Stealing His Thunder (Masters of Adrenaline) (17 page)

BOOK: Stealing His Thunder (Masters of Adrenaline)
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“And am I exciting enough for you, little girl?”

The growly way he said it insinuated that if she said no, he’d change her mind fast. She never knew when sweet and protective Fox was going to turn into barely civilized Fox. The switch could flip between the two any time, and trying to anticipate when it would happen was like a drug.

“You? You’re like driving a winding road in a fast car with cops on my tail,” she admitted. “And not being sure if my brakes work.”

A lazy smile crooked his mouth, and he tugged her closer by the trapped lock of hair. He kissed her slowly, like he had forever.

Chapter 12

“No, seriously, who taught you how to dance?” she asked for the third time.

Such a curious little kitty. “I taught myself, if you must know.” He laughed self-consciously. Even in this day and age men who could really dance were an oddity.

“You didn’t strike me as the dancing type.” She bit her lip as though she was wondering if the statement was enough to get her in trouble.

He quirked a brow at her and leaned his elbow on the bar. He’d driven them to the next town over, hoping they wouldn’t get spotted by Marcel’s men. Keeping her cooped up all the time was fun, but she deserved more. She worked hard, between school, her part-time job, and helping them in the garage, and she deserved a chance to cut loose somewhere other than his bed.

The place was new and packed and it was taking forever to get drinks. “I don’t seem the dancing type because I’m a man?”

A guy behind her was checking out her ass, and he put a possessive arm around her. Men’s gazes were inevitably drawn to her. The short black dress she wore showed off her every curve, and the sky-high heels made her legs and ass impossible to look away from. And the cleavage? Ugh. He kept having to stop himself from sliding his fingers down between the tightly pressed swells. Like she wasn’t hot enough without the dress she was wearing? He kept imagining tit fucking her.

“No, because you’re all . . . big and muscley and dominant.” She pressed against him, gazing up at him with undisguised sexual hunger. Although she’d only had two drinks, the alcohol had loosened her tongue and made her less guarded. “On the way to the club I’d assumed we’d be sitting on the sidelines drinking and touching each other inappropriately. It just never occurred to me that we’d be on the dance floor. You don’t dance all prissy either. You dance like you fuck. It takes a lot of willpower to resist you.”

He’d expected the twitch of a sarcastic smile around her lips, but her expression held candid sexual interest.

The tension that was always zinging between them amped up. If he leaned her just slightly over the bar in this crowd, would anyone notice if he slid inside her?

This was ridiculous. They had to be able to resist each other for short periods of time.

“I was a short kid until grade eleven. I had to do something to give myself an edge with women, so I honed . . . other talents.” The bartender finally noticed him, and he ordered her a third drink.

She smirked at the mention of his other talents. “Being short must have been rough.” Her smile was sympathetic. “I didn’t grow tits for the longest time. My mom bought me sports bras, even though I didn’t need them, just so I wouldn’t feel like a freak.”

He snorted, wondering if she’d regret telling him that later on when the buzz wore off. Knowing Addison, probably not.

When her drink was finally in hand, he steered her away from the bar and led her down the side hallway.

“Where are we going?” she murmured, then gave a nervous laugh.

“Exactly how drunk are you?”

She raised her brows. “I have a bit of a buzz, but nothing serious. Why?”

“Excellent.” They went around a corner to the storage room he’d seen near the men’s room, and used the swipe card he’d bribed off a server.

“Fox!” she whispered, checking behind them as he pulled her inside. “Where did you get that? What are we doing?”

He shut the door behind her then pressed her back against it, snagging her drink out of her hand and putting it on a stack of boxes. Her questions disappeared under his punishing kiss. Watching other men run lecherous eyes over her beautiful body for the last two hours made him both proud to have her on his arm and possessive as hell. And watching her dance—he wasn’t the only one who moved like they wanted to fuck.

Her hands came up to his chest, but only dug into his T-shirt to pull him closer, as though she’d been hoping he’d do this all night. She tasted like tequila and lust.

The plans he’d made earlier were going to get away on him if he didn’t slow down. Fucking her now hadn’t been part of it, but the hungry way she kissed him was tempting him to change his mind.

Reluctantly, he grabbed her shoulders and moved her away, almost losing resolve when she pressed against him again and pouted when he wouldn’t let her draw him back into kissing.

