Stardust (10 page)

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Authors: Mandi Baker

BOOK: Stardust
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she finally gasped.

I can go no further.

She sank to her knees in the loose red soil, her hands clenched to her sides. Here she was, a Bawna warrior, daughter of Dante, greatest warrior to fight by King Jalon

s side, and she could not make the dreaded climb. She cursed silently as tears formed in her eyes.

Hush, sweetheart.

Darton knelt beside her, pulling her into the haven of his arms. His finger caught the crystal droplets as they fell from her eyes.

We cannot waste our precious water,

he stated as he licked the moisture from his fingertips.

She felt a long, sensuous pull in the pit of her stomach. He looked wild and handsome, his golden mane flowing in the hot desert wind. Her hand reached up to brush the locks from his face.

I still wear your headdress.

I know. It looks better on you than me.

Where does this weaving come from?

She fingered the intricate pattern.

Darton pulled her close, settling her against him.

From Ea
rth. My family mother made it
for me when I was a child. I was called the Silent One. Since I was not from Earth, the spirit of the land could not call my
name. Her people believed the
rth has a spirit and
all forms of life must walk together as they live side by side. If the harmony is disrupted, then evil spirits are allowed to come forth, destroying all. I learned much from her.

Aurora shivered at his words.

Earth sounds like a very scary place.


he assured her with a smile.

It is very peaceful. They have learned from their many days of war to live in peace.

Both fell silent as they
reflected on their last harsh days on Palermos.

Aurora straightened and quickly removed the headdress.

I cannot wear this, then. It was given in love.


s eyes grew dark as he tied the colorful band around her dark tresses once again.

I give it in love as well.

Oh, Darton,

Aurora whispered, meeting his eyes.

What shall we do?

Each was unwilling to voice the dangers that existed. If, by the grace of time, they did manage to escape the Sybortron, there still remained the flight into space. Each had their own reasons for reaching to the stars for their sanctuary. Each realized they might have found their destiny here in each other

s arms.

Darton cleared his throat and rose to his feet.

Come we must journey. Just ahead is the beginning of caves. We wi
ll search until we find one which
is accommodating. I will come back and lay a false trail for the Sybortron.

Darton heaved a great sigh.

We must find a way to destroy the beast. He will not stop until he has captured us. Or killed us.

Aurora stroked the sleeping body of the turin.

Do you think Bartok wants us dead?

Darton strode ahead.

Bartok does not know me.

But he does know

He stopped and spun to face her, his face savage.

Nothing will part you from my side. Bartok has made many mistakes. His biggest now would be thinking he can have you. You are mine.

I am yours.

She felt relieved as she repeated the words.

Never have I truly belonged to another. My first memories are faded, blurred shadows. No thought projections of my parents, Dante and Kergo, were saved after they died in a shuttle crash, so I can

t even remember how they appeared. Uncle Darvek, kind though he was, had little time to spend nurturing a female. Talena has been my only companion for the past twenty moons.


s heart tightened at the emotions he saw flittering across Aurora

s face. He would change that, he vowed. From now until the end of all tomorrows, she would know where she belonged. At his side.

He knew how Aurora felt. Even with the love and security his Earth family had given him, he had felt the outsider. The different one. He had thought little about his past until two years ago when a recorded message had arrived on Earth to tell him of his planet

s troubles and the war taking place. Only then did he begin to truly feel a part of the vastness of the galaxy. He had waited impatiently as a ship was readied for his long journey, cursing the lack of advanced technology on Earth that delayed his departure.
His only concern had been
he would arrive too late. But he hadn

t. He had fought side by side with Darvek and the other citizens loyal to Jalon before the sheer number of

s warriors overcame the king

s inadequately prepared forces.

A no good turin.

He shook his head sadly.

No wonder you are such a poor, unfortunate girl.

Aurora laughed a
t the grin of pure mischief which
appeared on Darton

s face.

Do not let her hear you say such things,

she giggled.

Turins make very bad enemies.

Darton moved forward, starting the climb up the mountain.

