Stealing Carmen (3 page)

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Authors: Gail Faulkner

BOOK: Stealing Carmen
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“Oh? So you know a lot about BDSM?” he questioned darkly as he moved around behind her so she couldn’t see his response. Something in him had been way too damn ready to kill someone just now. What the hell was that about? He’d looked at her there in spread submission and been mad as hell thinking some bastard had taught her that. Seen her like that.


“No. Well, sort of. Only from books. I’ve never… I mean I was sort of thinking about it, but I haven’t ever actually been to one of the clubs or stuff.”


She said that as if she thought of it as a failing. Jack scrubbed a hand down his face as he eyed her arched back and round ass. Have mercy.


The only thing wrong with the pose was she was on the floor and he couldn’t reach her without a foolish contortion. He supposed if he needed some sort of superiority confirmation, the kneeling thing would be nice. He’d never needed such. Kneeling was of little interest to him. If he used it, it was because the submissive needed it.


“Um, Jack?”




“It’s, ah, it’s going to come out. I can’t…” As she said it, he realized the dildo was about to appear.


Strolling around in front of her he frowned for her benefit. “Then we fix the problem. Stand, keep your knees straight and put your head down on the end of the bed. That should tilt you far enough to keep it in,” he commanded calmly.


Carmen bit her lip and scrambled up to adjust position. In place with her ass pointed up, he could see the cap of the dildo was too near her entrance to remain in her, even in this position. Profuse amounts of her juices were easing out of her as the buzzing instrument tormented sensitive nerves.


“I see that’s still not helping,” he commented.


Jack controlled the knee-melting lust he was experiencing. God, this woman was so damn beautiful. Looking at her flushed pussy with a dildo slipping out of her as she spread for him was so sharply erotic he had to breathe deeply. Her excitement permeated the air. He could almost taste her with every breath. He would have those sweet folds on his tongue, but not yet. This was for her. She craved submission and he’d damn well give it to her.


Slipping the remote in his pocket, Jack used two fingers of one hand to spread pink lips with clinical disregard. He grasped the end of the dildo with the other hand. Manipulating her to spread her even more wasn’t really required, but she needed to feel his touch that way. Mentally she wanted to feel this. The submissive was both turned-on and reassured to have him handle her with the blunt directness of ownership.


Knowing he wanted to lick her with reverent worship as he rubbed his face in her stunning pussy wouldn’t do a thing to make her feel safe.


He pulled the little dildo out so only the tip was clasped by her cunt lips. It was such a sexy sight, her body so reluctant to give up its toy. Pushing the little thing back in, he chuckled darkly and gave her pussy a gentle smack.


The unexpected touch would light a fire in unsuspecting nerves. The smack also introduced her to the mix of excitement and surrender she craved. He wanted her to understand that he knew she enjoyed the stimulation but what she loved was the fact he could dispense it without hurting her while keeping her firmly focused on her submission.


“Please! Please!” she gasped. “What are you doing?” And yet she remained exactly where he’d told her to be.


“What does it feel like I’m doing?” Jack countered.


Jack’s hand had remained on her, his fingers strumming soft folds and lightly brushing her clit with each pass. He carefully grasped the sensitive bundle of nerves between thumb and forefinger, rolling it with firm pulls. Her ass bounced as sharp little whimpers escaped her.


“I asked you a question,” he repeated. His attention to her pussy was consuming her with new sensations. He wanted her mind on who was giving that to her.


“Fingering me,” she whispered.


Immediately he let go of her clit and pressed his middle finger into her cunt. He pushed the dildo in farther. “This is fingering your pussy,” Jack informed her with studied calm as he gave her several strokes with the one digit. Pulling out, he again grasped her clit, giving it the rolling stimulation again. “So what is this?”


“I…I don’t know. Playing with my clit?” she moaned.


He let go and gave her another little pussy spank. “Correct. You will learn to identify what you like, what you need. I will hear you ask for your pleasures, Carmen. And you do like all of that. Don’t you? You are so hot knowing your ass is turned up and I’m looking at you. Manipulating your needy pussy and watching you respond. The buzz in your cunt is more than that dildo. Isn’t it?”


Jack pulled out the remote and flicked it off as he dropped it to the floor. Reaching in her he grasped the end of her toy and began easing it out as she answered.


“Yes. I…I want to come again. Please, Jack.”


“No. Not without permission. The first time you couldn’t help yourself. You’ll learn and I’ll enjoy the hell out of showing you how much better it is to wait,” he informed her silkily as he drew the small instrument from her cunt.


