Steal the Day (34 page)

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Authors: Lexi Blake

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Paranormal, #erotic romance, #Vampires, #menage, #werewolves, #Thieves, #Lexi Blake, #Fae

BOOK: Steal the Day
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When I was naked, Dev eased me back into his arms, his back against the headboard. He hooked his ankles around mine and spread my legs, showing off my pussy for Daniel’s view. When he’d had the chance to undress, I had no idea, but I pressed myself against his heat, loving the way he felt against me.

The magic heightened the effect, and I didn’t even try to fight it. I could have left the room. It wasn’t the kind of magic that robbed you of your will. It was like a long, slow intoxication. I could walk away, but I was with two men I loved and trusted. I wasn’t about to walk away.

“She’s wet, Dan. But you know that because you can smell her. Fuck, I can smell her and I don’t have your senses.” His fingers slid through the petals of my pussy, showing my husband how aroused I was. I tried to wiggle, to get him to fuck me with his fingers, but he held me tight.

Daniel looked down at the picture Dev and I made and stilled, his hand falling away from his cock. His blue eyes were heavy with desire, but he didn’t move to join us. “What the hell is this?”

Dev kissed my hair as he played with my pussy. “It’s a sort of magic. It comes naturally to me, though I haven’t felt it so strongly before. It’s attached to the three of us, but it’s going to spread through the hotel.”

“Sex magic?” Daniel asked, his whole focus on that place where my legs had parted for him.

Dev’s hand had found my clitoris and was rubbing gently, taking my breath away. “Yes, it’s a part of who I am, but this is a breakthrough for me. It’s so fucking strong. It feels so good. I would use it to start a ceremony; you would call it an orgy. I didn’t mean for it to come out, but if you really don’t want this, Daniel, you should leave. I’d put at least four or five floors between us to be safe.”

He did want this. He wanted it so bad I could feel the need pouring off him, but still he hesitated.

“Do you love her, man?” Dev asked flatly.

“Yes.” There was no hesitation, no pondering of his answer.

“I love her, too,” Dev stated. “So what the hell’s wrong with loving her together? This would be perfectly normal in my birthland. It would be good and right to bring her as much pleasure as we can.”

Daniel still seemed reluctant. “It’s not normal here.”

“Fuck normal, man. Normal will make us all miserable. We make our own normal.” Dev kissed my ear. “Zoey, your husband wants permission to join us tonight. I don’t think he’s going to take anything but a vocal invitation from you.”

“Daniel, please.” I would do just about anything to get him to join us. The last thing I wanted was for him to walk away. Tomorrow would be another problem entirely, but I wanted tonight.

That was all he needed. Daniel crawled across the bed, his big body covering mine, and I was finally where I wanted to be, surrounded by them. Dev was at my back and Daniel spread out on top of me. My legs wound their way around that powerful body, hooking around his waist so I was spread as wide for him as I could be.

“I love you, Z.” His cock was poised right at the entrance to my pussy, teasing me with his width.

“I love you, Danny.” He’d been my everything for most of my life. It felt natural and right to be there with him.

He didn’t have to get me ready. I was so wet he just slid in with a groan, stretching my pussy until I was so full of him our breaths were in synch and his heart beat in time with mine. His chest rubbed against mine as he brought our foreheads together. He held himself inside, tight against my body as he kissed me, his tongue penetrating while his cock made a place for itself deep inside me.

Slowly, so slowly I thought I would go mad, he started to move. Dev’s magic was pulsing from his body, feeding our passion and making us both groan. There was no more arguments from my husband as he pressed his face into my neck. I felt the tips of his fangs graze my skin, and I prayed he would bite down.

“Hold her still for me, man.” Daniel’s voice was guttural, almost drugged with lust.

“She’s ours tonight. Do you understand, Zoey?” Dev’s lips were against my ear, his words hot on my skin as Daniel started to thrust. “We’re going to make you scream for us. We’re going to hold you down and make you come until you don’t remember a time when one of us wasn’t inside you. We’ll pass you back and forth until we’re satisfied, until we don’t have an ounce of come left in our bodies.”

