Read Steel Justice (A Romantic Suspense) Online

Authors: Dez Burke

Tags: #bad boy romance

Steel Justice (A Romantic Suspense) (35 page)

BOOK: Steel Justice (A Romantic Suspense)
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“Maybe someday I can change the way you feel about that,” Kendra said. She stepped closer and wrapped both arms around his waist under his leather jacket. He fought to ignore the delicious soft weight of her full breasts pressing against his chest and the sweet smell of her shampoo. He needed to stay strong to get through this and she was making it so damn hard.

“You don’t think it’s weird how we met?” she asked, her head against his chest. “Think about it. What would be the chance of that? Even if our paths had crossed another way, would we have given each other an opportunity to get to know what was really inside? We were brought together for a reason. I can’t help but believe that. We can’t just throw it all away because we’re scared.”

Flint started to speak and she interrupted him. “Don’t deny it. It’s okay to be scared. Even for a big, tough guy like you. I know you’re worried and afraid...for me. I get that.”

Flint pulled her close and bent down to nuzzle her neck. “I’m not just scared,” he murmured. “I’m fucking terrified. I feel like I can’t even breathe. I’ve never been put in a position like this before. The Liberators can hurt me most by hurting you. I feel so goddamn vulnerable. You’re absolutely right, and I’m not afraid to admit it. I’m scared and I’m worried sick for you.”

“Nothing is going to happen,” she reassured. “I’m a big girl. I can take care of myself. And I promise to be more careful when I go out on vet calls if that’s what you’re worried the most about. I’ll screen my calls and can even take a volunteer or a vet tech out on calls with me.”

Flint wanted to believe her. How he wanted to believe she would be safe and things would be okay. That they could continue on like a regular couple and go to movies or grab a burger without packing a weapon and looking over their shoulders every few seconds.

“I know you’re tough,” he said, smoothing down her hair. “And can handle yourself just fine. But you’re also a big-hearted person and trusting. And that’s what scares the shit out of me. What if the Liberators found some way to trick and hurt you? Hell, look what we did! When Tom Brewer called, you drove straight up to the cabin without thinking twice about it. What if one day the Liberators are on the other end of the telephone line asking for your help?”

“They don’t even know who I am, do they?” she asked. “Aren’t they all dead? Nobody else saw me. And not a single person in my life knows the truth about where I was this weekend. So only your crew knows about my involvement with the Steel Infidels. And you trust them implicitly. There’s nothing to tie me to what happened today or to the MC.”

No, nothing except a shitload of bullet holes from your shotgun in four men and a SUV.

Flint didn’t dare say what he was thinking out loud. He realized Kendra hadn’t completely thought things through carefully. And for the time being, maybe it was better that way. She was depending on him and the MC to destroy the evidence and as far as he knew, they had. Or at least the biggest and most damaging pieces, the bodies of the Liberators and their SUV.

He knew they had probably left plenty of evidence behind at the scene. Bullet holes in trees, tire tracks, boot prints, and no telling what else. First thing tomorrow he needed to go back up there and carefully go over the area inch by inch. He should probably take a couple of the crew with him, though they might accidentally leave more evidence than they cleaned up. It would have to be only Jesse and him. At least his experience as a lawyer had taught him what he needed to look for and how to clean up a crime scene.

Kendra was right about one thing. There weren’t any Liberator witnesses left alive to personally connect her to anything.

“Still thinking about leaving me?” She reached for his belt buckle and started to undo the clasp. “Stop worrying. At least for tonight.”

“Kendra, what are you doing?” he muttered. He placed a hand over hers to stop her from going any further. “We’re not finished talking about this. This isn’t resolved.”

“As far as I’m concerned, it is,” she answered. “After everything that happened today, I need your arms around me tonight. Please, don’t go.”

She unsnapped the top button of his jeans and slid her hand inside. The instant her hand touched his cock, it hardened and lengthened in her grasp. She encircled it with her hand and stroked down then up again.

Flint groaned against her hair. “Oh Jesus! You’re making this impossible. Please, I’m asking you to push me away. Tell me to get the fuck out of here and I’ll go. I should turn around and walk out that door right now. Instead, all I can think about is how much I want to bury myself deep inside you and never turn you loose.”

