Steamy Sisters (16 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Kitt

BOOK: Steamy Sisters
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Melissa looked at him curiously. “This been a fantasy of yours for long?”

“Just since I set eyes on you this morning.”

“And the woods?”

“Something nice about making love with your woman in the open air. Amongst nature.”

“Sort of primitive? Elemental?”

“I guess,” said Zack, bending down to fling Melissa over his shoulder and carry her the remaining few yards to the tree line. “Like a caveman dragging his woman home with him.”

Melissa gasped as she was lifted and turned almost upside down, before breaking into a fit of giggles. None of her boyfriends had ever done anything like this before.

Zack put her down in front of a big tree, and she dropped to her knees and took hold of his cock in her hand. She guided it into her mouth and began to suck him, wanting all of him. His cock tasted fresh and clean, straight from the hot waters. Just how she liked it. He was rock hard again, and she wondered whether he was always so quick to recover, or whether it was true that the hot spring minerals were good for that type of thing. They got the blood flowing, steady and strong.

Melissa ran her tongue along him, flicking it playfully around the head, exciting him even more.

Zack withdrew from her mouth and pulled her up onto her feet, facing the tree. She put her palms on the tree trunk and spread her legs wider. She knew what was coming, and felt him grab her hips. A moment later his cock was back between her legs, and pushing upwards and into her. Then slowly withdrawing, before thrusting forward again. One of his hands reached up to hers, and he interlaced their fingers.

Melissa let her head flop sideways, giving in to the pleasure that she felt with his every ascent into her. She tried to look back at him, but it was more than she could manage, her eyes almost involuntarily closing with each thrust. She repositioned her hands on the tree trunk and gazed in an almost dreamlike state into the woods beyond. It was then that she saw it. Something moving in the trees at the edge of the woodland. “Zack. Stop.”


She pulled him out of her, but held on tight to his cock, as if for comfort.


“There’s someone watching us.”

“What? You sure?”

“Over there,” she pointed to where she’d seen the figure.

Zack peered through the woods. “Can’t see anybody.”

“There was somebody there. They were sneaking around in the trees over there.”

“I’ll go and have a look.”

“No. Don’t go,” said Melissa. “I’m scared. Come on. Let’s go back.”

“Okay. If you want,” said Zack.

“I want,” she said, and taking hold of Zack’s hand she began to run back down the hill to the hot spring.

“You’re real scared aren’t you?”, said Zack, almost feeling the chill come over her, like an icy pulse of negative energy passing through her bones.

“I’m pretty sure I saw someone. And I could sense it. They’d been watching us,” she said, as she zipped up her jeans around her waist. “It’s spooky.”

“Maybe it was a deer or something. There’s plenty of them in the woods around here.”

“It was on two feet.”


“Not funny,” said Melissa, shooting Zack a serious look. “Let’s go home.”

“You’re the boss,” said Zack, packing up the saddle bags and taking them over to the horse.

They rode quickly back to Steamy Springs, a minimum of conversation - Melissa creeped out by the figure in the woods; Zack wondering if there had been anyone there.

He thought about the phone calls he’d been getting recently, always silent, just the sound of breathing letting him know that someone was on the line; and the letters - crazy scrawls, red ink and threats. Maybe he should buy himself a guard dog, after all.

They got back in the late afternoon and put the horses back in the stables. “Why don’t you come stay at my place tonight?” said Zack.

Melissa had calmed down now. “Okay. I’d like that.”

“Me too. I’m sure I can rustle us up something good to eat, or maybe we can go out.”

“I’d rather stay in. Why don’t we order a home delivery. Something to pig out on. I’m starving after all that riding today.”

“Me too,” said Zack. ‘I could eat a whole cow.”

Melissa laughed. “Maybe not that much. But some barbecue ribs would be good. I haven’t had those in so-o long.”

“There’s a great place in town. The Smokehouse. You know it?”

“Uh-huh. Used to go there a lot as a kid.”

“I’ll call them when we get back.”

“Make it extra large. And plenty of sides.”