She sighed. “Why are you being difficult? If you didn’t bring me back here to have sex, what’s the plan? Are we stealing something?”



The club’s music throbbed through the room through the closed door, almost as loud as it had been on the dance floor.

“You heard me.”

The blush that bloomed in her cheeks led him to fantasize about shoving her down to fuck that pretty face of hers.

“I-I don’t know how to dance.”

“Then what were you doing out there?” he asked, jerking a thumb back toward the main room.

“That’s different. There were people around. You were dancing with me.” She smiled, then held out her hand.

So lovely, this girl. How could he resist?

He took her hand and pulled her close again, kissing her as they swayed together. They were moving too slow for the actual beat of the music, but she molded her body to his and ground against him. Her hips swayed, sinuous, and she thrust her tits against him. Her expression was playful yet sinful. Her normally sweet blue eyes were narrowed with lust. She turned her back to him, tugging the hem of her dress slowly upward, grinding shamelessly and teasingly against his erection. The look she threw him over her shoulder invited him to take control.

He swallowed hard, and she looked amused.


It was painfully tempting to grab her and guide his cock into her tight body, but instead he slid her dress up higher and brushed teasing fingers over her perfect ass, then lowered himself into a chair. With a laugh, she swayed her ass in his face, and he grabbed her hips and bit her, leaving a crisp outline of his teeth like a red brand in her pale flesh.

She gasped, and tossed her hair aside with a sensual flick, then glared back at him. Damn, this girl was so fucking hot. “No touching the performers, mister.”

He ran a hand over her other ass cheek and got distracted by the point where her fuchsia thong dipped into the crevasse of her ass, but she moved away, smirking.

Ugh. Such a bad girl. Such a fucking tease.

“You used to dance?” he asked, only half-curious. Most of his brain was busy fantasizing about doing fiendish things to her.

Abruptly, she stopped dancing. “No!” She laughed. “I just like watching online, and I dance like this while I’m cleaning my apartment.”

“And then drive men crazy in storage rooms on the side?”

“No, I’ve never danced like this with a guy before.”

Never? His ego prompted him to ask, “Why not?”

She shrugged. “No one ever asked.”

Ouch. He laughed inwardly. What had he expected? That she’d admit to having a huge crush on him? Well, it’d only be fair. He had one on her, and it was her own damn fault.

He rose again and pulled her to him, his stomach to her back. With her heels on, he didn’t have to lean down so far to bury his face in her hair. She wriggled her ass against his groin, and his brain tried to short circuit. It was hard to ignore what she was offering, but he had plans. Kissing her neck, he walked her over to a stack of boxes and leaned her over.


When he stepped back, his gaze lingered on the invitation the position provided. She was waiting for his next move. She never argued when she wanted cock.

At his hesitation, she glanced back over her shoulder, looking less certain of herself.

“Did you bring a condom?”

He had, but he was trying to stop himself from taking her now. “I’ve been tested,” she added, assuming he hadn’t brought one. “And I’m on the pill. If you’re clean . . .”

Hell. She really wasn’t making this any easier on him.

“I am clean,” he replied, “and you’re not playing very fair here. I won’t have my nefarious plans thwarted.”

She’d made no attempt to pull her dress back down, and the skirt part had stayed around her waist, leaving her ass and panties exposed. He swatted her ass, but it only made her grunt with pleasure.

“Who’s thwarting anything?” she snorted. “I’m not even doing anything yet.” Her ass moved back and forth, like she was trying to lure him into using her.

Fuck. His balls ached.

“Fuck me, Fox. Please?” she wheedled. “Just a couple of thrusts, then you can stop. I won’t even complain.”

He had the urge to spank her long and hard, to teach her not to be so tempting, but who knew when someone might come in? He had to make this fast. They were in the back, behind a stack of tall boxes, but still.

As he drew down her panties, her breath grew ragged. He grabbed her ass hard with both hands, reveling at the feel of her lush body. There was something about the way she was made that urged him to bite her all over, to mark her and enjoy the angry marks of his teeth on her flesh. She squeaked, but didn’t move.

