Starr Fated (17 page)

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Tags: #romance, #sex, #ireland, #london, #spank, #destined, #fated, #erotic adult romance

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When a slow
number came on, she immediately threw herself in my arms, and then
looked up into my face, studying me closely as if she was looking
for something. I just pulled her closer to me, and enjoyed feeling
her body up against me.

“We don’t have
to stay right to the end of the ball,” I whispered in her ear. “We
can sneak off to our room any time we like.”

We’d dropped
our bags off there earlier when we’d first arrived. I was a bit
disappointed as the room was not exactly luxurious, in fact it was
pretty tatty, but it met my main criteria in that it had a double
bed, so I wasn’t that worried.

“Kiss me,”
Sera suddenly insisted.

“Okay,” I
grinned, thrilled that she was finally so enthusiastic.

I bent down
and kissed her, as she reached up and knotted her fingers in my
hair. She seemed almost desperate as she clung to me, and I guessed
that finally all her sexual tension was being released.

“Jamie, what
do you feel?” she whispered, as we came up for air. She was staring
into my eyes with a puzzled look.

“Oh Babe,
can't you tell? This is what I feel,” I whispered back, as I ground
my rock solid erection into her. “I want you so much. We’ve waited
so long, haven’t we?”

I ran my hands
over her back, and then cupped her bottom to pull her to me so she
was in no doubt about how keen I was, as she could feel my cock
impatiently straining to be released. She felt so amazingly sexy,
and I couldn’t wait to get her into bed. I just hoped I wasn’t
going to embarrass myself by coming too quickly, but as it would be
her first time, she probably wouldn't be expecting too much, and
I'd make it up to her the next few times.

“You two
should get a room,” laughed Calum, one of my rugby mates who was
standing nearby watching us, “Oh wait, you’ve got one already. So
what are you waiting for?”

There followed
much ribald laughter and rude gesturing from the rugby crowd,
because they all knew how much I’d been looking forward to

“Jamie, have
you been talking about us to them?” Sera hissed at me, as she
nodded her head in their direction.

“What? No, not
really. They just know I'm crazy about you, that’s all,” I
whispered soothingly into her ear, as I gestured at them behind her
back to shut up. I didn’t want her scared off by them, not now,
after all this time. And I ignored the looks that Chloe’s friend
Poppy kept sending my way. She’d sent me some very suggestive
texts, but I’d ignored them, knowing that Sera and I were finally
about to fuck.

“I just hate
the feeling that…well that they’ll all know….” she whispered.

“Ignore them.
They don’t matter and they’re not important. You and me. That’s all
that matters.”

“Yes. You and
me, of course,” Sera smiled up at me. “Come on. Let’s go up to our
room. Let’s do it.”

She leapt out
of my arms, grabbed her drink from the table and hurriedly
swallowed it down.

“Well, sure,
I'm not going to argue with that suggestion,” I replied, rather
bemused at her sudden impatience, as I followed her while finishing
my drink too. Sera picked up her clutch bag, grabbed my hand and
practically ran from the room dragging me along with her.

“Kiss me
again,” she insisted when we got in the lift, as she started
fumbling around, trying to undo my bow tie.

“Here, let me
help you,” I smiled, as I slid my tie off for her, and quickly
undid the top buttons of my dress shirt, before I started kissing
her again. Then I ran my hand up her leg and under her dress, as
Sera clumsily tried to untuck my shirt from my trousers.

We practically
fell out of the lift as the doors opened, and stumbled along the
corridor towards our room. I guess we were both pretty drunk at
this point.

“Have you got
the room key?” she giggled. “That would be quite funny, wouldn’t
it? If we couldn’t get in our room, after all your plans and

“The way I'm
feeling right now, I’d just fuck you right here in the corridor,” I
replied. “But luckily, I’ve got the key.”

I produced it
from my pocket, and after a couple of attempts, managed to swipe it
to open the door.

