Steinbeck (109 page)

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Authors: John Steinbeck

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Goddard, Paulette
Goldwater, Barry
Gossage, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Grace, Princess (Monaco)
Grapes of Wrath, The
(Steinbeck) ; movie of, and Pulitzer Prize; reviews of ; and revision; writing of
Green Lady, The
Grieg, Harald
Guggenheim, Harry F.
Guinzburg, Alice
Guinzburg, Harold .
Guinzburg, Thomas
Haakon VII Cross
Hadden, Ann, and Phelan Award
Hagy, Lawrence
Hammarskjöld, Dag
Hammerstein, Oscar
Hamilton, Joe
Hannon, Stuart L.
Harriman, Averell
“Harvest Gypsies, The,”
Herningway, Ernest ; death of
Henning, Carol, see Steinbeck, Carol Henning
Herald Tribune
(New York)
Hersey, John
Heyler, David, Jr.
Heyler, Joan
Hill, Gladys
“His Father”
Hitchcock, Alfred
Hoffman, Michael
Horton, Chase
Houghton Mifflin Co.
House Committee on Un-American Activities
“How Edith McGillcuddy Met R.L.S.”
Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Huston, John
In Dubious Battle
(Steinbeck) ; basis for ; and criticism; language in; method of; reviews of
In Touch
Jackson, Joseph Henry
Jonathan Cape and Robert Ballou, Inc.
Johnson, Lady Bird
Johnson, President Lyndon B. ; meeting with
Johnson, Nunnally
Journalism; in Southeast Asia; view of; in World War 11,
Journal of a Novel: The East of Eden Letters
Jung, Carl
Kaufman, George S. ; and
Of Mice and Men
Kazan, Elia
Kazan, Molly
Kennedy, Jacqueline, see Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy
Kennedy, President John F. ; assassination of
King, Dr. Martin Luther, Jr.
Kirkland, Jack, and Tortilla
Konstantin, Simonov
Knisely, Dr. Melvyn
Knox, Alexander
Knox, Frank
Larson, Arthur
Lawrence. H.
Leader of the People, The
Lehr, Wilson
Leibner, Sol
Lewis, Sinclair
and migrant workers
Lindhardt, Otto
Loesser, Frank.
Long Valley, The
Lovejoy, Natalya
Lovejoy, Ritchie
Luce, Claire
Luce, Clare Boothe
Lyman, Mildred; on Steinbeck
McCarthy, Mary Ann, and
In Dubious Battle
McCarthy, Sen. Joseph
MacGowan, Kenneth
McIntosh, Mavis
McIntosh and Otis .
See also under individual staff members
McKnight, John P.
MacLeish, Archibald
McNally, Terrence
McWilliams, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Malory, Sir Thomas .
See also Morte d'Arthur
Mandated Islands, and topographical information
Marx, Zeppo
Metro-Goldwyn Mayer
Milestone, Lewis
Miller, Amasa
Miller, Arthur
Mohole Expedition
Monterey, California; feelings about
Monterey Beacon
Montgomery, Dr. E.S. .
Moon Is Down, The
(Steinbeck) ; opening of; plot of ; reviews of; success of ; in Sweden
Morsberger, Robert E.
Morte d'Arthur
(Malory) . See also Malory, Sir Thomas
Movies of East of Eden,
Movies (cont'd);
The Forgotten Village
; of
The Grapes of Wrath
; Lifeboat; of Of
Mice and Men
The Pearl
; of The Red Pony ;
Viva Zapatal
“Murder, The”
Murphy, Dennis.
Murphy, John
Murrow, Edward R.
see Cannery Row, Of Mice and Men, Pipe Dream
Nathan, George Jean
Nation, The
National conventions, coverage of
National Institute of Arts and Letters, The
Needham, Wilbur
Negrin, Dr. Juan
Neville, Helen
News (San Francisco)
correspondence for
New York City, feeling toward
Nixon, Richard
Nobel Prize; effects of; and Steinbeck
North American Review
Norton, Eliot
Not in a Day
Odets, Clifford
Oesterling, Anders
Office of War Information
Of Mice and Men
(Steinbeck) ; completion of; movie of; musical of; response to; stage production of ; success of; writing of
O'Hara, John
Old Man and the Sea, The
“Old Style and New Style Elaine”
Once There Was a War
Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy
Operation Windmills, see
Travels with Charley
Othello (Shakespeare)
Otis, Elizabeth
O'Toole, Peter
Pacific Grove, return to
Paradise Lost
Paris; residence in (1954)
Parsons, Louella
Pasternak, Boris
Pastures of Heaven, The (Steinbeck) ; accep tance of; basis for; rejection of
Paternity suit
Paul, Louis
Paul, Mary
Pearce, Dick
Pearl, The
P.E.N. Congress
Phelan Award for Literature
Piotrowski, Kazimierz
Pipe Dream
Plays, see Burning Bright; Moon Is Down, The; Of Mice and Men; Tortilla Flat; Winter of Our Discontent, The
Pope, James S. .