“Now this little thing is hardly a toy, baby. We’ll have to get you something more substantial for when I’m away. You’ll need it.”


“It’s big enough,” she mumbled from the bedspread.


“What was that? You think it’s big enough? Hmm, perhaps if used properly. Hold still,” he commanded.


He laid the dildo across the top of her ass and then grasped her clit again in a firm clamp as the other hand’s long forefinger sank into her tight cunt. Pulling it out he dragged her body’s natural glazing up to paint it around the puckered opening above.


Carmen jerked, her body clenching down as she felt his intentions. “No. Oh. Ah…”


“Careful, baby,” Jack warned, giving her clit a little tug. “Are you refusing the dominant? Are you saying you’re not more excited right now than you’ve ever been in your life? Remember your safe word.” The last admonition came as he picked up the slippery little dildo and circled her opening with the tip.


Holding her clit to control her body’s movement was such a nasty trick. Releasing the tight clamp on it, he was suddenly rubbing it with perfect pressure, sure strokes and maddening timing. Carmen told him exactly when the bundle of nerves lit on fire by naturally pressing down with her pelvis to get more of his touch. The move relaxed her ass and tilted it to an even more accommodating angle. His other hand was ready, breaching her ass with a swift plunge, seating the dildo in her little hole but leaving the base out to stretch her sphincter around its modest girth.


“Now that is a pretty sight,” he told her softly. “Such a good girl,” he crooned as she reacted to the intrusion. He held it there, not letting her body’s involuntary attempts to eject it work as she humped back into the air. His other fingers continued stroking her clit.


At first she’d be consumed with the foreign object in her ass. The burn as it remained there. Then would come the burn in her mind. Feeling him taking her ass, holding the object in her while his fingers strummed her clit. She would be forced to acknowledge his control of her openings while he watched her struggle.


Just to be sure she had the picture, he inserted his thumb in her vagina and stroked along the thin membrane between cunt and ass, ensuring she felt the tool in her in as many ways as he could.


“Do not come,” he commanded as he manipulated her. Saying those words would make her think about coming. Either it would force her out of her rejection of her ass’s use and into pleasure or she’d say her safe word and leave.


Chapter Three




Carmen stilled beneath him. Sweat dripped down her back and he could hear the air hissing in and out of her as she gasped into the bed. Jack kept stroking her clit and felt her cunt contract around his thumb. Oh yeah, baby girl was not about to say her safe word. She might have thought about it for a moment, but no more.


“That’s my girl,” he approved with a caressing tone. “Show me, Carmen. Show me,” he encouraged her as her pelvis started rocking again. This time she was pumping in time to his fingers on her clit and his thumb rubbing the wall of her cunt against the dildo in her ass. “Does the fire in your ass own you, baby girl? Can you feel how vulnerable that makes you? How hot it can be?”


He wasn’t expecting an answer. She was beyond that already. Her eyes were glazed with submissive haze. He wasn’t sure if it was the mental submission doing it for her or the physical. Bent and spread beneath a man using her ass and cunt was a deep plunge into submission. Acknowledging her pleasure in so vulnerable a situation revealed the heart of a stunningly sexual submissive.


Her complete surrender as she let need sweep through her, giving up any natural rejection of his hands and eyes on her body was driving him near an edge he couldn’t pull back from. Right now he should be explaining her response to her. Helping her to understand now that she knew something in her ass would not kill her, wouldn’t injure her, she could prepare herself for pleasure in this submission.


That wasn’t happening. His cock was thick and pulsing, straining the old jeans wrapped around his hips. His balls were full and heavy. The smell of her excitement was drugging him.


“Knees. On the bed,” he commanded, his voice dipping to gravelly harshness. Lifting her forward he forced her into the position he wanted. She scrambled willingly to comply but not fast enough. “Stay.”


Jack tore at his jeans, ripping them down as he stood behind her, his eyes on her stuffed ass and dripping cunt. The globes of her ass trembled, thrusting up in tiny movements as she turned her head to watch him.


Hard and long, his cock fell out of his pants. He ripped open a condom from the top drawer of his dresser, pulling it on with efficient movements. Not bothering with his boots, just shoving his jeans below his knees, he was on the bed behind her.


Holding the base of his cock, he aimed the weeping head at her little cunt. This was going to be tight, especially with the dildo up her ass. His other hand gripped her hip to hold her still.


