Step Brother (9 page)

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Authors: Jayna King

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Step Brother
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I rolled my eyes. “No. And really? I don’t think calling the defense attorney who managed to get your sentence shortened would really do my career a lot of good.”

The room went silent, and I could feel the stares of the three people in the room, all of whom I’d just shocked.

“There’s no reason to be rude to your father, Tatum. He’s just offering to help,”

Tina’s tone was actually condescending, and that infuriated me.

I knew I shouldn’t react, but I couldn’t help it. “Tina, I’m sure you have good intentions and shit, but you really should stay out of my relationship with my father. There’s history there you don’t know, and you’re really better off minding your own business.”

Tina’s jaw dropped. “Donald, you’re not gonna let her talk to me like that, are you?” Her speech wasn’t quite so polished when she was rattled.

“Tatum, that was uncalled for.” Dad walked over to Tina and slipped his arm around her waist. “Tina is my wife, and you will be polite to her, at the very least.”

I stood up. “Dad, you’ve made your position clear, then. Reed, I’ll be out front. If you don’t want to drive me home, I’ll call a cab.”

I walked out of the room, and I could hear Reed’s deep voice as I fled.

“I’ll go talk to her. Give us a minute.”

Just before I reached the front door, Reed grabbed my wrist.

“Tatum, stop.” His voice was low, quiet enough that we couldn’t be overheard.

I whispered back to him, furious, heart beating wildly, and on the verge of tears. “Reed, you just don’t understand.”

He didn’t say a word. He simply slid his hand down from my wrist to my hand. Lacing his fingers through mine, he pulled me over to Tina’s office. He walked me inside, closed and locked the door, and pulled me toward him, never saying a thing.

I felt flustered, upset, and uncertain about his intentions … until he simply folded me into his arms and pressed my head to his chest. He wrapped me up and held me there. I tried to stiffen and back away, but he was far too strong, so I gave in. I could feel myself relaxing, muscles releasing to sink against his chest. As my breathing slowed a bit, Reed finally spoke.

“That’s better.” He smoothed my hair, as if I were a little girl. “Tatum, I know you’re upset, and I get that you resent some shit your dad has done, but you’re not gonna solve anything by blowing up on Thanksgiving.” I tried to step back, but he held me tight. “You’re smarter than this. The girl I knew in middle school would have formulated some sort of plan and executed it deliberately and effectively. You can’t just blow up and expect it to solve your problems.”

I sighed, and when I finally spoke, my voice sounded small and timid. “You’re right.”

He finally let go of me, and I reluctantly left the warmth of his body.

“I don’t know what’s wrong with me, Reed. You’re right. I’m not usually so emotional.”

“You’re worried about finding a job, and wondering if your dad’s going to run for office again isn’t making things any easier. It makes perfect sense.”

I looked at him like it was the first time I’d ever really seen him. “When the hell did you get so smart?”

He laughed. “Oh, you learn more psychology than you’d think on the streets.”

The full force of the show I’d put on in the den hit me. “Oh my God, I was really rude to your mother, wasn’t I?”

“You certainly weren’t polite.”

“Reed, she has no idea what she’s in for, though. And she really has no right to interfere with things between my dad and me.”

“You’re right, but don’t jump in between her and your dad. Tina’s a big girl. She can take care of herself. Given the fact that she’s now married to Donald, I’d say she’s better equipped to take care of herself now than she’s ever been.”

“But she has no idea how intrusive a campaign can be.”

Reed put his hands on his hips. “Tatum, listen to yourself. You’re completely projecting your anxiety onto Mom’s situation. You have no idea what will happen. And even if you did, Donald and Tina are grown-ups. They get to make their own decisions. I don’t mean to be rude, but you should mind your own business in this instance.”

I turned around, facing the window. What he said pissed me off, but I knew he was right. “Your mom had no right to interfere, though.”

“You’re right. She didn’t. But you can’t control her behavior. You can only control yours. I learned long ago that Tina doesn’t always have the best sense when it comes to relationships.” He laughed. “God, that’s an understatement.”

I turned back around, surprised to see that he was standing right behind me, close enough to touch. “Goddammit, I hate having to apologize.”

“You know what I hate?” Reed asked, voice lowered once again.


“Being this close to you and not being able to touch you.” He leaned toward me and kissed me, the touch feather light, sending thrills to my fingertips.

