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Authors: Lizzy Roberts

Steeling My Haart (28 page)

BOOK: Steeling My Haart
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the kiss, Emma whispered, “Sit up again, there is something I need to do.”
Charlie did as she asked.

He sat up, his eyes
burning into her as he did and she groaned out as she leaned in and kissed his
abs. She noticed that he had a tattoo over his left pectoral, almost over his
heart. Sitting up, she ran her fingers over the markings and Charlie sucked in
a sharp breath.

does it say?” she whispered. He lowered himself slowly between her legs and
close enough for her to read the script. It simply said, ‘Better to have love
and lost, than to never have loved at all.’ She realized it was for her.

“Oh, Charlie, I’m
here now and I’m not going anywhere,” she exclaimed as she grabbed his face in
her hands and kissed him passionately re-igniting the unstoppable fire between

Within seconds, Charlie was reaching for
her sweater and they only broke their frenzied kiss long enough for him to take
it off and drop it to the floor. He maintained a constant with her lips as he
frantically tried to take off her jeans, in the end needing her help to finally
get them undone. They were dropped to the floor and once she was stripped down
to her black lace panties and bra, he finally rolled her over so she was laying
on top of him, stomach to stomach, flooding his aching body with heat from the
contact. They lay there for a long while, staring into each other’s eyes, just
drinking in each other as he gently caressed her back in small circles with his
fingers. Although they were both incredibly aroused, the urgency had
disappeared from their love-making and it was as if they needed the time to
reconnect their souls before they reconnected their bodies.

began to pepper tiny kisses all over Charlie’s handsome face, over his eyelids,
down his cheeks and then to the smooth skin of his jaw tingling her lips as she
went on her sensual journey down his neck and to his collarbone. He laid there,
closing his eyes. Emma felt like she was dreaming. The look on his face of pure
adulterated arousal made Emma feel incredibly close to him in that moment. She
then kissed a path down his chiseled torso, tracing her tongue over the perfect
grooves of the defined muscles. He had an amazing body and she could not
believe how much he had filled out since she had seen him naked last time. He
had a smattering of blond chest hair that on added to his appeal. As she
reached his stomach, his breathing started to come in short bursts and she
slipped her hand into the waistband of his underwear, he flinched and sucked in
a breath. “I’m not going to last, Emma if you keep on doing that.” he gritted
out, struggling to maintain control of himself.

is only the start, Charlie, let me show you how much I need you?” she pleaded
as she pulled his pants down and with his help, finally pulled them off him.
She then licked the tip of his uncomfortably swollen erection and as she tasted
him, her arousal grew. Looking up at him she saw he was rigid on the bed, his
fists tightly closed and his eyes shut so tightly she could see the strain on
his face. She then took his entire erection deep into her mouth and began a slow
rhythm of licking and sucking his rigid length. He began groaning, “Oh Em,
don’t stop. That feels amazing. Oh sweet Jesus! Just don’t stop.” She began to
increase the tempo of her oral assault. He stiffened and cried out as she felt
the stirrings of his orgasm rising up from his tight balls she was now cupping
and caressing to the same rhythm.

MY... Fuck, Em, sweetheart, oh FUCK!” he growled as he came and came down her
throat in long violent spasms. She swallowed everything he had to give and collapsed
on the bed next to him as he turned to her with the most amazing smile on his
face. She couldn’t help but smile back as he quickly regained his composure and
kissed her hard. Now it was his turn and as he broke the kiss, she felt his arousal
stirring again. He looked at her and said, “Love isn’t the right word for how I
am feeling about you right now, but I can’t think of another word that comes
close. I love you, I’ve missed you. And I’m not letting you go again.” He said
before he continued his tender assault on her.

he raised himself up on to his elbows and reached over into his bedside drawer.
Emma assumed he was reaching for a condom and said shakily, “Its ok Charlie,
I’m clean and I’ve had a shot so were good to go if you are?” Not wanting to
have any barrier between them tonight. “Oh Em, you don’t know what that had
just done to me, but I was actually reaching for this,” he whispered as he held
up a small bottle of massage oil. “Let me relax you and enjoy the feel of every
inch of your body on mine before we make love.”