“I won’t tell you to go,” she replied. “Stay with me tonight. Then if you decide to leave later, at least you’ll know what you’ll be missing.”

With a defeated groan, Flint crushed his lips against hers in a desperate kiss. He closed his eyes tight and drank in her sweetness until his head reeled. Knowing she had foolishly risked her life for him made him crazy inside. And yet here she was now, her lips soft and eager against his. However, it didn’t make his heart ache any less.

All of the emotions and feelings he had tried so hard to keep in check came flooding out. He knew he should be telling her now about Leah’s murder and the plan to go to war with the Liberators. But the words refused to come. 

It would have to wait.

Please God
, he silently prayed to a deity he wasn’t even sure he believed in.
Please don’t make me regret being so weak

Kendra had no idea how much he needed
. He must’ve been insane to think he could turn around and walk away. How could he forget about her and let that be the end forever?

He picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist. “Bedroom?” he growled.

Kendra tilted her head. “In there,” she said.

Flint carried her into the darkened room and laid her on the edge of the bed.

“Is there a lamp in here?” he asked. “I want to be able to see every inch of your gorgeous body. No sex in the dark for me. Ever. Not with you. I don’t want to miss a thing.”

She rolled over and clicked on the lamp beside the bed.

“Much better,” he murmured. He grabbed the hem of her t-shirt and pulled it over her head. “Your breasts take my breath away every time,” he said. “I love how luscious and heavy they are.”

“You don’t think they’re too big?” Kendra asked, always having been self-conscious about her oversized breasts.

“God no!” he answered incredulously. He cupped each breast in his hand and tested the weight. “They’re perfect. Better than perfect. And your nipples...” He sighed as he rolled both protruding nipples between his thumb and forefingers. Bending his head, he kissed one before switching to the other, using his tongue to lave the big tips that hardened to buttons.

Kendra’s hands reached for him again. He groaned as she slid his jeans off his hips, his eyes glittering darkly as he waited for her next move. She gazed up into his eyes and flattened her palms on his muscular chest. Her hands moved from his pecs to his abs, touching each sinewy muscle that seemed to ripple beneath her fingers. She let her fingers graze his nipples.

Growing bolder, she wrapped her hand around his cock, causing him to seize his breath and arch up into her. As she stroked her hand up and down his hardened shaft, he groaned out loud and placed his hand over hers, guiding her.

When she licked her lips and lowered her mouth to his bulbous tip, he grabbed both sides of her head and made her look at him. “You don’t have to do this, sweetheart,” he said. “It’s not expected or demanded.”

Kendra slowly and purposely closed her lips around his cock and sucked the tip as an answer.

“Oh fuck!” Flint moaned, his hands fisting her hair.

Kendra closed her eyes and slid her lips all the way down to his balls and back up again. His hands in her hair guided her movements as she increased the tempo.

“Your mouth feels so fucking good,” Flint told her hoarsely. “Look at me, baby.”

Her eyes flew open. She stared into his green eyes, mesmerized by the burning hunger in his gaze as he began to move. He thrust in and out of her mouth, holding the back of her head steady. His eyes burned into hers, holding her captive as he fucked her mouth, owning her completely. Saliva dripped from her lips as she widened her mouth further to take him even deeper. She let him thrust into her at the ragged pace he set. He started to jerk faster and then suddenly he was tugging her off him, swearing loudly.

“If I don’t stop now, I’m going to come in your beautiful mouth,” he said. “And the only thing better than coming in your mouth would be coming inside your hot, tight pussy.”

He pushed her back on the bed and dragged her down until her ass was right on the edge with her legs hanging off. “I need to be inside you so fucking bad.” He tugged her sweatpants and panties off in one smooth move and tossed them on the floor. Burning with the need to plunge himself inside her as soon as possible, Flint spread her legs wide.

Kendra licked her lips in expectation.

He entered her with a long, smooth thrust, not breaking eye contact and sinking deep into her hot slickness. Kendra gasped as he began to pump his hips, his hands gripping her thighs. She was so wet and hot. He gritted his teeth and forced himself to focus and not lose control too soon.

