Stealing the Mystic Lamb (48 page)

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Authors: Noah Charney

Tags: #Art, #History, #General, #Renaissance, #True Crime

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SeuRRsite: Rechtvaardige Rechters by ErDaSys.
Vilain: Het Lam Gods, bekeken door een Wetteraar.
Vissers, Johan. Dossier Rechtvaardige Rechters.
Adam and Eve (panels)
Aders, Carl
Adoration of the Lamb.
Ghent Altarpiece
“Adoration of the Mystic Lamb” (panel)
detail of(photo)
Aercus, Caesar
Ahnenerbe (Ancestral Research and Heritage Group)
Alba, Duke of
Albert I
Albert VII
Alberti, Leon Battista
Art Looting Investigation Unit
Allegory of Love and Lust
Alt Aussee salt mine art-storage facility
art rescue operation
Ghent Altarpiece
historical accounts of
Nazi order to destroy
securing of
Amand of Maastricht, Saint
American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of Artistic and Historic Monuments in War Areas.
Roberts Commission
American Council of Learned Societies
American Harvard Defense Group
Ammanati, Bartolomeo
Amt Bildende Kunst (Office for Pictorial Arts)
Amt Für Weltanschauliche Schulung und Erziehung (Office for World Political Education and Indoctrination)
Ancestral Research and Heritage Group (Ahnenerbe)
Angelic Choir (panel) (photo)
Angelico, Fra
Annunciation (panels) (photos)
Anthony, Saint
Apollo Belvedere
Archaeological Adviser’s Branch
Archaeological Institute of America
Arma Christi
Arnolfini, Giovanni
Arnolfini Wedding Portrait
Marriage Contract;
J. van Eyck)
Art collections
Art display
Art Looting Investigation Unit (ALIU)
Art preservation.
See also
Art protection
Art protection
during World War I
during World War II
See also
MFAA; Monument protection; Roberts Commission
Art theft.
French revolutionary era, art theft during;
Ghent Altarpiece;
Göring, Hermann;
Hitler, Adolf;
under individual panels of
Ghent Altarpiece; Napoleonic era, art theft during;
Art-storage facilities.
See also
Alt Aussee salt mine art-storage facility
Ashmolean Museum
Attribution, of
Ghent Altarpiece
Augustine, Saint
Bamberg Rider
Barbier, Antoine Alexandre
Bartolomeo Colleoni
Bauwens, Lieven
Bavo, Saint
Bayezid I
Belgium, and
Ghent Altarpiece,
purchase of
Belliard, Auguste-Daniele
Bellini, Gentile
Benedict, Saint
Berenson, Bernard
Berlin Museum
Ghent Altarpiece,
wing panels, return of
Berlin National Gallery
Bernardino of Siena, Saint
Bernauw, Patrick
Betrayal of Christ
“The Big Lie,”
Birth of Saint John the Baptist/Baptism of Christ
(J. van Eyck)
Blaha, Franz
Blandijnsberg Abbey
Book of Revelation
Borluut, Elisabeth
Borluut, Elisabeth (panel)(photo)
Bormann, Martin
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Botticelli, Sandro
Bouts, Dirk
Bradley, Omar
Braque, Georges
Braun, Emile
Braun, Eva
British Committee on the Preservation and Restitution of Works of Art, Archives, and Other Material in Enemy Hands.
Macmillan Committee
Broederlam, Melchior
Brunelleschi, Filipo
Bruno, Giordano
Brunswick Manifesto
Brussels Museum
Buchanan, W.
Buchner, Ernst
Bunjes, Hermann
and salt mine art-storage facilities, identification of
Burckhardt, Jacob
Burgundy, Dukes of
Campin, Robert (aka Master of Flemalle)
Camus, Albert
Capitoline Venus
Caravaggio, Michelangelo Merisi da
Castle of the Counts
Catherine of France
Catholic art
Cellini, Benvenuto
Cenami, Giovanna
Cézanne, Paul
Charles V
Chateau de Pau
Chateau Rastignac
Chaucer, Geoffrey
Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery
Christian mysticism
Christianization, of pagan imagery
Christina, Queen (of Sweden)
Christopher, Saint
Christ’s Passion, instruments of
Christus, Petrus
Churchill, Winston
Clemen, Paul
Clouet, Francois
Coene, Jacques
Commission, of
Ghent Altarpiece
Commission for the Protection and Restitution of Cultural Material
Commission of Arts and Sciences
Committee for the Education of the People
Committee on Conservation of Cultural Resources
Concentration camps
Conway, William Martin
Cooremans, Gerard
Cooremans, Henri
Coppens, Filip
Coppieters, Msgr. Honoré-Joseph
and Righteous Judges (panel), theft of, and investment-group theory
Cosimo III de Medici
Coxcie, Michiel, and
Ghent Altarpiece,
copy of
Cranach the Elder, Lucas
Crompton, Samuel
Crowning with Thorns
Crusade Against the Grail
Cultural heritage, repatriation of
Cultural property, protection of
Da Messina, Antonello
Da Vinci, Leonardo
D’Alcase, Thierry (count of Flanders)
D’Aragona, Cardinal Luigi
Darley, George