set the bottle down on the pillow next to her head and pulled her up so he
could remove her matching black lacy bra and thong. He traced his hands up and
down her smooth legs and noticed she had shaved herself everywhere. He grew hard
as he saw her smooth lips. She could see the restraint in his eyes as he
started to give her the sensual massage he had intended.

her so she was laying on her stomach he dripped a couple of drops of the oil on
her and the delicate scent drifted to her nose, just as he started gently
rubbing her shoulders and back in wide gentle circles. He was through and made
sure he covered every inch of her now exposed body, enjoying the moans of
pleasure he was eliciting form her every few minutes. Her body was still
flawless and she noticed he was staring at her with a strange look on his face.

“What is it Charlie?”
She asked.

“Sweetheart, you are
still as perfect as I remember. But you’re so thin. I can feel every bone in
your body and you need to take care of yourself. Now I’m back though I’m going
to look after you. I promise.” He whispered to her as he continued to massage

was groaning in total ecstasy under the attention of his skillful hands. He was
applying just the right amount of pressure to unknot the weary muscles in her
body, but not enough to hurt her. He could feel every ounce of tension from
earlier slipping away under his attention. She could feel she was aroused and could
feel her arousal beginning to drip onto the comforter under her. She was
starting to ache in paces she never though possible and the heat that was
pooling in her stomach was making it very uncomfortable. She was so turned on
under his touch.

started at her feet and worked his way slowly up her legs, using confident,
firm strokes that were causing her to flinch involuntarily under his touch. His
hands on her skin left a burning trail behind them and before long he had
reached the tops of her thighs. Teasing her and making her squirm and groan in
repressed arousal he skipped over onto her stomach and made an art of caressing
and massaging her torso and up to her breasts. He circled each nipple with the
oil and the sensation of his thumbs on her erect nipples caused her to arch her
back and cry out in pleasure.

“Please, Charlie, I
need you. I need you now.”

He could barely
contain himself, but he wanted to pleasure her before they finally made love.
He didn’t want to rush things but he slowly stopped massaging and took each
nipple in turn. Grazing the tip with his teeth as he then sucked them into his
mouth. She almost came with the sensation alone, but her breathing became
shallow and he started to pant as he nipped his way down her stomach to
eventually bury himself into her now wet folds. He alternated between sucking
her swollen clit and gently biting her until she finally fell over the edge and
screamed out his name in total ecstasy.

“Charlie, oh my God,
what are you doing to me!?” she screamed as her muscles contracted and her body
shook with the sudden force of the orgasm that just hit.

then reared up on to his elbows and as she was coming down from her climax, he
gently rested himself between her legs and thrust his now rock-hard erection
deep inside her. She cried out again at the contact with her still sensitive
clit and as he gently rocked in and out of her, controlling the movement
precisely, she could feel the beginnings of another orgasm following steadily
on the back of the last one. It was when he lowered his head and began kissing
her so reverently, propping himself up on his elbows so he could cup her face
in his hands that she realized without a doubt she was finally home. Opening her
eyes, Emma took one look at the look of pure love on her soulmate’s face and she
also realized that she was never going to need anything or anybody else in her life.

slow rhythm that Charlie began was incredible. Emma was so near her second
orgasm. She could see him thrusting deep inside her and feeling them connected
so intimately, for only the second time in their lives was a moment she wanted
to remember forever. Their faces were so close and the feel of his hands on her
cheeks, and his chest rubbing sensually over hers, still slippery and slick
with the massage oil sent her into a place beyond anywhere she thought

orgasm built slowly this time and the pressure building up to the release was
even more intense than the last. All it took was for her to look up at Charlie
and they both fell over the edge simultaneously, Charlie taking her mouth with
his as they rode the waves of pure love together. As they both finally came
down from their love induced haze, he reached over and pulled the soft
comforter over their naked bodies and they finally fell asleep, both exhausted
and happy for the first time in years, their limbs and bodies entwined in an
adoring embrace.