He let go, and forced his impatient hands to be gentle as he traced a trail from her lower back, down the crack of her ass, to her anus. Gently, he circled it, enjoying the way her body clenched against his exploration. With her hands wrapped around the opposite side of the crate, she’d frozen in place, her whimpers only barely audible over the throb of the music and his own heartbeat. He toyed over the globes of her ass, and the tips of his fingers left goose bumps on her skin.

“Please fuck me, Fox,” she gasped, her former bravado gone.

He slid a finger into her pussy and finger fucked her while his cock twitched with envy. So ready for him, so wet. His pulse hammered. He played with her clit, keeping her on edge for a few minutes, before he took back the fingers she seemed so desperately to need.

“I hate this game!” She’d probably meant to sound angry, but she only sounded sulky and desperate.

“But it’s my favorite,” he replied.

She groaned then watched him in open-mouthed, incredulous silence as he licked his fingers clean. Maybe she hated this game but she didn’t move from where he’d put her other than to turn her head.

“I could fuck you now, but I have a better idea.”

“Better?” she breathed.

He fished in his pocket and withdrew the small buttplug he’d bought to use on her, and the packet of lube that was warm from his body.

“No,” she pleaded, her eyes widening.


“But . . . I don’t want to!”

He opened the packet of lube and she lowered her forehead to rest on her arms. The rapid, shallow breaths she was taking were going to make her faint.

“Slow your breathing, pretty girl. This might feel strange at first, but it shouldn’t hurt. If it hurts, you let me know, okay?”

“Oh my god, just do it,” she whispered against her arms.

“I’ll be putting a bigger one in later, after we leave, then fucking your ass when we get home.”

She gave a tortured moan, and he wasn’t sure if it was fear or pleasure. Possibly both.

“Just my finger first,” he said, trying to be reassuring. The plug wasn’t much bigger.

“Your finger? You can’t just use the plug?”

“I could,” he murmured, “but I don’t want to. I want to feel your sexy ass fighting to keep me out.”

“Oh, fuck. You’re such a bastard.”

He clamped his palm down on the back of her neck.

She groaned.

“Do you want me to fuck your ass, Addison?”

“No?” she said hopefully.

He smiled to himself. “Are you going to safeword?”

She sighed. “No, Fox.”

Reluctant, but biddable. His favorite.

When his slick finger grazed her asshole she gasped and clawed at the crate.


She was already clenching hard, trying to keep him out, but gradually the tip of his finger sank into her. He added lube and tried again, and this time her body slowly allowed it.

“Oh my god . . . oh my god.”

He could practically feel his balls turning blue from the sounds she made and her panicked amazement as he started to slide his finger in and out of her. He vibrated it and she shrieked. Fuck, he wanted inside her so bad.

“Are you going to come?”

She gasped and angrily shook her head. “No,” she choked. “Oh fuck . . . yes!” Her body quaked then her ass clamped down on his finger.

Through a haze of his own blinding lust, he eased her through the orgasm, concentrating on his breathing and trying not to let the reactions of her body trigger him into blowing a load in his jeans. When she was done, he withdrew his finger, enjoying the way it made her squeal. Her anus closed immediately, but he lubed the plug, then wriggled and coaxed it into her, pleased at her renewed sounds of arousal. Fuck. He needed to make sure she learned to love anal, because he couldn’t fucking wait to take her ass.

He wiped the excess lube from her bottom with his fingers, then pulled her panties back up, satisfied they’d help hold the plug in place.

“We’re going now, right?” she mumbled against the wood of the crate.

“No. We’re going back out to the club and you’re going to act like nothing is wrong.”

“You fucking bastard,” she whimpered. “I can’t—I can’t go out there like this.”

“You can, and you will. At least you got off. Be grateful you’re not in my position. I’m all wound up with no place to blow. Now, come with me.”

Hesitantly, she tugged her skirt back down and pushed herself up off of the crate. Her eyes were wide and half-crazed, and her hair was tousled. Mascara had smudged under her eye, and she looked like a naughty, dirty girl who’d just been used. Forcing her to her knees to ease his suffering seemed only fair but she already had enough to deal with.

“Let’s go. While I’m washing my hands, you may want to go check your hair.”

She grabbed her glass and threw back the rest of her now melted margarita.

When she tottered back to him from the restroom afterward, her expression was still dazed. He wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her in close, kissing her until she responded, rubbing against him and mewling when he grabbed her by the ass to drag her closer, pressing the plug farther into her.

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