Starting Over (8 page)

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Authors: Ryder Dane

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Action & Adventure, #Contemporary, #Erotica, #New Adult

BOOK: Starting Over
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to keep food hot and bottles and other glassware from clinking together and breaking

when they transported catered meals or made a liquor run.

The two young men watched her like a hawk, or River would have gone over the

fence and into the backdoor. She laid back on the pads next to Maisey to rest her back,

and within minutes was asleep.

Race watched War breaking his knuckles on Younger and Les. They’d left Mambo

and Bam Bam back at the club because of all the out of Towners running around there.

The two men currently getting the hell beaten out of them had arrived to the area late,

and said they were thirsty. “No one would tell us where the clubhouse is, so we figured

to get a drink, then we’d find someone and persuade them to talk.”

The sloppy drunk fuckers would feel their fuckup in the morning. In the meantime,

they were all sitting with their thumbs in their asses waiting for the two men’s president

to show up. Once Race had found out where the two were from, he called Bam Bam,

and told him to put the president of the Dixie chapter into a cage and get his ass to


He was pissed and War had just knocked the second fucker out without working the

mad out of his system. He heard the door open and saw Bam Bam wait for Glimmer to

walk inside the bar before following him.

Glimmer obviously didn’t see the problem. He walked over to the men on the floor

and bent down to roll them onto their backs so he could get a good look at his brothers.

“What the fuck, man, did you have to beat the hell out of them? Or did they go at

each other again?”

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Starting Over by Ryder Dane

Race took a drink of his beer and shook his head. “Come on over and have a seat,

we need to talk here.”

Once Glimmer was seated, he looked annoyed, but he kept quiet.

Race took a deep breath, and spoke quietly, but he got his point across. “We

invited our brothers to celebrate the new clubhouse, and for a summit. It was supposed

to be a good time amongst brothers with common goals.” He stood leaning his

knuckles on the table between him and Glimmer.

“You do not come to our place, our town, and turn your boys loose. We don’t piss in

our backyard and I’l be damned before I let any fuckers come here and take a shit in it.

This bar is owned by a brother’s elderly relatives. They’ve been good people and

always welcomed the Breed. Tell me, how welcome will we be the next time we come

to town? Not to mention when the brother finds out what happened, he’s going to be

looking for someone’s blood.”

Race stood up straight and began walking to the door, saying over his shoulder to

Billy and Elton, “Get the Prospects to clean it up in here, and Bam, take Glimmer and

his boys back to the distil ery, they need to sleep it off, we’l settle this tomorrow.”

War followed him out. His knuckles were bleeding from connecting with Les’s teeth,

but he wiped the droplets on his jeans and kept walking. Those ignorant fucks didn’t

give him the fight he was looking for, and if he considered the mood he’d been in to start

with, they got off lightly.

Race was mounting up, and he was ready to follow suit, when he saw the Prospects

holding up the brick wall by the alley. One was faced toward the back of the building,

and his companion was grinning from the side profile War could see. He stomped over

to the men and they straightened up and faced him.

“Okay, what the fucks more important to you? Watching the bikes, or getting the

hel beat out of you for not watching them?”

The young men flushed, and when Trainer stood up straighter, War thought for a

minute that he might get to work some more of the mad out of his system. If the boy

wanted an ass whipping, he’d be challenging the right man for it. Instead the kid jerked

his thumb back toward the alley, so War side stepped around them and looked for


Seeing the two women lying back on blankets pillowing their upper bodies, and

recognizing those bodies gave him the reason for their distraction. River’s shirt had

slipped the top half of the buttons, and her ample tits were daring a man to bury his face

between them. The lace cups only added enticement to the urge, and he balled up his

fists to keep from reaching out to her and helping himself. Maisey was curled up on her

side facing the wall of the vehicle, but her ass was hanging halfway out of the cheek

baring shorts she was wearing.

The sound of Race’s scoot start up made River twitch, when he twisted the throttle,

she sat straight up wondering what was happening. It took seconds for her to focus on

a pair of jean-clad legs and an impressive bulge behind the tight denim, for her to

realize that she must have fallen asleep. She reluctantly looked further up at the man

standing over the back of the van, and saw War staring back at her with that same look

he wore earlier today at the clubhouse.

She realized he wasn’t looking at her face when she sat up. She looked down to

where she thought his eyes were staring, and gasped. Shit, her damn shirt had come

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Starting Over by Ryder Dane

undone and he was getting an eyeful of her breasts. She grabbed the sides of the shirt

and began buttoning it up, making a mess of the row, and had to start over when she

realized she still had two buttons without holes to put them in. She had to break the

silence, that stare and the way he licked his lips, tempted her beyond where she wanted

to go right now. Especially given the place and the company watching to see what

would happen.

War beat her to the punch. “The next time I find you like this I’m gonna take what’s

offered. I won’t give a shit where, or who’s watching.” He stepped back and added,

“Go home, and take her with you, the boys will do clean up and lock it up for you


She hopped down from the van and started to demand to be allowed inside the bar

now, but his next words stopped her.

“Do not fuck with me. I told you to go home. Do I need to take you there myself? I

can guarantee that I’ll keep you there for the night, and probably most of tomorrow. So

make up your mind, what do you want to do?”

River didn’t know what made her do it, but she stomped her foot like a five-year-old

and raised her voice at him, “You’re not the boss of me, I’m a grown woman and you

are just being a bul y.”

She pointed to where the Prospects were still standing, watching the entertainment.