So this was
it. Finally. We stepped inside, and I slammed the door shut with my

I threw my
jacket on the chair, and pulled my shirt off over my head, so I was
standing there in just my trousers. I slipped my shoes and socks
off too, as Sera watched me.

“It’s really
happening this time,” I smiled, as I pulled her into my arms and
kissed her again.

“I guess so,”
she laughed nervously.

“Don’t worry,
it’ll be fine, I promise.” I searched in vain for the zip of her
dress. “Err…you might have to help me out here. This is kind of an
unusual dress.”

Sera stared at
me for a moment, before she took a deep breath, undid the zipper
that was hidden at the side of her dress, and then let it fall to
the floor, so that she was standing there in just her underwear.
She was wearing a sexy black strapless corset with a black lacy
thong, hold up stockings, and still wearing her high heeled red

“Sweet Jesus,
Sera you look fantastic,” I groaned.

“Jamie, before
we… I need to ask how you feel about me. I mean, am I just another
notch on your bedpost? I know you’ve had lots of girls before me.
Is this something special to you? Am I special to you?”

“How can you
even ask that? Of course you’re special. Why do you think I've
waited for you? I’m crazy about you.”

“You are?”

“Of course I
am. Here, this is how crazy I am about you.” I took hold of her
hand and placed it on the front of my trousers so she could feel
for herself how much I wanted her.

Her eyes flew
wide open as she looked up at me.

“Undo my
trousers, see for yourself,” I urged, barely able to contain my

She slowly
undid the fastening with shaking hands, slid the zip down, then let
my trousers fall to the floor. I quickly stepped out of them so I
was standing there in just my boxers, with my solid erection trying
to spring free.

But before I
got too carried away, I realised that Sera was still very nervous,
despite the amount of alcohol she’d consumed, and remembering how
she’d freaked out on me before, I decided I needed to get Sera to
relax before we took things any further. I had to remember she was
still an inexperienced virgin. Some foreplay was in order.

“Come and lie
on the bed with me, let me get you in the mood,” I whispered, as I
led her over to the bed, and encouraged her to lie down with

“Jamie, I’m
not sure…” I covered her mouth with mine to silence her. As I
started kissing her, I gently forced my tongue in her mouth, as I
slowly edged my hand onto her breast, and gently squeezed it. I
felt her tense up, but I didn’t stop.

respect a man who takes control; they like it, even if they say
they don't.’

That’s what
Liam had told me, and I was sure he was right. All Sera needed was
a firm decisive hand to override her silly nerves and allow herself
to let go. She needed me to take control to show her how good it
could be if she just stopped fighting me. This had gone on long
enough. I'd tried being patient with her for months, now it was
time for a different approach. She’d virtually dragged me up here
to the bedroom, so I knew she wanted us to have sex. All this token
resistance amounted to was a case of last minute nerves that I
could help settle with just a small amount of persuasion.

there’s no need to fight me, Babe,” I whispered, as I pinned her
wrists above her head with one of my hands. She was so much smaller
than me that I could easily overpower her as I eased myself between
her legs to force them apart

“Jamie, this
doesn’t feel right,” she started to say again.

“It will, just
relax. It’s going to feel wonderful, really good, if you just let
me work my magic on you,” I smiled, as slipped my other hand in her
little lacy thong to feel for her clit.

But she
suddenly went wild and started thrashing about under me.

“No! No,
Jamie, this isn’t right, it’s not you, you're not the one! Don’t
touch me that way,” she screamed out.

“Sera! Stop
it! Just try to relax. You're being really silly. After all this
time, after the way you’ve been acting all evening, you know this
is what you really want, so stop being like this.”

I pinned her
down on the bed, but she tried to kick me off with her legs. Her
actions made something inside me snap and I felt my temper flare.
She was not going to do this to me again.

