just sleeping.”

She shrugged. “Yeah…I guess.”

“Besides, we’re not going to cause any
trouble. If they ask us to leave, we’ll leave, but we should probably get to
sleep soon, just in case.”

“What are we going to do after tonight?”
she asked as we made our way onto the pathway between the dunes.

The two of us had automatically put our
shoes in our hands and we were walking barefoot, hand in hand in the sand. If I
didn’t know better, I would say we had stepped right out of a fucking postcard.
I had never thought that I would ever be caught dead in a situation like this.

The moon shone brightly overhead, lighting
the water and making a romantic silhouette dance across the waves. The whole
scene was pretty fucking disgusting.

It was just my luck to finally settle
down, after pushing my body so far past the limits that a policeman would come,
just as we were getting to sleep to kick us out. However, then it would stop
being so damn cute.

Still, I figured I didn’t want to chance
it, so I just sat down next to an overturned lifeguards stand and crawled
underneath it. “Tomorrow, we will find a hotel that takes cash and doesn’t ask
any fucking questions, but tonight, I just want to go to sleep.”

“I hear you…” She answered as she climbed
in next to me and cuddled up beside me.

The cool sea breeze was fairly chilly when
the sun went down and so, I made it a point to wrap my arms around her tightly
and pull her into me.

She laughed slightly, just as I was about
to say a dick comment about how much I did today, as opposed to what she did,
but realized before my mouth opened fully that she did have a point. Even
though it wasn’t physical, she had gone through a hell of a lot of distress
today. I didn’t say anything at all.

I just closed my eyes and tried to find
the sleep that I knew my body so desperately needed.

Then, just as I was drifting off, I heard
Ashley’s voice as she said, “It’s so beautiful here…”

I sighed and opened one eye to see the
moon once again, streaming through the spaces in the boards of the lifeguard
stand. Immediately, I heard the rustling of the waves and became overwhelmed
with the picture perfect ambiance, which was something that I certainly wasn’t
used to.

After relishing in it for a moment,
instead of just brushing her observation off with an aggravating comment, I
answered honestly, “Yeah…It really is.” Then I sighed and answered, “Please
don’t take this the wrong way, Ashley, but could you please go the fuck to

She laughed at this before she answered
easily, “Yes, Tyler. I’m sorry…”

Within seconds, I was back in the glorious
bosom of dreamland and thankfully, that was where I remained for the extent of
the evening.

When the sunlight began to stream through
the lifeguard stand, I knew that it would only be a matter of time before
people started to arrive and that would probably be where we ran into issues. I
shook Ashley awake.

“Good morning!” I exclaimed as I began to
slide out from beneath the overturned lifeguard stand.

It took a moment for Ashley to understand
her surroundings, but when she did, she yawned and answered, “Good morning.”

“We should probably get out of here… At
least until some people show up and we can look like we are just people on the
beach like everyone else.”

Ashley nodded as she made her way out from
underneath the stand. “Where are we going?”

“Breakfast?” I asked, realizing that I was
still starving. The fast convenience store food had done almost nothing for me
and I felt as though I hadn’t eaten in a week.

Ashley’s stomach growled as she covered it
and answered with a smile, “Yeah, breakfast sounds great.”

I took her hand and we began to make our
way back up the hill between the dunes as I hoped we didn’t stink too fucking
much. However, my first priority was breakfast, so we began to walk to a place
that served a lot for very little, with quick service.

While we were walking, Ashley said to me,
“Hey Tyler…” Her voice sounded very sheepish then, almost as though she was
afraid of something.

of me?
I thought.

“Yes?” I asked, trying to sound

“Can I ask you something?”

“Whatever you want.”

She smiled awkwardly before she said,
“Besides your Dad…did you do anything…like illegal?”

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