Statistic (20 page)

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Authors: Dawn Robertson

BOOK: Statistic
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“My goodness. You must be Aurora,” she says as she walks up to me with open arms. Jackson drops my hand and nudges me in her direction. “My gosh Jackson Avery, you didn’t tell me how stunning she is. No wonder you couldn’t wait to bring her home to us.” Her smile gets brighter when she addresses her son. Her arms wrap around me in a warm embrace, before she backs away to look me over once again.

“Don’t let this one go, boy.” His mother warns, and he throws his hands up in the air in surrender.

“I don’t plan on it Momma. I don’t plan on it one bit.” He winks at me and his mother begins again.

“It’s about time you finally settle down. You and Jeremy. You are too old for this dating stuff. It’s time to get married and have some kids. I need some grand daughters, those brothers of yours can’t produce nothin’ but boys. “Where is your little boy?” His mother turns back to me and asks.

“Oh, Liam is with his father for the weekend. We share custody.”

“You’ll just have to bring him over and meet Granny Revere one day soon.” I smile thinking about how much my boy would love this lady. Reality is Liam really has no grandparents that are close. My mother is useless, living on the other side of the country. Colin’s parents live in Vegas, too concerned with anything that doesn’t involve gambling. It could be a really great opportunity for my boy to understand what a real family is.

“Come on out back. There are a lot more people I want you to meet. Now, get ready. This is going to be a lot of names at once. Many of them are local police and Sheriffs office, a lot of my military buddies, and some of the guys that work for me. I don’t expect you to remember everyone.” He smiles and gives me a sweet peck on the lips before we make our way to the backyard.

As we walk through the house, I notice how gorgeous all the decor is. I am going to have to talk to Laura about her taste in home decorating, because I clearly need her to help me with my new house.

The introductions in the yard go by in a blur of blondes and brunettes on the arms of men who look like they still belong in the military. Lots of high and tight haircuts and perfect smiles. Athletic and that whole
don't fuck with me
attitude. I actually feel incredibly safe around them all as well. It isn’t until a few hours later and a couple glasses of wine that I am able to sit down and relax and chat with some of the women. Most are stay-at-home mothers with a flock of children. There are a handful that work outside of the home in various local doctors’ offices. Out of them all, the most down to earth women in the whole place besides Jackson’s mom is Laura his sister-in-law and Maddie, one of the officers wives. She is a graphic designer that works from home also, and I think that is one of the reasons we hit it off so well.

“Don’t you worry about his safety?” I ask Maddie as I sip on my final glass of wine for the day. The boys are off in the distance lighting the fire pit and I wonder who is going to lose an eye first since they all seem like a bunch of big kids.

“I do. I worry about him every damn day. But the flip side of it all is how proud I am of him. It is what he loves and there is nothing cooler than knowing your husband fights the bad guys for a living. He takes pride in what he does and I support that.” She beams when she talks about him and how proud she is of his accomplishments and I guess it all really makes sense.

When you love someone, you accept them for who they are.

It doesn’t matter what they choose for a career. You will find a way to be their biggest cheerleader whether you love or hate their job. It is just what a real relationship is about. Give and take. Compromise. Support.

“Smores time!” Jackson jumps over the railing of the back deck and picks me up from the lawn chair I was comfortably drunk in.

“Don’t spin me or you’ll be sorry!” I laugh as he slowly puts me down onto my extremely shaky feet.

“Jackson Avery Revere don’t chu manhandle that girl!” Jackson’s mother comes out of nowhere. “Put her down. She’s comin’ with me.” she says, and I stick my tongue out at him as I walk away with his mother. Big grin in place.

“I’ll get back at you later, Aurora! Mark my words!” He laughs as he makes his way back to the fire pit.

“That boy is all talk. Don’t let him fool ya.” His mother says with a serious tone. I laugh thinking about the back and forth this adorable woman has with her sons.

“Oh, I’m not worried about him at all. I can hold my own with Jackson. That’s for sure.” I laugh and follow her into the dining room where she sits down and kicks her feet up on the chair across from her.