Portable Steinbeck, The
Powell, Lawrence Clark
Presidential Medal of Freedom
Press Club, San Francisco
Pulitzer Prize
Radcliffe, Mrs. Donnie
Rage to Live, A
Random House
Red Pony, The (Steinbeck) ; completion of; “gift” edition of; movie of ; writing of
Burning Bright
Cannery Row
; In
Dubious Battle
East of Eden
The Grapes of Wrath
Of Mice and Men
The Moon Is Down
Pipe Dream
Sea of Cortez
Tortilla Flat
The Winter of Our Discontent
See also
Rice, Elmer
Ricketts, Edward F.
Rodgers, Dorothy
Rodgers, Richard
Roosevelt, Eleanor
Roosevelt, President Franklin D.
Ross, Marcia
Rossellini, Roberto
Russia; and censorship ; and Cultural Exchange Program
Russian journal,
Sag Harbor, feelings toward
Saroyan, William
Scott, Elaine, see Steinbeck, Elaine Scott
Scott, Waverly .
Sea of Cortez: A Leisurely Journal of Travel and Research,
Sea (cont'd.)
Selznick, David O.
Sergeant, The
Serlin, Oscar
Shakespeare, William
Shaw, George Bernard
Sheehan, Ed
Sheffield, Carlton A. ; relationship with
Sheffield, Ruth Carpenter
Sholokhov, Michael
Short Reign of Pippin IV, The
(Steinbeck); completion of
Shumlin, Herman
Simon and Schuster
Simonov, Konstantin
Smith, Lawrence
“Snake, The”
Solow, Eugene
Somerset, England; residence at
Sothern, Ann
Soto House
Steinbeck and His Critics
Steinbeck, Beth (sister)
Steinbeck, Carol Henning (wife) ; divorce from ; and illness ; separation from
Steinbeck, Elaine Scott (wife) ; background of; introduction to; writing by
Steinbeck, Esther (sister)
Steinbeck, Gwyndolyn Conger (wife) ; divorce from ; marriage to ; and The Pearl; and war correspondence
Steinbeck, John IV (son) .; birth of
Steinbeck, John Ernst (father)
Steinbeck, Mary (sister) ; death of
Steinbeck, Olive Hamilton (mother); death of
Steinbeck, Thom (son) ; birth of
Stevens, Wallace
Stevenson, Adlai
Strasberg, Lee
Street, Webster F.
Sullavan, Margaret
Svensson, Georg
Sweet Thursday
Things That Go Bump in the Night
To a God Unknown
(Steinbeck) ; rejection of; and revision; and writing materials
Tortilla Flat
(Steinbeck) ; movie rights to; response to; stage production of; theme of
Tracy, Spencer
Traubel, Helen
Travels with Charley
(Steinbeck) ; trip for (Operation Windmills) ; writing of
Tree, Marietta
Twentieth Century-Fox
United States Information Agency
Valenti, Jack
Valenti, Mary Margaret
Valjean, Nelson
Vietnam war; trip to
Viking Press, The
“Vikings at Helgoland, The,”
Vinaver, Betty
Vinaver, Eugène.
Viva Zapatal
Wagner, Edith
Wagner, Jack
Wagner, Max
Wallace, George
Wallsten, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Watson, Dorothy
Watson, Graham
Watts, Richard, Jr.
Wayward Bus, The
(Steinbeck) ; reaction to
West, Anthony
Wilder, Thornton
Wilhelmson, Carl
William Morrow and Co.
Williams, Annie Laurie
Williams, Tennessee
Winter of Our Discontent, The
(Steinbeck) ; play of (Moscow),
; reviews of; writing of
Wizard's Farm
(Carl Wilhelmson)
Woollcott, Alexander
Writers' Union of Kiev
Writers' Union of Tbilisi
Zanuck, Darryl F.
Zapata, Emiliano .
See also Viva Zapata!
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