It wasn’t going to work. Not so soon after having her sweet mouth wrapped around his cock.


With a deep groan, he pulled out and flipped her over to straddle him as he settled back on the pillows. Positioned on top of him, she pressed her thighs into his sides and straightened up on her knees. Kendra leaned forward and splayed her hands over his chest with her pussy settled over his groin.

“Still want to leave?” she asked, now in control.

“Never,” was his reply. “Nothing could drag me away.”

His reverent gaze feasted on her naked body displayed in front of him. He reached up and traced a hand from her swollen lips down to her full breasts and over her stomach. “Every inch of you is exactly perfect for me,” he said.

Face to face, he watched her expressive brown eyes as she reached between them and positioned his cock at her entrance. She stroked her pussy lips with the head, gasping at the friction of his hard flesh against her softness. In one smooth motion, she lifted herself up a few inches and impaled herself onto his cock until she had him buried totally inside her.

For a moment, it was unthinkable for either of them to move. He held her still, almost afraid to breathe, wanting to savor the sensation of being held so snugly inside her. Then she braced her hands on his chest and rode him, rising up and sinking down again and again.

Flint gritted his teeth against the sweet agony of having her curvy body fucking him, her large breasts swaying in his face. He leaned forward and took a nipple into his mouth, causing her to cry out in pleasure.

Damn, she drove him mad.

Kendra’s body tensed above him and began to clench. He felt her juices dribbling down from her slick cunt and onto his balls and inner thighs as her orgasm rippled in waves within her.

She cried out as she spasmed uncontrollably. Flint felt her contract around him and he held her tight as she collapsed onto his chest, panting for breath. With his cock still inside her, he rolled her over on her back and continued to pump in and out of her. Her moist pussy seemed to be sucking him in and he couldn’t hold back much longer.

He roared out her name as he came, spilling his hot seed into her. He continued to pump inside her until he was completely spent. She kissed his shoulder softly and smoothed her hands down and around the Steel Infidels tattoo on his back.

Cupping the back of her head, he drew her up to meet his lips in a tender, sweet kiss. His eyes held hers and it suddenly became more than just physical pleasure for both of them. They saw it mirrored in each other’s eyes.

What they felt for each other would never be over.




endra arrived early at the wildlife clinic. Being out of the office on Friday afternoon and the entire weekend had put her behind on her paperwork. She hated to think about the stacks of lab results she had to go through and the calls that needed to be made to anxious animal owners. She put on a pot of strong coffee in the clinic’s tiny kitchen and headed out back to the wildlife enclosures. The sun was barely up and the air was crisp and cold.

She checked on the raptor aviary that held a couple of injured hawks before peeking in on a barn owl that was fast asleep. It was the job of the first person who arrived at the clinic each morning – to walk around all of the outdoor pens and aviaries to make sure a predator hadn’t dug under or squeezed their way in during the night.

All of the enclosures were wrapped in 1/8-inch chicken wire to prevent predators from digging under, but occasionally a snake would manage to squeeze through the tiniest opening, usually a crack around the door or underneath a shingle. Unfortunately, once they got inside the enclosure and ate whatever prey they were after, the snakes were then too fat to go back out the same way they came in.

Whoever was unlucky enough to be working the first shift would have to pick the snakes up with a shovel and carry them out to the far edge of the property to be released unharmed. The snakes were never killed of course. It would defeat the whole purpose of the wildlife clinic to kill an animal that was only trying to stay alive.

After everything she had been through over the weekend, Kendra was grateful to see that at least all of the animals were safe, though hungry and eager to be fed. She hurried back inside the clinic and pulled out a few frozen mice from the freezer to be prepped for the raptor’s breakfast. The paperwork would have to wait a little bit longer. There were too many hungry mouths to feed, and that always came first.

She smiled to herself as she made up the different bowls of food. It felt good to be back at work where she belonged and doing normal everyday things again. To not have to worry about crazy, violent men with guns. Or dead bodies. Or crimes to cover up. 

BOOK: Steel Justice (A Romantic Suspense)
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