Daniel’s lower body worked hard, pumping into me, pounding his flesh into mine, seeking the connection we’d been missing for months. “You’ll take everything we give you, Z. And I intend to give it to you all night long. I’m going to fuck you until I can’t anymore. Until the sun comes up and I can’t move and even then, I might sleep with my dick inside you. I missed you, baby. I missed you so fucking much.”

His fangs grazed my neck and his magic was working in tandem with Dev’s. I would have done anything they wanted me to, anything to keep them close to me. I was willing to be their plaything, their sweet little sex toy.

All the while, Dev was whispering to me. He told me how much he loved me, how much he wanted me, how beautiful I was. I pushed back up against Danny, finding that special spot and working it as hard as I could.

Then my eyes were rolling into the back of my head, and I screamed when Daniel’s fangs pierced and he began to feed. I dug my nails into Daniel’s back and clutched Dev’s hair with my other hand. My orgasm washed over me, a wave that threatened to drown the world and I wouldn’t care. Pleasure still hummed through me when Daniel released the vein.

Daniel pushed up on his arms as his pace picked up, and he drove himself into me as hard and fast as he could manage. He threw his head back and cursed as he held me still, pumping his release into me. He fell forward, landing on my chest, his adoring lips finding my breasts.

“Love you, Z.” Daniel sighed as he rolled off me.

Dev took immediate action, twisting me around until he was on top. He kissed me, his hands wandering everywhere. When he came up for air, there was a happy decadence in his eyes, and I knew Dev was in a place he’d missed for a very long time.

“Let’s have some fun, lover.”

They proceeded to show me just how much fun three people could have.


Chapter Twenty-One


I woke up with a sigh because I really didn’t want this particular dream to come to an end. It was the craziest, most erotic dream I’d ever had. It came from nights of sexual frustration. In the dream, I was between Dev and Daniel, passed between them like some plaything they really wanted to please. They were tireless in their quest to see how many times they could make me come. I didn’t have to choose between them. I just had to wait to see whose turn it was. I smiled because that decadent thought made me happy. It was a good dream.

So why was I so sore?

My eyes flew open, and I realized I’d taken this whole crazy Vegas thing to its limits. There was no way to deny it because there was a mirror over the bed. I heard my shocked breath as I took in the picture.

Dev was asleep on his side to my right, his hand reaching toward me as though I’d turned away from him in my sleep. Daniel was on the other side, asleep on his stomach. He’d kicked the covers off so his perfectly muscled backside was in glorious view. I could see all of this because, despite the fact that the heavy curtains were closed, we left the lights on. Apparently boys really like to watch.

I sat up like a shot, and the night came back in a rush. I might have thought about it further if Neil hadn’t been standing at the end of the bed, Starbucks in hand. His mouth was open wide, and he stood perfectly still.

“How long have you been standing there?” I hoped the answer was not very long because apparently we might not have noticed extra people.

“I think the coffee’s cold now,” Neil managed. “And it was like four hundred degrees when I got here. I thought you might like some. I spent the night out. I see you spent the night in.”

I struggled to find anything to say. “Would you believe we were all just really tired?”

Neil took a deep inhale and looked at me with an amused light in his eyes. “Nope. The nose doesn’t lie. Then there are all the condom wrappers. It’s an impressive collection. Zoey’s been a very bad girl.”

Dev growled as he stretched. He didn’t seem to care that he was completely naked and not alone. He sat up and kissed me briefly. “Zoey was an awfully sweet girl last night in my book. I’m going to go take a shower. We have a big day ahead of us.”

“A big day to go with a big night,” Neil said.

Dev ignored that statement and stood up, nodding at Neil, who didn’t even try to hide the fact that he was looking. Dev lifted the coffee out of his hand and tasted it. “This is cold. Call down and have them send up, oh, everything. I’m so hungry. And mimosas. I can still taste that Scotch. We have to do something about Daniel’s taste in alcohol.”