“You gonna be able to put all that away?” said Zack, patting her stomach. “Doesn’t look like it’ll fit in there.”

“It’ll fit, once I smell the food. The stomach’s one of the organs in the body that grows bigger with sensory stimulation. I think you know what the other one is, don’t you?”

“Is that going to be getting a workout this evening too?”

“If you think you can manage it. Better eat plenty of red meat for strength.”

“Better make it extra, extra large then.”

Chapter Four

They drove down towards the lake, and took a right turn into a little lane that ran parallel to the shore. Zack’s house was a typical Colorado lodge, one of only four on this part of the shore, nicely spaced out, with stone walls and landscaping making each house private and discreet.

Zack pulled up his truck on the front driveway and the electronic gates closed behind them. The back of his house led down to the lake and had its own private jetty.

“You got a boat?”

“Yeah. Speedboat. Nothing special. But great fun for zipping around the lake,” replied Zack.

“Maybe we can try it out tomorrow. Haven’t been in a boat since Hawaii.”

“Sure thing. You’ll love it.”

They went into the house, and through to the kitchen.

“You want a beer or something? I’ll phone The Smokehouse.”

“A beer would be good. Nice and cold.”

“No problem.”

Zack took two bottles from the refrigerator, flipped off the tops, and gave one to Melissa.

Melissa took a long swig, and sat back in one of the comfortable chairs in the dining area. “I needed that.”

“Me too. You okay now?”

“Yeah. I think so,” said Melissa. “I just got a little spooked up in the woods.”

“Maybe there was someone there. Lot of people go hunting.”

“I guess that’s it. No-one would be following us. Just some hunters.”

Zack took another beer from the fridge. “So what do you think of the house?”

“Looks great. Gonna show me the rest.”

“Follow me.”

They did a tour of most of the ground floor and came to the final room. “You’re gonna love this,” said Zack.

“Let me guess. Bar. Pool table. Vintage juke box. Real bachelor pad stuff.”

“Half right,” said Zack. “Bar. Yes. Pool table and juke box. No. Not yet, anyway.”

“So what is it?”

“Take a look.”

Melissa opened the door and stared at the equipment in front of her. “Well that makes sense for a rodeo star.”

“Yep. Meet Billy.”

“Billy? It’s got a name?”

“Billy the mechanical bull.”

“Does it work?”

“Of course it works,” said Zack, “It’s what I practice my bull riding on. Want a go?”

“I don’t know. Maybe later.”

“Okay, lets eat first.”

“I’ll feel ill if I get on it straight after eating.”

“We’ll leave it until before bed. All that riding will put you in the mood.”

“You think?”

“Sure. Big bull between your legs. Girls love it.”

“Yeah. Maybe,” said Melissa. “Let’s eat.”

They placed their order over the phone, drank some more beers, and about a half hour later the food arrived. Enough to feed half the town, by the look of it.

Zack unpacked it. “I love the Saturday Night Special from The Smokehouse.”

“Jeez. I think I’ll put on ten pounds just looking at this.”

“You don’t need to worry about your figure, honey. Enjoy it.”

Melissa tucked into the food, taking a big juicy rib in her hands and attacking it with her teeth. “Mmmm. It’s good. Real good.”

“The best.”

A couple of hours later the food was finished and the beers were giving them both a happy little buzz.

“You ready for that bull now?” asked Zack.

“Yeah. Okay,” said Melissa, lying on the sofa, her head resting on Zack’s lap as they watched TV together. “Let’s do it.”

Zack flicked a switch on a console, and air started to flow into the airbags that surrounded the bull.

“Do I just get on,” asked Melissa.

“No. First you get naked.”


“Sure. You’ll enjoy it.”

“Is it good?”

“It will be.”

“You getting undressed too?”

“Of course,” said Zack, starting to remove his clothes.

They stripped off and went over to the bull. Zack helped Melissa on to it, and stood back. He fiddled with the remote control unit in his hand and the bull started to move, round and round, up and down.

Melissa held on with one hand and put the other in the air for balance.

“Hold on tight with your legs,” said Zack. “Want me to increase the speed?”