“I can’t tell you how happy I am to see Jackson this happy. It’s been years.” the smile on her face is huge. “Not that he is an unhappy man. He has just been missing something and the change he has gone through in just the short period of time you have been around has made me such a happy momma.” I can’t help but smile, and I am sure with the amount of alcohol I’ve had with my lack of tolerance for it, I am cheesing like a goofball. But, I don’t care because Jackson makes me just as happy as I seem to make him.

“I like him, a lot.” I say, without trying to sound too… girly? I have no idea. I don’t want his mother to think I am someone I am not, or some kind of stage five clinger. But, I really am just not thinking clearly at all. This conversation should have happened about four hours ago before the police wife sorority force fed me homemade sangria.

“He likes you a lot too, Aurora. He gushes about you and your little boy, even though he just met him. He wants you both to come back over without the firing squad around. I understand it must be hard as a single mother opening up and bringing your child into a new family like this. I’ve never been in the situation, but I want you to know I will treat him like one of my own grandkids. I don’t know your situation, or what your relationship is like with your parents or your ex-husband’s parents, but just know that this Granny is always here with open arms.” Her words warm my heart.

“Thank you, I really appreciate it. I genuinely do. Liam doesn’t have much in terms of grandparents, so the whole thing would be new to all of us. But, I would love to take you up on the offer.” I stand up to give her a big hug, because let’s be honest here… she is just the kind of person you
to hug.

“By the way, are you named after Sleeping Beauty?” Jackson’s mother asks with a chuckle.

“You know, you are the first person to ever ask me that.” I laugh. “Yes, I am named after Sleeping Beauty. She was my mother’s favorite princess growing up.” While we sit and chit chat, I become increasingly comfortable with Jackson’s mom. Which is really a first because I never had this with Colin’s mom. She was so far away and always so damn bitchy when she did take the time to visit.

“I hate to interrupt you ladies, but if I don’t get home shortly I am going to turn into a pumpkin.” Jackson appears next to his mother, giving her a kiss on the cheek and reaching his arm out to collect me. I slowly stand up and make my way over to stand next to him.

“Eager to leave?” I whisper into his ear, discretely trying to hide my comment from his mother. If that is at all possible. He ignores me as he says his goodbyes to his mother and I do the same. She reminds me of our pending date, including Liam, which warms my heart. But, Jackson’s clipped and moody behavior has me the slightest bit worried.

The drive back to his house is silent. He doesn’t say a word, and this is the first time I have ever seen him upset. I don’t try and initiate a conversation, because I am probably one of the most passive aggressive people you will ever meet. I tip toe around any kind of confrontation and that is exactly where it looks like this is heading.

As we pull into the driveway of his house, I am already planning on grabbing my weekend bag and heading home. The truck parks and I reach to open the door when Jackson turns in his seat and grabs my wrist. Not tight, or painfully but enough to keep me from opening the door and getting out. He lets go when I stop trying to leave.

“My brother?” he says as he runs his fingers through his hair and lets out a long labored breath.

“Jackson, I didn’t know! He was just another guy I talked with, nothing more.” I shouldn’t have to defend myself over something that Jackson had nothing to do with. Something that really wasn’t anything to get huffy puffy over at all.

“He couldn’t help but rub it in my face all night long.” Jackson says with a pissed off look. “All night long he bragged about you giving him your phone number and how he could have you if he wanted you.”

“Jackson, he was just trying to get under your skin. He can’t have me and I don’t want him. The only reason I gave him my number was because he was nice and I was deleting my Fish in the Sea profile and I didn’t wanna be rude!” I don’t see why I have to defend myself at all, but I feel like I am being attacked in some way.

“He isn’t nice. Wait, you deleted your profile?” Jackson’s demeanor slowly changed with my admission.

“Yes. First off, I am creeped out about this whole online dating thing since someone broke into my house, and then that poor girl got killed. Second, I don’t need to be talking to any other guys. I am HAPPY!” I yell the last word at him as if I am trying to slap him in the face with my words.

“You are happy?” He asks me.