I am not worried about a damn talking rodent.



Reaching the crest
of the jagged side of the mountain, Aurora
sat down and waited. And waited.

Darton had sent her ahead, breaking off to lay a false trail to fool the Sybortron. Siara appeared over the lip of the mountain first, the large cat panting heavily in the thin, hot air.

Poor baby,

Aurora murmured.

I will see
Darton gives you water soon.

She was surprised and delighted when the huge cat rubbed against her leg.

What about me?

Talena grumbled as she stuck her head from Aurora

s protective dress.

Do I not deserve a drink as well?

Of course you do, my friend,

Aurora laughed as she rubbed the creature

s soft, silky fur.

I will see
we all receive nourishment. This place is hotter than Yulon

s volcanic desert, I would swear.

She wiped her hand across her brow, grateful for Darton

s headdress. The wide leather band kept the heaviness of her hair from her face.

Siara moved restlessly, stirring the dusty soil.

What is that feline

s problem?

Talena asked, coughing at the dislodged sand.

Stand still you overgrown dwelling

Aurora removed Talena from her garment, sitting the fussy turin high upon a rock and away from the dust. She bent her knees, rubbing the golden fur of Siara

s neck.

What is it girl?

The big
cat let forth
a low-throated growl and walked to the edge of the cliff.

I do not wish to see the ease with which Darton climbs this huge rock,

Aurora stated firmly, refusing to follow.

Siara growled again.

ll right.

Aurora gave in to the cat

s silent demand. She walked stiffly to the edge and peered over.

Show me your master

s gracefulness.

Where is the great warrior?

Talena purred as she washed the matted fur of her feet.

A male of his stature should have beaten you up the huge rock.

He is laying a false trail.” A
note of fear crept into her voice.

But you are right; he should have been back by now.

She pushed her body forward to scan the side of the tall mountain.

He is not there,

she cried.

Where could he have gone? Siara take me to Darton.

The jaguar immediately started down the mountain.

Do not leave me here alone!

Talena screeched.

Let the Palermonian male rot in this wrenched heat.

You will be fine,

Aurora shouted as she disappeared over the edge.

I must find Darton.

As she followed Siara, she refused to allow her mind to think of the great height at which she walked. She must not let a childish fear rule her. She was Aurora, daughter of the great Dante. She could not betray her family name with such an irrational phobia.

Siara slowed as she neared a narrow ledge. Cautiously the great cat jumped and Aurora was amazed when the cat disappeared, as if swallowed by the great mountain.

Siara, do not go forth,

she commanded, hurrying to catch up with the beast and cursing herself for the inward thoughts that had caused her to lag behind. Gathering her strength, she leapt the small distance to the ledge. Two emerald eyes stared at her from the darkness of a cave.

Come, great one. We do not have time to explore. We must find Darton.

She tugged at the leather band encircling the strong neck. The jaguar resisted, digging her hindquarters into the rocky soil.

You great stubborn beast!

she cursed.

You are as thick headed as your master.

Siara growled and inched backward, forcing Aurora to follow.

She released her grip and crawled into the cave.

What is so important that you dragged me inside this sweltering cave? If Darton is hurt and
you have delayed us, I will take
your lowly hide.

The air inside the cave hung heavy with humidity. The hot dampness turned her seka into a clingy second skin. Siara had stopped a few yards past the cave

s mouth and waited patiently for Aurora

s arrival.

Alright, your highness, what must you show me?

She gasped as she saw the prone figure of Darton.

What has befallen you?

She moved forward swiftly, touching the damp skin of his cheek. The heat radiating from his body told her the danger of their situation.


she commanded softly.

Speak to me. I must know how to help you.

e area on his temple was now bruised
and swollen, suggesting a serious injury.

You foolish male. Why did you not tell me of your pain?

I did not wish to concern you.


s voice was hoarse as if speaking took a great effort. His eyes fluttered open, their bright green hue dulled with fever.

Aurora reached for the water pouch on his belt and brought it to his lips.

Drink, my darling. It will ease the dryness.

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