Dev walked into the bathroom, and Neil turned to me. “Zoey, holy shit. Did you see how big that thing was? Why isn’t he gay? It’s just wrong.”

I threw a pillow at him. “Just give me that shirt.”

Twenty minutes later I was still in shock as Neil passed me a cup of hot coffee this time. We’d gone into the living room of the suite which was now covered in a lovely breakfast spread, though it was almost two in the afternoon. I was still in Dev’s dress shirt. The buttons were askew because I hadn’t really been paying attention to them. I kept going over last night in my head, trying to figure out how I felt about it.

“You’re going to be troublesome, aren’t you, sweetheart?” Dev held a champagne glass in his hand. He looked delicious in a masculine robe that showed off that chest of his to great advantage. I could also see the marks on his neck. He could see the one on my neck, but there was another fresher set on the inside of my thigh. Daniel needed a late-night pick me up. He’d expended a lot of energy. Hours and hours of sex will do that to you.

“She grew up human.” Neil was already on his second plate. “They have very different ideas about sex.”

“Please explain to me the problem you have with what we did last night. I know it had nothing to do with the pleasure because I got the feeling you were satisfied. It has to have something to do with odd human ideas about sin and guilt,” Dev said, sounding deeply annoyed. “Let’s get through this so we can get to the part where I get to cuddle you and tell you how much I enjoyed last night and what an amazing sex goddess you look like in my shirt. It really gets me hot.”

I had to smile because he really did know exactly what to say. “I’m worried it will change the way you and Daniel feel about me.”

He looked at Neil. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

Neil translated. “She thinks you’ll think she’s a slut.”

Dev’s eyebrows climbed up his forehead as he shook his head. “Why would I think that? You’ve slept with two men in your life. Last night did not elevate your numbers. I wouldn’t care if you fucked a thousand. If you’re worried I’ll view you as a sex object now, let me put your mind at ease, sweetheart. I always viewed you as a sex object. From the minute I saw you, I viewed you as something I really wanted to put my dick in and last night didn’t change that. I would like very much to put my dick in you right now. I love you. As long as we both want something, I can’t conceive of how it’s wrong.”

“It wasn’t normal,” I whispered.

“I thought I went over this last night with your husband. Darling, you slept with a faery prince and a vampire,” Dev pointed out. “You passed the exit for normal a couple hundred miles back. You’re going to have to explain to me how wanting to watch isn’t a perfectly normal impulse.”

I pointed an accusatory finger at my lover. “You didn’t just watch, Dev. When I was doing that thing that Daniel really wanted me to do…”

“It’s called a blow job, sweetheart.” He had no discretion at all.

“When I was doing that you didn’t watch, Dev. You just joined right in.”

A slow, satisfied smile spread across his face and he sighed. “Well, lover, that soft, sweet part of you looked very lonely and neglected. I couldn’t stand to see it looking needy, not when I was so capable of filling it up.”

I laid my head in my hands to hide the embarrassment. I just couldn’t talk about this the way Dev could. I looked up at Neil, who was playing with his cell. “Oh my god, are you tweeting?”

Neil shoved the phone behind his back. “No,” he said in a way that meant yes.

Dev’s eyes widened as though he had a sudden revelation. “Has this event made you think of me differently? Perhaps you no longer love me because I shared you with your husband. I hadn’t considered that. I was so happy to be using that magic again that it never occurred to me you would be upset I was willing to share you sexually.”

“Dev, I didn’t say that.” He didn’t understand me at all, but then I didn’t understand me either. I’d been given everything I wanted and I kept poking at it, trying to find holes in it.

“I shared you with him because you love him. I place value on your love, not my singular possession of your body. I thought last night was something all three of us would enjoy. I didn’t realize it would make you think less of me.” He looked like he was trying to think of what else he could say. He was looking for some way out of the trap he thought he’d fallen into.

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