“Yes, until you act like a bag of dicks like you are right now!” I huff out the breath I have been holding and open the door to get out. He doesn’t stop me this time and I make my way up the walk to the front door, realizing the door is locked and I don’t have a way to get in until Jackson decides to join me. I am going to give him a whole two minutes before I say fuck it and just start walking home without any of my shit.

I see him exit the truck, but I look in the opposite direction trying to ignore him. Facing the door, tapping my foot impatiently on the wood of the porch.

I hear his footsteps come up the stairs, and my heart starts to slam against my chest. His large frame dwarfs me in the moonlight, and I know I shouldn't be scared, but everything scares me these days. Everything.

His arms wrap around my body, and he presses my body against the front door. His lips a mere inch from my ear as he begins to speak.

“Aurora, you are mine. I won’t share you with anyone else. Not my brother. Not anyone.” his breath is hot on my ear and I can feel my skin prickle at his touch. “I’m a patient man, Aurora. But I can’t stomach the thought of you with anyone else.”

My breathing quickens and I can feel his erection pressing against my ass through his pants. The weight he is using to press me against the door lightens and he takes a few steps back, releasing me and running his hands through his hair and scrubbing his hands down his face. “Shit” he mumbles under his breath.

I step to the side and he unlocks the door and I follow him into the house. I am no longer scared of him, because I know exactly where his intoxicated mind is. Somewhere between loving boyfriend and caveman aching to mark his territory.

I walk in the house and make my way upstairs to grab my bags so I can leave for the comfort of my own home. Even if it is just for the evening. I think I need that little bit of space. As I round the corner into the bathroom to grab my toiletries, Jackson enters the bathroom behind me.

“What are you doing?” Jackson asks.

“I’m packing my stuff. What does it look like I’m doing?”

“It looks like you are trying to leave.”

“Very smart observation, Jackson.”

“That isn’t happening.” his hips press me against the bathroom counter and again, I can feel the hardness of his erection pressing against the crack of my ass. I shouldn’t be excited by this, but I am. I should push him away and continue what I am doing. Leave and go home just like I want to. But, the longer he pins me to the counter, the more I actually want him. My emotions are a hot damn mess.

“I’m gonna take what’s mine. You are mine, Aurora. You know it. I know it.” His hands push the skirt of my dress up, and pull my panties down in one quick movement. I let out a gasp, completely shocked by his actions.

His hands come around on either side of my body, essentially trapping me against the counter, one grabbing my wrist and the other starts pulling at his own pants. I look up in the mirror to see the determined look on his face as he frees himself from his pants.

Our eyes lock for a moment and I feel his hard cock push against my entrance. I let out a whimper as he pushes his way inside me, our eyes still locked in the mirror. He watches me closely, taking in every movement, sound, and expression that crosses my face as he takes me right there in his bathroom.

“You are mine, Aurora.” He grunts out in between thrusts. I want to be mad, but it all feels so good and if I am being completely honest with myself, I love how he is getting all alpha male. Claiming me as his own. Branding me from the inside out. Fucking my pussy and marking it with his own seed.

“Say it, Aurora. Say that you are mine.” he says as he continues to thrust in and out of me. “Say it,” he coos into my ear. Begging me to make that admission once again.

I go back and forth in my mind as he continues to claim me. Do I really want to give him that power right now? Do I want him to know how much I truly do belong to him already? Or do I want to keep this stupid childish charade going on and push his buttons even further. Because clearly his brother got under his skin tonight.

“I’m yours, Jackson. Only yours. I belong to you.” I say with staggered breaths as he continues to take me against the bathroom counter. “My pussy belongs to you. My heart belongs to you.” I yell as I feel my climax starting to bare down on me.

“You are mine.” he says as he grunts one more time, and I feel his come flood the inside of my vagina.

“Yes, I am yours.” I say, as I turn my head to kiss him.


I can’t keep myself in check anymore.

I have argued with him about her repeatedly. Over and over again. But I just can’t win. She is his and there is nothing I can do to change that right now.

I am dying to feel her flesh under my fingers. Grabbing, squeezing, and scratching.

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