“No. This is okay for now.”

Zack watched as Melissa rode the bull. Her tits bouncing up and down her hips swivelling to counterbalance herself with the bulls motions. She looked so hot.

“Enjoying it?”

“It’s great. You going to join me?”

“Thought you’d never ask,” said Zack, and he climbed expertly onto the bull, sitting tight up behind Melissa. His cock pushed against her ass as he held on to her waist.

“This is kind of sexy,” said Melissa.

“Uh-huh. Just go with the flow. Get in to the rhythm,” said Zack, as he lifted Melissa’s ass up out of the saddle slightly.

“What you doing?”

“I’m just going to make it even more fun,” he said, and he moved his cock towards her pussy.

“You want me to ride you and the bull?”

said Zack, now entering her.

Melissa sighed with pleasure as the bull rocked backwards and she came down firmly onto Zack’s cock. The bull moved forwards again, and his cock withdrew. Then back again, establishing a pleasurable rhythm.

Zack held onto her breasts, cupping them, moving with them.

“This go any faster?” asked Melissa.

“Sure,” said Zack , and he took the remote from out of the little pocket on the saddle and turned up the speed.

The bull started to move faster, and with it Melissa and Zack’s fucking got harder.

“Let go,” said Zack.

“I’ll fall off,”

“Trust me,” he said

Melissa took her hand from under the rope and Zack held onto her. She let herself be flung about more violently by the bull’s motion, each time crashing back down onto Zack’s cock.

Zack could feel himself coming and he started to thrust his hips, wanting to get there as soon as possible.

Melissa was close too, and she rode him as hard and fast as she could as if heading for an imaginary finish line.

She came down on him again one last time and felt the wonderful release of climax. She stretched her arms backwards, arching her back, and held onto Zack.

Zack took hold of her waist and buried himself in her, his warm cum filling her. His body becoming one with hers.

They let themselves come down slowly from their peak, and Zack eased down the speed of the bull, until they were left gently rocking together, holding on to one another. Zack still in her.

He whispered into her ear, “You are so beautiful. Wonderful.”

She remained silent, and continued her rocking motion, not wanting this ride to ever end.

Chapter Five

Melissa took a shower. She was hot and sweaty after her bull ride, and the warm water flowing over her was blissful. She closed the shower door, wrapped a large towel around herself and wandered into the bedroom. Zack had gone downstairs to make some coffee, and she sat back on the bed, propping herself up against some pillows. She stretched her legs out, extending the muscles, before relaxing them again. Her body aching pleasurably from a day of physical activity.

She was just about to drift off to sleep when the phone rang. She ignored it. Zack would answer it. It continued. What the hell, she’d pick it up.



“Hello. This is Zack Burton’s number.”


“Anybody there?”

Melissa heard some breathing.

“Who is that?”

No reply.

“Is that you Zack?”

A voice suddenly shouted “No. It’s not fuckin’ Zack.”

“Who is this?”

“Quiet bitch. I should be asking you the same question.”

“What do you want?” said Melissa, her heart pounding.

“I want you, bitch. You and that fuckin boyfriend of yours. I want you both fuckin dead. That’s what I fuckin’ want.”

Melissa slammed the phone down, and ran downstairs “Zack.”

“Yeah, honey?”

“Zack,” she said, running into the kitchen. “There was a phonecall…and this person said they were going to kill us…and…it …it was so creepy. Zack, I’m scared.”

“That call just now,” said Zack, holding Melissa close. “Who was it?”

“I don’t know. Some creep.”

“Man or woman?”

“I don’t know. It was like they were holding something over the phone, you know. Muffled.”

“What did they say exactly?”

“They didn’t say anything at first. They were silent. Then there was this weird heavy breathing. And then they shouted at me and said that they wanted me and you to both be dead.”

Zack nodded.

“Has this happened before?”

“There’s been a few phone calls from time to time. Silent phone calls. And I’ve had some letters.

“You’ve had letters?”

“Yeah. A few.”

“What was in them?”

“Just crazy stuff. A few threats.”

“Did you go to the police?”

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