“For fuck’s
sake, Sera, what is the matter with you? Do you want to remain a
frigid virgin all your life? I’ve been patient with you for months
and months. You told me you really wanted to be with me tonight,
you told me you’re not a lesbian, and you’ve been leading me on all
evening. Yet now you start acting like this? Enough is enough,
because you really need sorting out, and I know you’re gonna love
it and be begging for more once I’ve given you a really good fuck,
just like all the other girls I’ve had. Do you know how many I've
turned down while I've been waiting for you? Loads. Begging me to
fuck them. So don’t mess with me anymore.”

As she
struggled under me, and kicked, I tried to put my hand over her
mouth to stop her from making too much noise, but she bit me and
then screamed out.

“No! Jamie I
said no! Stop it.”

When she bit
me I recoiled instinctively and Sera cried out as my hand caught
against her mouth.

And then there
was a loud knock on the bedroom door.

security. Is everything alright in there? There’ve been reports of
someone screaming. Can you open up please, so that I can check
there aren’t any problems?”

distraction was enough for Sera to break free from me, jump up and
run for the door. As she opened it a little way, I saw the hotel
security guy standing there taking in the scene, as Sera quickly
grabbed her dress from the floor to hold it over herself.

“Is everything
alright, Miss?” the security guy asked, as he eyed me

“I…err…I… was
just about to leave. We’ve just had a bit of a misunderstanding,”
she mumbled.

“Are you sure
that’s all it was? Has this young man been acting in a threatening
or inappropriate manner in any way? We can call the police if you
wish,” the guy persisted.

“Like I said.
It was a misunderstanding. I’m just leaving. No need to involve the
police.” Sera quietly insisted, as she picked up her bag and

“If you’re
sure, Miss,” he glared over at me.

“I’m so sorry,
Jamie. I never meant for things to end this way.”

And then she
was gone.


hurt look
in Seraphina’s
eyes when I’d told her friend I’d just been testing out whether she
was gay or not when I’d kissed her made me feel like a total shit,
but I told myself it was for the best. Of course I’d be lying if I
tried to deny something inexplicable had happened between us,
something I'd never experienced before, and I knew that whatever it
was went far deeper than mere physical attraction. There had been
an irresistibly powerful connection, a bond, some kind of link that
had connected us on a deeper level.

But logically,
nothing could come of it. She was my brother’s girlfriend. She was
very young and very inexperienced. She’d had too much to drink. I’d
had no right taking advantage of her in that way. It would be for
the best if I cut off all communication with her, and just let her
and Jamie figure things out between them. That’s what my head told
me, so I listened to it, as I mulishly ignored what my heart was
telling me. I’d never had to make that choice before, as my heart
had never taken any kind of an active role in any of my previous
dealings with women.

When I dropped
Seraphina back home after our evening together at the club, I
didn’t respond when she verbally lashed out at me with her
sarcastic words, and then pronounced that she would be handing all
her design work over to my team.

She was
quitting, but that was okay, because she’d completed the hard part
of the task. She’d come up with all the ideas and designs, and now
all someone else had to do was finish them off. So all was well,
wasn’t it? I’d got what I needed from her, and I could easily pay
her a generous bonus if I wanted to assuage any feelings of guilt I
might have.

So why did I
feel so unsettled and restless and conflicted that night? Why was I
unable to sleep, as I kept replaying that scene between us at the
club over and over again in my head? Why couldn’t I shake the
conviction that somehow, against all logic and sense, we were meant
for each other? It was as if I’d spent my whole life up to now
happily bumbling along in my ignorance, not realizing I was missing
something until suddenly I unexpectedly found it.

Until I met

By the way she
responded when I held her and kissed her, and by how hurt she was
when I denied feeling anything between us, I thought it had to be
the same for her. Seraphina had felt the same bond between us.

But I'd
sabotaged it, and so whatever it was had finished before it had
ever really got started.

Forget about
her, it was for the best, I kept telling myself. But on Saturday,
as I thought of Seraphina and Jamie in each other’s arms at the
ball and then heading off to spend the night together, it was like
a knife twisting in my heart, and it was all I could do not to head
over there and tear them apart.

He is far more
suitable for her than you, my head told me. But you know he is
totally wrong for her, my heart told me.

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