He gritted his teeth as he watched the wide head of his cock sink into her. So hot and tight. Everything about her was much more than he’d known before. The need to fuck her was too harsh. He couldn’t hold it back and that wasn’t like him.


There was no time to question it as he firmly pressed into her body. She was ready and he was way past willing. His cock was a length of pig iron at this point, which was a good thing. Her body strained to accept him. He was forcing her, taking her hard. It wasn’t that she was dry. No, she oozed around him, but she was small.


Animalistic grunts rumbled up his chest as the length of him rammed into her. She answered them with mindless kenning cries. Her body pressed back on the thick impaler, forcing its way deep into the dark center of her. Both his hands held her hips, ensuring there was no evading him.


This was rushing her even if she wanted it. For the first time in his life he didn’t know what would happen if she used her safe word now. It wouldn’t be good. This wasn’t casual. He’d known that to begin with, but the hard drive to possess her was a feeling he’d never experienced. As if she were the only woman and he had to claim her.


The hot, wet channel wrapped around him in tight surrender. Fucking his dick into a woman had never been this urgent. This was elementally base and so much more than the physical act. He’d never wanted a woman the way he’d wanted this one.


Fierce emotion swept through him. Possession melted into hard demand. This woman was his. She would be his in every way he could make her. Fate had seen fit to drop her under his nose and he’d given her every chance to reject him. That time had passed.


Finally seated to the hilt in her, he paused. Not for her. For him. He needed a moment to gather the shreds of his sanity. Damn it to hell. She was burning him up. Squeezing him from head to hilt. Contracting down on him with involuntary muscle responses. This was the fuck that rolled a man’s eyes back in his head and he wasn’t even moving.


He needed to get control somehow. The answer came to him as his grasping hands kneaded her ass globes. Oh yeah, it was the only way to do it this first time.


Harsh and base, he hardly recognized the voice rumbling out of him. “All right, baby, fuck that cock.”


His hand landed on her pale ass with the command, forcing her to jerk off him just a small amount. His other hand jerked her back on him, showing her what he wanted. His hand landed again, leaving a new pink mark and Carmen let out a garbled animal sound that was part hiss, part bark, but this time she thrust back on his cock.


“Yeah. Do it. Fuck the cock, Carmen. Show me what this cunt can do,” he encouraged her in harsh gasps as he continued the spanking smacks, alternating hands since he didn’t have to pull her back on him. “That’s it. Louder! Let me hear it.”


Her head came up in a horse cry as she threw herself back on him with gathering speed and force. Her body adjusted to the pipe his cock was as she forced it into her, rubbing along the dildo holding her ass open.


“Look at you,” Jack continued. “Your ass stuffed full. Your cunt taking it hard and deep while you throw yourself back at the hands spanking your ass. A woman getting her kicks while her man works her hard.”


Sweat was rolling off them both. His words only made her pound back on him harder. Driving him into her with sharp, short pumps that would soon rob him of reason. But before that could happen, the amazing bitch on his dick had to come. That was one thing he couldn’t give up. Wouldn’t sacrifice to the mind-melting sexuality she demanded from him.


“Show her to me. Give her to me, Carmen. Come. Come on the cock. Let it go.”


Carmen’s head snapped up with a guttural scream as her channel contracted on him in a shattering orgasm. He came on the next thrust, pushing in hard and deep, losing all control and pounding her with short thrusts. Mindless fire consumed his soul. Then there was nothing but the bellowing roar of the beast in him.


It felt like a long time later when an insistent ringing roused him. He was lying on her collapsed body, still semi-hard and buried deep in her cunt. At first he thought he’d burst a vein in his brain and the ringing was the result.


It didn’t stop. He raised his head and looked over at the bedside table. His cell phone was ringing. Looking down at her sweat-soaked back, stringy hair and basic lethargy he automatically checked her pulse.


Gingerly lifting his hips and slowly pulling out, the woman he was suspended over mewed softly, pushing her bottom up as if to keep him in her. Reaching down he withdrew the dildo from her ass as well and she groaned. Jack grinned a goofy sort of expression he was glad she couldn’t see. Grinned until the damn phone interrupted his thoughts again.


Looking up and glaring at it as if that would make a difference, he rolled himself off the bed. T-shirt still on and pants around his knees with boots below them. He’d fucked her clothed. Shaking his head, he hitched the pants on his ass and ambled into the bathroom. Jack got rid of the condom and dropped the little dildo in the trash with it before kicking off boots and stripped down to face the sink. He rinsed face and neck, washed his hands and took a clean washcloth from the cabinet by the tub.