David, Jacques-Louis
De Beatis, Antonio
De Beauharnais, Josephine
De Broglie, Maurice (bishop of Ghent)
De Cock, Romain
De diversis artibus
(“On the Various Arts”; trans. Lessing)
De Haerne, Chevalier
De Heem, Franz
De Heere, Lucas
De Hesdin, Jacquemart
De Langhe, Olivier
De Male, Louis
De Meester, Arthur
De Putter, Hugo
De Quincy, Antoine Chrysostome Quatremère
De Roo, Maria
De Swaef, Achiel
De viris illustribus
(“On Illustrious Men”; Facio)
De Visscher, Charles
De Volder, Joseph Gislain
De Vos, Georges
and Righteous Judges (panel), theft of, theories regarding
Dee, John
“Degenerate art,”
Del Castagno, Andrea
Denon, Dominique Vivant
Devonshire, Duke of
D’Eyck, Barthelemy
Dictionnaire des ouvrages anonymes et pseudonymes
(Dictionary of Anonymous and Pseudonymous Works)
Die Kunstdenkmäler der Rheinprovinz
(Monuments of the Rhine Province)
Dierckx, Octave
Dikke, Den
Dinsmoor, William
Directed spotlighting
Disguised symbolism
Donor portrait (panels)
Donors, and intercessio
Donovan, “Wild Bill,”
Duccio di Buoninsegna
Due diligence
Dulwich Picture Gallery
Dürer, Albrecht
Duveen, Joseph
Edward III
Eigruber, Gauleiter (Governor) August
and Alt Aussee salt mine art-storage facility, account of
and Nuremberg Trials
Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg.
Eisenhower, Dwight
Ghent Altarpiece
Elgin, Lord
Elizabeth I
Enthronement of Saint Romold of Malines
Episcopal Palace
ERR (Einsatzstab Reichsleiter Rosenberg; aka Rosenberg Operational Staff)
and Bunjes
files of
and Göring
Mona Lisa
See also
Rosenberg, Alfred; Rosenberg Report
Ewing, Edward
Examen critique des dictionaires historiques
(Critical Examination of Historical Dictionaries)
Exhibition of Depraved Art
Fabianku, General
Facio, Bartolomeo
Fake or Not Fake exhibit
Farnese, Alexander
Fiorentino, Rosso
Flanders, John.
Ray, Jean
Flemish cityscape(photo)
Foch, Marshal
Fogg Museum
Folkwang Museum
Fontainebleau, Treaty of
Fourth Crusade
Franco-Prussian War
Frankfurt Museum of Art
Frederick II (the Great)
Frederick Wilhelm (of Prussia)
French Directory
French National Museums
French revolutionary era, art theft during
Frick Art Reference Library
Friedlander, Max
Friedrich, Caspar David
From the Ebro to Dachstein: The Life Struggle of an Austrian Worker
Fromentin, Eugene
Gabriel (angel)(photo).
See also
Annunciation (panels)
Gaiswinkler, Albrecht
and Alt Aussee salt mine art-storage facility, account of
and Alt Aussee salt mine art-storage facility, Nazi order to destroy
and Alt Aussee salt mine art-storage facility, preservation of
and Goebbels
Gaiswinkler, Max
Galerie Fischer
Gauguin, Paul
General Bank Union
George, Saint (sculpture; Donatello)
German Art Historical Institute
destruction of
repositories of art in
See also
Hitler, Adolf; Nazis; World War I; World War II
Getty Foundation
Calvinism vs. Catholicism in
and Joseph II
Ghent, Treaty of
Ghent Altarpiece
( J. van Eyck)
and Alt Aussee salt mine art-storage facility
attribution of
and Belgium, purchase of
and Berlin Museum, wing panels, return of
as Calvinist target
central panels, as emblems of Ghent
central panels, theft of, during French revolutionary era
central panels, theft of, during Napoleonic era
at Chateau de Pau
cleaning of
commission of
completion of
contract for
copy of
description of
design of
detail of
donors of(
see also
Donor portraits)
and Eisenhower
and Frederick William III, purchase of
and Hitler
iconography of
importance of
inscription on
Inscription, on
Ghent Altarpiece)
inspiration for
and Joseph II
at Kaiser Friedrich Museum
literary sources of
and Louvre, central panels
and medieval and Renaissance paintings, union of
and MFAA
and Nazis
number of crimes involving
official presentation of
popularity of
predesign of
recto panels
restoration of
scenes depicted in
and secret code
and Solly, purchase of
and symbolism
theme of
and treasure map
various names for
and Versailles, Treaty of
verso panels
wing panels, during World War I
wing panels, post-World War I, return of
wing panels, splitting of
wing panels, theft of
during World War I
during World War II
See also individual panels
Ghent Iconoclasm
Ghirlandaio, Domenico
Giesler, Hermann
Giorgione del Castelfranco
Giotto di Bondone
Girl with a Pearl Earring
Glinz (district inspector)
God the Father enthroned (panel) (photo)
Goebbels, Josef
assassination attempt against
and “The Big Lie,”
and Righteous Judges (panel), theft of, theories regarding

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