Stay (25 page)

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Authors: Kelly Mooney

Tags: #romance, #love, #new adult

BOOK: Stay
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I was fumbling with my earring when Luke came in
from his shower. We were going out tonight to celebrate the degree
I’d finally finished. He came up from behind me, kissing my bare
neck. “You still manage to take my breath away,” he whispered in my
ear. I was wearing a dress that I’d bought for tonight. It was a
little revealing, but I felt great in it. I was so nervous about
how he was going to react when I told him my plans for the future,
and I think that’s why he finally had to help me get the rest of my
jewelry on. I was shaking like a leaf, unable to fasten the

“What’s wrong, baby?” He kissed the tip of my nose
gently, and pressed his forehead against mine.

“Nothing. Let’s go to dinner. I’m starving.”

He’d made reservations at a restaurant on the
Miracle Mile, one of my favorites. We’d just settled in when he
moved to sit beside instead of across from me.

“You are adorable when you’re freaking out about
something.” He grabbed my hands from under the table. He looked
down as he eased them apart, and didn’t let go. “What has these
little hands of yours so sweaty? Everything’s okay, right?”

“I have something for you,” my voice cracked as I
said it. I’d wrapped the test in cellophane and tied little blue
and pink ribbons around both ends.

When I handed it to him, at first he just seemed
confused, but then as his face lifted, he smiled widely. It most
definitely wasn’t something we’d planned or were ready for, but
fate stepped in and ratcheted our relationship up a rather huge
notch. I took it as a sign.

“I’m pregnant.”

Without blinking an eye, he wrapped his arms around
me, burying his head on my shoulder. He muttered a few prayers into
my ear, and sank back into the chair. His hand slowly reached down
to my belly. “A family. You and me, and this baby are going to be a
family.” His lips kissed mine, lingering as he cupped my face.

His grin was so cute, it reminded me of days long
gone. He took my hands in one of his. “I had a surprise for you
tonight too, baby.” He pulled a little blue box with a white ribbon
from his coat pocket. “You’ve always had my heart, Maggie. I’ve
always loved you. It’s always been you, Blue. Marry me?”

I couldn’t answer. I could only nod my head
frantically. The tears streamed down, slipping into the corners of
my mouth. Luke covered my mouth with his, and as he kissed me, I
could feel his smile.

“I love you, Blue.”

“I love you too.”

He pulled back for a second, taking a deep breath.
“There’s one more thing, Maggie. Before you argue with me, I want
to do this for you. I know you’re gonna be pissed for a minute or
two because you don’t like help and you want to do it all by
yourself. But you can’t argue now. We’re going to be a family and
you need to let me help you. I want to give you your dream. I’ve
got the money, and yes, we should save some for the baby, but you
need a bakery and I want to give it to you.”

“But,’s too much. And the baby.”

His hands rubbed my stomach, his mouth lingering on
mine. “Nothing is too much for you. Just say yes.”


“No, buts. If it’s too much on you and the baby,
we’ll hold off, but as soon as she or he pops out, I’m making it

I looked up into eyes, and almost didn’t have the
words. “I’m glad I stayed.”

“Me too, Blue. Me too.”


No book is ever complete without the loving support
of family and friends. I would like to thank my critique partners,
MarySue Hobika, and Jenn Million for always being my beta readers.
I would also like to thank my editor, Jenn Sommersby Young.

To the readers-thanks for continually giving me a
chance. Being an Indie author is hard, but I wouldn’t have it any
other way. Thank you all for your support and reviews, good or bad.
It means the world to me.

Huge shout out to cover design and photography by:
Regina Wamba at
doing my ridiculously hot cover. I couldn’t trust anyone else with
this baby. Also, would like to thank the beautiful models: Eli
Schwartzman, and Kimberly Tallman-my perfect Luke and Maggie.

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