Baby girl needed some care and the damn phone could wait. Back in his bedroom, she hadn’t moved. Surveying her splayed form, Jack glanced down at the small washcloth in his hand and shook his head. She’d been rode hard and deserved more than the little square in his hand.


Turning back to the bathroom he flipped on the water. When he had a tub of warm water, he returned to the bedroom. Scooping up her lifeless form seemed to wake her.


“Hey. What?” Carmen asked groggily, and looked around as he strode to the bathroom. “Wait. You shouldn’t carry me. I’m too heavy. You’ll hurt your back.”


Jack looked down at her and raised a brow. Standing in front of the tub he regarded her worried face. “I will? Damn, you should have told me sooner so I could fake a good pull and get out of what they’re calling me for.”


Carmen smiled her embarrassed, blushing grin. Jack stepped in and sat down. In the tub, curtain closed, was as far as he could get from the world reaching for him through the phone. He wasn’t ready to face the future just yet. Figuring how to make his future safe for her to live in it was a complicated operation. He needed to simply hold her a few more minutes.


“Relax, we’ll just rest a while.”


He leaned back, arms along the back of the tub and Carmen melted all over him in hedonistic abandon. He closed his eyes and smiled. Damn, she felt good. Sexy and soft, her body caressed him, conforming to his ridges and angles. Resting on him she brought him a peace he’d not known existed. Perhaps it was the trusting way her body molded to him. Or it could be her complete lethargy that covered a quietly bubbling sexuality. Whatever it was, it was damn good.


However long they stayed there like that was difficult to tell. Water cooled and he pulled the plug. They stood and he turned on the shower. Gently taking her hands he placed them behind her neck. “Lace the fingers,” he instructed.


He took the washcloth and set about cleaning her, caressing every curve and crevice. Requiring she bend as he took the showerhead on a hose down and rinsed her ass carefully, inserting two fingers to hold her open. After she straightened, he did her hair. When he was done, he had her sit on the edge of the tub and wait for him to finish his own quick rinse.


The slight hitch in her breathing was noted and he turned to her. Her mouth was at his crotch and he stepped up, placing his legs on either side of her knees. Holding the base of his cock he looked down at her seriously and presented the head to her lips.


Carmen’s hands clenched beside her on the porcelain. Her mouth opened and her eyes shot up to his face as he fed her as much of his tool as she could handle. His member swelled in her mouth and she had to pull back, stroking him. Jack reached above him to grip the shower curtain rod with both hands. Looking into her eyes he slowly probed her mouth.


“You wanted that, baby?” he asked softly.


Her head nodded as her lips sucked the head, licking around the rim, flattening over his slit to take in the drops that escaped there. Jack gazed down at her, soaking up the sight as her mouth ate at him.


“We don’t have time,” he stated flatly to cover the clawing need in him. The sight, the feel, everything about this moment drew him with more than just the sexual. He was already backed on his heels emotionally. She kept being more. More than he’d known, more than he could handle and remain in control. Withdrawing his cock he turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. Taking her hand he stood her before him and dried her damp body.


The phone was ringing in the bedroom again.


“You know who’s calling?” Carmen asked as he dried himself.


“Yeah,” Jack grimaced, and turned so she wouldn’t see it on his face as he put the towel on the rack. Looking at her almost hurt. She was an angel of mercy, both personally and professionally. The man stealing his way into her life could be called an angel with a much darker mission. The type who ran in the company of four horsemen. He didn’t want to face his ugly world for a few more minutes. “If I pick up that phone the world ends in seventy-two hours for one reason or another. I’ll have to run. I don’t want to. Not yet.”


“Superman’s cape getting heavy? Have you trained your replacement yet?” she wanted to know.


They strolled into his bedroom. The bed was a mess. Sex hung heavy in the air and Jack went to pick up his phone then led her into the living room.


“No. I don’t have a replacement. I should see to that,” he agreed.


“I don’t mean to pressure you, Jack.” Carmen hesitated as he lay down on the couch and pulled her down with her back into his chest, wrapping himself around her soft body from behind.


She fit him. All sloping curves and soft skin. There was nothing hard or ugly about this woman. She snuggled into him as if they’d been doing this for years, totally relaxed while one of his hands cupped her breast and the other rested on her hip stroking it absently.


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