Steal the Night (39 page)

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Authors: Lexi Blake

Tags: #Vampires, #menage, #Paranormal, #Erotic, #Thieves, #Lexi Blake, #urban fantasy, #Fae

BOOK: Steal the Night
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I felt Daniel’s roar before I heard it. “I submit to no one. She is mine. He is mine. I will kill anyone who thinks to take them from me.”

The chair Daniel had been sitting in sort of exploded when he brought his fist down.

“Myrddin, what are you trying to do?” Nim walked back in from the small kitchen. She’d been preparing some sort of concoction to aid in the wizard’s plan to fix Daniel. Her violet eyes narrowed suspiciously as she took in the scene.

“I’m attempting to discover who is truly in charge in the king’s household,” Myrddin explained simply. “I thought it would be the king, but it appears his queen belongs to an ancient god.”

“She is mine!” Daniel growled and he abruptly pulled me from Bris.

“Stop that!” I shouted at the wizard. “You’re the one causing trouble. Bris was only trying to protect his host.”

“Daniel,” Myrddin said calmly. He ignored me and he sounded so much like the voice of reason. “The fertility god may seem helpful, but he will crowd you out. He’ll attempt to take your place in the queen’s heart. He’ll say he’s interested in his host, but it’s all a ruse. He merely needs a proper body to get close to his goddess. His magic doesn’t work without a proper goddess from which it can flow. That goddess would be either a fertility goddess or something close to it.”

“What’s close to it?” I asked, knowing I wouldn’t like the answer.

Myrddin smiled. It was the kind of smile you use on a naïve child when you feel a little sorry for them. “A companion, my dear. You would be almost useless when it comes to magic on your own, but that glow would cause his magic to flow and flow. Did you think vampires are the only ones who could see it? Everyone wants to feed off you. Some just have different ways of doing it.”

I felt my face fall as I turned to see if this was the truth. Bris frowned as he reached for my hands, his voice sweet and cajoling. “Goddess, is this so surprising? What does it matter why I’m attracted to you? Devinshea’s love for you is just as appealing as your glow. I’ve grown to love both you and Daniel.”

Daniel jerked me away from him. “Don’t touch her.”

Bris’s eyes widened. “Daniel, he’s pushing you. He’s trying to bring out your beast to sow discord between us. He realized he couldn’t get rid of Devinshea. You’re far too close, and so he’s attempting to do the same thing by turning you against me. He wishes to be the only voice in your ear. He’s threatened by me and my host. Don’t allow him to shove a wedge between us. I’ve been nothing but loyal to you and he has not proven his worth. He’s only proven the he’s part demon and understands how to get his way.”

“Bris, it might help if you let Dev come back.” I needed Dev to come and smooth over this argument. “Let Dev come back so Daniel can be assured his precious blood is here and his.”

“This is a mistake, my goddess. The demonspawn will cause trouble between the three of you. We’ll speak on it later.”

“Daniel,” Dev said suddenly, his eyes normal again.

Daniel didn’t have to say a word for Dev to know he was riding that volcanic anger of his.

“Don’t you dare, Daniel.” Dev walked straight up to the pissed-off vampire. I had watched him do this many times. He had no fear when it came to Daniel. “We made the decision together. We decided it would be best for all of us if I attempted to ascend. You knew that meant bringing a fertility deity into our lives and our bed. We did it to make me strong for the fight. You don’t get to play the innocent, wounded party now that someone we’ve known for five minutes has passed judgment on our lives. Bris has done nothing but defend our wife and give up his corporeal being to save your life. If your jealousy and possessiveness are worth more to you than our friendship then you should tell me now. Am I your advisor, your partner, or is it this man?”

I watched the anger recede like a balloon deflating. Daniel put both hands on Dev’s shoulders and looked him deeply in the eyes. “You know it’s you. You’ve never steered me wrong, friend.”

“And I never will.” Dev leaned forward, getting close to Danny. “This is my life as well, Daniel. I have as much at stake in seeing this done well as you do.”

“Are you done with this test?” I asked Myrddin and I could hear the shortness in my voice. I didn’t like the way he’d just played with us.

