Stealing Luca's Heart (29 page)

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Authors: Ellie Lyons

BOOK: Stealing Luca's Heart
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“You’re selfless,” he whispered.

“Hmm…” She was too absorbed in the smell and feel of him to hear what he’d said.

“You just ran into battle with me with no thought to your own safety. It’s no wonder you feel shattered over the responsibility of your mum’s death. I knew you were special as soon as I met you. I just didn’t know just how much.”

She had fallen for Luca, this she knew. He could melt her heart by just a look. But during moments like this, this man was so tender and giving. They’d forged a bond through all of the drama. But was it enough? Conflicting emotions caused her to just cling tighter to him and this moment.

“Stay with me,” Luca whispered.

Ally opened her eyes, surprised at his sudden shift of gears. She pulled back, searching his face, finding desperate need in his eyes.

She took a deep breath and swallowed. They had been having versions of this conversation all week. She thought she’d explained that she needed time away to assess her feelings, time without the tantalizing distraction of Luca’s physical presence. Despite the desire, this was all moving too rapidly. Her feelings for him ran deep, too deep, and didn’t make sense. It wasn’t like her to be irrational and just dive into personal things without a well-thought-out plan. She wanted to make sure that their connection wasn’t simply a result of feelings because of what they had gone through together.

“Luca…” Ally began.

“Never mind,” he said, rolling off her. “I know what you’re about to say. Space and time to assess. Got it.” He sat up, scooting off the bed, pulling on his T-shirt and gym shorts.

Ally’s stomach sank, stung by the hurt in his voice. She didn’t know what to say that hadn’t been said already. She wanted him to understand it the way she did. Apparently it wasn’t working.

Luca crossed the room and opened the bedroom door, stopping to look back over to her.

“You know I care about you, Ally. I’d actually convinced myself you’d realize what we have is very real before you left.”

She saw his eyes glass over.

He struggled to speak. “I’ve risked everything for you and would unquestionably do it again. What else do you need from a man?”

She watched him walk out and close the door behind him. She looked up at the ceiling, slamming her eyes shut to hold back her own tears. So much for having this all figured out.

Realizing that she didn’t have the answer for Luca that he wanted from her, she gave him some space. She hoped that he would cool down and realize her perspective. It was wishful thinking, but she didn’t know what else to do about it. She just was not prepared to say what Luca wanted to hear.

Ally decided to call Tara to coordinate directions and plans for their last family meal in Auckland before heading back to the States. She needed to keep her mind occupied with thoughts other than of Luca. The look on his face kept haunting her. Still, she couldn’t just give in because of that. She needed to make sure that what they seemed to have was real. How else could one do that besides with some distance to gain perspective?

After packing and making sure everything was organized for her departure, Ally couldn’t stand it anymore. She checked her cell phone, hoping she’d missed a call from Luca. No call. Just a message from an inquiry she made yesterday on a crazy whim.

Where had he disappeared to? Surely, he wouldn’t just leave her without so much as another word. That wouldn’t make sense. She decided to call him. She left a message. She left two more before lunch. Why the hell didn’t he call her back? She slid her phone into her back pocket, not wanting it to be out of reach. Ally knew she needed to see Luca before she left. She just had to.

Her last day went by too quickly and without the man she possibly loved. The lunch with Gracie, Gabi, and Phillip, all promising to keep in touch. Simone had reached out to her from the hospital to explain she’d meet everyone at the airport to see them off since she was with Sean.

Trying to remain distracted, Ally even took the time to lace up her sneakers for one last run around the farm. If she was to be completely honest, it was more of a run by Luca’s house to see if he was home. He wasn’t, and when Ally asked around, nobody had any ideas where he was. It wasn’t so odd for them, but to Ally, it was out of character. He’d gone out of his way to always be nearby the entire time she’d been in New Zealand. It was breaking her heart to have this happen on the last day she’d be seeing Luca for a while, if not forever.

She’d had a quick dinner with her dad at the house, and he had told her things always work out for the best, which was really worthless right now. When she was loading up her bags into George’s truck, the harsh reality of the moment tore through her. Luca had left her. She wouldn’t see him before she left, and it was all because she refused to throw caution into the wind for a man who might well be the best thing that ever happened to her.
Who are you kidding? He
the best thing that’s ever happened to you.
She gave the farm one last glance before climbing into the truck next to George.

The ride to the airport was quiet except for the tapping of the computer keys in the backseat. Her dad was frantically working to catch up on his e-mails before the long flight. At least it was reassuring to see him back to himself and fully recovered. He seemed oblivious to her ordeal.

Now, as the truck turned onto the airport road, she could see the media was out in full force. George slowed the truck as he passed photographers lined up along the fence, snapping pictures. He drove directly out onto the runway, parking close to his waiting plane. Simone came down the steps and waved. Ally mused at how used to the media she’d gotten in her weeks here. That was one thing she wouldn’t have to worry about in Iowa City.

“This is it,” George announced, climbing out. He walked out to shake hands with the approaching pilots. A few minutes later he was back. “Well, Cal, it was great to see you despite the madness of the situation. Who would have thought?”