“Reed, we can’t,” I said, taking a step backwards.

He looked at me, gaze dark and smoldering. “Oh, yes we can.”

He pulled me back toward him and crushed my lips with his. His arm snaked around my back, and his hands ended up spread, fingers squeezing my ass, pulling me into him. For a second, I let go of all my reservations and kissed him back, opening my mouth to his tongue and realizing that my arms had circled his neck, as if of their own volition. I could feel a hand slip up beneath my shirt, tracing a line on my back that sent chills up my spine. Reed’s arousal was apparent, even through his jeans, and I could feel myself starting to lose control.

I managed to pull away, breathing hard and wide-eyed. “Reed, we can’t. Not here.”

He reached down and adjusted himself through his jeans. “Not here?” he said, with that sexy smile. “That’s a start.”

“We should get back. I guess I have an apology to give. And they’re going to wonder where we are.” I was desperately trying to think about anything other than Reed naked.

“Are you going to behave?” Reed asked, hand on the door.

“I will. I’ll apologize to Tina, and I’ll be perfectly polite.”

“Good girl.”

“And we can leave right after dinner?” I asked hopefully.

“Oh, I can’t wait to get you out of here,” he said, making me blush. “We have a date, remember?”

I put my hand on his arm, thrilled by the feel of the muscles beneath his shirt. “How could I forget? And thanks for setting me straight, Reed. I think I needed a little reality check.”

“Anytime, sis,” he said, unlocking the door.

Reed was funny, smart, perceptive … goddamn, was he sexy. It occurred to me that I cared less and less what people might think about my spending time with my stepbrother. I wasn’t sure I’d ever met anyone quite like him, and that was exciting.

We walked into the room, and I decided to clear the air right away. “Tina, I’m sorry I blew up at you. I shouldn’t have, and I apologize.”

Tina accepted my apology, but I could see in her eyes that she didn’t really mean the platitudes she recited as she prattled on about wanting us to be one big, happy family. I wanted out of that house.

The chef came to the doorway and knocked on the open door to get our attention. “Dinner is served, folks.”

There wasn’t a single critical thing you could say about our Thanksgiving dinner. Perfectly browned, smoked turkey, elegantly carved. Cornbread dressing, full of celery and green onions. Rich and savory sweet potatoes, heavenly light yeast rolls, and I ate far more than I planned on. Garrett was gonna kick my ass. I’d have to avoid stepping on a scale while he was anywhere in my vicinity.

“It was so nice to see the two of you coming over together,” Tina said brightly. “Since you’re both only children, you finally have a chance at being part of a bigger family.”

“Tina and I are really looking forward to our little Tahoe getaway,” Dad said. “Tatum, since you’re not working yet, I assume it won’t be a problem for you to go with us. And Reed, can you take the week between Christmas and New Year’s off?”

“That’s actually usually a pretty slow time for us. I was considering closing the shop down for the week and giving my employees some time off to enjoy the holidays.” Reed looked over at me. “That is, if Tatum’s planning to go.”

“I hadn’t really thought about it much,” I lied. “My only concern is if I get a job offer between now and then. I don’t want to look like I’m not a hard worker by taking time off right away.”

“Oh, but Tatum, you have to come,” Tina protested. “I’ve planned such a fun trip. We have ski lessons set up for me and Reed, and I’ve scheduled a full spa day for the two of us. I thought we could get to know one another better over massages and facials.”

“I want to come,” I said, mostly telling the truth. “I just won’t jeopardize a new job to do it. I’m sure you understand, right?”

Dad looked at Tina. “Don’t worry, babe. If I have to, I can call the head of the law firm and arrange for Tatum to have off. You’ll get your family Tahoe trip one way or another.”

I looked at my dad, and I was sure my eyes were as big as saucers. “Dad, I don’t even have the job yet, and you absolutely will not interfere with my workplace. I’ll go if I can. You’re going to have to settle for that.”

“Well, surely you’ll have a couple of days off, anyway. Even if you can only make it for part of the trip, we’d love for you to be there.” Tina looked so hopeful that I gave in.

“I promise to be there for at least part of the trip. It does sound like fun, and I love Tahoe.”

“When have you been there?” Dad asked, looking surprised.

“Mom and I went a couple of years ago. It was during the summer, so I imagine the scenery will look a little different, but it’s just gorgeous.”