Myrddin’s big hand came over his chest as though he was hurt I would accuse him of something so heinous. “Your Highness, I was merely confused. You’ll have to excuse me. It has been many years since I was in the company of other humans. Perhaps I’ve lost my tact. I have a job to do and I intend to do it well. I’m the king’s loyal servant. I apologize profusely if I did or said anything that would cause you harm.”

I doubted seriously that the wizard’s sleep had caused him to lose a single step. He knew what he was doing and he’d enjoyed it. Stewart was smiling like he’d just enjoyed a really well-produced play and when I thought about it, he had. We’d merely been the unwillingly players.

“It’s my fault, teacher,” Daniel said. “I try very hard to keep my temper in check. It’s always there under the surface. I apologize for letting it boil over.”

I didn’t like the way Daniel acted around Myrddin. Since that moment when Daniel had reached down to touch the glass coffin and the wizard had stirred, it seemed to me that Daniel and Myrddin had formed some strange connection. I knew my Daniel. He should be angry at the wizard for attempting to come between us, but he behaved in an almost deferential fashion, as a son might look to a father. I didn’t like it one bit.

“No need, Daniel,” Myrddin said with an affectionate smile. “You never need to apologize to me. I’m just grateful that Devinshea is so good at talking you down. You boys make a very good team.”

Dev turned his eyes toward the wizard. “You should remember that in the future. We are always a team.”

Myrddin clapped his hands together. “Now, it’s time to put that team to work. Daniel, you’ll need a balance to keep you alive during this piece of magic I intend to work.”

“A balance?” Daniel asked.

Nim’s soft voice answered. “Think of it as a machine to keep you alive. It’s a form of life support.”

“All right. Why Dev? Zack is my servant. He has my blood and he’s very strong. This seems like the perfect job for him.”

“I can do it,” Zack piped up, sitting a little straighter in his chair. “Tell me what to do.”

Myrddin considered it for a moment. “No, wolf. While I don’t doubt your loyalties, I still think the faery will be a better balance. Were he not here I would certainly use you, but Devinshea is already Daniel’s true balance and he’s the perfect candidate. While you care for your master, Devinshea truly loves him in a way you cannot.”

“What about me?” I asked. I loved Daniel.

“No,” Dev and Daniel managed in perfect accord.

The wizard shook his head. “Your Highness, it’s sweet that you would do this for your king, but I doubt you would survive the pain.”

“I’m stronger than you think I am,” I shot back. Daniel could handle it. I didn’t doubt that, but Dev didn’t like pain. He could be such a baby about a stubbed toe or a paper cut.

Dev whirled me around and I found myself being hauled to the far end of the room. When he thought we were far enough from prying ears, he turned on me.

“You may be stronger than everyone thinks, but you also may be pregnant,” Dev said under his breath. “Even now the conception of our children may be occurring deep inside your body. Daniel and I would never risk you nor would we risk our possible children. Please do not fight us on this.”

I was backed into a corner and had no choice but to numbly nod my head. “All right.”

Dev pulled me into his arms, and his fingers tangled in my hair. “I love you, Zoey. It’s going to be fine.”

“It is,” Daniel said, taking his place at Dev’s side. “Dev and I will get through this. My heart will be healed. We have our army. Once our allies are in place, we’ll take down Marini and then we’ll go home and raise our kids. You’ll see, Z. It’s gonna be fine. Besides, did you think about the connection we have? It can’t be you, baby. You won’t work as life support for me. My body would sense your body’s weakness and try to compensate.”

That would be a disaster if it really worked that way. I wasn’t so sure. The Fae healer had told me it only worked over long periods of time. If I was suddenly killed, Daniel wouldn’t necessarily die. It was a long-term illness that would claim us both. Daniel’s blood could keep Dev and me alive for a long while and we wouldn’t age on the outside but inside, while it might be slower than a normal human, our organs would age. Old age would claim me in the end, and Daniel would go down with me.

“You trust this man to help us?” I wasn’t sure I did and I was risking them both.

“I do, baby,” Daniel promised. “I can’t tell you why, but I know he’s on my side. It’s going to work out. You’ll see.”