“Not me, George. All is well enough now,” Cal said. Then he looked at his daughter, clearly seeing the sorrow and distress on her face. He rubbed his neck and sighed. No father liked to see his daughter looking so miserable.

She made sure that her backpack was zipped up and double-checked that her passport was handy and in the front zipper. There was a hand on her shoulder, and for a brief moment her heart stopped, hoping it was Luca. But when she spun around, it wasn’t. It was her father, looking very concerned.

“Ally, whatever happens, just follow your heart. I will always stand by you.”

As if not knowing what else to say, he walked away and headed toward the plane to help with the bags. She wanted to ask him why he’d said that but didn’t have the opportunity to. Simone had arrived and walked right over to her.

Without saying a word, Simone gave Ally one of the most powerful hugs she’d ever had. She leaned back and put her hands on her shoulders.

“Oh, Ally, we will miss you. This isn’t good-bye. It’s until we meet again.”

Ally nodded. She didn’t want to cry, especially knowing that there were hordes of cameras a short distance away.

“Thank you so much for everything. I hope to see you soon.”

Simone led her toward the airplane. Her dad and George were shaking hands at the bottom of the stairs. She did one last desperate scan around the airport. No Luca. This was it. The familiar pain of loss suddenly engulfed her.

George opened his arms to engulf Ally in a hug.

“It’s been a pleasure. Can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done for our family, Ally. Don’t stay away long.”

Ally didn’t have any words left.

When he finally released her, he said, “Go ahead and get onboard and make yourself comfortable. You’ve got a long trip ahead of you.” He gave her a big grin and took his wife’s hand. “Cal, come with us. We want you to meet your pilots.”

She watched them walk around to the pilots who were standing in front of the nose. She briefly wondered why the pilots weren’t in the cockpit preparing for takeoff.

Slowly, she made her way up the steps, not wanting to leave. Wasn’t it also ironic how she felt at home in this beautiful jet? She entered the cabin, thinking about where to sit when she saw him.

Luca was sitting on the sofa, clearly waiting for her. Unable to speak, she sat down next to him.

A tear of relief trickled down Ally’s face. Luca reached over and gently wiped it off with his finger and then leaned in, giving her a deep kiss.

When they finally pulled apart, Luca smiled at Ally. “I see that you were trying to reach me.”

Ally knew she had to make things right. “Luca, I’m sorry. You were right. I…We…” Why couldn’t she think straight? She knew what she wanted to tell him.

He held up his hand, offering a thin smile.

“Let me help. Let’s see, where were you? Ah, yes. I was right, you were wrong. You don’t want to leave me and are willing to sell your house, take a leave of absence from your job. All for me. It’s perfect. I accept.”

Ally stared back, speechless.

“The flat you inquired about yesterday is owned by a friend of mine. Small country, remember?” Luca added, widening his smile.

“Naturally.” She finally found her voice.

“Did I leave anything out?”

Ally took his face in her hands. “The part about me loving you and how I don’t ever want to lose you.”

“Yes, there’s that.” He grinned. “And me loving you right back.” He blew out his breath. “I’ve never said that to a woman before. Feels good.”

Ally leaned into him. “Not as good as it does to hear it.” She kissed him long and slow. Happiness and contentment surged through her in a way that she’d never experienced before.

Finally, Luca reached behind him and pulled out a Hawkeye ball cap. “Your dad said I could keep this. How do I look?”

Ally tilted her head and nodded.

Suddenly, George, Simone, and Cal were boarding the jet, followed by the pilots.

“That’s the signal!” Cal announced, taking a seat on the couch across from them. “Iowa, here we come.”

“What’s going on?” She was confused. She looked at all the faces. Everyone had on silly grins, apparently aware of something that Ally wasn’t.

Luca explained, “I’m coming with you, love. I’ve spent the day organizing my schedule for the next few weeks to work remotely. You’ve seen where I come from. Now it’s your turn. I want to know where you went to school, meet your friends, help you pack, sell your house, the lot.”

“You want to come to Iowa City?”

“Correction, I’m going to Iowa City. Bags are already loaded. As soon as my lovely parents hit the road, we’re outta here,” he said, giving them a wink.

“You don’t think that was a little presumptuous?” But she knew she was grinning like an idiot.

“You’ve got all of me, baby. You should know I don’t go down without a fight.”

“Luca Tetari in Iowa City.” Ally looked over to her beaming dad. “This should be interesting.”

She couldn’t resist getting in one jab to the man she loved. “Whatever will he do without the media following him around everywhere?”

The End

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About the Author

Ellie Lyons is a destination romance author who takes her readers to New Zealand in her debut series. She lives in Pennsylvania with her husband and three kids. Her days are filled with working on her next novel, but in her spare time she enjoys running, baking, being a soccer mom, and wishing she could travel the world for book research.

Visit Ellie’s website,


Table of Contents

Stealing Luca’s Heart



Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20

Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Chapter 23

About the Author

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