“You are the boss of them, you want someone to tel what to do, tel them.” She

clenched her fists and could barely contain her frustration toward him. She allowed the

fingers in her hands to relax while she held out her arms and made shooing gestures

with her fingers. “Go away, the next time something like this happens I’ll cal the police

to deal with them.”

The little witch kept doing that shooing thing with her hands and he’d about had

enough. At the threat of calling the heat, well, there was only so much a man should be

expected to take from a woman less than half his size. He moved in and lifted her up

into his arms, sat down in the rear of the vehicle, and flipped her over onto his knees

face down, bottom up. She screeched, but he ignored the noise and enjoyed the feeling

of her wiggling body trying to escape his hold.

His hand rubbed over the thin material of her pants, cupping each check of her ass

in turn before delivering a quick smack to each cheek. She was making too much noise

for him to talk to her where she would listen, so he gave her another ten good whacks

on the ass. He felt her reach for his pant leg and pull it up, and he knew she was going

after his blade. “You think I’m gonna let you stab me with my own knife?”

He almost rolled her off his legs when he reached over and grabbed her arm,

bending it backwards. “Let it go or the arm wil break. I don’t normally have to tie a

woman up, but if you keep doing this shit I will. I don’t know why some man hasn’t

taken you in hand a long time ago, but I don’t put up with anyone talking to me that


Her arm relaxed enough for him to bring it up and hold it in the center of her back,

before he really began wailing on her ass and upper thighs. Her screams had stopped

altogether, and she was sobbing like her heart was breaking before he let her sit up.

He wiped the tears from her cheeks with his thumb. “Go home, River. Don’t make

me take you there, or you’l real y hate me in the morning.”

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Starting Over by Ryder Dane

She nodded her head, knowing that she couldn’t trust herself from saying some

things that would earn her more than a severe spanking. Her ass was on fire, but at

least she was still alive to know it. She had to grab the door to get her balance, before

standing aside while he walked away from the van. Maisey had been huddled in a tight

ball as close to the backseat as she could get all the time War was busting her ass, and

if she hadn’t seen the tears running down her face, she might have been embarrassed

for the woman to have witnessed her humiliation.

“Hey, it’s al right. Let’s go to my place, we’l grab something to eat on the way.”

The answering nod was her only reply, so River climbed back in and shut the cargo

doors before climbing over the bench seat so she could take the driver’s seat.

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Starting Over by Ryder Dane

Chapter Seven

Race had circled around and had come back when he realized War wasn’t with him.

He stopped his bike in front of the gawking Prospects. They weren’t happy when they

got the jerked thumb gesture and had to go inside, but he wasn’t very happy when he

saw River getting her ass spanked either. Not that he objected to the smart-mouthed

object of his desire being turned over a knee. His objection was that it wasn’t his knee.

When she disappeared into the back of the van, he continued on his way. War was

rubbing the hand that he’d used on her ass, and Race grinned to himself. River just

might decide that he was the better choice after this little run in; after al , Race wasn’t

the one that had spanked her now was he?

Not that he wouldn’t slap that ass if she got too lippy, he would do it, and he’d enjoy

it too. Hopeful y she’d learned from dealing with War and acted a little friendlier the next

time he saw her. His mood was much lighter than it had been a half hour ago, and he

twisted the throttle. Time for a beer or two, and he’d deal with the serious shit


War caught up with Race a mile from the clubhouse. His mood was as black as he

could remember, and he wasn’t sure how he was going to cope with tonight’s events.

River was driving him nuts. His cock was barely allowing him to think, until the blood

finally left the fucker and traveled back to his head where it belonged. Race pulled into

the driveway, and he kept going.

He had to cool his shit before he got back to the meeting. There were two clubs

that would have to be shown that National Club rules superseded their petty shit. Of

course they had to be cronies of Wolfman, but he was dead from his own arrogance

and stupidity. Race would need backup to put the seriousness of their agenda firmly

into the brains of the fuckers. He smiled, anticipating the coming fight.

A bat flew across his chest, hitting his arm and bouncing off.
Fuck, pay attention,

The little critter was small, but where he hit would leave a bruise by

tomorrow. Damn that stung.
Fuck it
, he opened it up on the straight road in front of him

and let the wind take his mood away for a while.

Race heard War’s scoot go past the turn off, and shook his head. He almost felt

sorry for the poor bastard.

Mambo wasted no time coming over to where Race sat to ask what happened.

Once he explained the evening’s happenings, Mambo had his fists clenched and the

man wanted retribution for his family.

“Why wasn’t I included in the meet and greet with those fucks? You knew that my

family owns the place, since when did we coddle a motherfucker? I want a piece of


Race nodded his head in agreement. “The first reason is that when River cal ed,

she gave us very little time to get there, before she threatened to call the boys in blue.

You were nowhere to be seen at the time.” He nodded toward the younger man with

the pissed off look on his face, and gave him what he wanted.

“We’l be bringing this up at the summit tomorrow, and if they don’t pay up for

damages and a little extra for everyone’s time and trouble, there’s a couple of nice bikes

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Starting Over by Ryder Dane

still parked behind the Double D. Or you can beat their asses, depending on how they

act, maybe both. Although there’s not much left to beat after War got done with them


Race eyed Mambo for a minute and decided to give the man a heads up on

tomorrow’s agenda.

“You know the chapter they come from is still dealing dope as their main income.

Their prez is currently sleeping it off in the distillery along with his boys. Tomorrow they

wil be the poster boys for the rest of the club.” He shrugged. “They are the examples

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