was well into the early hours when the exhausted pair had finally fallen asleep,
and as morning broke, Emma was the first to wake. It took her a few seconds to
realize where she was and when she felt the strong arms clinging to her and Charlie’s
unmistakable scent, her face broke into a huge smile. Her heart was beating so
hard in her chest she thought it was going to burst right out of her and it was
all down to the amazing man who was asleep behind her. She was sure she wasn’t

shuffled gently in his arms trying not to wake him and when she moved, his arms
instinctively tightened around her, making her smile even wider. She finally
managed to gently turn herself over and took in the serene look on his face as
he was sleeping. His short blonde hair was mussed and there was a hint of
stubble now appearing on his chin but he was still so handsome. When he was
sleeping like this, he looked so young and carefree and she hoped to be seeing
a lot more of him like this in the future.

if he could sense she was awake, his eyes fluttered open and he grinned widely.
“Morning, sweetheart, so I didn’t dream last night then?” he muttered sleepily.

if you did I was there, too, and good morning to you, as well, handsome,” she
responded cheerfully.

He sat up to kiss her,
but she shied away, muttering, “Morning breath.”

Chuckling at her, he
gently pulled her face around and planted a huge kiss on her lips. “That’s no excuse.
I’ve missed you every day for the last eight years and if I want to kiss you,
morning breath or not, I am going to.” He said with mock authority, making her
giggle again.

he suggested. “Then I can make us some breakfast.”

sounds like a plan,” she replied, kissing him back. Before she had a chance to
pull away he had flipped on to his back, bringing her on to his front.
She could feel his arousal resting on
her thighs and as she sat up and straddled his lap, she silently grabbed and
guided his morning erection into her wet folds and deep inside her. He rolled
his head back onto the pillows and moaned as she gently rode him, lifting up
and down at a gentle pace. He worked his hips up and down at the same time and
they both became lost in the moment. Charlie opened his eyes and stared at her
as she lost herself in the sensation of having him so deep inside her. It
didn’t take long for either of them to begin building up and he reached down
and started to gently caress her nub as she increased the pace. As he pinched
her hard and then flicked her suddenly, she came quickly and hard. The force of
the muscles contracting around his hard erection caused him to tip over the
edge and they both came together, gasping and sighing as they came down from
their morning interlude.

morning, again.” He grinned once more.

Emma lifted herself
off him and realized they were now incredibly sticky and covered in sweat from
their exertions. “Now it’s time for a shower,” she agreed jumping up and
running into what appeared to be a private bathroom. Charlie gave her a minute
to go to the lavatory and when he heard the cistern flush he followed her in.
She was standing there, totally naked waiting for him looking absolutely
adorable with her sex-messed hair and a slight flush to her cheeks. As she
caught sight of herself in the mirror the main thing that caught her attention
was how much happier she looked and she knew that was down to him. As he
stalked across the room to her, he reached into the shower cubicle to turn it

love you,” he said as he wrapped his arms round her naked form. “Have I told
you just how beautiful you are?”

recently, but thank you. You aren’t so bad yourself,” she replied. “Oh, and I
love you too.” She hopped past him and into the shower.

followed swiftly and they spent a long time in the steaming hot flow, washing
each other and simply enjoying being together again. It was a tender moment
that they both shared that morning in the shower, but one that definitely
signified the start of things to come.

rooting through his pretty empty cupboards Charlie shrugged at her and took her
back to the diner for breakfast. They ate a huge breakfast and after he
introduced her to the various members of staff, Emma was anxious to head back
home to see the children. They both felt lighter that day and it showed as they
entered Nicky and Mike’s house. They were welcomed in and the announced that
they were now officially back as a couple. Everyone was overjoyed and Adie in
particular as over the moon to have Charlie as a permanent fixture in her life.

does this mean you are gonna be my new poppa?” she asked innocently but it was
the burning question on everyone’s lips.