“Well, I know I’m looking forward to it,” Reed said, and I flashed back to our interlude in the office.

“And Donald and I will pay for your flights. It can be part of your Christmas present.”

I opened my mouth to protest, to insist that I could pay my own way, but Reed’s hand on my thigh stopped me. “That would be wonderful. Thank you,” I said, realizing that my dad really did have more money than he knew what to do with, at least until Tina could manage to spend it all. Reed was right, though, they were grown-ups. They didn’t need me telling them what to do. For heaven’s sake, I couldn’t even land a job, and I couldn’t stop thinking about sleeping with my stepbrother.

8 -- Reed

I tried to pay attention to all of the dinner conversation. I really did. But Tatum was all I could think about. The taste I’d gotten in the office just wasn’t enough. The heat between us wasn’t going away, and no matter how much she tried to push me away, I knew she felt it just as much as I did.

“So who wants dessert and espresso?” Mom asked, clearly enjoying her role as hostess of the manor.

“I’m so full, I don’t know where I’d put it,” Tatum said. “And Garrett will kill me if I take another bite.”

Fucking Garrett. I wasn’t so sure I liked the fact that Tatum was living with a single guy.

“I’ll take some espresso, for sure, and I’ll eat some dessert, just to be polite,” I said.

“We have the lovely pie you brought,” Mom said. “And we also have tiramisu and pecan pie, as well.”

Tatum groaned. “Noooooo. Tiramisu? I can’t turn that down!”

Silently laughing at the fact that both Tatum and I were avoiding the cat-ravaged pumpkin pie, I opted for pecan pie.

I nearly had to excuse myself from the table once dessert was served. The look of ecstasy on Tatum’s face as she took tiny bites of the tiramisu was unbelievably distracting.

“Want a bite?” she asked, holding her spoon out toward me.

I fixed her gaze with mine. “Absolutely.” I wanted to take her right then and there.

We polished off dessert, and I could feel Tatum getting restless.

“Shall we adjourn to the fire pit?” Donald asked, waving toward the patio.

I worked up a pretty convincing fake yawn. “I probably need to hit the road, as long as you don’t mind, Tatum. I have an early appointment tomorrow.”

She practically leapt out of her seat. “That’s fine with me. I’ll be in the gym early tomorrow working off dinner.”

We managed our goodbyes, promising to see our parents in Tahoe if not before, and I was practically vibrating with my need for Tatum as we pulled out into the street. I couldn’t stand having her so close without being able to touch her. It was exquisite torture.

“So where are we headed?” Tatum asked as I pulled out of the neighborhood.

“What’s your pleasure?” I asked. “Cocktail? Wine?” All I wanted was her, but I was willing to be patient, difficult as it was.

“After all that rich food, I would love a scotch.”

“Didn’t peg you for a scotch girl. You’re in luck, though. I know a place with a great selection.”

The car was silent for a few minutes.

“Dinner was actually nice, huh?” Tatum asked.

“It was. You were well behaved.”

“Yeah. You were right. I need to work my shit out and not take it out on Tina. She hasn’t done anything to me.”

“She does seem to be trying—decorating and trying to make your dad happy.”

“Yeah. He’s not an easy man to please—at least not long term.”

“So you’re really going to Tahoe, right? You weren’t just saying that?”

“Yeah. I’ll go if you will.”

“I was going to say the same. I don’t know if I want to ski while I’m there, but it sounds like it could be fun—if you’re there, anyway.”

Tatum got quiet, and I wondered what was on her mind. I’d kinda taken charge back at the house when she flipped out, so I decided to hold my tongue. If she had something she wanted to say, I figured she’d speak up.

“So what was it you wanted to talk to me about?” she finally asked.

“It’s kinda complicated. Let’s wait until we have a drink.”

“Where are we going?”

“Oh, just this little place I know.”

“Are you sure they’re open on Thanksgiving?”

“They’re always open.”

When I turned into my driveway a few minutes later, I looked over to see Tatum looking at me, eyes narrowed.

“I’m not so sure this is a good idea.”

“Well, I am sure. Let’s go.” I got out of the car, opened her door, and took her inside. I turned on the light in the living room. “Have a seat. I’ll get the scotch.” I walked into the kitchen. “Neat or rocks?” I called.

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