I let them hold me for the longest time, but even when I shut my eyes I could see the wizard. He had plans for us. Daniel might survive the surgery, but I had no doubt that none of this was going to be easy.

Chapter Twenty-Four

“What is this place?” I asked as we were shown to a small space off the great room on the ground floor. Nim had thrown open the doors and light spilled in, illuminating the odd knickknacks that populated the floor-to-ceiling bookshelves.

“It’s a workshop.” Nim was busy chopping and cooking the plants Dev had gathered. She stood at a wooden table looking perfectly competent. “I brought all of Myrddin’s books and supplies from Camelot so they would be here for him. I guess we’re going to have to figure out what to do with all of this stuff now that he’ll be leaving the prison. I guess I should have all of it moved to the club. Dev owns the whole building. He can probably come up with the space.”

I didn’t necessarily think Myrddin would leave the prison. “Is that such a good idea, Nim? I mean, once we get Danny’s heart problem figured out, shouldn’t old Merlin there go back to his napping? We won’t have much use for him. Danny doesn’t need a teacher.”

Nim’s head fell back and her laughter echoed through the small room. When she finished, she tossed some herbs in a pot and lit a fire under it before pouring some water in. “Do you really believe Daniel is prepared to lead the entire supernatural world? Eight years ago, Daniel Donovan was a college student getting ready for a life in mid-level corporate America. He only went to college because he needed a decent job to take care of his girlfriend and buy comic books. If twenty-one-year-old Daniel had his way, he would have made a living playing online games. He had no ambition and no drive beyond making you happy. You think he’s ready to deal with the ramifications of changing the entire supernatural world?”

Put that way it did sound a little crazy, but we had an ace in our pocket. “Devinshea will help him. He understands politics and the other races listen to him.” The Fae tended to be welcome wherever they went. Dev opened doors for Danny that he wouldn’t have been able to knock on without him.

“But Devinshea is twenty-nine years old, Zoey. He’s very young for a Fae.” Nim turned slightly so she could see me. Her hands never stopped at their task. “He might have been able to get you here, but things aren’t going to go as smoothly as you imagine. Do you think all the vampires are just going to fall in line? Do you think they’ll follow the new king’s dictates on things like slaves and companion auctions? Devinshea has never dealt with any of these things before. Besides, I have a feeling Dev will want to nest a little. You’ll have to forgive me. I’m not trying to pry, but you two seem a little baby crazy.”

I shrugged, not wanting to go into it. “Lots of people have a family and a career.”

“The fact that you can think the analogy fits just shows me you have no idea how difficult this is going to be,” Nim said with a shake of her head. “You’re trying to change thousands of years of behavior and it won’t go down without a fight. Myrddin has been here before. You and Dev should concentrate on making Daniel happy. Give him babies and a nice place to come home to. Let Myrddin do his job and make him a king.”

“You know, I didn’t expect that from you, Nim. Maybe it was too much to hope that you would follow the girl code but damn, I wasn’t expecting a ‘stay home and fuck Daniel because that’s your job’ lecture.”

Nim frowned. “I didn’t say that, Zoey.”

“Oh, I think you did,” I replied shortly. “I might not be an immortal with a high-profile gig, but you know Dev and I have done a damn fine job with Danny so far. We’ve gotten him to this point and we haven’t needed you. If you think I intend to fade into the background and let Myrddin take over then you should think again. I don’t know what Guinevere was really like, but she must have been pretty damn pathetic if she let Myrddin take over her marriage.”

“Myrddin introduced her to Lancelot,” Nim said with an odd smile.

“I’m sure he was thrilled when they got together.”

Nim shrugged. “It must have made his job infinitely easier to not have to deal with the queen.”

“I’m not Guinevere. I love Daniel, and I won’t let some wizard take him from me. I love Dev and I won’t let his contribution be shoved to the side. I kind of love me, too, and I won’t let myself be marginalized because you immortal pricks haven’t joined the feminist movement. So you and that wizard should get ready, because you haven’t met a queen like me. Now I want you to tell me what the hell happened up there, Nim.”

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