I’d like to be a big part of your life, sweetheart, and I also want to be able
to take care of Leo and your Emmamomma, too, if that’s ok?” he asked her.

will? I wove you Chawie. Me and Leo need a new poppa so I can ask Emmamomma if
you can be,” she said excitedly, as he took a look over at Emma who was staring
at her feet and looking a bit embarrassed.

will see, sweetheart, but I love your Emmamomma a lot and I think you and Leo
are pretty cool, as well. I tell you what, why don’t you come show me some of
the presents that Santa brought for you this year?” he said. She took him by
the hand and led him off to the room upstairs to show him the pile of toys she
had in the guest room at Nicky and Mike’s. There was no doubt in Emma’s mind as
she took in his easy demeanor and natural way with the children that he would
fit right in with their new family.

and Bruce immediately pounced on Emma as Charlie headed upstairs with an
excited Adie, both eager for the lowdown on her evening.

honey, I guess all is forgiven?” she asked.

Mom, and I couldn’t be happier,” she replied, beaming from ear to ear.

knows everything?” she probed further.

I told him everything, and I honestly feel like it was the closure I needed. He
was upset, but he has made me feel so much better about it all. I only wish I’d
had the guts to come home sooner and see him. I might have spared myself the
years of torture I’ve put myself through,” she admitted.

Bruce strode over and
hugged her to his side.
“See, I
told you Emma, you are…” He stopped suddenly as Emma elbowed him gently in the
stomach, grinning from ear to ear.

“I know, I know,” she said, “one step
at a time, though, please. We’ve only just made up.”

too soon the brief respite they all had over the festive period was coming to
an end. The children returned to daycare Emma and Bruce had a ton of things to
arrange to get their new business up and running, but one of the last clients
that they saw together before he and Lou headed back to New York for the New Years
celebrations was a certain Charlie Haart. They discussed his plans for franchise
and his wish to sell his brand of M’s Place to the mass market. Emma was helping
him bring his successful business to the rest of the country, and eventually
the world was his ultimate dream come true.

as per usual, had some amazing branding ideas and between his market knowledge
and Emma’s extensive legal expertise would bring the business huge success over
the coming year.

previous years, both Charlie and Emma had spent New Year Eve alone, wallowing
in their own misery, but this year Charlie had been invited to spend it with
Emma, at home with the children. He couldn’t think of anywhere he would rather
be. He had suggested that he could come over and he would cook them all a meal
and Emma had jumped at the chance to spend any quality time with him. The
reality of the evening was a taster of how family life could be for them and it
was incredible.

ate early and the two of them went about bathing and settling the children to
sleep. Charlie turned out to be a total natural with them and Adie was in love
with him. They were soon asleep and it was the first time in his life that
Charlie could honestly say he felt he belonged anywhere.

After the children
were asleep they spent their first quiet evening watching reruns of old Christmas
movies until just before midnight when they tuned in to watch the celebrations
in Times Square. It had only been a week since they had reconnected, but that
evening it felt like they had been together forever. The hurt and pain of the
past was now behind them as the clock struck midnight. They drank through a
bottle of champagne as they watched the ticker tape fluttering down over the revelers
in New York. They snuggled on the sofa, sharing nothing more than a few sweet
kisses until it was time for bed. She invited Charlie to stay over that evening
and they made love gently and quietly in her bed before falling into a
contented sleep. Emma had been concerned as to how Adie would take the fact
that Charlie had slept over, but her fears were unfounded when she merely
bounded in the bedroom as usual and jumped on him the morning after instead of

mid-January approached, with the pressure of work and trying to establish a
solid routine for the children, Emma and Charlie struggled to spend a much time
with each other as they would have liked. Since Adie enjoyed having Charlie
around so much they decided after only six weeks of being back together he
would officially move in. It was to be the most sensible option that gave them
time to adjust to being a couple and gave them the opportunity of spending time
with the other important little people their lives, too.

decided the house Charlie had started to build back in Glen Springs would
eventually be their home. Once Bruce and Lou had completed purchasing the
apartment in New York, Emma was going to pay for the rest of the house to be
finished. She had already been in discussions with an architect friend of
Charlie’s in town and had offered a lot of good ideas for the internal layout
of the home. In the meantime, the family were happy and settled in her home in
Edmond, but one day, hopefully not too far from that moment, they would have a
fantastic new home to call their own. A home where bad memories were going to
be erased and new ones built in their place.

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